Marilyn Sitzman
(too old to reply)
2012-07-22 15:29:33 UTC
No witness was in a better position to see and hear any gunfire from
behind the wooden fence on the GK.


Marilyn Sitzman and Me

On the set of "JFK"
Dealey Plaza, downtown Dallas

After I found out I was playing Marilyn Sitzman, I called my mom's
best friend, Mary Ferrell (more about her in another photo's comments)
and asked for Ms. Sitzman's phone number. Mary, who knew everyone ever
connected with the assassination, immediately gave me the number and
told me to have a great time on location (no worries about that,

So, not knowing what to expect, I called Ms. Sitzman and held my
breath as the phone rang. Would she think I was a pest and hang up on
me? Would she think I was a nut (I knew that many people associated
with the assassination encountered nuts all of the time)? I was
terrified and started to hang up the phone when she answered. After we
made our introductions, Ms. Sitzman realized I wasn't a crazy, and we
had a friendly chat about her old boss, Abraham Zapruder, his infamous
film, and how the events of November 22, 1963 shaped her life.

She said that she wasn't very curious to see the motorcade that day,
but she went because Mr. Zapruder asked her to go along with him. When
he found the perfect place to capture the action (a 3'-high pedestal
along the grassy knoll), he asked Ms. Sitzman to stand behind him and
hold onto his shoulders because he had vertigo and was afraid that he
would get dizzy. Ever the dutiful secretary, she did so and watched in
horror as Kennedy was assassinated before her eyes.

I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.

By this time, I was interested to meet Ms. Sitzman in person, so I
invited her to the set. I was very happy when she agreed to meet me
the next day between scenes. I told her I'd be standing at her spot on
the pedestal all day, and she could find me there.

The next day, she did find me. Luckily, it was lunchtime and shooting
had stopped for awhile, so I showed Ms. Sitzman around the set, and
she admired just how much everything looked as it did in 1963. We
walked over to the pedestal that gained her (and Zapruder) lifelong
notorioty that that had been my home for almost two weeks now. We sat
there and talked.

I asked her what she and Mr. Zapruder did when they realized what they
were witnessing. She said that they got off the pedestal and ran away
from the gunshot noise into the vestibule of the Art Deco curved
walkway behind them. They waited, terrified, until they felt they were
safe, then they went back to their office.

Ms. Sitzman and I spent the lunch hour chatting, but when the cast and
crew came back to the set, she decided it was time to leave. We gave
each other a hug, and I gratefully thanked her for meeting me, then
she stood up from that pedestal and walked off the set. I never spoke
to her again and found out that she died of cancer a couple of years
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-23 02:39:45 UTC
Post by claviger
No witness was in a better position to see and hear any gunfire from
behind the wooden fence on the GK.
KInda hard to see the shooter shooting when you are looking in the
opposite direction focused on the limo.
She earlier saw a black couple in that area eating their lunches. Why
couldn't they have been the shooters?
Post by claviger
Marilyn Sitzman and Me
On the set of "JFK"
Dealey Plaza, downtown Dallas
After I found out I was playing Marilyn Sitzman, I called my mom's
best friend, Mary Ferrell (more about her in another photo's comments)
and asked for Ms. Sitzman's phone number. Mary, who knew everyone ever
connected with the assassination, immediately gave me the number and
told me to have a great time on location (no worries about that,
So, not knowing what to expect, I called Ms. Sitzman and held my
breath as the phone rang. Would she think I was a pest and hang up on
me? Would she think I was a nut (I knew that many people associated
with the assassination encountered nuts all of the time)? I was
terrified and started to hang up the phone when she answered. After we
made our introductions, Ms. Sitzman realized I wasn't a crazy, and we
had a friendly chat about her old boss, Abraham Zapruder, his infamous
film, and how the events of November 22, 1963 shaped her life.
She said that she wasn't very curious to see the motorcade that day,
but she went because Mr. Zapruder asked her to go along with him. When
he found the perfect place to capture the action (a 3'-high pedestal
along the grassy knoll), he asked Ms. Sitzman to stand behind him and
hold onto his shoulders because he had vertigo and was afraid that he
would get dizzy. Ever the dutiful secretary, she did so and watched in
horror as Kennedy was assassinated before her eyes.
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied.
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him. Maybe
she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Post by claviger
By this time, I was interested to meet Ms. Sitzman in person, so I
invited her to the set. I was very happy when she agreed to meet me
the next day between scenes. I told her I'd be standing at her spot on
the pedestal all day, and she could find me there.
The next day, she did find me. Luckily, it was lunchtime and shooting
had stopped for awhile, so I showed Ms. Sitzman around the set, and
she admired just how much everything looked as it did in 1963. We
walked over to the pedestal that gained her (and Zapruder) lifelong
notorioty that that had been my home for almost two weeks now. We sat
there and talked.
I asked her what she and Mr. Zapruder did when they realized what they
were witnessing. She said that they got off the pedestal and ran away
from the gunshot noise into the vestibule of the Art Deco curved
walkway behind them. They waited, terrified, until they felt they were
safe, then they went back to their office.
Not exactly ran as the films show.
Post by claviger
Ms. Sitzman and I spent the lunch hour chatting, but when the cast and
crew came back to the set, she decided it was time to leave. We gave
each other a hug, and I gratefully thanked her for meeting me, then
she stood up from that pedestal and walked off the set. I never spoke
to her again and found out that she died of cancer a couple of years
2012-07-24 19:10:01 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-25 04:31:20 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
2012-07-26 02:08:18 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you.  One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man.  One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white.  As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area.  So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it.  She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind.  However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD.  So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents.  Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence.  No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there.  Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired.  So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Jason Burke
2012-07-26 13:32:14 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
Maybe they didn't want to play this game?
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
Almost, but not quite, makes me wish I studied English Lit. Though if I
did, I might have done better on Jeopardy!
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
I still enjoy listening to The Invisible Man on OTR.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-27 04:46:19 UTC
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Do you happen to remember one CIA officer from the Bay of Pigs who was a
chronic chain smoker?
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white.
As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
Maybe they didn't want to play this game?
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
Almost, but not quite, makes me wish I studied English Lit. Though if I
did, I might have done better on Jeopardy!
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
I still enjoy listening to The Invisible Man on OTR.
2012-07-27 17:00:08 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Do you happen to remember one CIA officer from the Bay of Pigs who was a
chronic chain smoker?
Wasn't he Cigarette Man on the X-Files?
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-28 03:10:52 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Do you happen to remember one CIA officer from the Bay of Pigs who was a
chronic chain smoker?
Wasn't he Cigarette Man on the X-Files?
No. Cigarette Smoking Man was the shooter in the storm drain. Based on
E. Howard Hunt.
2012-07-28 04:16:28 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Do you happen to remember one CIA officer from the Bay of Pigs who was a
chronic chain smoker?
Wasn't he Cigarette Man on the X-Files?
No. Cigarette Smoking Man was the shooter in the storm drain. Based on
E. Howard Hunt.
Cite please.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-28 20:46:39 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Post by claviger
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Dang. Smoking should be outlawed! Retroactively, back almost 50 years.
Do you happen to remember one CIA officer from the Bay of Pigs who was a
chronic chain smoker?
Wasn't he Cigarette Man on the X-Files?
No. Cigarette Smoking Man was the shooter in the storm drain. Based on
E. Howard Hunt.
Cite please.

