No Gordon Arnold
(too old to reply)
2017-03-15 00:05:04 UTC
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
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" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-15 21:41:35 UTC
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Ace Kefford
2017-04-03 22:24:45 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
2017-04-05 01:38:36 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
About the only way he could show up and disappear without anyone seeing
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-06 01:25:37 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
About the only way he could show up and disappear without anyone seeing
Excuse me? Are you forgetting about teleportation?
How many people saw Black Dog Man?
2017-04-05 04:55:45 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
Of course, you've decided to forget all about Senator Ralph Yarborough
having seen some one hit the dirt when the shooting started. That fits
Arnold's story. And as with a few of the witnesses in this case, he took
off after deciding not to tell the police anything to protect himself.

Gordon Arnold didn't write a book, and he didn't try to get on TV, and
he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life. So why
think he was lying? MOST people tell the truth in these situations.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-06 02:55:08 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
Of course, you've decided to forget all about Senator Ralph Yarborough
having seen some one hit the dirt when the shooting started. That fits
Arnold's story. And as with a few of the witnesses in this case, he took
Selection bias. So did Malcolm Summers. So did the Newmans. So did
Charles Hester.
Post by mainframetech
off after deciding not to tell the police anything to protect himself.
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book, and he didn't try to get on TV, and
he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life. So why
think he was lying? MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
And you use that as crieria to decide who is telling the truth?
So most average people who witness a crime do not write a book, do not
try to get on TV so therefore no witness ever lies?
Post by mainframetech
2017-04-06 03:22:13 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
Of course, you've decided to forget all about Senator Ralph Yarborough
having seen some one hit the dirt when the shooting started. That fits
Arnold's story. And as with a few of the witnesses in this case, he took
off after deciding not to tell the police anything to protect himself.
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK. He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
2017-04-06 17:55:29 UTC
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. If he had a meeting
with detectives his information would be private and confidential.
Instead he chose to blab his bizarre story on an international TV program
seen by a large audience in the USA and Europe. Now the killers know who
he is, what he looks like, the town he lives in, and how to find him.
Not a very smart thing to do if he was terrified of being on the
conspiracy hit list. Since his story was baloney he had nothing to fear.
The guy who did the shooting is dead and GArnold's Cop & Bull story is
make believe but got him a lot of media attention. Not bad for a phony
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-07 03:58:51 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. If he had a meeting
That YOU know of.

Regardless, Gordon Arnold was not even in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63.
Post by claviger
with detectives his information would be private and confidential.
Instead he chose to blab his bizarre story on an international TV program
seen by a large audience in the USA and Europe. Now the killers know who
Why not? If he thought he had something important to say. Maybe be heard
about the HSCA identifying a shot from the grassy knoll and wanted to
corroborate it.

He would not have been believed earlier, before the scientific tests were
Post by claviger
he is, what he looks like, the town he lives in, and how to find him.
Not a very smart thing to do if he was terrified of being on the
conspiracy hit list. Since his story was baloney he had nothing to fear.
Not true. Conspiracies will kill anyone who talked even if they didn't
know the inside story.
Post by claviger
The guy who did the shooting is dead and GArnold's Cop & Bull story is
make believe but got him a lot of media attention. Not bad for a phony
Wow, a lot of media attention! So he was on local news, in the paper,
and interviewed on CBS? I think you are making up crap.

Phonies often get a lot of media attention. Look at Trump. With his
impossible story about Obama personally breaking into Trump Tower and
wiretapping his phone.
2017-04-07 20:17:38 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. If he had a meeting
with detectives his information would be private and confidential.
Instead he chose to blab his bizarre story on an international TV program
seen by a large audience in the USA and Europe. Now the killers know who
he is, what he looks like, the town he lives in, and how to find him.
Not a very smart thing to do if he was terrified of being on the
conspiracy hit list. Since his story was baloney he had nothing to fear.
The guy who did the shooting is dead and GArnold's Cop & Bull story is
make believe but got him a lot of media attention. Not bad for a phony
So far you've proved nothing against Gordon Arnold. I asked for the
proof for your opinions, but nothing has come out so far.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-08 19:58:27 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. If he had a meeting
with detectives his information would be private and confidential.
Instead he chose to blab his bizarre story on an international TV program
seen by a large audience in the USA and Europe. Now the killers know who
he is, what he looks like, the town he lives in, and how to find him.
Not a very smart thing to do if he was terrified of being on the
conspiracy hit list. Since his story was baloney he had nothing to fear.
The guy who did the shooting is dead and GArnold's Cop & Bull story is
make believe but got him a lot of media attention. Not bad for a phony
So far you've proved nothing against Gordon Arnold. I asked for the
proof for your opinions, but nothing has come out so far.
You have never studied science so you don't know that old proverb that
scientists keep repeating:
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof.
The burden is on you to prove your claims and you can't.
I think some of your theories are cute, but they are not possible.
2017-04-06 21:24:45 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold was a hoax.
Maybe Gordon Arnold was a time traveler. Or even more so a being that
could materialize and dematerialize without leaving a trace. That would
explain a lot, and perhaps be more likely than the wild excuses the "true
believers" go through to try to prop up this losing bit of "evidence".
Of course, you've decided to forget all about Senator Ralph Yarborough
having seen some one hit the dirt when the shooting started. That fits
Arnold's story. And as with a few of the witnesses in this case, he took
off after deciding not to tell the police anything to protect himself.
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.

2017-04-09 18:03:50 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?

Loading Image...
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face. If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.

He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team. Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Read this article:
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
2017-04-10 14:04:21 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Yarborough was in the third car. It would be doubtful that he could
see the TSBD from his position if he were sitting. He could definitely se
forward and to the right of the vehicle though.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Under a tree wouldn't stop his vision, and up on the slope gives a
better chance than along the roadway.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
He was asked and he went along with it. He did not solicit it.
Post by claviger
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face.
Arnold was shipped out to Alaska right after the incident, and there
was no chance for anyone to see him or note his name or location. His
being part of a video was later, as with a few other witnesses.
Post by claviger
If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
It is doubtful that Arnold saw the face of a shooter, but a cover up
man he might have seen. The shooters would NOT stay around, they would
get in their car and get out of there.
Post by claviger
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team.
WRONG! Stop all your drama! He was not seen by authorities and the
only people to see him face to face were probably covering men who were
collecting any evidence against the shooters.
Post by claviger
Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
You've just spat out many opinions, where's the evidence?
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
So you've now decided what he was thinking? Amazing. A number of
witnesses felt safer after time had passed, and they then gave their
stories. Others didn't know their stories were useful, thinking that they
saw the exact same things the police did, so their info wasn't necessary.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
I was unable to get you into a nice sensible round hole. You should
feel proud. As to gullible, naah, and not as paranoid as you.

2017-04-11 00:17:46 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Yarborough was in the third car. It would be doubtful that he could
see the TSBD from his position if he were sitting. He could definitely se
forward and to the right of the vehicle though.
Yarborough was riding in a convertible. I think he could see the 7 story
building to his right as they turned the corner onto Elm Street. What we
see below is the Altgens photo taken at the 2nd shot. I doubt Yarborough
could see the top of the GK from there. He would have no reason to look
that direction since he heard shots coming from the "right rear".

