JFK in Trauma Room One: A Witness Remembers
(too old to reply)
Donald Roberdeau
2020-11-26 01:05:30 UTC
Good Day.... FYI .... https://www.medpagetoday.com/emergencymedicine/emergencymedicine/89772?fbclid=IwAR3zOv5CS7u-iZDZ5Qu883luGYHVbWporeW6egcp2X-8pw8Bm_T6ia0t7Tc


JFK in Trauma Room One: A Witness Remembers

— At just 25, Joe Goldstrich, MD, was the youngest member of the
Ke= nnedy treatment team

by Randy Dotinga, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today November 18, 2020

( PHOTO Loading Image... )

Earlier this month, MedPage Today published an article about a
presentation at the annual conference of the American College of Emergency
Physicians regarding the treatment of President John F. Kennedy in the
emergency room of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 --
57 years ago this month. Retired Iowa cardiologist Joe Goldstrich, MD,
responded in the article's comments, noting that he was "the most junior
person actively participating in the JFK resuscitation efforts."

MedPage Today confirmed that Goldstrich was present in Trauma Room One and
reached out to the physician, who is now an advocate for medical cannabis.
In an interview, Goldstrich – 25 years old then and 82 now --
spoke about treating the president, nearly treating his assassin, and his
one regret.

MedPage Today: What do you remember about Nov. 22, 1963?

Joe Goldstrich, MD: I was a fourth-year medical student on my neurosurgery
rotation at Parkland Hospital. Early that morning, we performed an
anterior cervical discectomy on a patient. It was the first time this
procedure had been done at Parkland. Dr. Kemp Clark, who was the head of
neurosurgery, said the main complication that concerned him for this
procedure was that there might be bleeding and it could obstruct the
airway, and the patient might need a tracheotomy.

He asked me: Do you know how to do a tracheotomy? And I said yes. Well, I
had done one on a cadaver, but I wasn't really an expert. So I spent the
whole morning in the library reading up on tracheotomies, and I checked in
on the patient a couple of times to see if he was doing OK.

Then there was a STAT page for Dr. Clark around 12 noon. I was in the
cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital eating lunch. My first
thought was that the reason they were paging Dr. Clark was that this
patient had bled and now has obstruction of his airway. And I'm gonna have
to do a tracheotomy.

I ran up five or six flights of stairs to the floor where the patient was,
and I burst into the room. He was sitting in bed, reading a magazine. I
said, "Oh, thank God you're OK. You're fine. They're paging Dr. Clark
STAT, and I had no idea what it was and thought it might have been you."
He said, "I don't know," but he pointed out the window to where the
Kennedy motorcade was pulling into the entrance of the hospital. "Maybe it
has something to do with those limousines that are going into the

I ran down the stairs to the emergency room. I was in my scrubs from the
morning. There was already a Secret Service agent at the door. I said
"Goldstrich, neurosurgery," and he let me right in. I got into the
emergency room at the same time as JFK was entering on a gurney.

( PHOTO Loading Image... )
(PHOTO CAPTION)Retired Iowa cardiologist, Joe Goldstrich, MD
Did you realize the patient was Kennedy?

I knew that it was. I don't remember exactly how, but I knew.

What was your job in Trauma Room One?

I helped move him from the gurney to the treatment table and then undress

I was also the chief gofer. I went to get the defibrillator, which was
about the size of a single-door refrigerator. I pushed it on the casters
back from another part of the emergency room to Trauma Room One.

What struck you about his condition?

I saw the wound in the lower part of his neck. I looked in the neck wound
and saw the cartilage of the trachea on the back side through the hole. I
do not remember whether instruments had [yet] been used to expand the
wound. I am clear, however, that I saw the posterior aspect of the

What happened next?

Within a few minutes, there were a number of people in Trauma Room One.

When Dr. Clark walked in, [emergency room director] Dr. Charlie Baxter was
doing closed-chest cardiac compressions on JFK. Dr. Clark saw the head
wound and said something like, "My God, Charlie, what are you doing? His
brains are on the floor."

At that moment I was standing on the left side of Kennedy. And Jackie
[Kennedy] was further back on his right side, in a corner. Dr. Clark had
not seen Jackie. When he did see her, I was right between them. I saw her
expression when she heard what he had said. That's another moment that's
indelibly imprinted on my brain, unfortunately.

What did you see?

Jackie was in shock, like a deer in the headlights. She was surprised that
someone spoke so bluntly about what was going on.

Do you think Kennedy was alive when he reached the hospital?

He was dead on arrival, in all likelihood. I'm not the expert on that.
That's just my humble, amateur opinion.

You didn't talk publicly about assisting in Trauma Room One until you
appeared in the 1993 book JFK: Breaking the Silence. How come?

Because I was afraid. There were so many people who were associated with
the assassination who had died, sometimes by questionable means. Then this
guy [author Bill Sloan] tracked me down and wanted an interview. He called
me a couple of times, and I said no. And then when he called me again, and
I said to myself, "Well, maybe this professional writer can help me with
the book that I was writing [about antioxidants and heart disease]."

I gave him the interview. It turned out he knew nothing about medicine,
and he was no help whatsoever. But that's what drew me out of my shell.

At first, you believed that JFK was shot in the throat from the front, suggesting the possibility of a second shooter. What changed your mind?

When I first saw that wound in Trauma Room One, I did not know anything
about ballistics and entrance and exit wounds. Then I went into the army
in 1965, and I was stationed in the Dominican Republic. After a crash
course in entrance and exit wounds by the field hospital commander, I was
sent to examine the wound of a Dominican who'd been shot by an American
MP. Based on what I had learned, it was clear to me that the Dominican was
shot in the back. In that moment, I realized that JFK's throat wound was
probably an entrance wound because the margins were so clean and the wound
was so small.

But over the past couple of years, I spent a considerable amount of time watching the Zapruder film. After watching it over and over again, I realized it would be impossible for someone from the front to shoot Kennedy simultaneously with [Lee Harvey] Oswald shooting from behind the president. That's when I changed my mind. However, no one will ever know for sure.

Do you think JFK got excellent care?

Absolutely. He got state-of-the-art care. As students, we were told that Parkland had some of the best survival rates in the whole country for trauma patients. This was supposedly due to Dr. Tom Shires, the chief of surgery, popularizing the use of intravenous fluids acutely rather than blood transfusions. The staff and residents in the emergency room were successfully working with trauma patients on a daily basis. At least, that is what I was told as a medical student back then.