Loading Image...



The Smoking Man's ambition to be a novelist was based on Howard Hunt.[2]
Ace Kefford
2012-07-26 13:33:25 UTC
> > Anthony,
> >> Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
> >> She lied
> > Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
> > on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
> > Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you.  One more nail in the bucket,
> > that's for sure.
> It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
> on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
> >>> I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
> >>> insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
> >>> said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
> >>> supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
> >> She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
> > Because there was no Black Dog Man.  One of your fellow CTs figured out
> > who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white.  As a
> > matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area.  So you
> > strikeout again.
> That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
> >> Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
> > Yes that's it.  She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind.  However, she
> > did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD.  So did Bowers,
> > Brehm, and all the SS Agents.  Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
> > pedestal and could see over the wooden fence.  No sniper anywhere behind
> > the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there.  Bowers
> > confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired.  So two
> > well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
> > corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
> Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
> shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
> Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Maybe the invisible rifle shot an "ice bullet"?!
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-27 04:45:49 UTC
Post by Ace Kefford
> > Anthony,
> >> Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
> >> She lied
> > Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
> > on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
> > Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
> > that's for sure.
> It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
> on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
> >>> I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
> >>> insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
> >>> said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
> >>> supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
> >> She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
> > Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
> > who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
> > matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
> > strikeout again.
> That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
> >> Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
> > Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
> > did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
> > Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
> > pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
> > the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
> > confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
> > well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
> > corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
> Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
> shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
> Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Maybe the invisible rifle shot an "ice bullet"?!
In case you didn't know it the "ice bullet" theory was not invented by
the conspiracy believers. It was invented by the autopsy doctor when he
couldn't figure out where the back wound went.
Ace Kefford
2012-07-27 20:07:29 UTC
>> >
>> > > Anthony,
>> >
>> > >> Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
>> > >> She lied
>> >
>> > > Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
>> > > on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
>> > > Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
>> > > that's for sure.
>> >
>> > It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
>> > on witnesses.
>> Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
>> > >>> I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
>> > >>> insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
>> > >>> said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
>> > >>> supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
>> >
>> > >> She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
>> >
>> > > Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
>> > > who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
>> > > matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
>> > > strikeout again.
>> >
>> > That kook was wrong, as I proved.
>> I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
>> couple?
>> > >> Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
>> >
>> > > Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
>> > > did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
>> > > Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
>> > > pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
>> > > the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
>> > > confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
>> > > well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
>> > > corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
>> >
>> > Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
>> > shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
>> We already knew that.
>> > Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
>> Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
>> there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
> Maybe the invisible rifle shot an "ice bullet"?!
In case you didn't know it the "ice bullet" theory was not invented by
the conspiracy believers. It was invented by the autopsy doctor when he
couldn't figure out where the back wound went.
For what it's worth, I did know it. One of several stupid thoughts and
actions at the autopsy. An ice bullet?! Someone must have been reading a
little too much Ian Fleming.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-26 16:17:01 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Yes. I never rely on them.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
We don't know which black couple she saw. Maybe they went into the
pergola or behind it.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
You assumed that. The HSCA proved it scientifically.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Pay attention. I've quoted him hundreds of times.

Mr. BALL - Were the two men there at the time?
Mr. BOWERS - I--as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not
The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The
white shirt, yes; I think he was.

What's up with your phony challenges?
Your browser doesn't work? You don't know how to use Google?
Try Bing instead then.
2012-07-27 16:56:29 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you.  One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Yes. I never rely on them.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man.  One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white.  As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area.  So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
We don't know which black couple she saw. Maybe they went into the
pergola or behind it.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it.  She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind.  However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD.  So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents.  Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence.  No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there.  Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired.  So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
You assumed that. The HSCA proved it scientifically.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please.  Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence.  Nobody
there.  Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Pay attention. I've quoted him hundreds of times.
Mr. BALL - Were the two men there at the time?
Mr. BOWERS - I--as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not
The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The
white shirt, yes; I think he was.
What's up with your phony challenges?
Your browser doesn't work? You don't know how to use Google?
Try Bing instead then.
Bowers' first statement a sworn oath the same day:

BEFORE ME, Patsy Collins, a Notary Public in and for said County,
State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Lee E. Bowers, Jr., w/
m/38 of 10508 Maplegrove Lane, Dallas, Texas DA-1-1909 who, after
being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says:
I work at North Tower Union Terminal Co. RI-8-4698 7 am to 3 pm Monday
thru [sic] Friday. The tower where I work is West and a little north
of the Texas Book Depository Building. I was on duty today and about
11:55 am I saw a dirty 1959 Oldsmobile Station Wagon come down the
street toward my building. This street dead ends in the railroad yard.
This car had out of state license plats with white background and
black numbers, no letters. It also had a Goldwater for "64" sticker in
the rear window. This car just drove around slowly and left the area.
It was occupied by a middle aged white man partly grey hair. At about
12:15 pm another car came into the area with a white man about 25 to
35 years old driving. This car was a 1957 Ford, Black, 2 door with
Texas license. This man appeared to have a mike or telephone in the
car. Just a few minutes after this car left at 12:20 pm another car
pulled in. This car was a 1961 Chevrolet, Impala, 4 door, am not sure
that this was a 4 door, color white and dirty up to the windows. This
car also had a Goldwater for "64" sticker. This car was driven by a
white male about 25 to 35 years old with long blond hair. He stayed in
the area longer than the others. This car also had the XXX [strikeout]
same type license plates as the 1959 Oldsmobile. He left this area
about 12:25 pm. About 8 or 10 minutes after he left I heard at least 3
shots very close together. Just after the shots the area became
crowded with people coming from Elm Street and the slope just north of
/s/ Lee E. Bowers Jr.
/s/ Patsy Collins
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