Loading Image...
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Under a tree wouldn't stop his vision, and up on the slope gives a
better chance than along the roadway.
Do you realize how ridiculous that statement is?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
He was asked and he went along with it. He did not solicit it.
All he had to say is no if he was afraid for his life from assassins who
were never identified and arrested.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face.
Arnold was shipped out to Alaska right after the incident, and there
was no chance for anyone to see him or note his name or location. His
being part of a video was later, as with a few other witnesses.
He shipped out 3 days after the assassination. Plenty of time to notify
the DPD and FBI.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
It is doubtful that Arnold saw the face of a shooter, but a cover up
man he might have seen.
GArnold said the shooter talked to him face-to-face demanding his camera.
Post by mainframetech
The shooters would NOT stay around, they would get in their car and
get out of there.
In the Police Car parked behind the Pergola that no witness saw?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team.
WRONG! Stop all your drama! He was not seen by authorities and the
only people to see him face to face were probably covering men who were
collecting any evidence against the shooters.
What are "covering men"? Who were they?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
You've just spat out many opinions, where's the evidence?
I asked you first, where's the evidence GArnold was on the GK under a
tree? Not one witness saw him anywhere around the Pergola before, during,
or after the shooting took place.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
What are you afraid of? Reitzes did a lot of research into the mysterious
"witness". Whether you agree with it or not you need to read it for the
sake of argument. That's what grownups do.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
So you've now decided what he was thinking? Amazing. A number of
witnesses felt safer after time had passed, and they then gave their
stories. Others didn't know their stories were useful, thinking that they
saw the exact same things the police did, so their info wasn't necessary.
GArnold was a soldier in the US Army. He had a duty to his
Commander-in-Chief. He had a duty as a citizen of Dallas. He had a duty
as an American. He failed all three. A 15 year old kid had more courage
than this cowardly soldier who is a disgrace to the US Army.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
I was unable to get you into a nice sensible round hole. You should
feel proud. As to gullible, naah, and not as paranoid as you.
Not as paranoid?! YOU are the CT in this argument not me. Conspiracy is
like a drug to you.
2017-04-11 22:56:57 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Yarborough was in the third car. It would be doubtful that he could
see the TSBD from his position if he were sitting. He could definitely se
forward and to the right of the vehicle though.
Yarborough was riding in a convertible. I think he could see the 7 story
building to his right as they turned the corner onto Elm Street. What we
see below is the Altgens photo taken at the 2nd shot. I doubt Yarborough
could see the top of the GK from there. He would have no reason to look
that direction since he heard shots coming from the "right rear".
WRONG! Think it through. Where he CAN see, and where he looked may be
2 different things. Open car or not, he could see forward of the car, but
trying to turn and look back may not be so easy.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Under a tree wouldn't stop his vision, and up on the slope gives a
better chance than along the roadway.
Do you realize how ridiculous that statement is?
No, how about many of yours?
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
He was asked and he went along with it. He did not solicit it.
All he had to say is no if he was afraid for his life from assassins who
were never identified and arrested.
You forget those that made statements later as did Arnold, probably
thinking that it as more safe later.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face.
Arnold was shipped out to Alaska right after the incident, and there
was no chance for anyone to see him or note his name or location. His
being part of a video was later, as with a few other witnesses.
He shipped out 3 days after the assassination. Plenty of time to notify
the DPD and FBI.
Notify them of what? He could only tell them he saw just what they
saw. Why would he think that was of huge need? He wouldn't. Think it
through and stop insisting on foolishness.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
It is doubtful that Arnold saw the face of a shooter, but a cover up
man he might have seen.
GArnold said the shooter talked to him face-to-face demanding his camera.
Post by mainframetech
The shooters would NOT stay around, they would get in their car and
get out of there. You have no evidence it was a shooter talking to him.
In the Police Car parked behind the Pergola that no witness saw?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team.
WRONG! Stop all your drama! He was not seen by authorities and the
only people to see him face to face were probably covering men who were
collecting any evidence against the shooters.
What are "covering men"? Who were they?
They would be part of the plot, but not shooters. They would try to
cover up for the shooters by grabbing evidence before it got to
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
You've just spat out many opinions, where's the evidence?
I asked you first, where's the evidence GArnold was on the GK under a
tree? Not one witness saw him anywhere around the Pergola before, during,
or after the shooting took place.
You're repeating our previous chat. It's wasted time.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold
McAdams files contain many 'hit pieces'. They can be used for some
evidence, but not relied on heavily.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
What are you afraid of? Reitzes did a lot of research into the mysterious
"witness". Whether you agree with it or not you need to read it for the
sake of argument. That's what grownups do.
I have no fear of anything related to the JFK story, however, I tend
to doubt the articles of a dyed in the wool WCR person. Believing the WCR
is the first step into foolishness.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
So you've now decided what he was thinking? Amazing. A number of
witnesses felt safer after time had passed, and they then gave their
stories. Others didn't know their stories were useful, thinking that they
saw the exact same things the police did, so their info wasn't necessary.
GArnold was a soldier in the US Army. He had a duty to his
Commander-in-Chief. He had a duty as a citizen of Dallas. He had a duty
as an American. He failed all three. A 15 year old kid had more courage
than this cowardly soldier who is a disgrace to the US Army.
Oh stop all the drama. There was no responsibility attached to what he
saw, and he had the option of getting out of there and not advertising
that he saw anything, which he did, as did a few others.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
I was unable to get you into a nice sensible round hole. You should
feel proud. As to gullible, naah, and not as paranoid as you.
Not as paranoid?! YOU are the CT in this argument not me. Conspiracy is
like a drug to you.
Ah, became a psychiatrist in my absence I see. You decided that ONLY
CT's are paranoid! That foolish behavior I spoke of earlier is coming out

2017-04-12 22:22:19 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Yarborough was in the third car. It would be doubtful that he could
see the TSBD from his position if he were sitting. He could definitely se
forward and to the right of the vehicle though.
Yarborough was riding in a convertible. I think he could see the 7 story
building to his right as they turned the corner onto Elm Street. What we
see below is the Altgens photo taken at the 2nd shot. I doubt Yarborough
could see the top of the GK from there. He would have no reason to look
that direction since he heard shots coming from the "right rear".
WRONG! Think it through. Where he CAN see, and where he looked may be
2 different things. Open car or not, he could see forward of the car, but
trying to turn and look back may not be so easy.
I gave you and Marsh a clue but neither of you did your homework. Two
highway signs blocked the view until passing the area below the
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Under a tree wouldn't stop his vision, and up on the slope gives a
better chance than along the roadway.
Do you realize how ridiculous that statement is?
No, how about many of yours?
So you are saying GArnold standing behind a wall in the shade of a big oak
tree at the top of the knoll would be more obvious than the Newman family
standing on the curb out in the sunshine, plus 8 other witnesses in a row?
Are you sure about that?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
He was asked and he went along with it. He did not solicit it.
All he had to say is no if he was afraid for his life from assassins who
were never identified and arrested.
You forget those that made statements later as did Arnold, probably
thinking that it as more safe later.
Can you be more specific? No other witness had a confrontation with the
two ambush snipers.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face.
Arnold was shipped out to Alaska right after the incident, and there
was no chance for anyone to see him or note his name or location. His
being part of a video was later, as with a few other witnesses.
He shipped out 3 days after the assassination. Plenty of time to notify
the DPD and FBI.
Notify them of what?
That he had a confrontation with two snipers on top of the Grassy Knoll
who fired their weapons at the Limousine and stole film from his camera.
If so he was a victim of theft in a city park. The HSCA came to the
conclusion the sniper on the GK missed. According to GA they missed
twice. Maybe because GArnold was were a US Army uniform that made them
nervous. What they didn't know he was a scaredy-cat who went home and
didn't say anything to the authorities.
Post by mainframetech
He could only tell them he saw just what they saw.
Who is they? No DPD saw two guys dressed like police officers with a
police car parked behind the fence or Pergola. No DSD did either. Those
low level guys would not have been in on the hit, unless you're claiming
the entire DPD and DSD were part of the conspiracy.
Post by mainframetech
Why would he think that was of huge need? He wouldn't. Think it through
and stop insisting on foolishness.
You appear to be an expert on foolishness.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
It is doubtful that Arnold saw the face of a shooter, but a cover up
man he might have seen.
GArnold said the shooter talked to him face-to-face demanding his camera.
Post by mainframetech
The shooters would NOT stay around, they would get in their car and
get out of there. You have no evidence it was a shooter talking to him.
Should've done your homework. You embarrass yourself again for the
umpteenth time.

Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
In the Police Car parked behind the Pergola that no witness saw?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team.
WRONG! Stop all your drama! He was not seen by authorities and the
only people to see him face to face were probably covering men who were
collecting any evidence against the shooters.
What are "covering men"? Who were they?
They would be part of the plot, but not shooters. They would try to
cover up for the shooters by grabbing evidence before it got to
So who were they? There was nobody up there except the two snipers in
uniform that no other witness ever mentioned. Name some names.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
You've just spat out many opinions, where's the evidence?
I asked you first, where's the evidence GArnold was on the GK under a
tree? Not one witness saw him anywhere around the Pergola before, during,
or after the shooting took place.
You're repeating our previous chat. It's wasted time.
This story includes 3 invisible people + 1 invisible car. No witness saw
GArnold, 2 snipers dressed as cops or a police car behind the fence,
pergola, or parked in the access road to the parking lot.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold
McAdams files contain many 'hit pieces'. They can be used for some
evidence, but not relied on heavily.
Gotta have your "safe space" eh? OK, here is a CT opinion. Not McAdams
or Reitzes so it's safe for you to read.

Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
What are you afraid of? Reitzes did a lot of research into the mysterious
"witness". Whether you agree with it or not you need to read it for the
sake of argument. That's what grownups do.
I have no fear of anything related to the JFK story,
"Actions speak louder than words". In your case non-actions have the same
effect. You fear McAdams and Reitzes because they are experienced
researchers not amateurs. They aren't afraid to read anything by anybody.
Post by mainframetech
. . . however, I tend to doubt the articles of a dyed in the wool WCR person.
Yes, we've noticed. You would much rather read a C-Team amateur
researcher like Douglas Horn.
Post by mainframetech
Believing the WCR is the first step into foolishness.
They got it mostly right.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
So you've now decided what he was thinking? Amazing. A number of
witnesses felt safer after time had passed, and they then gave their
stories. Others didn't know their stories were useful, thinking that they
saw the exact same things the police did, so their info wasn't necessary.
GArnold was a soldier in the US Army. He had a duty to his
Commander-in-Chief. He had a duty as a citizen of Dallas. He had a duty
as an American. He failed all three. A 15 year old kid had more courage
than this cowardly soldier who is a disgrace to the US Army.
Oh stop all the drama. There was no responsibility attached to what he
Not for a coward.
Post by mainframetech
. . . and he had the option of getting out of there and not advertising
that he saw anything, which he did, as did a few others.
Yes this adult in the Army chose a cowardly option to run away and hide,
while a brave teenager in ROTC stuck around and notified police where a
man shooting at the motorcade was located.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
I was unable to get you into a nice sensible round hole. You should
feel proud. As to gullible, naah, and not as paranoid as you.
Not as paranoid?! YOU are the CT in this argument not me. Conspiracy is
like a drug to you.
Ah, became a psychiatrist in my absence I see. You decided that ONLY
CT's are paranoid! That foolish behavior I spoke of earlier is coming out
Not all CTs are paranoid but most of them want their political enemies to
be guilty of this crime, one way or another. If ever proved the KGB or
Castro were behind this crime they are going to be very disappointed. If
proved beyond a doubt LHO did this crime they are going to be very, very
disappointed. In fact they will be emotionally devastated.
2017-04-13 20:53:12 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Yarborough was in the third car. It would be doubtful that he could
see the TSBD from his position if he were sitting. He could definitely se
forward and to the right of the vehicle though.
Yarborough was riding in a convertible. I think he could see the 7 story
building to his right as they turned the corner onto Elm Street. What we
see below is the Altgens photo taken at the 2nd shot. I doubt Yarborough
could see the top of the GK from there. He would have no reason to look
that direction since he heard shots coming from the "right rear".
WRONG! Think it through. Where he CAN see, and where he looked may be
2 different things. Open car or not, he could see forward of the car, but
trying to turn and look back may not be so easy.
I gave you and Marsh a clue but neither of you did your homework. Two
highway signs blocked the view until passing the area below the
LOL! The sign was high up overhead! Think it through! In the Z-film
there was only one sign that got in the way of the filming, and the
limousines were at ground level, not up like Zapruder was, which would
mean a clear view of the GK (which was off to the side) from a vehicle.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Under a tree wouldn't stop his vision, and up on the slope gives a
better chance than along the roadway.
Do you realize how ridiculous that statement is?
No, how about many of yours?
So you are saying GArnold standing behind a wall in the shade of a big oak
tree at the top of the knoll would be more obvious than the Newman family
standing on the curb out in the sunshine, plus 8 other witnesses in a row?
Are you sure about that?
WRONG! Arnold was standing back of the wall, and was standing much
higher than the wall, so he was not truly BEHIND the wall, as if he was
hidden. Also being in shade does not mean he was hidden from view. It
makes no difference how he compared to the Newman family, it matters how
well Yarborough could see him hitting the dirt.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
He was asked and he went along with it. He did not solicit it.
All he had to say is no if he was afraid for his life from assassins who
were never identified and arrested.
You forget those that made statements later as did Arnold, probably
thinking that it was more safe later.
Can you be more specific? No other witness had a confrontation with the
two ambush snipers.
Arnold had no confrontation with any sniper, and no shooters either.
Those shooters would have been gone in a car a second after their last
shot. You really need to think these things through. As to witnesses
coming forward after waiting for things to cool down, Acquilla Clemmons is
a case in point.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face.
Arnold was shipped out to Alaska right after the incident, and there
was no chance for anyone to see him or note his name or location. His
being part of a video was later, as with a few other witnesses.
He shipped out 3 days after the assassination. Plenty of time to notify
the DPD and FBI.
Notify them of what?
That he had a confrontation with two snipers on top of the Grassy Knoll
who fired their weapons at the Limousine and stole film from his camera.
But he did NOT have a confrontation with 2 snipers, or even any
shooters. Those guys would have been gone one second after their last
shot was fired into a car and out of there. So your whole premise is
Post by claviger
If so he was a victim of theft in a city park. The HSCA came to the
conclusion the sniper on the GK missed. According to GA they missed
twice. Maybe because GArnold was were a US Army uniform that made them
nervous. What they didn't know he was a scaredy-cat who went home and
didn't say anything to the authorities.
WRONG! Your continuing name calling on witnesses who can't defend
themselves is really sickening. And a number of people "went home and
didn't say anything".
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
He could only tell them he saw just what they saw.
Who is they? No DPD saw two guys dressed like police officers with a
police car parked behind the fence or Pergola. No DSD did either. Those
low level guys would not have been in on the hit, unless you're claiming
the entire DPD and DSD were part of the conspiracy.
Post by mainframetech
Why would he think that was of huge need? He wouldn't. Think it through
and stop insisting on foolishness.
You appear to be an expert on foolishness.
You seem to have little logic and lots of insults when you can't think
of a reasonable reply. In any event, Arnold felt that he was better off
not getting involved. That was his choice.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
It is doubtful that Arnold saw the face of a shooter, but a cover up
man he might have seen.
GArnold said the shooter talked to him face-to-face demanding his camera.
Post by mainframetech
The shooters would NOT stay around, they would get in their car and
get out of there. You have no evidence it was a shooter talking to him.
Should've done your homework. You embarrass yourself again for the
umpteenth time.
I've seen that article, so what's your point? As usual you try to play
mysterious and fail at it. No one knows what you're talking about if you
don't say it right out.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
In the Police Car parked behind the Pergola that no witness saw?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team.
WRONG! Stop all your drama! He was not seen by authorities and the
only people to see him face to face were probably covering men who were
collecting any evidence against the shooters.
What are "covering men"? Who were they?
They would be part of the plot, but not shooters. They would try to
cover up for the shooters by grabbing evidence before it got to
So who were they? There was nobody up there except the two snipers in
uniform that no other witness ever mentioned. Name some names.
WRONG! You've got to be right out of your mind! If I knew the names
then surely others would know their names and they would have been under
arrest long ago. Think it through!
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
You've just spat out many opinions, where's the evidence?
I asked you first, where's the evidence GArnold was on the GK under a
tree? Not one witness saw him anywhere around the Pergola before, during,
or after the shooting took place.
You're repeating our previous chat. It's wasted time.
This story includes 3 invisible people + 1 invisible car. No witness saw
GArnold, 2 snipers dressed as cops or a police car behind the fence,
pergola, or parked in the access road to the parking lot.
WRONG! 2 witnesses at least saw Arnold, and Lee Bowers saw the shooters
behind the fence, and saw them get into a car and leave. There was no
police car there and that's another thing you've made up from your
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold
McAdams files contain many 'hit pieces'. They can be used for some
evidence, but not relied on heavily.
Gotta have your "safe space" eh? OK, here is a CT opinion. Not McAdams
or Reitzes so it's safe for you to read.
Well, they put Gordon Arnold on the GK.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
What are you afraid of? Reitzes did a lot of research into the mysterious
"witness". Whether you agree with it or not you need to read it for the
sake of argument. That's what grownups do.
I have no fear of anything related to the JFK story,
"Actions speak louder than words". In your case non-actions have the same
effect. You fear McAdams and Reitzes because they are experienced
researchers not amateurs. They aren't afraid to read anything by anybody.
WRONG! You decided that I was 'afraid', but your amateur psychiatry
won't cut it. I gave you reasons. If you don't listen and do all the
talking for me, then you're talking to yourself.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
. . . however, I tend to doubt the articles of a dyed in the wool WCR person.
Yes, we've noticed. You would much rather read a C-Team amateur
researcher like Douglas Horn.
WHOA! Are you at all familiar with Douglas Horne's involvement with
this case>? And the ARRB? His knowledge of this case is far more
substantial than anything you have done. And his research is far and away
beyond anything you have done. When you can write 5 volumes of
information on this case and get them published, let me know.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Believing the WCR is the first step into foolishness.
They got it mostly right.
Now we've expressed our opinions. Back to evidence.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
So you've now decided what he was thinking? Amazing. A number of
witnesses felt safer after time had passed, and they then gave their
stories. Others didn't know their stories were useful, thinking that they
saw the exact same things the police did, so their info wasn't necessary.
GArnold was a soldier in the US Army. He had a duty to his
Commander-in-Chief. He had a duty as a citizen of Dallas. He had a duty
as an American. He failed all three. A 15 year old kid had more courage
than this cowardly soldier who is a disgrace to the US Army.
Oh stop all the drama. There was no responsibility attached to what he
Not for a coward.
Ah well. Nothing can be done about your problem of using insult when
you have no honest response.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
. . . and he had the option of getting out of there and not advertising
that he saw anything, which he did, as did a few others.
Yes this adult in the Army chose a cowardly option to run away and hide,
while a brave teenager in ROTC stuck around and notified police where a
man shooting at the motorcade was located.
LOL! I think telling police where a shooter was hiding in time to
catch him, was more important than reporting on a shooting that was over
by the time the witness could get to a cop. Think it through.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
I was unable to get you into a nice sensible round hole. You should
feel proud. As to gullible, naah, and not as paranoid as you.
Not as paranoid?! YOU are the CT in this argument not me. Conspiracy is
like a drug to you.
Ah, became a psychiatrist in my absence I see. You decided that ONLY
CT's are paranoid! That foolish behavior I spoke of earlier is coming out
Not all CTs are paranoid but most of them want their political enemies to
be guilty of this crime, one way or another. If ever proved the KGB or
Castro were behind this crime they are going to be very disappointed. If
proved beyond a doubt LHO did this crime they are going to be very, very
disappointed. In fact they will be emotionally devastated.
The proof is already in books and witness statements. The one thing
that the LNs kept blabbing about has happened. They always ranted that
where was the people about to die giving up their testimony, and for sure,
they gave it up before dying, and the LNs were afraid to believe it after
investing half their lives in theories that turned out to be foolish.