Were you a fan of the president?

I loved him. I resonated with his philosophy and his agenda. I guess I was a major JFK fan.

There's something else: One my best friends growing up in Dallas was named Henry Zapruder. His father was Abraham Zapruder [the Dallas dressmaker who shot the famous film of the assassination.] I knew the Zapruders very well, and had been in their home many times. [Editor's note: MedPage Today reached out to the Zapruder family, which confirms the close friendship.]

What did you do after JFK was declared dead?

I went into the surgical dressing room and probably put on my street clothes. Then I went outside. There was a big crowd across the street in front of the nursing school dormitory. I just went and mingled in that crowd. I didn't say a word. I didn't tell anybody that I was there. I just listened to what they said. And then I went home.

It must have been a shock to my immune system. On Saturday [Nov. 23] the next day, I had a bad case of the flu when I woke up. But I was on call on surgery on Sunday [Nov. 24], and I came to the hospital even though I was sick.

A third-year student named Nick Grivas, who went on to become a neurosurgeon, was also on surgery call that day. I told Nick, "I'm gonna go to the call room and get some rest because I'm not feeling well. But if anything happens, come wake me up."

When I woke up from my nap and came out into the surgical area, people were running around. I learned that Oswald had been shot and was being operated on. Nick Grivas had scrubbed in my place.

Do you have any regrets about those moments in Trauma Room One?

Yes. When I looked at JFK's throat wound, my thoughts were that it was not necessary to expand the hole for the tracheotomy. They could have put the tracheotomy tube directly into the hole without the incisions that were done. I wanted to say that when they started to do the tracheotomy: "You don't have to do that."

But remember, I was the most junior person in the room. These were my professors, surgeons and residents who were years ahead of me in their training. So I did not say, "Just put it in the hole, you don't have to do any cutting." That would have preserved the nature of the wound, making it more amenable to determining whether it was an entrance or an exit wound.

But I didn't say anything. I regret that.

Last Updated November 18, 2020


Best Regards in 112263 Research,


Donald Roberdeau
United States Navy
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly

For your key considerations + independent determinations....

Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination
Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries,
Suspects, + Key Considerations....

The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise
Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers,
Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, +
Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource....
Loading Image...
(updated map, + with new information)

Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's
Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly
Towards the Grassy Knoll....

Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While
JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....
Loading Image...

Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D.: the Real World, versus,
Loading Image...

T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore

Terrorism Alert For the United States:
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John Corbett
2020-11-26 23:40:09 UTC
Just a couple points.

JFK was technically still alive when he arrived at Parkland. He had a
heartbeat and irregular breathing. He had no chance of surviving and
probably died before the official time of 1:00pm. Father Huber said he
administered the last rights before 1:00 and he was already covered up
when he did that.