As we can see Bowers noticed a lot of details going on in the parking
lot, but no mention of anyone behind the fence. AFTER the shots the
area became crowded with people.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-28 03:09:55 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied
Of course! And this is such a key issue whether or not she had her hands
on his shoulders. Obviously you are a brilliant detective. Inspector
Jacque Clouseau would be proud of you. One more nail in the bucket,
that's for sure.
It just proves what I keep saying and you never seem to get. Never rely
on witnesses.
Like witnesses who see puffs of smoke rising above the trees?
Yes. I never rely on them.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
I asked her where she thought the shots came from, and she adamently
insisted that they came from the School Book Depository. Ms. Sitzman
said that she could see behind the fence where a second shooter
supposedly stood, and she never saw anyone there.
She also was only a few feet from Black Dog Man and never saw him.
Because there was no Black Dog Man. One of your fellow CTs figured out
who it really was, a black lady holding her baby dressed in white. As a
matter of fact Sitzman did see a black couple in that same area. So you
strikeout again.
That kook was wrong, as I proved.
I thought he made a convincing argument. So what happened to the black
We don't know which black couple she saw. Maybe they went into the
pergola or behind it.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Maybe she was blind? Or just unobservant.
Yes that's it. She must have been deaf, dumb, and blind. However, she
did hear loud sounds coming from the area of the TSBD. So did Bowers,
Brehm, and all the SS Agents. Sitzman was a tall lady standing on a
pedestal and could see over the wooden fence. No sniper anywhere behind
the fence, which explains why no loud sound came from there. Bowers
confirms nobody behind the fence at the time shots were fired. So two
well placed witnesses with an elevated view into the area behind the fence
corroborate there was no person standing there, with or without a weapon.
Do did a lot of people. Guess what? Science proved that indeed three
shots were fired from the sniper's nest.
We already knew that.
You assumed that. The HSCA proved it scientifically.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Bowers said there was a man in that area, but he lost sight of him.
Cite please. Bowers never lost sight of the wooden fence. Nobody
there. Maybe it was The Invisible Man with an invisible rifle?!
Pay attention. I've quoted him hundreds of times.
Mr. BALL - Were the two men there at the time?
Mr. BOWERS - I--as far as I know, one of them was. The other I could not
The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The
white shirt, yes; I think he was.
What's up with your phony challenges?
Your browser doesn't work? You don't know how to use Google?
Try Bing instead then.
BEFORE ME, Patsy Collins, a Notary Public in and for said County,
State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Lee E. Bowers, Jr., w/
m/38 of 10508 Maplegrove Lane, Dallas, Texas DA-1-1909 who, after
I work at North Tower Union Terminal Co. RI-8-4698 7 am to 3 pm Monday
thru [sic] Friday. The tower where I work is West and a little north
of the Texas Book Depository Building. I was on duty today and about
11:55 am I saw a dirty 1959 Oldsmobile Station Wagon come down the
street toward my building. This street dead ends in the railroad yard.
This car had out of state license plats with white background and
black numbers, no letters. It also had a Goldwater for "64" sticker in
the rear window. This car just drove around slowly and left the area.
It was occupied by a middle aged white man partly grey hair. At about
12:15 pm another car came into the area with a white man about 25 to
35 years old driving. This car was a 1957 Ford, Black, 2 door with
Texas license. This man appeared to have a mike or telephone in the
car. Just a few minutes after this car left at 12:20 pm another car
pulled in. This car was a 1961 Chevrolet, Impala, 4 door, am not sure
that this was a 4 door, color white and dirty up to the windows. This
car also had a Goldwater for "64" sticker. This car was driven by a
white male about 25 to 35 years old with long blond hair. He stayed in
the area longer than the others. This car also had the XXX [strikeout]
same type license plates as the 1959 Oldsmobile. He left this area
about 12:25 pm. About 8 or 10 minutes after he left I heard at least 3
shots very close together. Just after the shots the area became
crowded with people coming from Elm Street and the slope just north of
/s/ Lee E. Bowers Jr.
/s/ Patsy Collins
Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas
As we can see Bowers noticed a lot of details going on in the parking
lot, but no mention of anyone behind the fence. AFTER the shots the
area became crowded with people.
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
2012-07-28 04:16:18 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-28 20:47:02 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
Jason Burke
2012-07-29 01:05:51 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front
of them.
Uh, that was because there was no Black Dog Man.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-29 17:06:58 UTC
Post by Jason Burke
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front
of them.
Uh, that was because there was no Black Dog Man.
The HSCA proved there was. Where ya been?
2012-08-09 15:37:05 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Uh, that was because there was no Black Dog Man.
The HSCA proved there was. Where ya been?
The HSCA proved that there was a person there, not much more. Nobody can
deny that fact anyway.

However, the so called skin tone analysis of the figure dubbed Black Dog
Man done by The Aerospace Corp. at the request of the HSCA didn't prove
that the person was a man nor that the person was white, contrary to what
you have claimed in the past.

We have been through this with you several times, see for example here:


yeuhd (rip!) wrote back then:

(quote on)

The HSCA said neither "white" nor "man". It made no statement as to the
race or gender of the person, who was estimated to be between 5' 6" inches
to 6' tall.

"The Aerospace Corp. measurements showed the flesh tones of the object
near the retaining wall to be comparable to the known flesh tones of
Zapruder's secretary. USC's measurements also showed similarity between
the flesh tones of the object and those of known persons; however, the
similarities were not as strong as those found by Aerospace."


(quote off)

The man standing one or two steps above Emmett Hudson and the other man in
a red shirt on the stairs (possibly F. Lee Mudd, as pointed out by Pat
Speer) was definitely a colored man, as can clearly be seen in the Nix and
Muchmore movies.

He could have very well been the companion of the black woman standing
where Black Dog Man was seen, maybe with her baby. The couple with the
baby might have been sitting on the bench and when the motorcade
approached they both got up, while he went down some steps to join Hudson
and Mudd and the woman remained behind the retaining wall.