2017-04-12 22:25:53 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Prove it. Show at last 2 different stories.
Nowhere Man: The Strange Story of Gordon Arnold
McAdams files contain many 'hit pieces'. They can be used for some
evidence, but not relied on heavily.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
That link goes to an article by Dave Reitzes who writes hit pieces in
favor of the WCR story. I distrust his writing, and his view is not the
view of Gordon Arnold, who can be followed in the video he was in. I
don't want Reitzes's opinion, I want Arnold's, which I have from the
What are you afraid of? Reitzes did a lot of research into the mysterious
"witness". Whether you agree with it or not you need to read it for the
sake of argument. That's what grownups do.
I have no fear of anything related to the JFK story, however, I tend
to doubt the articles of a dyed in the wool WCR person. Believing the WCR
is the first step into foolishness.
More safe analysis:

JFK Assassination Forum | JFK Assassination General Discussion & Debate
Gordon Arnold testimony and discussion
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-10 18:59:03 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Silly. If you can see the VP car in the Altgens photo, then someone in
that car can see Altgens and easily see all of the grassy knoll. Maybe you
mean he wasn't wearing his glasses like Brennan. Is that it?
Post by claviger
ALTGENS with a T. Or do you think the Altgens photo was faked?
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
He probably saw Bill Newman dive on the ground. He could see
Newman close to the street much easier than some guy behind a wall on top
of the Grassy Knoll. Charles Hester dove to the ground too and he would
be easier to see on the wide open expanse of lawn in front of the pergola
than where GArnold claimed to be standing under the shadow of a tree
behind a wall at the top of the GK.
WHOA! Newman was far down the slope, while Arnold was up near the top,
in front of the fence. Big difference.
Yes it is. Easier for Senator Yarborough to see someone at street level
than on top of the GK under a tree standing behind a wall.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Gordon Arnold didn't write a book,
Most witnesses did not write a book.
Post by mainframetech
and he didn't try to get on TV,
He appeared in the 1988 TV series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy".
Listen carefully next time. I said he did NOT TRY to get on TV.
He was willing to be on a TV series that attracted a worldwide audience.
You can be sure The Conspiracy will be watching with great interest to see
if any other witnesses they need to silence. GArnold was the only
"witness" who claimed to see the snipers face-to-face. If any person
could recognize the triggerman it was GArnold, so if he's telling the
truth it was a really bad idea to be interviewed on that show. Now TC
knows his name, what he looks like, and where he lives.
He would have anonymity with a the DPD and FBI. If necessary he could be
in the Federal Witness Protection program. Instead he couldn't resist his
15 minutes of fame, so now he is a prime target for the Conspiracy
clean-up team. Unless he's a phony and made up this dubious story Then he
has nothing to worry about and can keep on having fun playing his scam on
gullible people like you.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
and he told his story to those that asked and went on about his life.
GArnold was interviewed four times: Earl Golz 1978, Henry Hurt 1982,
Gary Mack 1982, and Jim Marrs 1985.
And no doubt each time he was asked, he did NOT go and solicit them to
listen to his story, they came to him.
He embellished his story every time he told it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
So why think he was lying?
His story changed every time he told it in media interviews, but he never
had any interviews with the Dallas Police or FBI. Had he chose to have a
meeting with them his information it would be in private and confidential.
His story was the same in all versions, giving all the same basic
information. Name the differences and you'll see.
Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold : Free Download ...
Full text of "Nowhere Man The Strange Story Of Gordon Arnold"
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Instead he chose to tell his story on TV seen by a large audience in the
USA and United Kingdom. He didn't choose that, they came to him.
Now the killers know who he is, what he looks
like, the town he lives in, and how to find him. Not a very smart thing
to do if he was terrified of being on the conspiracy hit list.
As with some of the other witnesses that decided to shut up about what
they saw, he later felt safer and told his story. Acquilla Clemmons is
another example of that.
How could he feel safer knowing The Conspiracy is always vigilant for any
threat to expose them or ID the sniper team who made the hit from the GK?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
MOST people tell the truth in these situations.
I think most witnesses tell the truth as best they can and a large number
of them did volunteer useful information to the DPD and FBI. Gordon
Arnold was not one of those helpful witnesses. There is no evidence to
indicate he was on the GK when the motorcade was ambushed by shots fired
from the right rear of the VP car Senator Yarborough was sitting in.
The evidence has been given, and you should respect that, rather than
trying to say I lied.
I don't think you lied, I just think you're gullible. I also think your
hobby is pounding square pegs into round holes.
2017-04-11 14:08:09 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Silly. If you can see the VP car in the Altgens photo, then someone in
that car can see Altgens and easily see all of the grassy knoll. Maybe you
mean he wasn't wearing his glasses like Brennan. Is that it?
Not so easy.

Onlookers milled about, treating Dealey Plaza with reverence.
H. Warner King
6 of 7
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-11 23:00:18 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Silly. If you can see the VP car in the Altgens photo, then someone in
that car can see Altgens and easily see all of the grassy knoll. Maybe you
mean he wasn't wearing his glasses like Brennan. Is that it?
Not so easy.
Are you trying to agree with me or disagree with what I said? You can also
look at films and photos taken from the same position and see how easy it
is to see the grassy knoll area.

But I assume that you can't see the shooter behind the fence in the
Moorman photo. Only about 11 out of 12 people can. The 1 out of 12 people
that can't are CIA agents.
Post by claviger
Onlookers milled about, treating Dealey Plaza with reverence.
H. Warner King
6 of 7
2017-04-12 22:22:48 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Silly. If you can see the VP car in the Altgens photo, then someone in
that car can see Altgens and easily see all of the grassy knoll. Maybe you
mean he wasn't wearing his glasses like Brennan. Is that it?
Not so easy.
Are you trying to agree with me or disagree with what I said? You can also
look at films and photos taken from the same position and see how easy it
is to see the grassy knoll area.
I'm guessing you and mft are making the same mistake by looking at the
situation from a bird's eye view, in which case it would appear to be a
simple sightline to the GK from the middle lane after turning the corner.
It's not that simple.
Post by Anthony Marsh
But I assume that you can't see the shooter behind the fence in the
Moorman photo. Only about 11 out of 12 people can. The 1 out of 12 people
that can't are CIA agents.
You assume wrong. I gave you the hint below. Did you bother to look it
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Onlookers milled about, treating Dealey Plaza with reverence.
H. Warner King
6 of 7
Jason Burke
2017-04-13 15:08:44 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
You've done it again. Why do you present witnesses who contradict your
implausible theory? Senator Yarborough made it clear all 3 shots came
from the right rear of where he was sitting. That would be the TSBD not
the GK.
WRONG! You yourself must know how many people mistook the direction of
the shots from the GK to the TSBD.
Look where the VP Car is on the 2nd shot. GArnold claimed he hit the dirt
on the 1st shot. Do you think the top of the Grassy Knoll is visible from
the backseat of the VP Car? If Senator Yarborough thought the shots came
from the "right rear" why would he be looking at the GK?
Silly. If you can see the VP car in the Altgens photo, then someone in
that car can see Altgens and easily see all of the grassy knoll. Maybe you
mean he wasn't wearing his glasses like Brennan. Is that it?
Not so easy.
Are you trying to agree with me or disagree with what I said? You can also
look at films and photos taken from the same position and see how easy it
is to see the grassy knoll area.
I'm guessing you and mft are making the same mistake by looking at the
situation from a bird's eye view, in which case it would appear to be a
simple sightline to the GK from the middle lane after turning the corner.
It's not that simple.
Post by Anthony Marsh
But I assume that you can't see the shooter behind the fence in the
Moorman photo. Only about 11 out of 12 people can. The 1 out of 12 people
that can't are CIA agents.
You assume wrong. I gave you the hint below. Did you bother to look it
That'd be too much like work for Anthony Anthony.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Onlookers milled about, treating Dealey Plaza with reverence.
H. Warner King
6 of 7
2017-04-13 23:51:01 UTC
Pergola from street level
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Texas Tailwind - Ben’s blog on cycling, family and life in general
Ace Kefford
2017-03-16 02:00:37 UTC
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
"You can't see what's not there."
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-16 23:39:53 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
"You can't see what's not there."
Maybe he was wearing a Bigfoot costume. ;]>
Oh wait, that was McAdams. Sorry about that!
2017-03-16 23:42:41 UTC
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.

Anthony Marsh
2017-03-17 13:35:47 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Silly. Is that what everyone in Dealey Plaza did? Watch Jean Hill.
Post by mainframetech
Ace Kefford
2017-03-18 00:04:44 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
2017-03-18 19:31:03 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.

In case you want to check Arnold's statement yourself, here it is:

2017-03-21 01:07:36 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
Post by mainframetech
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-21 23:55:11 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
OK, so your criteria is that when someone gives a story to the police that
alone is absolute proof that the story is true. But if they do give the
story to the police and are immediately killed, how would you know what
the story is?
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Geez, are you way behind. I told everyone the Gordon Arnold story was a
hoax before it was shown on American TV. I got a preview from my Canadian
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
2017-03-22 01:16:38 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Ace Kefford
2017-03-24 02:16:33 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Keep wheeling out the excuses for the man who wasn't there!
2017-03-26 00:13:29 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold's story is that when he felt the bullet go over his
head, he hit the dirt immediately. So he might not have been standing
right after the shots. But if he got up right away and went to his car in
the parking lot, then he wouldn't be there a minute or so after the shots.
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Keep wheeling out the excuses for the man who wasn't there!
It's more useful if you supply reasons why Arnold story was lies,
rather than opinions, which carry no weight.