This guy's experience in the Dominican Republic still didn't make him an
expert in ballistics, entrance and exit wounds. The reason exit wounds are
usually not clean is because a soft nosed or hollow point bullet will
deform and make a larger jagged wound upon exit. A full metal jacket
bullet like the one Oswald fired will not deform when hitting soft tissue
and can make as clear a wound upon exit as they do when entering a body.
Anthony Marsh
2020-11-28 21:01:17 UTC
Post by John Corbett
Just a couple points.
JFK was technically still alive when he arrived at Parkland. He had a
heartbeat and irregular breathing. He had no chance of surviving and
probably died before the official time of 1:00pm. Father Huber said he
administered the last rights before 1:00 and he was already covered up
when he did that.
This guy's experience in the Dominican Republic still didn't make him an
expert in ballistics, entrance and exit wounds. The reason exit wounds are
usually not clean is because a soft nosed or hollow point bullet will
deform and make a larger jagged wound upon exit. A full metal jacket
bullet like the one Oswald fired will not deform when hitting soft tissue
and can make as clear a wound upon exit as they do when entering a body.
Yes, plus the bullet exited the shirt collar which was buttonned and
would keep the skin tight.
Anthony Marsh
2020-11-27 21:19:29 UTC
Post by Donald Roberdeau
Good Day.... FYI .... https://www.medpagetoday.com/emergencymedicine/emergencymedicine/89772?fbclid=IwAR3zOv5CS7u-iZDZ5Qu883luGYHVbWporeW6egcp2X-8pw8Bm_T6ia0t7Tc
JFK in Trauma Room One: A Witness Remembers
??? At just 25, Joe Goldstrich, MD, was the youngest member of the
Ke=nedy treatment team
by Randy Dotinga, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today November 18, 2020
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.net/media/images/89xxx/89772.jpg )
Earlier this month, MedPage Today published an article about a
presentation at the annual conference of the American College of Emergency
Physicians regarding the treatment of President John F. Kennedy in the
emergency room of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 --
57 years ago this month. Retired Iowa cardiologist Joe Goldstrich, MD,
responded in the article's comments, noting that he was "the most junior
person actively participating in the JFK resuscitation efforts."
MedPage Today confirmed that Goldstrich was present in Trauma Room One and
reached out to the physician, who is now an advocate for medical cannabis.
In an interview, Goldstrich ??? 25 years old then and 82 now --
spoke about treating the president, nearly treating his assassin, and his
one regret.
MedPage Today: What do you remember about Nov. 22, 1963?
Joe Goldstrich, MD: I was a fourth-year medical student on my neurosurgery
rotation at Parkland Hospital. Early that morning, we performed an
anterior cervical discectomy on a patient. It was the first time this
procedure had been done at Parkland. Dr. Kemp Clark, who was the head of
neurosurgery, said the main complication that concerned him for this
procedure was that there might be bleeding and it could obstruct the
airway, and the patient might need a tracheotomy.
He asked me: Do you know how to do a tracheotomy? And I said yes. Well, I
had done one on a cadaver, but I wasn't really an expert. So I spent the
whole morning in the library reading up on tracheotomies, and I checked in
on the patient a couple of times to see if he was doing OK.
Then there was a STAT page for Dr. Clark around 12 noon. I was in the
cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital eating lunch. My first
thought was that the reason they were paging Dr. Clark was that this
patient had bled and now has obstruction of his airway. And I'm gonna have
to do a tracheotomy.
I ran up five or six flights of stairs to the floor where the patient was,
and I burst into the room. He was sitting in bed, reading a magazine. I
said, "Oh, thank God you're OK. You're fine. They're paging Dr. Clark
STAT, and I had no idea what it was and thought it might have been you."
He said, "I don't know," but he pointed out the window to where the
Kennedy motorcade was pulling into the entrance of the hospital. "Maybe it
has something to do with those limousines that are going into the
I ran down the stairs to the emergency room. I was in my scrubs from the
morning. There was already a Secret Service agent at the door. I said
"Goldstrich, neurosurgery," and he let me right in. I got into the
emergency room at the same time as JFK was entering on a gurney.
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.com/media/images/articles/Goldstrich_720.jpg )
(PHOTO CAPTION)Retired Iowa cardiologist, Joe Goldstrich, MD
Did you realize the patient was Kennedy?
I knew that it was. I don't remember exactly how, but I knew.
What was your job in Trauma Room One?
I helped move him from the gurney to the treatment table and then undress
I was also the chief gofer. I went to get the defibrillator, which was
about the size of a single-door refrigerator. I pushed it on the casters
back from another part of the emergency room to Trauma Room One.
What struck you about his condition?
I saw the wound in the lower part of his neck. I looked in the neck wound
and saw the cartilage of the trachea on the back side through the hole. I
do not remember whether instruments had [yet] been used to expand the
wound. I am clear, however, that I saw the posterior aspect of the
What happened next?
Within a few minutes, there were a number of people in Trauma Room One.
When Dr. Clark walked in, [emergency room director] Dr. Charlie Baxter was
doing closed-chest cardiac compressions on JFK. Dr. Clark saw the head
wound and said something like, "My God, Charlie, what are you doing? His
brains are on the floor."
At that moment I was standing on the left side of Kennedy. And Jackie
[Kennedy] was further back on his right side, in a corner. Dr. Clark had
not seen Jackie. When he did see her, I was right between them. I saw her
expression when she heard what he had said. That's another moment that's
indelibly imprinted on my brain, unfortunately.
What did you see?
Jackie was in shock, like a deer in the headlights. She was surprised that
someone spoke so bluntly about what was going on.
Do you think Kennedy was alive when he reached the hospital?
He was dead on arrival, in all likelihood. I'm not the expert on that.
That's just my humble, amateur opinion.
You didn't talk publicly about assisting in Trauma Room One until you
appeared in the 1993 book JFK: Breaking the Silence. How come?
Because I was afraid. There were so many people who were associated with
the assassination who had died, sometimes by questionable means. Then this
guy [author Bill Sloan] tracked me down and wanted an interview. He called
me a couple of times, and I said no. And then when he called me again, and
I said to myself, "Well, maybe this professional writer can help me with
the book that I was writing [about antioxidants and heart disease]."
I gave him the interview. It turned out he knew nothing about medicine,
and he was no help whatsoever. But that's what drew me out of my shell.
At first, you believed that JFK was shot in the throat from the front, suggesting the possibility of a second shooter. What changed your mind?
When I first saw that wound in Trauma Room One, I did not know anything
about ballistics and entrance and exit wounds. Then I went into the army
in 1965, and I was stationed in the Dominican Republic. After a crash
course in entrance and exit wounds by the field hospital commander, I was
sent to examine the wound of a Dominican who'd been shot by an American
MP. Based on what I had learned, it was clear to me that the Dominican was
shot in the back. In that moment, I realized that JFK's throat wound was
probably an entrance wound because the margins were so clean and the wound
was so small.
But over the past couple of years, I spent a considerable amount of time watching the Zapruder film. After watching it over and over again, I realized it would be impossible for someone from the front to shoot Kennedy simultaneously with [Lee Harvey] Oswald shooting from behind the president. That's when I changed my mind. However, no one will ever know for sure.
Do you think JFK got excellent care?
Absolutely. He got state-of-the-art care. As students, we were told that Parkland had some of the best survival rates in the whole country for trauma patients. This was supposedly due to Dr. Tom Shires, the chief of surgery, popularizing the use of intravenous fluids acutely rather than blood transfusions. The staff and residents in the emergency room were successfully working with trauma patients on a daily basis. At least, that is what I was told as a medical student back then.
Were you a fan of the president?
I loved him. I resonated with his philosophy and his agenda. I guess I was a major JFK fan.
There's something else: One my best friends growing up in Dallas was
named Henry Zapruder. His father was Abraham Zapruder [the Dallas
dressmaker who shot the famous film of the assassination.] I knew the
Zapruders very well, and had been in their home many times. [Editor's
note: MedPage Today reached out to the Zapruder family, which confirms
the close friendship.]
What did you do after JFK was declared dead?
I went into the surgical dressing room and probably put on my street
clothes. Then I went outside. There was a big crowd across the street in
front of the nursing school dormitory. I just went and mingled in that
crowd. I didn't say a word. I didn't tell anybody that I was there. I
just listened to what they said. And then I went home.
It must have been a shock to my immune system. On Saturday [Nov. 23] the
next day, I had a bad case of the flu when I woke up. But I was on call
on surgery on Sunday [Nov. 24], and I came to the hospital even though I
was sick.
A third-year student named Nick Grivas, who went on to become a
neurosurgeon, was also on surgery call that day. I told Nick, "I'm gonna
go to the call room and get some rest because I'm not feeling well. But
if anything happens, come wake me up."
When I woke up from my nap and came out into the surgical area, people
were running around. I learned that Oswald had been shot and was being
operated on. Nick Grivas had scrubbed in my place.
Do you have any regrets about those moments in Trauma Room One?
Yes. When I looked at JFK's throat wound, my thoughts were that it was
not necessary to expand the hole for the tracheotomy. They could have
put the tracheotomy tube directly into the hole without the incisions
that were done. I wanted to say that when they started to do the
tracheotomy: "You don't have to do that."
But remember, I was the most junior person in the room. These were my
professors, surgeons and residents who were years ahead of me in their
training. So I did not say, "Just put it in the hole, you don't have to
do any cutting." That would have preserved the nature of the wound,
making it more amenable to determining whether it was an entrance or an
exit wound.
But I didn't say anything. I regret that.
Last Updated November 18, 2020
Best Regards in 112263 Research,
Donald Roberdeau
United States Navy
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly
For your key considerations + independent determinations....
Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination
Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries,
Suspects, + Key Considerations....
The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise
Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers,
Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, +
Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource....
(updated map, + with new information)
Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's
Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly
Towards the Grassy Knoll....
Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While
JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....
Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D.: the Real World, versus,
T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open

The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound. You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.