The best article on the probable identity of Black Dog Man is still this


This theory was also forwarded by Robin Unger and others at the Lancer
forum in 2008 two years before the above article was published, see:

Anthony Marsh
2012-08-09 22:31:55 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Uh, that was because there was no Black Dog Man.
The HSCA proved there was. Where ya been?
The HSCA proved that there was a person there, not much more. Nobody can
deny that fact anyway.
Yes, some WC defenders CAN deny that fact anyway. One says it's a tree
Another says it's a black woman holding her baby who is dressed in white.
Post by a***@gmail.com
However, the so called skin tone analysis of the figure dubbed Black Dog
Man done by The Aerospace Corp. at the request of the HSCA didn't prove
that the person was a man nor that the person was white, contrary to what
you have claimed in the past.
I never said that the Aerospace Corp. analysis proved that it was a man.
You are making a false claim. But I did say that the HSCA thought the
analysis shows that the skin tone is consistent with a white person.
That could work if the black woman was an albino. But no albino Negro
woman was documented in Dealey Plaza. And the photos people upload
showing the black woman with the baby show very dark skin tones.
Post by a***@gmail.com
(quote on)
The HSCA said neither "white" nor "man". It made no statement as to the
race or gender of the person, who was estimated to be between 5' 6" inches
to 6' tall.
"The Aerospace Corp. measurements showed the flesh tones of the object
near the retaining wall to be comparable to the known flesh tones of
Zapruder's secretary. USC's measurements also showed similarity between
the flesh tones of the object and those of known persons; however, the
similarities were not as strong as those found by Aerospace."
(quote off)
You got a problem with that? Was Marilyn Sitzman black?
Post by a***@gmail.com
The man standing one or two steps above Emmett Hudson and the other man in
a red shirt on the stairs (possibly F. Lee Mudd, as pointed out by Pat
Speer) was definitely a colored man, as can clearly be seen in the Nix and
Muchmore movies.
Maybe, but maybe someone is perpetrating a hoax. I don't mind is a black
man goes down to the steps to watch the motorcade. But the man you are
talking about was not wearing a black suit and a black hat so HE could
not be The Black Dog Man. And you can't have him be Black Dog Man and
the woman and baby also be Black Dog Man. Pick one or the other.
Post by a***@gmail.com
He could have very well been the companion of the black woman standing
where Black Dog Man was seen, maybe with her baby. The couple with the
Could have been. Similar clothes, similar build. But not Black Dog Man,
not wearing a black suit and black hat.
Post by a***@gmail.com
baby might have been sitting on the bench and when the motorcade
approached they both got up, while he went down some steps to join Hudson
and Mudd and the woman remained behind the retaining wall.
Fine, but not Black Dog Man.
Post by a***@gmail.com
The best article on the probable identity of Black Dog Man is still this
Why do you think they call it Depleted Cranium?
Post by a***@gmail.com
This theory was also forwarded by Robin Unger and others at the Lancer
So, you are trying to provoke me into calling Robin a liar? I already
discussed it with him.
Post by a***@gmail.com
2012-08-10 01:29:45 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Jason Burke
Uh, that was because there was no Black Dog Man.
The HSCA proved there was. Where ya been?
The HSCA proved that there was a person there, not much more. Nobody can
deny that fact anyway.
Yes, some WC defenders CAN deny that fact anyway. One says it's a tree
Another says it's a black woman holding her baby who is dressed in white.
Post by a***@gmail.com
However, the so called skin tone analysis of the figure dubbed Black Dog
Man done by The Aerospace Corp. at the request of the HSCA didn't prove
that the person was a man nor that the person was white, contrary to what
you have claimed in the past.
I never said that the Aerospace Corp. analysis proved that it was a man.
You are making a false claim. But I did say that the HSCA thought the
analysis shows that the skin tone is consistent with a white person.
That could work if the black woman was an albino. But no albino Negro
woman was documented in Dealey Plaza. And the photos people upload
showing the black woman with the baby show very dark skin tones.
Post by a***@gmail.com
(quote on)
The HSCA said neither "white" nor "man". It made no statement as to the
race or gender of the person, who was estimated to be between 5' 6" inches
to 6' tall.
"The Aerospace Corp. measurements showed the flesh tones of the object
near the retaining wall to be comparable to the known flesh tones of
Zapruder's secretary. USC's measurements also showed similarity between
the flesh tones of the object and those of known persons; however, the
similarities were not as strong as those found by Aerospace."
(quote off)
You got a problem with that? Was Marilyn Sitzman black?
Post by a***@gmail.com
The man standing one or two steps above Emmett Hudson and the other man in
a red shirt on the stairs (possibly F. Lee Mudd, as pointed out by Pat
Speer) was definitely a colored man, as can clearly be seen in the Nix and
Muchmore movies.
Maybe, but maybe someone is perpetrating a hoax. I don't mind is a black
man goes down to the steps to watch the motorcade. But the man you are
talking about was not wearing a black suit and a black hat so HE could
not be The Black Dog Man. And you can't have him be Black Dog Man and
the woman and baby also be Black Dog Man. Pick one or the other.
Post by a***@gmail.com
He could have very well been the companion of the black woman standing
where Black Dog Man was seen, maybe with her baby. The couple with the
Could have been. Similar clothes, similar build. But not Black Dog Man,
not wearing a black suit and black hat.
Post by a***@gmail.com
baby might have been sitting on the bench and when the motorcade
approached they both got up, while he went down some steps to join Hudson
and Mudd and the woman remained behind the retaining wall.
Fine, but not Black Dog Man.
Post by a***@gmail.com
The best article on the probable identity of Black Dog Man is still this
Why do you think they call it Depleted Cranium?
Post by a***@gmail.com
This theory was also forwarded by Robin Unger and others at the Lancer
So, you are trying to provoke me into calling Robin a liar? I already
discussed it with him.