2017-03-27 23:39:06 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold's story is that when he felt the bullet go over his
head, he hit the dirt immediately. So he might not have been standing
right after the shots. But if he got up right away and went to his car in
the parking lot, then he wouldn't be there a minute or so after the shots.
He felt the first bullet go over his left shoulder. Then a second shot.
Then there was a blend. If GArnold is right then all those other
witnesses who heard shots from the TSBD must be wrong. Somehow Lee Bowers
missed seeing the two snipers dressed as policeman and their police car.
He also missed seeing a guy dressed in a military uniform walk through the
parking lot to his car. The loud noises got his attention and Bowers
noticed people coming into the area after the 3 loud sounds so his
attention remained on the parking area in front of his office window.
Not one witness mentions a guy in a military uniform as several police and
deputies swarmed over this area.
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
GArnold said the shots came from behind him by two guys dressed as cops.
To go back to his car he would have to walk past where the two snipers
were located. That doesn't make sense. What does make sense is he would
go in the opposite direction if he was so afraid, but he didn't.
According to his story he casually walked back to his car and drove home.
Evidently no fear the snipers would get his license number or further
threaten him.
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Yes he was a yellow bellied coward who didn't make any effort to notify
police. The snipers didn't get his name and address so GArnold could have
notified the FBI about this situation, but he didn't lift a finger in the
two days before he took a plane to Alaska. Once he was safe at Wainwright
Army base with all those soldiers to protect him, he could tell his
superior officer of this incident, but he didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Keep wheeling out the excuses for the man who wasn't there!
It's more useful if you supply reasons why Arnold story was lies,
rather than opinions, which carry no weight.
No one else noticed a mound of dirt. None of the other witness close by
heard shots from that location. No other witness in the parking area
noticed a guy in army uniform and there were plenty of people searching
the area.
2017-03-30 00:49:16 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold's story is that when he felt the bullet go over his
head, he hit the dirt immediately. So he might not have been standing
right after the shots. But if he got up right away and went to his car in
the parking lot, then he wouldn't be there a minute or so after the shots.
He felt the first bullet go over his left shoulder. Then a second shot.
Then there was a blend. If GArnold is right then all those other
witnesses who heard shots from the TSBD must be wrong. Somehow Lee Bowers
missed seeing the two snipers dressed as policeman and their police car.
He also missed seeing a guy dressed in a military uniform walk through the
parking lot to his car. The loud noises got his attention and Bowers
noticed people coming into the area after the 3 loud sounds so his
attention remained on the parking area in front of his office window.
Not one witness mentions a guy in a military uniform as several police and
deputies swarmed over this area.
Bowers kept silent about much of his experience hoping (probably) that
it might save his life, but it didn't.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
GArnold said the shots came from behind him by two guys dressed as cops.
WRONG! You won't find that Arnold saw cops as shooters.
Post by claviger
To go back to his car he would have to walk past where the two snipers
were located. That doesn't make sense. What does make sense is he would
go in the opposite direction if he was so afraid, but he didn't.
According to his story he casually walked back to his car and drove home.
Evidently no fear the snipers would get his license number or further
threaten him.
Or the fake cops went on further, or went elsewhere, leaving Arnold to
his own devices.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Yes he was a yellow bellied coward who didn't make any effort to notify
police. The snipers didn't get his name and address so GArnold could have
notified the FBI about this situation, but he didn't lift a finger in the
two days before he took a plane to Alaska. Once he was safe at Wainwright
Army base with all those soldiers to protect him, he could tell his
superior officer of this incident, but he didn't.
Oh, cram the crap! You play that same old song all the time about
everyone being a coward. The plaza was full of cops on motorcycles and
they saw whatever Arnold would have seen. Why would he bother to tell
them something they saw themselves? He wouldn't.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Keep wheeling out the excuses for the man who wasn't there!
It's more useful if you supply reasons why Arnold story was lies,
rather than opinions, which carry no weight.
No one else noticed a mound of dirt. None of the other witness close by
heard shots from that location. No other witness in the parking area
noticed a guy in army uniform and there were plenty of people searching
the area.
You need to check with the many witnesses in the area, because a
number of them heard the noise from the GK area. Did Arnold go before
anyone went to that area? Who knows.

Anthony Marsh
2017-03-30 20:25:06 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Gordon Arnold's story is that when he felt the bullet go over his
head, he hit the dirt immediately. So he might not have been standing
right after the shots. But if he got up right away and went to his car in
the parking lot, then he wouldn't be there a minute or so after the shots.
He felt the first bullet go over his left shoulder. Then a second shot.
Then there was a blend. If GArnold is right then all those other
witnesses who heard shots from the TSBD must be wrong. Somehow Lee Bowers
missed seeing the two snipers dressed as policeman and their police car.
He also missed seeing a guy dressed in a military uniform walk through the
parking lot to his car. The loud noises got his attention and Bowers
noticed people coming into the area after the 3 loud sounds so his
attention remained on the parking area in front of his office window.
Not one witness mentions a guy in a military uniform as several police and
deputies swarmed over this area.
Bowers kept silent about much of his experience hoping (probably) that
it might save his life, but it didn't.
Not forever. And you believe he did tell a friend.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
GArnold said the shots came from behind him by two guys dressed as cops.
WRONG! You won't find that Arnold saw cops as shooters.
Post by claviger
To go back to his car he would have to walk past where the two snipers
were located. That doesn't make sense. What does make sense is he would
go in the opposite direction if he was so afraid, but he didn't.
According to his story he casually walked back to his car and drove home.
Evidently no fear the snipers would get his license number or further
threaten him.
Or the fake cops went on further, or went elsewhere, leaving Arnold to
his own devices.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
WRONG! Arnold was like a number of witnesses in the case. They didn't
want to say anything for fear of being killed themselves. That's a
foolish reason to try and discredit a witness.
Yes he was a yellow bellied coward who didn't make any effort to notify
police. The snipers didn't get his name and address so GArnold could have
notified the FBI about this situation, but he didn't lift a finger in the
two days before he took a plane to Alaska. Once he was safe at Wainwright
Army base with all those soldiers to protect him, he could tell his
superior officer of this incident, but he didn't.
Oh, cram the crap! You play that same old song all the time about
everyone being a coward. The plaza was full of cops on motorcycles and
they saw whatever Arnold would have seen. Why would he bother to tell
them something they saw themselves? He wouldn't.
No, stop being ridiculous. Different people in different positions
looked in different directions. Only one person saw Black Dog Man, out
there in plain view. Do you remember her name and why the WC didn't
bother taking her testimony?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Keep wheeling out the excuses for the man who wasn't there!
It's more useful if you supply reasons why Arnold story was lies,
rather than opinions, which carry no weight.
No one else noticed a mound of dirt. None of the other witness close by
heard shots from that location. No other witness in the parking area
noticed a guy in army uniform and there were plenty of people searching
the area.
You need to check with the many witnesses in the area, because a
number of them heard the noise from the GK area. Did Arnold go before
anyone went to that area? Who knows.
I know. Arnold wasn't there.
Post by mainframetech
2017-03-22 01:35:21 UTC
Post by claviger
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
You have to take into account that he was in the army and was shipping out
the following day, which may be why he didn't pursue the matter any
further at that time. Still, his story is weak at best. The only possible
corroboration for his story is a faint image that appears in the Moormon
photo that could be him, and Ralph Yarborough's statement that he saw
someone dive to the ground near a fence, which Arnold said he did.
Otherwise, there are no photos or films that clearly show him and the two
policemen that supposedly approached him and threatened him with a weapon.
Arnold seemed like a rather eccentric fellow - I remember seeing him
appear on "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series wearing a silly looking hat
with a huge feather in it.
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-23 03:02:05 UTC
Post by deke
Post by claviger
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
You have to take into account that he was in the army and was shipping out
the following day, which may be why he didn't pursue the matter any
No. You don't have to believe his silly story at all.
Post by deke
further at that time. Still, his story is weak at best. The only possible
corroboration for his story is a faint image that appears in the Moormon
photo that could be him, and Ralph Yarborough's statement that he saw
Show me? You mean Bigfoot? No wait, that's McAdams again!
Post by deke
someone dive to the ground near a fence, which Arnold said he did.
Otherwise, there are no photos or films that clearly show him and the two
policemen that supposedly approached him and threatened him with a weapon.
Arnold seemed like a rather eccentric fellow - I remember seeing him
appear on "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series wearing a silly looking hat
with a huge feather in it.
Or was that Bigfoot eating a bird?
2017-03-23 03:09:35 UTC
Post by deke
Post by claviger
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
You have to take into account that he was in the army and was shipping out
the following day, which may be why he didn't pursue the matter any
further at that time. Still, his story is weak at best. The only possible
corroboration for his story is a faint image that appears in the Moormon
photo that could be him, and Ralph Yarborough's statement that he saw
someone dive to the ground near a fence, which Arnold said he did.
Otherwise, there are no photos or films that clearly show him and the two
policemen that supposedly approached him and threatened him with a weapon.
Arnold seemed like a rather eccentric fellow - I remember seeing him
appear on "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series wearing a silly looking hat
with a huge feather in it.
As far as I know, Gordon Arnold never wrote a book or tried to get on
TV, or get attention over his experience. Like a number of other
witnesses in the case, he avoided coming forward for his own safety.
Since he was leaving in a couple days for Alaska, he just snuck out of
there to his car in the parking lot, and drove away. He doesn't seem like
he's looking for attention when he tells his story:


Anthony Marsh
2017-03-24 03:46:01 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by deke
Post by claviger
Yes, that is a large problem with GArnold's story. He never shared it
with any police detectives working the case. He was a phony witness from
start to finish.
You have to take into account that he was in the army and was shipping out
the following day, which may be why he didn't pursue the matter any
further at that time. Still, his story is weak at best. The only possible
corroboration for his story is a faint image that appears in the Moormon
photo that could be him, and Ralph Yarborough's statement that he saw
someone dive to the ground near a fence, which Arnold said he did.
Otherwise, there are no photos or films that clearly show him and the two
policemen that supposedly approached him and threatened him with a weapon.
Arnold seemed like a rather eccentric fellow - I remember seeing him
appear on "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" series wearing a silly looking hat
with a huge feather in it.
As far as I know, Gordon Arnold never wrote a book or tried to get on
TV, or get attention over his experience. Like a number of other
So you know nothing about this case. He was featured on the TV series
The Men Who killed Kennedy. You were not allowed to see it because the
cover-up threatened the History Channel into withdrawing it.
Post by mainframetech
witnesses in the case, he avoided coming forward for his own safety.
Since he was leaving in a couple days for Alaska, he just snuck out of
Stop saying things are facts just because a kook said them.
Post by mainframetech
there to his car in the parking lot, and drove away. He doesn't seem like
That's what most witnesses do. Sign a contract to appear on TV.
Post by mainframetech
Ace Kefford
2017-03-22 02:10:51 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-23 02:56:17 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
That is not testimony.
But sometimes it is better than testimony.
Often the immediate comments are more truthful (Loftus).
Post by Ace Kefford
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
Do you know what consensus means?
2017-03-23 03:11:09 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.

Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
2017-03-24 02:09:38 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt. Later the senator
tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good view from where
he was. Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.

Anthony Marsh
2017-03-24 22:05:18 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt. Later the senator
There you go again putting your spin on statements. Yarborough did not
say it was Gordon Arnold.
Post by mainframetech
tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good view from where
If he had such a good view, how come we can never see him on any film or
Post by mainframetech
he was. Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
But spectators were taking films and photos of that area.
I got a way out for you. Claim he was Black Dog Man.
Post by mainframetech
2017-03-25 01:07:42 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt.
Senator Yarborough official statement for the record:

"I heard three shots and no more. All seemed to come from my right rear.
I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about
the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up
and raced away."

He only heard 3 shots. All shots came from the same direction. He was
sitting on the left side of the car and saw people fall to the ground.
The bystanders he could easily see were the Newmans and Doris Mumford who
all fell to the ground.
Post by mainframetech
Later the senator tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good
view from where he was.
He would have a better view from the right side of the car.
Post by mainframetech
Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
Marilyn Sitzman was a tall woman standing on the pedestal in front of the
pergola. From that position she could see over the wooden fence and down
into the patio. She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-26 00:31:40 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt.
Selection bias. That is not the only statement he made.
Post by claviger
"I heard three shots and no more. All seemed to come from my right rear.
I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about
the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up
and raced away."
He only heard 3 shots. All shots came from the same direction. He was
sitting on the left side of the car and saw people fall to the ground.
The bystanders he could easily see were the Newmans and Doris Mumford who
all fell to the ground.
Post by mainframetech
Later the senator tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good
view from where he was.
He would have a better view from the right side of the car.
Post by mainframetech
Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
Marilyn Sitzman was a tall woman standing on the pedestal in front of the
pergola. From that position she could see over the wooden fence and down
She was not looking in that direction. We can see that she was watching
the limousine on Elm Street in front of her.
Post by claviger
into the patio. She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
And yet Zapruder right next to her heard a shot from behind him. He did
not have eyes on the back of his head and he was busy filming the
limousine so he did not see the shooter.

And AGAIN both of them were only feet away from The Black Dog Man and
didn't see him?
Post by claviger
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Correct. Or the black couple.
2017-03-26 01:10:11 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt.
"I heard three shots and no more. All seemed to come from my right rear.
I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about
the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up
and raced away."
He only heard 3 shots. All shots came from the same direction. He was
sitting on the left side of the car and saw people fall to the ground.
The bystanders he could easily see were the Newmans and Doris Mumford who
all fell to the ground.
Post by mainframetech
Later the senator tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good
view from where he was.
He would have a better view from the right side of the car.
Not really. Being on the left side gave a view between the front seat
passengers, and over to the right where the action was. The car was 3
back, so it was in front of them.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
Marilyn Sitzman was a tall woman standing on the pedestal in front of the
pergola. From that position she could see over the wooden fence and down
into the patio.
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.

Anthony Marsh
2017-03-27 14:33:06 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
And yet Senator Yarborough saw him hit the dirt.
"I heard three shots and no more. All seemed to come from my right rear.
I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about
the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up
and raced away."
He only heard 3 shots. All shots came from the same direction. He was
sitting on the left side of the car and saw people fall to the ground.
The bystanders he could easily see were the Newmans and Doris Mumford who
all fell to the ground.
Post by mainframetech
Later the senator tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good
view from where he was.
He would have a better view from the right side of the car.
Not really. Being on the left side gave a view between the front seat
passengers, and over to the right where the action was. The car was 3
back, so it was in front of them.
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
Marilyn Sitzman was a tall woman standing on the pedestal in front of the
pergola. From that position she could see over the wooden fence and down
into the patio.
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Post by mainframetech
2017-03-27 23:35:59 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-28 16:04:46 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Yes, so what? 3 shots came from the TSBD.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
Yeah, so what? The acoustical evidence proves that 3 shots came from the
sniper's nest. So you have to say it is fake.
To allow you to place snipers elsewhere.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
2017-03-29 15:49:53 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Yes, so what? 3 shots came from the TSBD.
Someone is claiming a witness heard, saw, and talked to a sniper behind
the wooden fence. That witness claims at least 3 shots came from that
position. None of the other witnesses on the GK heard 3 shots from up
there. Many witnesses heard 3 shots from the TSBD, so now there are 6
shots from 2 different directions. Jean Hill said she heard 6 shots but
Charles Brehm standing a few feet away does not support her testimony.
He only heard 3 shots from the TSBD. By far most witnesses that day only
heard 3 shots so did they come from the TSBD or the GK?
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
Yeah, so what? The acoustical evidence proves that 3 shots came from the
sniper's nest. So you have to say it is fake.
To allow you to place snipers elsewhere.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
No corroboration for the so called acoustic evidence. Many witnesses ran
to the wooden fence immediately after shots were fired and found no
sniper, no rifle, no empty shells. Lee Bowers saw no person behind the
fence at the time he heard 3 loud sounds he thought came from the Triple
Underpass or the TSBD. There were 2 cops on top of the Triple Underpass
who confirm no shots fired from up there. Several witnesses heard 3 loud
sounds or saw a rifle firings shots from the 6th floor window of the TSBD.

The GArnold story claims the shots were loud, not from a silenced weapon.
No evidence of 6+ shots that day from 2 different directions. All the
real witnesses on the GK heard sounds coming from the direction of the
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-30 00:53:49 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Yes, so what? 3 shots came from the TSBD.
Someone is claiming a witness heard, saw, and talked to a sniper behind
the wooden fence. That witness claims at least 3 shots came from that
No. No one is.
Post by claviger
position. None of the other witnesses on the GK heard 3 shots from up
there. Many witnesses heard 3 shots from the TSBD, so now there are 6
No one claimed there were 3 shots from the grassy knoll.
You're not very good at this straw man argument thingie.
Post by claviger
shots from 2 different directions. Jean Hill said she heard 6 shots but
Post by claviger
Charles Brehm standing a few feet away does not support her testimony.
More than a few feet. 2 witnesses standing right next to each other can
remember different things. That does not make them both liars.
Post by claviger
He only heard 3 shots from the TSBD. By far most witnesses that day only
heard 3 shots so did they come from the TSBD or the GK?
Again, pay attention. It is not an either/or choice. Shots came from BOTH
direction. The acoustical evidence proved that 3 shots came from the
sniper's nest, just as many witnesses said. Coincidence or corroboration?
When the acoustical evidence also proved that one shot came from the
grassy knoll, was that just coincidence or corroboration? If the
acoustical evidence is fake then why didn't it show 5 shots from the TSBD,
5 shots from the grassy knoll and 5 shots from the storm drain? Why does
it match so well the witnesses and the films?
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
Yeah, so what? The acoustical evidence proves that 3 shots came from the
sniper's nest. So you have to say it is fake.
To allow you to place snipers elsewhere.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
No corroboration for the so called acoustic evidence. Many witnesses ran
to the wooden fence immediately after shots were fired and found no
sniper, no rifle, no empty shells. Lee Bowers saw no person behind the
fence at the time he heard 3 loud sounds he thought came from the Triple
Underpass or the TSBD. There were 2 cops on top of the Triple Underpass
who confirm no shots fired from up there. Several witnesses heard 3 loud
sounds or saw a rifle firings shots from the 6th floor window of the TSBD.
The GArnold story claims the shots were loud, not from a silenced weapon.
OK, who has the theory that the grassy knoll shooter was using a
silencer. Is there someone out there wackier than Harris?
Post by claviger
No evidence of 6+ shots that day from 2 different directions. All the
The acoustical evidence does not show 6+ shots. So according to your
standards that proves that it is real.
Post by claviger
real witnesses on the GK heard sounds coming from the direction of the
False. Zapruder said the head shot came from behind him. Look at the
Moorman photo. Can YOU see the TSBD behind him?

But wait, he had vertigo so you can claim that when he said "behind" he
actually meant in front of him. Yeah, that's it!
2017-03-30 17:25:17 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Yes, so what? 3 shots came from the TSBD.
Someone is claiming a witness heard, saw, and talked to a sniper behind
the wooden fence. That witness claims at least 3 shots came from that
WRONG! You have no proof that Arnold spoke to a sniper, or even a shooter.

None of the other witnesses on the GK heard 3 shots from up
Post by claviger
there. Many witnesses heard 3 shots from the TSBD, so now there are 6
shots from 2 different directions. Jean Hill said she heard 6 shots but
Charles Brehm standing a few feet away does not support her testimony.
He only heard 3 shots from the TSBD. By far most witnesses that day only
heard 3 shots so did they come from the TSBD or the GK?
People all over the area heard 3 or sometimes 4 shots. You're making
up statements without backing them up. You know perfectly well that the
number of shots varied and that people from different pats of the area
heard different things.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
Yeah, so what? The acoustical evidence proves that 3 shots came from the
sniper's nest. So you have to say it is fake.
To allow you to place snipers elsewhere.
No corroboration for the so called acoustic evidence. Many witnesses ran
to the wooden fence immediately after shots were fired and found no
sniper, no rifle, no empty shells.
You mean that the shooters took their guns and ammo and ran away with
them? Lordee!
Post by claviger
Lee Bowers saw no person behind the
fence at the time he heard 3 loud sounds he thought came from the Triple
Underpass or the TSBD. There were 2 cops on top of the Triple Underpass
who confirm no shots fired from up there. Several witnesses heard 3 loud
sounds or saw a rifle firings shots from the 6th floor window of the TSBD.
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Post by claviger
The GArnold story claims the shots were loud, not from a silenced weapon.
No evidence of 6+ shots that day from 2 different directions. All the
real witnesses on the GK heard sounds coming from the direction of the
Have you spoken with a psychologist recently? Arnold did not speak of
6 shots, where do you get this stuff?