Right now I am working on a manikin to display that if you want to help.
John Corbett
2020-11-28 21:01:41 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Right now I am working on a manikin to display that if you want to help.
Oh, goody.
Anthony Marsh
2020-11-30 04:31:45 UTC
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
False. You are just a science denier, which is why we have so many dead
people now as I predicted at the bginnining of the year.
Trump kills.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Right now I am working on a manikin to display that if you want to help.
Oh, goody.
John McAdams
2020-11-30 04:37:23 UTC
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.

Loading Image...

John Corbett
2020-11-30 14:33:39 UTC
Post by John McAdams
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.
Dr. Bob Artwohl was part of our old Prodigy group back in the early 1990s
before Prodigy's change in pricing policy made it to too expensive to
continue. They allowed only a small number of posts each month before they
would start charging per post and that made the cost prohibitive. Bob
joined the group as a CT but ended up becoming an LN.

There were a number of people from that old prodigy group that joined this
one but left before I came. Martin Shackelford was one. Jean Davison was
another although she occasionally still posted here after I joined. I
can't remember when I last saw a post from her. Hank tells me he joined
that Prodigy group late and I vaguely remember his name.
Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
2020-12-02 03:50:12 UTC
Post by John Corbett
Post by John McAdams
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.
Dr. Bob Artwohl was part of our old Prodigy group back in the early 1990s
before Prodigy's change in pricing policy made it to too expensive to
continue. They allowed only a small number of posts each month before they
would start charging per post and that made the cost prohibitive. Bob
joined the group as a CT but ended up becoming an LN.
There were a number of people from that old prodigy group that joined this
one but left before I came. Martin Shackelford was one. Jean Davison was
another although she occasionally still posted here after I joined. I
can't remember when I last saw a post from her. Hank tells me he joined
that Prodigy group late and I vaguely remember his name.
When we discussed this a while ago, I asked if you remembered being asked
by me if you were any relation to Boston Corbett, the man who shot John
Wilkes Booth. You remembered being asked that, but not who asked it. But
that was me.

Somebody told me when I joined that I was getting to the party just when
it was breaking up. I don't recall who said that either.

I do recall one CT arguing that Bob Artwohl's name was not his real name,
it was an alias, and it spelled out Lee Harvey Oswald Was The Real
Assassin backwards (LHOWTRA ~ ARTWOHL). But last I looked, Bob Artwohl is
still his real name and he was still practicing medicine in Alaska.

John Corbett
2020-12-02 15:24:18 UTC
Post by Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
Post by John Corbett
Post by John McAdams
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.
Dr. Bob Artwohl was part of our old Prodigy group back in the early 1990s
before Prodigy's change in pricing policy made it to too expensive to
continue. They allowed only a small number of posts each month before they
would start charging per post and that made the cost prohibitive. Bob
joined the group as a CT but ended up becoming an LN.
There were a number of people from that old prodigy group that joined this
one but left before I came. Martin Shackelford was one. Jean Davison was
another although she occasionally still posted here after I joined. I
can't remember when I last saw a post from her. Hank tells me he joined
that Prodigy group late and I vaguely remember his name.
When we discussed this a while ago, I asked if you remembered being asked
by me if you were any relation to Boston Corbett, the man who shot John
Wilkes Booth. You remembered being asked that, but not who asked it. But
that was me.
Somebody told me when I joined that I was getting to the party just when
it was breaking up. I don't recall who said that either.
I do recall one CT arguing that Bob Artwohl's name was not his real name,
it was an alias, and it spelled out Lee Harvey Oswald Was The Real
Assassin backwards (LHOWTRA ~ ARTWOHL). But last I looked, Bob Artwohl is
still his real name and he was still practicing medicine in Alaska.
This was before you joined and while Bob was still a CT but he wrote about
being at a medical conference that Dr. Perry attended and they ended up at
the same table for lunch. The subject of the assassination came up and
Perry was reluctant to talk about it. Bob wrote that his impression was
that Perry had something he wanted to say but dared not. Like I said, that
was while he was still a CT.
John Corbett
2020-12-02 15:24:29 UTC
Post by Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
Post by John Corbett
Post by John McAdams
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.
Dr. Bob Artwohl was part of our old Prodigy group back in the early 1990s
before Prodigy's change in pricing policy made it to too expensive to
continue. They allowed only a small number of posts each month before they
would start charging per post and that made the cost prohibitive. Bob
joined the group as a CT but ended up becoming an LN.
There were a number of people from that old prodigy group that joined this
one but left before I came. Martin Shackelford was one. Jean Davison was
another although she occasionally still posted here after I joined. I
can't remember when I last saw a post from her. Hank tells me he joined
that Prodigy group late and I vaguely remember his name.
When we discussed this a while ago, I asked if you remembered being asked
by me if you were any relation to Boston Corbett, the man who shot John
Wilkes Booth. You remembered being asked that, but not who asked it. But
that was me.
Somebody told me when I joined that I was getting to the party just when
it was breaking up. I don't recall who said that either.
I do recall one CT arguing that Bob Artwohl's name was not his real name,
it was an alias, and it spelled out Lee Harvey Oswald Was The Real
Assassin backwards (LHOWTRA ~ ARTWOHL). But last I looked, Bob Artwohl is
still his real name and he was still practicing medicine in Alaska.

The author of this article from Rossley's website was another member of
our Prodigy group. I'm asking John McAdams if he had ever been a
contributor in this group or if he has articles by Michael Griffith on his

I know when I have done Google searches in the past, articles by him
occasionally still pop up.
Anthony Marsh
2020-12-01 03:19:54 UTC
Post by John McAdams
On 30 Nov 2020 04:31:45 -0000, Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Actually, you can.
Artwohl lies.
The rear wound was lower, on the back, not the neck.
The WC also lied and you know that Ford rewrote the report to change
John Corbett
2020-11-30 14:33:42 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
False. You are just a science denier, which is why we have so many dead
people now as I predicted at the bginnining of the year.
Trump kills.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Arlen Specter demonstrated the downward trajectory of the bullet in the WC
photo in which SS agents took the place of JFK and JBC. The rod clearly
showed that the exit wound was below the level of the entrance wound.
There is no way that bullet could have gone upward and no way it could
have avoided striking someone or something in front of JFK.