So you must think it was a sniper dressed in black. Had to be a
Ninja. They are masters of moving into position unobserved and
vanishing after the job is done. Another Ninja fired shots from the
6th floor to frame LHO, right? That's why Euins thought he was a
black man (according to you).
Alex Foyle
2012-08-10 16:26:27 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
I never said that the Aerospace Corp. analysis proved that it was a man.
Then what source backs up your claim that Black Dog Man was a white man in
a black suit wearing a black hat?
Post by Anthony Marsh
And you can't have him be Black Dog Man and
the woman and baby also be Black Dog Man. Pick one or the other.
I did, you just don't seem to read properly. The woman and the baby are
Black Dog Man, most likely.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Could have been. Similar clothes, similar build. But not Black Dog Man,
not wearing a black suit and black hat.
Can you give us a source for your claim that Black Dog Man was wearing a
black suit and a black hat?
Post by Anthony Marsh
So, you are trying to provoke me into calling Robin a liar? I already
discussed it with him.
Provoking you to call Robin a liar? Vintage Marsh imputation. I just gave
you another source for that theory, since the website Depleted Cranium
seems to confuse you. Have you even read the article there? What came of
your discussion with Robin re Black Dog Man?
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-10 23:35:48 UTC
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
I never said that the Aerospace Corp. analysis proved that it was a man.
Then what source backs up your claim that Black Dog Man was a white man in
a black suit wearing a black hat?
The HSCA study.
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
And you can't have him be Black Dog Man and
the woman and baby also be Black Dog Man. Pick one or the other.
I did, you just don't seem to read properly. The woman and the baby are
Black Dog Man, most likely.
Nope. The woman and baby are supposedly black, not white?
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Could have been. Similar clothes, similar build. But not Black Dog Man,
not wearing a black suit and black hat.
Can you give us a source for your claim that Black Dog Man was wearing a
black suit and a black hat?
HSCA. Read it sometime.
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
So, you are trying to provoke me into calling Robin a liar? I already
discussed it with him.
Provoking you to call Robin a liar? Vintage Marsh imputation. I just gave
you another source for that theory, since the website Depleted Cranium
seems to confuse you. Have you even read the article there? What came of
your discussion with Robin re Black Dog Man?
Robin almost never posted here so you'll have to read all the thread on
the other forum.
Alex Foyle
2012-08-13 14:24:08 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
Then what source backs up your claim that Black Dog Man was a white man in
a black suit wearing a black hat?
The HSCA study.
The HSCA said no such thing. Kindly quote from their report, if you can.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
The woman and the baby are Black Dog Man, most likely.
Nope. The woman and baby are supposedly black, not white?
Nobody proved that Black Dog Man was white, so your "Nope" is pure
speculation, just as much as the Colored Lady with baby is Black Dog Man
is speculation, although the latter corresponds with the photographic and
physical evidence of the scene, contrary to your man in black suit with
black hat. Ever wonder?
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
Can you give us a source for your claim that Black Dog Man was wearing a
black suit and a black hat?
HSCA. Read it sometime.
I did, several times, and as I said before, the HSCA does not say that
Black Dog Man was wearing a black hat and a black suit. Kindly provide the
HSCA source for that claim.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Robin almost never posted here so you'll have to read all the thread on
the other forum.
Which other forum?
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-13 16:08:36 UTC
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
Then what source backs up your claim that Black Dog Man was a white man in
a black suit wearing a black hat?
The HSCA study.
The HSCA said no such thing. Kindly quote from their report, if you can.
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
The woman and the baby are Black Dog Man, most likely.
Nope. The woman and baby are supposedly black, not white?
Nobody proved that Black Dog Man was white, so your "Nope" is pure
speculation, just as much as the Colored Lady with baby is Black Dog Man
is speculation, although the latter corresponds with the photographic and
physical evidence of the scene, contrary to your man in black suit with
black hat. Ever wonder?
FIGURE IV-8. Willis No. 5. Will Image Enhancement.

(296) Since the image was badly blurred, an attempt was made to
use the computer to remove the blur. Blur removal can be accomplished if
its extent is not too great. (101) Unfortunately, the image was severely
degraded in the region of the retaining wall that deblurring efforts were
not. successful. (297) The, next computer processing step was to make
measurements of the color values of the object, behind the retaining wall
in order to compare the perceived flesh tones with those of a person at
another location in the Willis photograph. The photograph was scanned in
color: Separate measurements were made of the three primary colors, red,
green and blue, from which other colors can be made.
(298) After scanning, an image analyst at the Aerospace Corp.
viewed the image on a color video image display and positioned a
computer-generated dot at those points where colors were to be measured.
The computer then recorded the red, green, and blue values in the image at
the dot's positions. A similar analysis was carried out at the University
of Southern California.
(299) Regions measured at the Aerospace Corp. included the flesh
tones of the object near the retaining wall and of Marilyn the secretary
to Abraham Zapruder, who is visible in the Willis photograph. Sitzman's
flesh tones were measured both in shadow and sunlight. At the University
of Southern California flesh tones were used for the object at the
retaining wall and for several people: A policeman, a bystander, and a
child. In addition, measurements were made of Mrs. Kennedy's hat, which
was pink in color and had a flesh tone appearance on the video display.


(300) The Aerospace Corp. measurements showed the flesh cones of
the object near the retaining wall to be comparable to the known flesh
tones of Zapruder's secretary. USC's measurements also showed similarity
between the flesh tones of the object and those of known persons; however,
the similarities were not as strong as those found Aerospace. The
measurements of Mrs. Kennedy's hat were found to be distinguishable from
the measurements of known flesh. Nevertheless, the differences of Mrs.
Kennedy's hat from known flesh ments were only marginally greater than
differences of flesh tone measurements from each other.
(301) Based on these measurements, as well as visual analysis,
Panel concludes that the object was most probably an adult standing behind
the wall. First, the general shape and structure the object, including the
location of the flesh tones, appear to be human.
The height of the object in relation to the known height of the
consistent with that, of an adult of average height (5'6" to 6' tall).
Third, the measured values of the flesh tones of the object are comparable
with those of people in the photograph. Fourth, an additional Willis
photograph, No. 6, taken after the Presidential limosine had exited Dealey
Plaza but showing approximately the view as No. 5, no longer shows the
object. near the retaining wall, or anywhere else; it has disappeared.
(See fig. IV-9.) mobility of the object greatly increases the likelihood
of its being a person.

Mr. GOLDSMITH. I ask that Dr. Hunt be shown F-155, F-129, and
F-161. While that is being done I would request that F-156 be
admitted into the record.
Chairman STOKES. Without objection, it may be entered into the
record at this point.
[Whereupon, exhibit F-156 was received.]