2017-03-31 12:50:08 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-01 01:23:46 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
No. Maybe he didn't tell the whole story because he was afraid for his
Post by bigdog
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
Yes, that is the most probable solution. But maybe Rishel accidentally
told the truth about something.
Post by bigdog
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
Sorta like a WC defender. You like Brennan so you believe his lies.
2017-04-02 02:42:57 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
No. Maybe he didn't tell the whole story because he was afraid for his
So he was a coward compared to the brave 15 year old kid who immediately
looked for a police officer.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
Yes, that is the most probable solution. But maybe Rishel accidentally
told the truth about something.
The Rishel story is two policeman and a police car involved in the ambush.
No one saw a police car behind the wooden fence that day.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
Sorta like a WC defender. You like Brennan so you believe his lies.
What lies? He saw a man in the 6th floor window shooting a rifle at the
motorcade. So did several other witnesses. Brennan went across the
street to find a DPD officer and tell them the sniper is on an upper floor
of the TSBD and what he looked like. GArnold never told the police what
he saw.
2017-04-03 00:11:50 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
No. Maybe he didn't tell the whole story because he was afraid for his
So he was a coward compared to the brave 15 year old kid who immediately
looked for a police officer.
amazing how ready you are to classify so many people as "cowards".
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
Yes, that is the most probable solution. But maybe Rishel accidentally
told the truth about something.
The Rishel story is two policeman and a police car involved in the ambush.
No one saw a police car behind the wooden fence that day.
You better check your info. There were men behind the fence with rifles
seen by Bowers, but he was afraid to admit it to officials.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
Sorta like a WC defender. You like Brennan so you believe his lies.
What lies? He saw a man in the 6th floor window shooting a rifle at the
motorcade. So did several other witnesses. Brennan went across the
street to find a DPD officer and tell them the sniper is on an upper floor
of the TSBD and what he looked like. GArnold never told the police what
he saw.
Brennan was discredited as you well know, you just can't admit it since
he backs up your incorrect version of the case.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-03 15:59:36 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
No. Maybe he didn't tell the whole story because he was afraid for his
So he was a coward compared to the brave 15 year old kid who immediately
looked for a police officer.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
Yes, that is the most probable solution. But maybe Rishel accidentally
told the truth about something.
The Rishel story is two policeman and a police car involved in the ambush.
No one saw a police car behind the wooden fence that day.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
Sorta like a WC defender. You like Brennan so you believe his lies.
What lies? He saw a man in the 6th floor window shooting a rifle at the
motorcade. So did several other witnesses. Brennan went across the
False. You can't name any others.
Post by claviger
street to find a DPD officer and tell them the sniper is on an upper floor
of the TSBD and what he looked like. GArnold never told the police what
he saw.
How could he when he wasn't even there.
2017-04-01 14:27:59 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
Naturally you assume the unsworn story told by Rischel is the truth and
the story Bowers told for himself UNDER OATH was a lie. You never consider
that Rischel's story was the lie even though he waited until Bowers was
dead and couldn't refute him. You apply the same standard to Rischel as
you do every other witness. If the witness tells a story you want to
believe, you do. If the witness tells a story you don't want to believe,
you don't. It does make things uncomplicated because you never have to
look for corroborating evidence. You just look at what somebody said and
say to yourself, "That's what I want to believe".
You're being ridiculous again. Get a grip. Then tell me the reason
that you decided that Rischel was lying. Your opinions aren't worth crap
to me.

Rischel spoke to one reporter, and went on about his life. He didn't
try to get on TV, and he didn't write a book. He didn't seek attention,
so tell me why you decided he lied. Could it be that he doesn't tell the
same insipid story the WCR told?

Mitch Todd
2017-04-03 00:13:49 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
2017-04-03 20:35:43 UTC
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
just went back to his life after telling his story. The Bowers family
tried to say they hardly knew Rischel, but I believe they were infected by
Bowers saying that that it was dangerous to say anything about the
shooting. Bowers was killed a few months later in suspicious
circumstances. But he had told other friends that he had lied to the WC,
though he didn't tell them the truth.

There is more info in a file at the McAdams files, but it's a hit
piece, so has to be taken with a grain of salt:


Anthony Marsh
2017-04-04 16:28:10 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
Post by mainframetech
just went back to his life after telling his story. The Bowers family
tried to say they hardly knew Rischel, but I believe they were infected by
Bowers saying that that it was dangerous to say anything about the
shooting. Bowers was killed a few months later in suspicious
circumstances. But he had told other friends that he had lied to the WC,
though he didn't tell them the truth.
There is more info in a file at the McAdams files, but it's a hit
2017-04-05 19:24:13 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
You do no research and just post things you found on the Internet.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
just went back to his life after telling his story. The Bowers family
tried to say they hardly knew Rischel, but I believe they were infected by
Bowers saying that that it was dangerous to say anything about the
shooting. Bowers was killed a few months later in suspicious
circumstances. But he had told other friends that he had lied to the WC,
though he didn't tell them the truth.
There is more info in a file at the McAdams files, but it's a hit
2017-04-06 13:27:59 UTC
Post by OHLeeRedux
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
You do no research and just post things you found on the Internet.
You mean that things on the internet just come to me in my mailbox?
Or do I have to go looking for them? You know, like research in a
library. And what research did you do today?

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-06 21:34:12 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by OHLeeRedux
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
You do no research and just post things you found on the Internet.
You mean that things on the internet just come to me in my mailbox?
Or do I have to go looking for them? You know, like research in a
library. And what research did you do today?
Trolls don't do research. They make up stuff.
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-06 13:28:30 UTC
Post by OHLeeRedux
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
You do no research and just post things you found on the Internet.
More libel. I have filed many FOIAs and copied many documents at the
National Archives. You could see that if you examined the documents that
I was the first to upload.
Post by OHLeeRedux
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
just went back to his life after telling his story. The Bowers family
tried to say they hardly knew Rischel, but I believe they were infected by
Bowers saying that that it was dangerous to say anything about the
shooting. Bowers was killed a few months later in suspicious
circumstances. But he had told other friends that he had lied to the WC,
though he didn't tell them the truth.
There is more info in a file at the McAdams files, but it's a hit
2017-04-06 22:32:19 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by OHLeeRedux
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by Mitch Todd
Post by mainframetech
Lee Bowers saw much more than he stated officially. His true story
was told by Walter Rischel, his friend.
How do you know that Rischel was ever Bowers'
friend in he first place?
Because he said so, and had no reason to lie. He also made no attempt
to write a book, or get on TV, or any other attention getting effort. He
This is your problem. You accept everything at face value without doing
any actual research.'
You do no research and just post things you found on the Internet.
More libel.
Libel? Don't make me laugh, Marsh. You couldn't defend the crap you post
here if (as your buddy Harris would say) your life depended on it.
2017-03-30 00:49:45 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Many people in the plaza thought the sounds came from the left, and
many from the right. So what? There were shooters all over the place.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
And so?