Loading Image...

Pretend you've never seen this photo before and continue to ignore it.
Anthony Marsh
2020-12-01 03:19:57 UTC
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
False. You are just a science denier, which is why we have so many dead
people now as I predicted at the bginnining of the year.
Trump kills.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Arlen Specter demonstrated the downward trajectory of the bullet in the WC
photo in which SS agents took the place of JFK and JBC. The rod clearly
He lied. He placed rhe rod ABOVE rhe back.
Post by John Corbett
showed that the exit wound was below the level of the entrance wound.
There is no way that bullet could have gone upward and no way it could
have avoided striking someone or something in front of JFK.
Something? OK, how about the chrome topping?
Mark Furhnan speculated that the bullet exited the throat and hit the
chrome topping.

Loading Image...
Post by John Corbett
Pretend you've never seen this photo before and continue to ignore it.
You mean the one I posted on my Website?
John Corbett
2020-12-01 16:43:05 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
False. You are just a science denier, which is why we have so many dead
people now as I predicted at the bginnining of the year.
Trump kills.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Arlen Specter demonstrated the downward trajectory of the bullet in the WC
photo in which SS agents took the place of JFK and JBC. The rod clearly
He lied. He placed rhe rod ABOVE rhe back.
Post by John Corbett
showed that the exit wound was below the level of the entrance wound.
There is no way that bullet could have gone upward and no way it could
have avoided striking someone or something in front of JFK.
Something? OK, how about the chrome topping?
Not possible with the bullet going downward.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Mark Furhnan speculated that the bullet exited the throat and hit the
chrome topping.
Fuhrman is as wrong as you.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Fuhrman is correct JFK wasn't leaning over. He was hunched over. Rather
than the spine being vertical, it is curved which would help relieve
pressure on the vertebrae in the lower back.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Pretend you've never seen this photo before and continue to ignore it.
You mean the one I posted on my Website?
You've posted it and then ignored it. Specter is holding the rod so it is
at the level of the entrance wound in the back and the exit wound in the
front and is clearly point downward toward the entrance wound on JBC's
back. How do you explain that?
Anthony Marsh
2020-12-02 03:50:09 UTC
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
I think a much more likely explanation is that has fluids continued to
drain from his body post mortem, the body became dehydrated causing a neat
little incision to open wider.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound.
The acoustical evidence proves nothing because the recording was not even
made during the shooting. You can cling to that myth all you want because
it's really all you have, but that doesn't change the fact the conclusions
drawn from it were made under a false assumption.
False. You are just a science denier, which is why we have so many dead
people now as I predicted at the bginnining of the year.
Trump kills.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Good luck finding a real ballistics expert or forensic pathologist who
shares your opinion. The bullet might grazed T-1 but it was not enough to
deflect the bullet upward.
Yes, it did.
You can't draw a straight line at a downward angle from the baxk wound
to the throat wound.
Arlen Specter demonstrated the downward trajectory of the bullet in the WC
photo in which SS agents took the place of JFK and JBC. The rod clearly
He lied. He placed rhe rod ABOVE rhe back.
Post by John Corbett
showed that the exit wound was below the level of the entrance wound.
There is no way that bullet could have gone upward and no way it could
have avoided striking someone or something in front of JFK.
Something? OK, how about the chrome topping?
Not possible with the bullet going downward.
In real life bullets sometimes deflect off bone.
If it had not deflected it would ha gone through T-1.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Mark Furhnan speculated that the bullet exited the throat and hit the
chrome topping.
Fuhrman is as wrong as you.
Of course Furhman is wrong and I didn't make up that theory.
Post by John Corbett
Post by Anthony Marsh
Fuhrman is correct JFK wasn't leaning over. He was hunched over. Rather
No. We can SEE him sitting upright BEFORE he was hit. YOU have a thory
that someone fold him to lean over before the shot?
Post by John Corbett
than the spine being vertical, it is curved which would help relieve
pressure on the vertebrae in the lower back.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by John Corbett
Pretend you've never seen this photo before and continue to ignore it.
You mean the one I posted on my Website?
You've posted it and then ignored it. Specter is holding the rod so it is
at the level of the entrance wound in the back and the exit wound in the
No. Are you blind? The rod is above the back.
Post by John Corbett
front and is clearly point downward toward the entrance wound on JBC's
back. How do you explain that?
All lies.
Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
2020-12-02 03:50:15 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Donald Roberdeau
Good Day.... FYI .... https://www.medpagetoday.com/emergencymedicine/emergencymedicine/89772?fbclid=IwAR3zOv5CS7u-iZDZ5Qu883luGYHVbWporeW6egcp2X-8pw8Bm_T6ia0t7Tc
JFK in Trauma Room One: A Witness Remembers
??? At just 25, Joe Goldstrich, MD, was the youngest member of the
Ke=nedy treatment team
by Randy Dotinga, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today November 18, 2020
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.net/media/images/89xxx/89772.jpg )
Earlier this month, MedPage Today published an article about a
presentation at the annual conference of the American College of Emergency
Physicians regarding the treatment of President John F. Kennedy in the
emergency room of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 --
57 years ago this month. Retired Iowa cardiologist Joe Goldstrich, MD,
responded in the article's comments, noting that he was "the most junior
person actively participating in the JFK resuscitation efforts."
MedPage Today confirmed that Goldstrich was present in Trauma Room One and
reached out to the physician, who is now an advocate for medical cannabis.
In an interview, Goldstrich ??? 25 years old then and 82 now --
spoke about treating the president, nearly treating his assassin, and his
one regret.
MedPage Today: What do you remember about Nov. 22, 1963?
Joe Goldstrich, MD: I was a fourth-year medical student on my neurosurgery
rotation at Parkland Hospital. Early that morning, we performed an
anterior cervical discectomy on a patient. It was the first time this
procedure had been done at Parkland. Dr. Kemp Clark, who was the head of
neurosurgery, said the main complication that concerned him for this
procedure was that there might be bleeding and it could obstruct the
airway, and the patient might need a tracheotomy.
He asked me: Do you know how to do a tracheotomy? And I said yes. Well, I
had done one on a cadaver, but I wasn't really an expert. So I spent the
whole morning in the library reading up on tracheotomies, and I checked in
on the patient a couple of times to see if he was doing OK.
Then there was a STAT page for Dr. Clark around 12 noon. I was in the
cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital eating lunch. My first
thought was that the reason they were paging Dr. Clark was that this
patient had bled and now has obstruction of his airway. And I'm gonna have
to do a tracheotomy.
I ran up five or six flights of stairs to the floor where the patient was,
and I burst into the room. He was sitting in bed, reading a magazine. I
said, "Oh, thank God you're OK. You're fine. They're paging Dr. Clark
STAT, and I had no idea what it was and thought it might have been you."