Mr. GOLDSMITH. Dr. Hunt, would you identify these exhibits?
Dr. HUNT. Yes. F-155 is an enlargement from a slide taken by a
gentleman by the name of Willis. It is looking down towards the
caravan from the back as the caravan proceeded down the street. It
is a 35 millimeter color slide.
The next exhibit, F-129, shows an enlargement from a black-and-
white Polaroid print, usually referred to as the Moorman film. The
third exhibit F-161, shows a segment, one print if you wish, from 8
film made by a gentleman named Nix. You are showing an en-
larged piece of that film cropped out from the original 8 millimeter


film in the lower half, and in the upper half an even greater
enlargement centering on the region that you are seeing here on
the left.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. What issues did these photographic items raise
the panel?
Dr. HUNT. Using the label, "the retaining wall," we are looking
at the Dealey Plaza wall structure which comes out on the Willis
film, and right here at the edge of the retaining wall there is a
dark object, which I am pointing to right here. It has been alleged
or asserted the dark object represents a gunman standing at or
behind the retaining wall. That is the main issue which is being
addressed in all these, because each of these images shows the
retaining wall at some point in time.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Is this retaining wall in the grassy knoll area
of Dealey Plaza?
Dr. HUNT. Yes. This is usually referred to as the grassy knoll.
You can see the rise of the slope of land coming up where the
retaining wall sits.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. I would ask that JFK F-160 be brought to Dr.
Hunt's attention.
Dr. Hunt, what type of enhancement method was applied to the
Willis photograph?
Dr. HUNT. What was done is the following. The computer was
asked to scan this region around the retaining wall, and then an
enlargement was made by the computer. The result of the enlarge-
ment process is what we see in this exhibit F-160. You see the
retaining wall. Here is the dark feature itself, and this is an
enlargement of the dark feature sitting right at the area of the
retaining wall.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Mr. Chairman, I move to admit JFK F-160.
Chairman STOKES. Without objection, it may be entered.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Thank you.
[Whereupon, exhibit JFK F-160 was received.]



Mr. GOLDSMITH. Dr. Hunt, in attempting to identify this image,
what analytical work, if any, was done?
Dr. HUNT. We did two things. The first thing we did was to
attempt to remove some of the evident blur in the image. If you
look at the original and concentrate upon the freeway sign, you see
a blur. We hoped to remove that blur. That attempt was carried
out at the University of Southern California. [t was not successful.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Are you able to say why it was not successful?
Dr. HUNT. Yes. The picture was just simply not that good. There
is quite a bit of blurring when you look at this gross enlargement


of the kind we have here. There was, in addition, when the picture
was received by the panel, a grayish coating of some kind on it.
This was probably another thing that was detrimental to the effort.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. What analytical work was done to determine
whether that image is a human object?
Dr. HUNT. When we look at this image upon a soft-copy display,
we display it on a color CRT. This is where the soft copy is superior
to the hard copy I have here on the exhibit. The perception is quite
dramatic and distinct, that there are flesh tones within the region
of what appears to be the head of this object at the wall, and that
there are more flesh tones in what appears to be the hands of this
object at the mall. What we tried to do was to make analytical and
numerical measurements of those flesh tones and compare those
with the flesh tones of another individual in the photograph.
What we did for comparison purposes was measure flesh tones
upon the legs and face of this woman standing next to Mr. Za-
pruder, his secretary.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. What was the panel's conclusion?
Dr. HUNT. Based upon the flesh-tone measurements which we
took off of the object at the wall, and comparing those to similar
measurements on the flesh tones on Zapruder's secretary, we con-
cluded this was a person standing at the wall.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Did the panel make any effort to determine
whether that person was holding a rifle?
Dr. HUNT. Yes. We tried to examine the nature of this linear
feature which you see right here. If you look at this object you
perceive something like a head or face with flesh tones, shoulders
and arms, with flesh tones in the region I am pointing to here, and
then you perceive this linear object which runs out of the hands
roughly at a 45-degree angle. We would have liked to deblur the
image. Since we couldn't, the only thing we could do was to ask
ourselves: what is the probability of this being a rifle? We could
not make a conclusion on that because there is another evident
blur at the 45-degree line throughout this image. This linear object
we perceive runs at the same direction as the blur which is appar-
ent in the image. It is equally likely, therefore, that this is either a
real object of some kind, or simply a small dark object in the image
which was stretched out by the motion blur of the camera during
the period in which the picture was taken.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Dr. Hunt, I would ask you to refer now to JFK
F-129 which was the Moorman enlargement at the far left. I would
ask what type of enhancement method was applied to this photo-
Dr. HUNT. This photograph in its original form was a black and
white Polaroid print. As such, it was not well suited to being
scanned by computer. There is in the region of the retaining wall a
great amount of dark area. What we did, therefore, was to use
contrast enhancement techniques of the photo-optic kind.
We tried to bring out, through photo enhancement, details
against the retaining wall.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. What conclusion, if any, did the panel reach
concerning this photograph?
Dr. HUNT. We found no evidence of the person that is visible in
the Willis photograph in the Moormon photograph.


Mr. GOLDSMITH. What is the time sequence among these three
Dr. HUNT. Willis came first, approximately 5 seconds later came
the Moormon photograph, and the Nix photograph spans most of
those times plus some time later.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Why is that?
Dr. HUNT. Because the Nix picture is a motion picture film. The
picture started running prior to the fatal shot and kept running
during and after.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Drawing your attention to JFK F-129 in the
upper left-hand region of that exhibit, there is a stockade fence.
Perhaps you could point to it for the committee. Was any effort
made to study that area to see if there was any evidence of a
gunman there?
Dr. HUNT. No. No effort was applied to it. First of all, the results
carried out in this region were negative.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. You are pointing now to the retaining wall?
Dr. HUNT. Yes. The print was of quite poor quality. As I said,
this is a black and white Polaroid print and it had been manhan-
dled quite a bit during the years. We concluded the results over
here would be probably the same. When we look at the quality of
the image in this region it seems even poorer than the quality
where we already had negative results.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. The region you were just referring to is the
region of the stockade fence?
Dr. HUNT. That is correct.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Referring your attention to JFK F-161, what
type of enhancement work was applied to the Nix film?
Dr. HUNT. This particular frame out of the Nix film was subject-
ed to an enhancement operation at Aerospace Corp. in Los Angeles
in which the nature of the enhancement was to bring the image
more into focus. We know there is a slight blur in it, from the
nature of the camera's image system. We tried to remove that blur.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Was the panel able to reach any conclusion as to
the presence of a gunman by the retaining wall?
Dr. HUNT. Over here at the retaining wall area we see some
pattern of light and dark, shaped roughly like a triangle. You see
that better in the enlargement, which we have shown here. The
panel could not conclude this was a person. We see no flesh tones
associated with that region of the sort we find over here on Za-
pruder and his secretary.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Was this particular photograph subjected to digi-
tal image processing?
Dr. HUNT. Yes.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Was the panel able to discern any sign of a flash
or puff of smoke?
Dr. HUNT. No. They found no flash or puff of smoke in that
retaining wall area of this film.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. The retaining wall area in this particular frame
seems to be on the periphery of the frame. What effect, if any, does
that have on the quality of the image?
Dr. HUNT. Well, it is in fact on the periphery of the frame. If you
look on the frame itself it cuts off a little to the right where the
photograph was printed.


