Post by tomnlnPost by Russ BurrFrom Buddy Walthers Sheriff's REport
"Upon searching this house we found stacks of hand bills concerning "Cuba
for Freedom" advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also
found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to
be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this evidence was
confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police
Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall."
These were nothing more than Oswald's belongings.
And not the Paine's
Buddy Walthers also reported Oswald visiting a house full of Anti-Castro
Cubans on Harlendale Avenue REGULARLY.
SEE item 12>>>
Do you even read what you post? Nowhere does Walthers's report say
"regularly", which you even placed in capital letters to emphasize.
Walthers says only, "My informant stated that subject Oswald had been
to this house before."
The Report swpeaks for itself.
By the way, the "informant" turned out to be Buddy Walthers's mother-
in-law, per the book "Brush with History: A Day in the Life of Deputy
E. R. Walthers", by Eric R. Tagg, p.45.
Give Citation for Walther's Mother-in-Law.
Eric Tagg is NOT an Official Source.
Vincent Bugliosi, "Reclaiming History", endnotes, p. 752-753:
We certainly know there has never been any evidence that Oswald had
any Fair Play for Cuba organization in Dallas. In fact, he was the
only member of the group even in New Orleans. Walthers’s (or his
informant’s) “Freedom For Cuba Party” seems to have been just
speculation, and, in fact, as conspiracy author Dick Russell points
out, “Free Cuba or Cuba Libre” being the mantra of anti-Castro groups
was the opposite end of the spectrum from Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba
group (Russell, Man Who Knew Too Much, p.540). Note also that Walthers
said the group at 3128 Harlendale was only “possibly connected” with
Oswald’s group.
Actually, the group that met at 3126 (not 3128) Harlendale was the
Dallas chapter of three combined anti-Castro organizations: the SNFE
(Second National Front of Escambray), Alpha 66, and the MRP. The
address was the residence of Jorge Salazar, an anti-Castro Cuban
exile. The president of the combined Dallas group, Manuel Rodriguez
Orcarberro, had fought in Castro’s army and left Cuba for the United
States in 1960 when it became clear Castro was a Communist. An FBI
informant told the FBI three days after the assassination that
Rodriguez was violently anti-Kennedy, but Rodriguez, who confirmed the
meetings at the house on Harlendale, told the FBI he was actually an
admirer of Kennedy, being convinced he was a friend of the exiles and
a foe of Castro and Communism, and his group had even placed flowers
at the assassination site. Moreover, two other FBI informants who knew
Rodriguez said there was no evidence he had ever been anti-Kennedy.
(CD 1085u, pp.1–2, 4–5, FBI report of Dallas FBI agent Wallace R.
man, May 26, 1964; see also CD 1085 and CD 853) And a source who was
in a top leadership position in Alpha 66 in Dallas told the Dallas FBI
in 1964 that Lee Harvey Oswald was not known to the group and had
never visited 3126 Harlendale. (SSCIA Record 157-10006-10124, January
30, 1976).
The Warren Comm ission had Walther's Report.
WHY isn't your Claim in the 26 volumes?
Your source above "CD1053" is only about Ruby and Boxer Barney Ross.
Your source above "CD-1085-u" makes NO reference to Oswald.
It DOES however admit to Anti-Castro Cubans at the Harlendale address.
If you have more from an official source I'd be happy to view it.
Until then, you're Busted AGAIN.
Bugloisi is ALSO NOT an official source.
You might do well to buy the 5 CD set of the Warren Commission Documents.
Then Bugloisi won't be able to Buffalo you.