He said, "I don't know," but he pointed out the window to where the
Kennedy motorcade was pulling into the entrance of the hospital. "Maybe it
has something to do with those limousines that are going into the
I ran down the stairs to the emergency room. I was in my scrubs from the
morning. There was already a Secret Service agent at the door. I said
"Goldstrich, neurosurgery," and he let me right in. I got into the
emergency room at the same time as JFK was entering on a gurney.
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.com/media/images/articles/Goldstrich_720.jpg )
(PHOTO CAPTION)Retired Iowa cardiologist, Joe Goldstrich, MD
Did you realize the patient was Kennedy?
I knew that it was. I don't remember exactly how, but I knew.
What was your job in Trauma Room One?
I helped move him from the gurney to the treatment table and then undress
I was also the chief gofer. I went to get the defibrillator, which was
about the size of a single-door refrigerator. I pushed it on the casters
back from another part of the emergency room to Trauma Room One.
What struck you about his condition?
I saw the wound in the lower part of his neck. I looked in the neck wound
and saw the cartilage of the trachea on the back side through the hole. I
do not remember whether instruments had [yet] been used to expand the
wound. I am clear, however, that I saw the posterior aspect of the
What happened next?
Within a few minutes, there were a number of people in Trauma Room One.
When Dr. Clark walked in, [emergency room director] Dr. Charlie Baxter was
doing closed-chest cardiac compressions on JFK. Dr. Clark saw the head
wound and said something like, "My God, Charlie, what are you doing? His
brains are on the floor."
At that moment I was standing on the left side of Kennedy. And Jackie
[Kennedy] was further back on his right side, in a corner. Dr. Clark had
not seen Jackie. When he did see her, I was right between them. I saw her
expression when she heard what he had said. That's another moment that's
indelibly imprinted on my brain, unfortunately.
What did you see?
Jackie was in shock, like a deer in the headlights. She was surprised that
someone spoke so bluntly about what was going on.
Do you think Kennedy was alive when he reached the hospital?
He was dead on arrival, in all likelihood. I'm not the expert on that.
That's just my humble, amateur opinion.
You didn't talk publicly about assisting in Trauma Room One until you
appeared in the 1993 book JFK: Breaking the Silence. How come?
Because I was afraid. There were so many people who were associated with
the assassination who had died, sometimes by questionable means. Then this
guy [author Bill Sloan] tracked me down and wanted an interview. He called
me a couple of times, and I said no. And then when he called me again, and
I said to myself, "Well, maybe this professional writer can help me with
the book that I was writing [about antioxidants and heart disease]."
I gave him the interview. It turned out he knew nothing about medicine,
and he was no help whatsoever. But that's what drew me out of my shell.
At first, you believed that JFK was shot in the throat from the front, suggesting the possibility of a second shooter. What changed your mind?
When I first saw that wound in Trauma Room One, I did not know anything
about ballistics and entrance and exit wounds. Then I went into the army
in 1965, and I was stationed in the Dominican Republic. After a crash
course in entrance and exit wounds by the field hospital commander, I was
sent to examine the wound of a Dominican who'd been shot by an American
MP. Based on what I had learned, it was clear to me that the Dominican was
shot in the back. In that moment, I realized that JFK's throat wound was
probably an entrance wound because the margins were so clean and the wound
was so small.
But over the past couple of years, I spent a considerable amount of time watching the Zapruder film. After watching it over and over again, I realized it would be impossible for someone from the front to shoot Kennedy simultaneously with [Lee Harvey] Oswald shooting from behind the president. That's when I changed my mind. However, no one will ever know for sure.
Do you think JFK got excellent care?
Absolutely. He got state-of-the-art care. As students, we were told that Parkland had some of the best survival rates in the whole country for trauma patients. This was supposedly due to Dr. Tom Shires, the chief of surgery, popularizing the use of intravenous fluids acutely rather than blood transfusions. The staff and residents in the emergency room were successfully working with trauma patients on a daily basis. At least, that is what I was told as a medical student back then.
Were you a fan of the president?
I loved him. I resonated with his philosophy and his agenda. I guess I
was a major JFK fan.
There's something else: One my best friends growing up in Dallas was
named Henry Zapruder. His father was Abraham Zapruder [the Dallas
dressmaker who shot the famous film of the assassination.] I knew the
Zapruders very well, and had been in their home many times. [Editor's
note: MedPage Today reached out to the Zapruder family, which confirms
the close friendship.]
What did you do after JFK was declared dead?
I went into the surgical dressing room and probably put on my street
clothes. Then I went outside. There was a big crowd across the street in
front of the nursing school dormitory. I just went and mingled in that
crowd. I didn't say a word. I didn't tell anybody that I was there. I
just listened to what they said. And then I went home.
It must have been a shock to my immune system. On Saturday [Nov. 23] the
next day, I had a bad case of the flu when I woke up. But I was on call
on surgery on Sunday [Nov. 24], and I came to the hospital even though I
was sick.
A third-year student named Nick Grivas, who went on to become a
neurosurgeon, was also on surgery call that day. I told Nick, "I'm gonna
go to the call room and get some rest because I'm not feeling well. But
if anything happens, come wake me up."
When I woke up from my nap and came out into the surgical area, people
were running around. I learned that Oswald had been shot and was being
operated on. Nick Grivas had scrubbed in my place.
Do you have any regrets about those moments in Trauma Room One?
Yes. When I looked at JFK's throat wound, my thoughts were that it was
not necessary to expand the hole for the tracheotomy. They could have
put the tracheotomy tube directly into the hole without the incisions
that were done. I wanted to say that when they started to do the
tracheotomy: "You don't have to do that."
But remember, I was the most junior person in the room. These were my
professors, surgeons and residents who were years ahead of me in their
training. So I did not say, "Just put it in the hole, you don't have to
do any cutting." That would have preserved the nature of the wound,
making it more amenable to determining whether it was an entrance or an
exit wound.
But I didn't say anything. I regret that.
Last Updated November 18, 2020
Best Regards in 112263 Research,
Donald Roberdeau
United States Navy
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly
For your key considerations + independent determinations....
Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination
Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries,
Suspects, + Key Considerations....
The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise
Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers,
Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, +
Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource....
(updated map, + with new information)
Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's
Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly
Towards the Grassy Knoll....
Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While
JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....
Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D.: the Real World, versus,
T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
You probably don't know anything about this, but Paul Krassner published
his own, different theory in the REALIST back in the 1960s about why the
wound got enlarged. It was called "The Parts That Were Left Out Of The
Kennedy Book".