By and large, the edge of a frame is the region of greatest
degradation in the photo, a region where you are likely to find
ragged edges of the frame, a region where you will find misfocusing
of different colors, a region where you will find the greatest
amount of blurring.
Mr. GOLDSMITH. Might that account for claims made by some
that in that area of the photograph a flash or puff of smoke was
Dr. HUNT. Certainly it could. For example, an object in the
background which might have been perceived as something easily
recognizable in the center might be out of focus at the edge and
simply not properly perceived.
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Alex Foyle
Can you give us a source for your claim that Black Dog Man was wearing a
black suit and a black hat?
HSCA. Read it sometime.
I did, several times, and as I said before, the HSCA does not say that
Black Dog Man was wearing a black hat and a black suit. Kindly provide the
HSCA source for that claim.
Do you know what object we are debating? It is called Black Dog Man. Do
you know why it is called Black Dog Man? Because some conspiracy authors
thought it looks liked a black dog sitting on the retaining wall. Martin
and I debated this and he came up with the woman and baby so I made fun of
his theory by calling it the Black Dog-Faced Woman. Her clothes and skin
tone are not compatible with the image behind the retaining wall.
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Robin almost never posted here so you'll have to read all the thread on
the other forum.
Which other forum?
The research forum.
Alex Foyle
2012-08-15 12:59:57 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Nope. The woman and baby are supposedly black, not white?
That doesn't matter, because the HSCA did not say that Black Dog Man was white.

And thanks for the lengthy HSCA quotation. Are you aware that in all you quote the HSCA never said that the Black Dog Man was wearing a black suit and a black hat as you claimed? All the HSCA concluded was that Black Dog Man is probably an adult human with average height. The bit about the skin tones being "comparable" (!) to the skin tones of others in the photos does not prove that Black Dog Man was white.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The research forum.
You mean this one? http://www.jfkresearch.com
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-15 16:09:58 UTC
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Nope. The woman and baby are supposedly black, not white?
That doesn't matter, because the HSCA did not say that Black Dog Man was white.
And thanks for the lengthy HSCA quotation. Are you aware that in all you quote the HSCA never said that the Black Dog Man was wearing a black suit and a black hat as you claimed? All the HSCA concluded was that Black Dog Man is probably an adult human with average height. The bit about the skin tones being "comparable" (!) to the skin tones of others in the photos does not prove that Black Dog Man was white.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The research forum.
You mean this one? http://www.jfkresearch.com
Scientists do not state things in absolutes. The scientists merely state
that the skin tone is comparable with a white person and not comparable
with black objects.
Alex Foyle
2012-08-16 12:37:00 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Scientists do not state things in absolutes. The scientists merely state
that the skin tone is comparable with a white person and not comparable
with black objects.
Those scientists did not compare Black Dog Man's skin tones to any black
object or to the skin tones of a colored person.

Bottom line is that your claims re Black Dog Man which we were discussing
in this thread were a complete fabrication of your imagination, thanks for
confirming this.
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-16 22:19:17 UTC
Post by Alex Foyle
Post by Anthony Marsh
Scientists do not state things in absolutes. The scientists merely state
that the skin tone is comparable with a white person and not comparable
with black objects.
Those scientists did not compare Black Dog Man's skin tones to any black
object or to the skin tones of a colored person.
Bottom line is that your claims re Black Dog Man which we were discussing
in this thread were a complete fabrication of your imagination, thanks for
confirming this.
The area which they thought was the face appeared white to them. That is
why they tested that area rather than the other areas which appeared
black to them.
2012-07-29 17:05:50 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony.  He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man. We only see this mysterious shape
in a photograph. Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man. Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.

Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing. So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-30 01:19:09 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man. We only see this mysterious shape
Not quite the truth. You didn't know it because you are not a
researcher, but years later Rosemary Willis said she saw a man behind
the wall.
Post by claviger
in a photograph. Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man. Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.
You're not trying hard enough to cover this up. One of your buddies once
said it was a tree trunk.
Post by claviger
Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing. So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
We see Black Dog Man before any shots.
He is only called Black Dog Man because a certain kook conspiracy
believer made up the name to be cute as it looks like a black dog
sitting on the retaining wall. Like Glassman and Doorwayman and Hatman.
They are just being silly.
2012-08-01 17:37:33 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony.  He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man.  We only see this mysterious shape
Not quite the truth. You didn't know it because you are not a
researcher, but years later Rosemary Willis said she saw a man behind
the wall.
Cite please. The "years later" part causes doubt about this late
blooming memory.
Post by Anthony Marsh
in a photograph.  Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man.  Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.
You're not trying hard enough to cover this up. One of your buddies once
said it was a tree trunk.
Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing.  So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
We see Black Dog Man before any shots.
Wrong. The first shot had already been fired but many thought it was
a harmless firecracker. This photo happened right before the second
shot, so your point is there may not be a panic response yet. BobR
did a good job analyzing who BDM really is, as did Martin Shackelford
and DVP.

