Dealey Plaza map with scale
(too old to reply)
2013-09-24 02:16:05 UTC
I have provided a link to an image of a map of dealey plaza with a scale.
Some may find this helpful.

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2013-09-24 19:11:46 UTC
I visited Dealey Plaza in 1993, and one thing that impressed me was how
much Elm Street slopes downward as it starts to pass underneath the
railroad overpass. You don't see the full extent of the downward slope on
film, because of the two-dimensional nature of movies/photographs, but
most importantly because the people holding the cameras were standing on
the slope and were therefore slanting in the same direction.

Not that this bit of trivia proves that Oswald was the lone assassin, but
it provides some perspective on such questions as the angle required to
support the SBT.
Anthony Marsh
2013-09-25 03:17:38 UTC
Post by OHLeeRedux
I visited Dealey Plaza in 1993, and one thing that impressed me was how
much Elm Street slopes downward as it starts to pass underneath the
railroad overpass. You don't see the full extent of the downward slope on
film, because of the two-dimensional nature of movies/photographs, but
most importantly because the people holding the cameras were standing on
the slope and were therefore slanting in the same direction.
Not that this bit of trivia proves that Oswald was the lone assassin, but
it provides some perspective on such questions as the angle required to
support the SBT.
WOW! Amazing insight. Did you also know that Elm Street curves?
Some people when they visit Dealey Plaza say that it seems much smaller
than the films and photos seem to show.
2013-09-25 18:49:58 UTC
You're a funny guy, Anthony.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I saw that Elm Street curves.

But the plaza didn't look smaller to me. In fact, standing on the sixth
floor of the TSBD, looking out of the window next to the one Oswald fired
from (that window is closed off by plexiglass) and down onto Elm Street, I
told my daughter that Oswald must have been a good shot, because the
street seemed so far away.
2013-09-25 03:07:17 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I have provided a link to an image of a map of dealey plaza with a scale.
Some may find this helpful.
I can set the origin where ever I want it.

Loading Image...
2013-09-25 20:21:04 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by m***@gmail.com
I have provided a link to an image of a map of dealey plaza with a scale.
Some may find this helpful.
I can set the origin where ever I want it.
And rotate the axis about the origin.

Loading Image...
Anthony Marsh
2013-09-26 00:53:11 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by m***@gmail.com
I have provided a link to an image of a map of dealey plaza with a scale.
Some may find this helpful.
I can set the origin where ever I want it.
I set the origin for my computer program to study the acoustical evidence.
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