Here's the original article:

Here's Krassner reminiscing about the good old days:

Here's the WIKI reference to the article:

Krassner's most notorious satire was the article "The Parts That Were Left
Out of the Kennedy Book", which followed the censorship of William
Manchester's book on the Kennedy assassination, The Death of a President.
At the climax of the grotesque-genre short-story, Lyndon B. Johnson is
described as having sexually penetrated the bullet-hole wound in the
throat of John F. Kennedy's corpse.[15] According to Elliot Feldman, "Some
members of the mainstream press and other Washington political wonks,
including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, actually believed this
incident to be true."[16] In a 1995 interview for the magazine Adbusters,
Krassner commented: "People across the country believed – if only
for a moment – that an act of presidential necrophilia had taken
place. It worked because Jackie Kennedy had created so much curiosity by
censoring the book she authorized – William Manchester's The Death
Of A President – because what I wrote was a metaphorical truth
about LBJ's personality presented in a literary context, and because the
imagery was so shocking, it broke through the notion that the war in
Vietnam was being conducted by sane men."[17]
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound. You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Right now I am working on a manikin to display that if you want to help.
Anthony Marsh
2020-12-03 04:26:08 UTC
Post by Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Donald Roberdeau
Good Day.... FYI .... https://www.medpagetoday.com/emergencymedicine/emergencymedicine/89772?fbclid=IwAR3zOv5CS7u-iZDZ5Qu883luGYHVbWporeW6egcp2X-8pw8Bm_T6ia0t7Tc
JFK in Trauma Room One: A Witness Remembers
??? At just 25, Joe Goldstrich, MD, was the youngest member of the
Ke=nedy treatment team
by Randy Dotinga, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today November 18, 2020
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.net/media/images/89xxx/89772.jpg )
Earlier this month, MedPage Today published an article about a
presentation at the annual conference of the American College of Emergency
Physicians regarding the treatment of President John F. Kennedy in the
emergency room of Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 --
57 years ago this month. Retired Iowa cardiologist Joe Goldstrich, MD,
responded in the article's comments, noting that he was "the most junior
person actively participating in the JFK resuscitation efforts."
MedPage Today confirmed that Goldstrich was present in Trauma Room One and
reached out to the physician, who is now an advocate for medical cannabis.
In an interview, Goldstrich ??? 25 years old then and 82 now --
spoke about treating the president, nearly treating his assassin, and his
one regret.
MedPage Today: What do you remember about Nov. 22, 1963?
Joe Goldstrich, MD: I was a fourth-year medical student on my neurosurgery
rotation at Parkland Hospital. Early that morning, we performed an
anterior cervical discectomy on a patient. It was the first time this
procedure had been done at Parkland. Dr. Kemp Clark, who was the head of
neurosurgery, said the main complication that concerned him for this
procedure was that there might be bleeding and it could obstruct the
airway, and the patient might need a tracheotomy.
He asked me: Do you know how to do a tracheotomy? And I said yes. Well, I
had done one on a cadaver, but I wasn't really an expert. So I spent the
whole morning in the library reading up on tracheotomies, and I checked in
on the patient a couple of times to see if he was doing OK.
Then there was a STAT page for Dr. Clark around 12 noon. I was in the
cafeteria on the first floor of the hospital eating lunch. My first
thought was that the reason they were paging Dr. Clark was that this
patient had bled and now has obstruction of his airway. And I'm gonna have
to do a tracheotomy.
I ran up five or six flights of stairs to the floor where the patient was,
and I burst into the room. He was sitting in bed, reading a magazine. I
said, "Oh, thank God you're OK. You're fine. They're paging Dr. Clark
STAT, and I had no idea what it was and thought it might have been you."
He said, "I don't know," but he pointed out the window to where the
Kennedy motorcade was pulling into the entrance of the hospital. "Maybe it
has something to do with those limousines that are going into the
I ran down the stairs to the emergency room. I was in my scrubs from the
morning. There was already a Secret Service agent at the door. I said
"Goldstrich, neurosurgery," and he let me right in. I got into the
emergency room at the same time as JFK was entering on a gurney.
( PHOTO https://clf1.medpagetoday.com/media/images/articles/Goldstrich_720.jpg )
(PHOTO CAPTION)Retired Iowa cardiologist, Joe Goldstrich, MD
Did you realize the patient was Kennedy?
I knew that it was. I don't remember exactly how, but I knew.
What was your job in Trauma Room One?
I helped move him from the gurney to the treatment table and then undress
I was also the chief gofer. I went to get the defibrillator, which was
about the size of a single-door refrigerator. I pushed it on the casters
back from another part of the emergency room to Trauma Room One.
What struck you about his condition?
I saw the wound in the lower part of his neck. I looked in the neck wound
and saw the cartilage of the trachea on the back side through the hole. I
do not remember whether instruments had [yet] been used to expand the
wound. I am clear, however, that I saw the posterior aspect of the
What happened next?
Within a few minutes, there were a number of people in Trauma Room One.
When Dr. Clark walked in, [emergency room director] Dr. Charlie Baxter was
doing closed-chest cardiac compressions on JFK. Dr. Clark saw the head
wound and said something like, "My God, Charlie, what are you doing? His
brains are on the floor."
At that moment I was standing on the left side of Kennedy. And Jackie
[Kennedy] was further back on his right side, in a corner. Dr. Clark had
not seen Jackie. When he did see her, I was right between them. I saw her
expression when she heard what he had said. That's another moment that's
indelibly imprinted on my brain, unfortunately.
What did you see?
Jackie was in shock, like a deer in the headlights. She was surprised that
someone spoke so bluntly about what was going on.
Do you think Kennedy was alive when he reached the hospital?
He was dead on arrival, in all likelihood. I'm not the expert on that.
That's just my humble, amateur opinion.
You didn't talk publicly about assisting in Trauma Room One until you
appeared in the 1993 book JFK: Breaking the Silence. How come?
Because I was afraid. There were so many people who were associated with
the assassination who had died, sometimes by questionable means. Then this
guy [author Bill Sloan] tracked me down and wanted an interview. He called
me a couple of times, and I said no. And then when he called me again, and
I said to myself, "Well, maybe this professional writer can help me with
the book that I was writing [about antioxidants and heart disease]."
I gave him the interview. It turned out he knew nothing about medicine,