Anthony Marsh
2017-03-30 20:24:58 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
"IF"? Why do you always guess at things? Just look at the Moorman photo
and you can SEE for yourself that at the moment of the head shot Sitzman
is not holding onto her boss and she is watching the limousine.
But her ears still work. You and mft think she was a mannequin frozen in
one position. Actually she was a live human being who could hear, see,
and react to any loud noise so close by. She said the sounds came from
her left.
Many people in the plaza thought the sounds came from the left, and
many from the right. So what? There were shooters all over the place.
Silly. Show me on a map ALL your shooters.
Was there a shooter on the overpass?
Was there a shooter in the storm drain?
Was there a shooter in the limo?
Was there a shooter in the SS car?
Why don't all these locations show up on the acoustical evidence?
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion. There was a
quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who quietly gave up
his camera. And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or
even a shooter. He may have been a cover for shooters.
You have to ask why he doesn't use the same dramatics for the shots from
the TSBD. "Surely everyone in Dealey Plaza could just look up and see
the shooter shooting out the sniper's nest window!"
Yes and several did. Numerous witnesses heard and saw shots from the 6th
floor window.
And so?
2017-03-28 00:10:57 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
"I heard three shots and no more. All seemed to come from my right rear.
I saw people fall to the ground on the embankment to our right, at about
the time of or after the second shot, but before the cavalcade started up
and raced away."
He only heard 3 shots. All shots came from the same direction. He was
sitting on the left side of the car and saw people fall to the ground.
The bystanders he could easily see were the Newmans and Doris Mumford who
all fell to the ground.
Post by mainframetech
Later the senator tried to back down from his statement, but he had a good
view from where he was.
He would have a better view from the right side of the car.
Not really.
Yes, really.
Post by mainframetech
Being on the left side gave a view between the front seat
passengers, and over to the right where the action was.
So being on the right side would give him a better view of not having to
look between passengers.
Post by mainframetech
The car was 3 back, so it was in front of them.
Actually on the right side past the street up a grassy knoll.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Most people on the GK were looking at the motorcade and weren't
checking out every person on the GK behind them.
Marilyn Sitzman was a tall woman standing on the pedestal in front of the
pergola. From that position she could see over the wooden fence and down
into the patio.
If Sitzman was helping to steady her boss, and watch the motorcade that
he was filming, she wouldn't be looking back at the fence or anyone behind
Yes but her right ear would be in perfect position to hear loud gunshots
coming from only about 10 yards away if GArnold were telling the truth.
But of course he made up the whole story that falls apart when the details
are examined closely.
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
She did not see anyone with a rifle or hear shots from
the area around her elevated position. We know she was there that day
from photographs. No evidence GArnold was in that area. He claims
several shots were fired from behind him and he got into an argument with
the sniper afterward. There is no way Sitzman or Zapruder could have
missed a commotion like that.
Oh stop the dramatics. There wasn't any big commotion.
So 3 shots or more from a rifle and a confrontation afterward is not a big
Post by mainframetech
There was a quiet conversation between someone there and Arnold, who
quietly gave up his camera.
“The next thing I knew someone was kicking my butt and telling me
to get up.” Arnold said, “it was a policeman. And I told
him to go jump in the river. And then this other guy — a policeman
— comes up with a shotgun and he was crying and that thing was
waving back and forth. I said you can have everything I’ve got.
Just point it someplace else.”
Post by mainframetech
And the person he spoke with was not necessarily a sniper, or even a shooter.
He may have been a cover for shooters.
So now there are 3 guys involved in this situation? One CT claims GArnold
was the third guy on this hit team. He was the spotter.
Anthony Marsh
2017-03-24 03:45:34 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
After just having bullets fired over your head, one would naturally
leave immediately from the area of danger.
Which of course was not his testimony.
I'm not aware of him testifying anywhere.
Yes, by testimony, I meant the statements he has made to the press. I'm
thinking of a Dallas newspaper and The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Maybe
there are more. But given how the various versions of what he has
reported don't align with what are known facts and what other people saw
and reported -- or didn't see and report when they would have if his
statements were accurate -- that was enough for me.
And how plausible is it that these alleged men would be worried about him
filming or where he was located but not Abraham Zapruder less than 10 feet
away standing on a pedestal? Zapruder said that he walked around a bit
trying to find a good place to shoot film. But none of these CIA/SS/police
hassled him.
Because he wasn't behind the fence.
He was out in the open. The police hassled Altgens and made him get off
the overpass. Imagine his picture of the head shot from that location.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Sitzman said she saw nobody over there other than the black couple. No
Arnold, no police. Heard no shots from there.
Phony. She couldn't see Black Dog Man only 15 feet away? Bad witness or
lying. She just didn't see the shooter while he was shooting.
Dave Reitzes
2017-03-23 02:37:07 UTC
2017-03-24 02:10:12 UTC
Post by Dave Reitzes
Typical 'hit piece'. Arnold left quickly and got into his car in the
parking lot that was right there, and in a couple days was sent to Alaska.
As with a number of other witnesses in the case, he avoided saying
anything for fear he could get killed. He didn't write a book, and he
didn't try to get on TV. He told his story and went on about his life.

2017-03-31 20:53:51 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Dave Reitzes
Typical 'hit piece'. Arnold left quickly and got into his car in the
parking lot that was right there, and in a couple days was sent to Alaska.
As with a number of other witnesses in the case, he avoided saying
anything for fear he could get killed. He didn't write a book, and he
didn't try to get on TV. He told his story and went on about his life.
But not to DPD detectives who would ask questions he couldn't answer. It
wouldn't take them long to flush him out as a phony witness. That's why
he preferred gullible reporters.
2017-04-01 14:27:34 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Dave Reitzes
Typical 'hit piece'. Arnold left quickly and got into his car in the
parking lot that was right there, and in a couple days was sent to Alaska.
As with a number of other witnesses in the case, he avoided saying
anything for fear he could get killed. He didn't write a book, and he
didn't try to get on TV. He told his story and went on about his life.
But not to DPD detectives who would ask questions he couldn't answer. It
wouldn't take them long to flush him out as a phony witness. That's why
he preferred gullible reporters.
You've got to be kidding! He saw what many of the police saw that were
there in the plaza. Why would he bother telling them the same stuff they
saw themselves? Better to get on out of there for safety.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-02 02:54:24 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Dave Reitzes
Typical 'hit piece'. Arnold left quickly and got into his car in the
parking lot that was right there, and in a couple days was sent to Alaska.
As with a number of other witnesses in the case, he avoided saying
anything for fear he could get killed. He didn't write a book, and he
didn't try to get on TV. He told his story and went on about his life.
But not to DPD detectives who would ask questions he couldn't answer. It
wouldn't take them long to flush him out as a phony witness. That's why
he preferred gullible reporters.
You've got to be kidding! He saw what many of the police saw that were
there in the plaza. Why would he bother telling them the same stuff they
saw themselves? Better to get on out of there for safety.
Different people were looking in different directions.
Post by mainframetech
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-01 20:39:56 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by Dave Reitzes
Typical 'hit piece'. Arnold left quickly and got into his car in the
parking lot that was right there, and in a couple days was sent to Alaska.
As with a number of other witnesses in the case, he avoided saying
anything for fear he could get killed. He didn't write a book, and he
didn't try to get on TV. He told his story and went on about his life.
But not to DPD detectives who would ask questions he couldn't answer. It
wouldn't take them long to flush him out as a phony witness. That's why
he preferred gullible reporters.
Are you still talking about Gordon Arnold? Why would the DPD want to
talk to him when he wasn't even there? Maybe the FBI to ask if he had
heard any rumors.
2017-04-11 22:45:32 UTC
Where is GArnold?

Loading Image...
2017-04-12 22:27:23 UTC
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.

2017-04-13 19:15:49 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
Can you point him out in these photos?

Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries
Betzner 3 Full Frame ( Chris Davidson ) FILE 5/11
betzner_3_crop FILE 6/11
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-13 23:49:15 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
Can you point him out in these photos?
Post by claviger
Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries
Betzner 3 Full Frame ( Chris Davidson ) FILE 5/11
betzner_3_crop FILE 6/11
As if THOSE are the only possible photos.
Ace Kefford
2017-04-14 11:59:40 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
Can you point him out in these photos?
Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries
Betzner 3 Full Frame ( Chris Davidson ) FILE 5/11
betzner_3_crop FILE 6/11
The "education" forum.

I did enjoy this comment by one of the folks there: "Hemming told me over
breakfast in Dallas that DCM was "a Cuban we called 'the professor'""

Maybe the Babushka Lady's real name was "Mrs. Howell."
2017-04-14 12:03:41 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
Can you point him out in these photos?
Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries
Betzner 3 Full Frame ( Chris Davidson ) FILE 5/11
betzner_3_crop FILE 6/11
That looks like it was taken just after the shooting, so I expect
Gordon Arnold was elsewhere by that time. He had a very short walk to his
car in the parking area behind the fence.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-15 01:29:42 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
Can you point him out in these photos?
Robin Unger's JFK Assassination Photo Galleries
Betzner 3 Full Frame ( Chris Davidson ) FILE 5/11
betzner_3_crop FILE 6/11
That looks like it was taken just after the shooting, so I expect
Gordon Arnold was elsewhere by that time. He had a very short walk to his
car in the parking area behind the fence.
Are you forgetting his alleged confrontation with the man from behind the
fence? There is NO photographic evidence that he was even in Dealey Plaza.

Why don't you take the easy way out and claim that Gordon Arnold was Black
Dog Man?
Post by mainframetech
2017-04-13 19:17:00 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
JFK Assassination - Advanced Research → Photographic & Film Evidence
"Dark Complected Man" - A Study by Gerda Dunckel
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2017-04-13 20:20:12 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
More photos. Where is he?

Betzner Photo Grassy Knoll crop
Loading Image...

Loading Image...
Loading Image...
2017-04-14 12:03:19 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
More photos. Where is he?
Betzner Photo Grassy Knoll crop
Don't know if he's there, since I don't know when the pics were taken.

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-15 02:35:25 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
More photos. Where is he?
Betzner Photo Grassy Knoll crop
Don't know if he's there, since I don't know when the pics were taken.
Like Assad, when you can't admit a simple fact, but claim that the
photos are fake or the incident never happened.
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-13 23:37:35 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
2017-04-13 23:46:33 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
There are photos of the GK that day. Do you have a picture of him on the
GK near the fence.
Anthony Marsh
2017-04-14 17:35:20 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
There are photos of the GK that day. Do you have a picture of him on the
GK near the fence.
2017-04-14 17:53:12 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Where is GArnold?
Another foul up! Gordon Arnold was on the Grassy Knoll near the fence.
There are photos of the GK that day. Do you have a picture of him on the
GK near the fence.
Nope, probably you should ask Gary Mack And his buddy White.

Ace Kefford
2017-04-15 02:39:24 UTC
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Yes, no Gordon Arnold.
2017-04-16 00:46:04 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Yes, no Gordon Arnold.
Which means that Arnold had already left to the parking lot. I know I
wouldn't stay around if bullets had been flying over my head and killing

Anthony Marsh
2017-04-17 00:24:38 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Ace Kefford
Post by claviger
JFK Assassination Forum >
JFK Assassination Photographic & Film Evidence Discussion & Debate >
Time Life November 24, 1967
March 14, 2017
Martin Hinrichs
" It shows the retaining wall area with Emmett Hudson sitting on the steps.
The coke bottle on the corner of the retaining wall still in place.
No sign of Gordon Arnold nor BDM, nor running man.
Taken within a minute after the fatal headshot."
Yes, no Gordon Arnold.
Which means that Arnold had already left to the parking lot. I know I
wouldn't stay around if bullets had been flying over my head and killing
You mean the way 1,000 other people did? Not everyone is a coward.
Post by mainframetech
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