mark foster
2007-10-31 16:42:04 UTC
Reading a previous post on another thread about Jackie's actions
immediately after the fatal head shot, I can't help but respond to the
myths that to this day are still being perpetuated.
The Zapruder film provides absolutely NO evidence that she was trying
to retrieve anything from the limo trunk. First of all, there was
nothing on the trunk to retrieve. If anyone thinks there was, then
show us the Zapruder frames that support your claim. Secondly, as
someone else pointed out, her hands remained flat on the trunk, and
there's no indication whatsoever that she had anything in her hand
when she got back in the car.
If you look closely at Jackie in Zapruder's head shot frames, you will
notice she is looking directly at JFK and reacts with horror to the
effect of the head shot. She then INSTANTLY moves into escape mode
while still looking at her husband's head. There is no indication
whatsoever that she is looking at...or even noticed...a piece of her
husband's head flying backward....nor is there any evidence a piece of
his head even flew directly backward and then suddenly stopped on the
trunk for no discernible reason despite the force of the head
True, a piece of his skull was found in the street later, and she may
even have been clutching a piece of his skull when she entered
Parkland, but there is absolutely no evidence it was retrieved from
the trunk of the limo or that it had anything to do with her climbing
out on the trunk the way she did....or that there was even a piece of
his skull on the trunk. His head literally exploded when he was hit.
Pieces of skull and brain matter were flying everywhere.
That whole story of her trying to retrieve a piece of his head is
exactly that....a treated as fact by some people. It was
made up out of deference to her image as First Lady, for the sole
purpose of explaining her instantaneous and unseemly abandonment of
her dying husband in order to save her own skin by getting out of the
line of fire any way she could. Hell, Nellie Connelly tried to escape
being shot by placing a bouquet of yellow roses on her back and
shoulders as she crouched down, if you can imagine such an incredibly
silly thing.
Shortly after the assassination, people were saying that Jackie
climbed out on the trunk to help Clint Hill get into the limo, even
though she wasn't even looking in that direction when she started to
climb out. When that failed to pass the laugh test, they started
suggesting she was trying to retrieve a piece of her husband's
head...for what purpose or to what end, no one would say.
Jackie herself conveniently avoided explaining her behavior to the WC
by claiming she couldn't remember a thing after the head shot.
There is already too much mythology still connected to the
assassination 44 years after the event. Isn't it time to finally stop
perpetuating these stories?
immediately after the fatal head shot, I can't help but respond to the
myths that to this day are still being perpetuated.
The Zapruder film provides absolutely NO evidence that she was trying
to retrieve anything from the limo trunk. First of all, there was
nothing on the trunk to retrieve. If anyone thinks there was, then
show us the Zapruder frames that support your claim. Secondly, as
someone else pointed out, her hands remained flat on the trunk, and
there's no indication whatsoever that she had anything in her hand
when she got back in the car.
If you look closely at Jackie in Zapruder's head shot frames, you will
notice she is looking directly at JFK and reacts with horror to the
effect of the head shot. She then INSTANTLY moves into escape mode
while still looking at her husband's head. There is no indication
whatsoever that she is looking at...or even noticed...a piece of her
husband's head flying backward....nor is there any evidence a piece of
his head even flew directly backward and then suddenly stopped on the
trunk for no discernible reason despite the force of the head
True, a piece of his skull was found in the street later, and she may
even have been clutching a piece of his skull when she entered
Parkland, but there is absolutely no evidence it was retrieved from
the trunk of the limo or that it had anything to do with her climbing
out on the trunk the way she did....or that there was even a piece of
his skull on the trunk. His head literally exploded when he was hit.
Pieces of skull and brain matter were flying everywhere.
That whole story of her trying to retrieve a piece of his head is
exactly that....a treated as fact by some people. It was
made up out of deference to her image as First Lady, for the sole
purpose of explaining her instantaneous and unseemly abandonment of
her dying husband in order to save her own skin by getting out of the
line of fire any way she could. Hell, Nellie Connelly tried to escape
being shot by placing a bouquet of yellow roses on her back and
shoulders as she crouched down, if you can imagine such an incredibly
silly thing.
Shortly after the assassination, people were saying that Jackie
climbed out on the trunk to help Clint Hill get into the limo, even
though she wasn't even looking in that direction when she started to
climb out. When that failed to pass the laugh test, they started
suggesting she was trying to retrieve a piece of her husband's
head...for what purpose or to what end, no one would say.
Jackie herself conveniently avoided explaining her behavior to the WC
by claiming she couldn't remember a thing after the head shot.
There is already too much mythology still connected to the
assassination 44 years after the event. Isn't it time to finally stop
perpetuating these stories?