Post by ajohnstoneOnce more i encounter "American Exceptionalism"
Once again, any criticism of the way American society is run, raises the
hackles of those who frequent this forum.
You keep making assertions that you know what our problems are and why
they are. You keep using questionable, biased sources to bolster your
viewpoints. We are here, you are not.
Post by ajohnstoneOnce again the assumption made
is that the USA is the best at everything and has nothing to learn from
any other nation.
My assumption is that liberalism is ruining everything that is good
about Western culture in Europe. I look at Europe and I see many countries
that are ruining the future of their countries just to show how
progressive they can be.
Post by ajohnstoneYet the paradox is that those promoting America is great can't help but
expose its weaknesses and its failures.
Leftists think it is their job to constantly point these out. The left
in this country wallows in the sins of our history, as do you below. You
and they have nothing positive to say and certainly nothing positive to
Post by ajohnstoneThroughout history, America has suffered from its law and order policies.
From the prohibition to the war on drugs. From Jim Crow laws to the
"stolen election". The separation of church and state but the political
power of religious Christian evangelicalism.
There is a naive belief that passing laws can fix things, in particular,
the way people think and behave. The world doesn't work in that manner.
Nothing like being lectured about how the world works by a person who
seems entirely clueless about how the world works. You think looters only
steal necessities. You think it is feasible to deescalate dangerous
situations with crazed violent people with soft words and flowers.
Post by ajohnstoneMaterial conditions have to change before people's ideas do.
Ok, in many poor areas in this country a kid can make $1,000 dollars a
day standing on a street corner with his friends, listening to music and
joking around, by selling drugs. All he has to do is be willing to kill
the other poor kid who wants to make $1,000 a day. How far do you have to
raise minimum wage to compete with this? These kids for the most part have
nothing to offer any employer, they are basically unemployable.. I would
bet that if you dumped all the money from this recent stimulus package
into the top ten worst cities in America you wouldn`t effect any real
change (unless is was all put into law enforcement). Saying these problems
are the result of economics is a cop out, these problems are now ingrained
as part of a culture. Thug Life, as Tupac Shakur put it.
Post by ajohnstoneThere is nothing new about Alex Jones or Qanon. In the past it was Father
Coughlin and the "Know Nothing" Party. You had Rush Limbaugh and before
that you had Charles Lindbergh. Before Trump there was Huey Long. I could
go on
Americans just re-lives the mistakes of its past and re-names them.
It is only your opinion that these are all mistakes.
I`ll tell you what, all across this country people were being attacked
and harassed for wearing pins or hats in support of Trump. Trump
supporters would be appalled if there were a series of physical attacks on
Hillary supporters because they were showing support for her. But the
people on the left didn`t mind at all that Trump people were being
attacked, they felt the attacks were justified. The people who support
Trump are generally rational and willing to discuss ideas and the people
on the left these days are shrill, irrational authoritarian dictators.
Post by ajohnstoneThose who proclaim the USA a failed state may not be 100% correct but they
do indicate the way things are presently going.
They are being dragged there by the left.
Post by ajohnstoneA failed state is one where governments are not legitimate. Republicans
say Biden's government isn't. Before him the Democratic Party said Trump
Everyone is acting as if Biden is the legitimate elected President.
Post by ajohnstoneIt is a failed state when the rule of law has broken down and how often
have i noted here those who declared BLM and anti-police riots were
nationwide and endorsed by governors and mayors, democracy was undermined
i was told by protests and a sympathetic media to them.
There is turmoil because the press uses it`s power to still up turmoil
and the Democratic Party uses it`s power to stir up turmoil. They both do
this because they both benefit from the turmoil. They need black anger
energized because that translates into more votes come election time, an
uninterested black voting base doesn`t get out to vote.
Post by ajohnstoneEconomically, financial elites get away with whatever they like. There is
rampant corruption of politicians through lobbyists and Citizens United
legality of bribery called donations.
Money talks under any system.
Post by ajohnstoneFirst the Trump tax cuts, then now
the GOP wants Estate Tax cuts.
There were Estate Tax cuts under Trump, Biden want to do away or limit
Post by ajohnstoneLastly, failed states aren’t able to provide basics for people
anymore. Were the lines to the food banks a figment of my imagination made
up by the media?
Is anyone starving here in America? No, so save your dramatics.
Post by ajohnstoneAnd because they aren’t able to provide basics,
life becomes a brutal battle for self-preservation, and survival: with
mounting cruelty and brutality, scapegoating with hate and violence.
Did you watch a Mad Max video and think that is what America is about?
Post by ajohnstoneAmerica is collectively increasingly exhibiting symptoms of mass neuroses
and sociopathy, and i include those of both right and left political
Healthcare, retirement, medicine, education is viewed as a lesser
priority to a bloated military and lucrative armaments industry.
Actually Trump was taking care of this. He pulled us out of several
hotspots, he was talking about pulling out troops from Europe and Korea.
Biden gets in and he is flying B-52 over Syria hoping they will get shot
down so he can start a war. Starting trouble all over the Middle East
(where Trump was brokering peace agreements), Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia,
Syria, there isn`t a Middle Eastern country he isn`t trying to get into it
And notice there is a surge of illegal aliens at out southern border?
Trump had that problem handled, now it isn`t.
Post by ajohnstoneSound like America to me is becoming a dystopia, if it isn't already. Time
for a reality check before it is too late. And i know the truth hurts and
that denial is more comforting.
I have a better idea of what is going on in this country than you do.
Post by ajohnstoneAmerica is far too important to the planet to leave it in the hands of its
citizens who have been shown to be too irresponsible or plainly too
We get the leaders we deserve. And right now we deserve a befuddled old