Post by clavigerThere isn't much need to list the witnesses to shooting from > the TSBD, the shooter made sure that it was seen from the
street. Possibly to implicate a TSBD employee, like maybe
The sniper implicated himself. He didn't care whether he was seen or not.
The police would find the rifle so he didn't bother picking up the shells.
LHO was lucky to escape the building and get away. He would live little
while longer to kill again.
A shame he wasn't anywhere near the 6th floor window when the shooting
Post by clavigerPost by clavigerWe know Brennan and Euins reported to police immediately after shots were
fired. They were in the same area during the shooting, but Brennan was
closer to the TSBD. Brennan and Euins are the only two witnesses who
claim to see the person behind the rifle. One witness claimed to see a
man in the 6th floor window before the parade came by. He said the guy
was looking down Elm St toward the Triple Underpass. So Brennan and Ruins
are the only witnesses to give a description of the sniper immediately
after the shooting.
Euins was unable to give a decent description because he was unable to get a good view from his location,
Not true at all.
Then tell us what you think IS true.
Post by clavigerwhich was basically the same as Brennan's, though a bit closer than Brennan
until he hid behind the end of wall. Brennan should not have been able to give
a good description either.
Nonsense. No one was in a better position than Brennan. He was sitting
on a structure that gave him a clear view of the parade and building
across the street. We can see him well above the crowd where he had an
unobstructed view of the 6th floor window. A much better position closer
to the TSBD than Johnny Powell.
Having a good view doesn't mean that a person can see into the window in
question, and when a person nearby with normal vision cannot see into the
window very well, then the first person can't either. Whether sun or
other obstruction, Brennan couldn't see in the 6th floor window too well.
Remember that he thought the rifle which was stuck out the window had NO
scope on it.
Post by clavigerEuins saw a man with a bald spot, and wasn't sure if he was black or white.
How did Brennan see better than that if the conditions were so bad that Euins
saw so little?
So bad?! It was a bright sunshine day with the sun at their back. LHO
was sitting in the corner partially visible from the street. Brennan
stayed in one place the whole time while Euins ducked for cover when he
heard gunfire. All Brennan had to do is simply look up when hearing the
loud noise coming from above. By remaining stationary he was able to
focus on the man in the window firing shots at the motorcade.
Think about that. The "sun at their back"! That means the sun would
hit the 6th floor window and be reflected down to the ground making it
hard to see into the window. And at 12:30pm the sun would be almost
higher than any other time of the day. And poor Oswald wasn't sitting in
the corner because he was proved to be elsewhere. Of course, Brennan
wanted fame and fortune, so he wanted to be the one that IDed the
criminal, so he used his view of Oswald from the TV that he saw twice and
he used the help ho got from the DPD cop before the lineup and tried to
look like a hero. Brennan even wrote a book to make money.
Post by clavigerWe can see him above the crowd with an unobstructed view of the parade and
You have no idea whether he has an "unobstructed view" or not. Was the
sun in his eyes, was the window too dirty? Amos Euins near him could not
make out the huge amount of detail that Brennan said he saw.
Post by claviger
Howard Donahue believed the first shot came at Z-189. Another researcher
thinks Z-190.
Since the Z-film was proven to have ben altered, how can you use it for
Post by clavigerAnd of course, as we now know, Brennan admits to having seen the
perpetrator on TV twice before he went down to the lineup,
And instantly recognized him as the person in the 6th floor window.
and was told which person Oswald was in the lineup before he did his ID.
We know the real story. It's been posted on the Newsgroup.
Further proof that Brennan didn't see what he said he did was that he said
there was NO scope on the rifle when it was stuck out of the window.
The front part of the rifle protruded out the window. The scope was on
the back part of the rifle.
Check out the testimony. The rifle was out far enough out to see a
Post by clavigerOnly a lawyer worked on him to get him to say he wasn't sure about the scope.
It doesn't matter. This witness saw a man with a rifle in the 6th floor
window and heard shots fired from that location. So did 3 employees one
floor below. So did Amos Euins.
You have no clue whether Brennan saw someone in the window or not.
and the truth was given by Brennan himself. He's disqualified.
Post by clavigerThat is called c o r r o b o r a t i o n. Look it up in the dictionary.
Four other witnesses confirm Brennan got it right. LHO was the sniper in
that window, not Mac Wallace.
WHOA! Cites and links please for the 4 witnesses that saw Oswald in
the window. Or was it simply SOMEONE in the window?
Post by clavigerSad, dead 'patsy'.
What is sad this 'patsy' killed two good men that day leaving 5 children
fatherless and his own two children, who had to grow up with the shame of
knowing their birth father was an assassin and murderer. Thankfully
Marina married Kenneth Porter, who was a good father to the children LHO
Poor dead 'patsy'...innocent but killed anyway and then made guilty by