and he was no help whatsoever. But that's what drew me out of my shell.
At first, you believed that JFK was shot in the throat from the front, suggesting the possibility of a second shooter. What changed your mind?
When I first saw that wound in Trauma Room One, I did not know anything
about ballistics and entrance and exit wounds. Then I went into the army
in 1965, and I was stationed in the Dominican Republic. After a crash
course in entrance and exit wounds by the field hospital commander, I was
sent to examine the wound of a Dominican who'd been shot by an American
MP. Based on what I had learned, it was clear to me that the Dominican was
shot in the back. In that moment, I realized that JFK's throat wound was
probably an entrance wound because the margins were so clean and the wound
was so small.
But over the past couple of years, I spent a considerable amount of time watching the Zapruder film. After watching it over and over again, I realized it would be impossible for someone from the front to shoot Kennedy simultaneously with [Lee Harvey] Oswald shooting from behind the president. That's when I changed my mind. However, no one will ever know for sure.
Do you think JFK got excellent care?
Absolutely. He got state-of-the-art care. As students, we were told that Parkland had some of the best survival rates in the whole country for trauma patients. This was supposedly due to Dr. Tom Shires, the chief of surgery, popularizing the use of intravenous fluids acutely rather than blood transfusions. The staff and residents in the emergency room were successfully working with trauma patients on a daily basis. At least, that is what I was told as a medical student back then.
Were you a fan of the president?
I loved him. I resonated with his philosophy and his agenda. I guess I
was a major JFK fan.
There's something else: One my best friends growing up in Dallas was
named Henry Zapruder. His father was Abraham Zapruder [the Dallas
dressmaker who shot the famous film of the assassination.] I knew the
Zapruders very well, and had been in their home many times. [Editor's
note: MedPage Today reached out to the Zapruder family, which confirms
the close friendship.]
What did you do after JFK was declared dead?
I went into the surgical dressing room and probably put on my street
clothes. Then I went outside. There was a big crowd across the street in
front of the nursing school dormitory. I just went and mingled in that
crowd. I didn't say a word. I didn't tell anybody that I was there. I
just listened to what they said. And then I went home.
It must have been a shock to my immune system. On Saturday [Nov. 23] the
next day, I had a bad case of the flu when I woke up. But I was on call
on surgery on Sunday [Nov. 24], and I came to the hospital even though I
was sick.
A third-year student named Nick Grivas, who went on to become a
neurosurgeon, was also on surgery call that day. I told Nick, "I'm gonna
go to the call room and get some rest because I'm not feeling well. But
if anything happens, come wake me up."
When I woke up from my nap and came out into the surgical area, people
were running around. I learned that Oswald had been shot and was being
operated on. Nick Grivas had scrubbed in my place.
Do you have any regrets about those moments in Trauma Room One?
Yes. When I looked at JFK's throat wound, my thoughts were that it was
not necessary to expand the hole for the tracheotomy. They could have
put the tracheotomy tube directly into the hole without the incisions
that were done. I wanted to say that when they started to do the
tracheotomy: "You don't have to do that."
But remember, I was the most junior person in the room. These were my
professors, surgeons and residents who were years ahead of me in their
training. So I did not say, "Just put it in the hole, you don't have to
do any cutting." That would have preserved the nature of the wound,
making it more amenable to determining whether it was an entrance or an
exit wound.
But I didn't say anything. I regret that.
Last Updated November 18, 2020
Best Regards in 112263 Research,
Donald Roberdeau
United States Navy
U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker
Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly
For your key considerations + independent determinations....
Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination
Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries,
Suspects, + Key Considerations....
The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise
Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers,
Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, +
Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource....
(updated map, + with new information)
Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's
Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly
Towards the Grassy Knoll....
Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While
JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree"....
Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D.: the Real World, versus,
T ogether
E veryone
A chieves
M ore
FWIW, NOW that you mention it, I don't think the appearance of the
throat in the autopsy photos is what it look like at Parkland.
I think at Parkland it was a neat and small cut which was expamded just
a little bit by the tube. BUt rough handling of the casket made it open
You probably don't know anything about this, but Paul Krassner published
his own, different theory in the REALIST back in the 1960s about why the
wound got enlarged. It was called "The Parts That Were Left Out Of The
Kennedy Book".
Krassner's most notorious satire was the article "The Parts That Were Left
Out of the Kennedy Book", which followed the censorship of William
Manchester's book on the Kennedy assassination, The Death of a President.
At the climax of the grotesque-genre short-story, Lyndon B. Johnson is
described as having sexually penetrated the bullet-hole wound in the
throat of John F. Kennedy's corpse.[15] According to Elliot Feldman, "Some
I think back then we called it pranking. We knew he wasn't serious.
Post by Hank Sienzant (AKA Joe Zircon)
members of the mainstream press and other Washington political wonks,
including Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, actually believed this
incident to be true."[16] In a 1995 interview for the magazine Adbusters,
Krassner commented: "People across the country believed – if only
for a moment – that an act of presidential necrophilia had taken
place. It worked because Jackie Kennedy had created so much curiosity by
censoring the book she authorized – William Manchester's The Death
Of A President – because what I wrote was a metaphorical truth
about LBJ's personality presented in a literary context, and because the
imagery was so shocking, it broke through the notion that the war in
Vietnam was being conducted by sane men."[17]
Post by Anthony Marsh
The acouatical evidence proves that it was an exit wound. You cannot draw
a straight line from the back wound to the throat wound assumning the
bullet kept a continuous downward angle. The bullet was deflected UP and
exited the throat.
Right now I am working on a manikin to display that if you want to help.
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