R.I.P.: The Black Dog Man - ACORN
http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/.ms/.2pe.html - 7k - similar pagesShe
appears, as the image long identified as "The Black Dog Man," in the
Hugh Betzner and Phil Willis photos. An enlargement from the Betzner
photo, ...

http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/black-dog-man.html - 132k -
similar pagesOct 24, 2008 ... individuals is "Black Dog Man" [BDM] or
not. That photo/(film) was obviously taken several minutes AFTER the
assassination (and it's hard to ...
Post by Anthony Marsh
He is only called Black Dog Man because a certain kook conspiracy
believer made up the name to be cute as it looks like a black dog
sitting on the retaining wall. Like Glassman and Doorwayman and Hatman.
They are just being silly.
There were two black people sitting in that area at the time of the
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-01 20:28:57 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man. We only see this mysterious shape
Not quite the truth. You didn't know it because you are not a
researcher, but years later Rosemary Willis said she saw a man behind
the wall.
Cite please. The "years later" part causes doubt about this late
blooming memory.
So what? You could say that about ANY witness. But you never would say
that about Marilyn Sitzman.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
in a photograph. Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man. Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.
You're not trying hard enough to cover this up. One of your buddies once
said it was a tree trunk.
Post by claviger
Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing. So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
We see Black Dog Man before any shots.
Wrong. The first shot had already been fired but many thought it was
a harmless firecracker. This photo happened right before the second
shot, so your point is there may not be a panic response yet. BobR
did a good job analyzing who BDM really is, as did Martin Shackelford
and DVP.
Do you know Martin? I do. I debated it with him and showed how silly
that theory is.
Post by claviger
R.I.P.: The Black Dog Man - ACORN
http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/.ms/.2pe.html - 7k - similar pagesShe
appears, as the image long identified as "The Black Dog Man," in the
Hugh Betzner and Phil Willis photos. An enlargement from the Betzner
photo, ...
http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/black-dog-man.html - 132k -
similar pagesOct 24, 2008 ... individuals is "Black Dog Man" [BDM] or
not. That photo/(film) was obviously taken several minutes AFTER the
assassination (and it's hard to ...
Post by Anthony Marsh
He is only called Black Dog Man because a certain kook conspiracy
believer made up the name to be cute as it looks like a black dog
sitting on the retaining wall. Like Glassman and Doorwayman and Hatman.
They are just being silly.
There were two black people sitting in that area at the time of the
Yeah, so what?
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-09 01:50:25 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony. He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man. We only see this mysterious shape
Not quite the truth. You didn't know it because you are not a
researcher, but years later Rosemary Willis said she saw a man behind
the wall.
Cite please. The "years later" part causes doubt about this late
blooming memory.
Rosemary was too young to testify before the WC. She gave a statement to
the HSCA. But as usual you read only the WC and never learn anything new.


I predict that next month you will claim that I never cited this for you
and never can back up what I say.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
in a photograph. Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man. Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.
You're not trying hard enough to cover this up. One of your buddies once
said it was a tree trunk.
Post by claviger
Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing. So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
We see Black Dog Man before any shots.
Wrong. The first shot had already been fired but many thought it was
a harmless firecracker. This photo happened right before the second
shot, so your point is there may not be a panic response yet. BobR
did a good job analyzing who BDM really is, as did Martin Shackelford
and DVP.
R.I.P.: The Black Dog Man - ACORN
http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/.ms/.2pe.html - 7k - similar pagesShe
appears, as the image long identified as "The Black Dog Man," in the
Hugh Betzner and Phil Willis photos. An enlargement from the Betzner
photo, ...
http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/black-dog-man.html - 132k -
similar pagesOct 24, 2008 ... individuals is "Black Dog Man" [BDM] or
not. That photo/(film) was obviously taken several minutes AFTER the
assassination (and it's hard to ...
Post by Anthony Marsh
He is only called Black Dog Man because a certain kook conspiracy
believer made up the name to be cute as it looks like a black dog
sitting on the retaining wall. Like Glassman and Doorwayman and Hatman.
They are just being silly.
There were two black people sitting in that area at the time of the
2012-08-09 02:53:14 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Then why did the WC bother to take any testimony? Why does the prosecution
ever question witnesses if they told everything to the first policeman
they talked to?
Nothing changed in his WC testimony.  He saw no person behind the
fence at the time shots were fired.
As always you WC defenders are too cowardly to answer my questions. Just
because he didn't see anyone does not mean there wasn't someone there.
Zapruder and Sitzman did not see Black Dog Man only a few feet in front of
No witness ever saw Black Dog Man.  We only see this mysterious shape
Not quite the truth. You didn't know it because you are not a
researcher, but years later Rosemary Willis said she saw a man behind
the wall.
Cite please.  The "years later" part causes doubt about this late
blooming memory.
Rosemary was too young to testify before the WC. She gave a statement to
the HSCA. But as usual you read only the WC and never learn anything new.
I predict that next month you will claim that I never cited this for you
and never can back up what I say.
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
in a photograph.  Therefore BDM was most likely a Ninja dressed in
black who came and went unseen as Ninjas know how to do, or BDM was
not a man.  Maybe BDM was a female Ninja in which case she was Black
Dog Bitch.
You're not trying hard enough to cover this up. One of your buddies once
said it was a tree trunk.
Given the fact that no witness saw anyone on the GK with a weapon at
the time of the shooting, but did see a black couple sitting in the
same area drinking a soda, it would be logical to assume either the
man or woman panicked at the sound of gunfire and tried to find a safe
place to hide, like behind something solid, as BDM is obviously
doing.  So in fact BDM was seen by a witness and did not have a
weapon, and was a normal person not a dog-man hybrid.
We see Black Dog Man before any shots.
Wrong.  The first shot had already been fired but many thought it was
a harmless firecracker.  This photo happened right before the second
shot, so your point is there may not be a panic response yet.  BobR
did a good job analyzing who BDM really is, as did Martin Shackelford
and DVP.
R.I.P.: The Black Dog Man - ACORN
http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/.ms/.2pe.html- 7k - similar pagesShe
appears, as the image long identified as "The Black Dog Man," in the
Hugh Betzner and Phil Willis photos. An enlargement from the Betzner
photo, ...
http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/black-dog-man.html- 132k -
similar pagesOct 24, 2008 ... individuals is "Black Dog Man" [BDM] or
not. That photo/(film) was obviously taken several minutes AFTER the
assassination (and it's hard to ...
Post by Anthony Marsh
He is only called Black Dog Man because a certain kook conspiracy
believer made up the name to be cute as it looks like a black dog
sitting on the retaining wall. Like Glassman and Doorwayman and Hatman.
They are just being silly.
There were two black people sitting in that area at the time of the
Here is some good advice: "Go to the earliest statements of a witness.
Before someone had told him(her) what to say."
2012-07-27 16:58:11 UTC
Bowers, Lee E. WC testimony

Mr. BALL - Were you in a position where you could see the corner of
Elm and Houston from the tower?
Mr. BOWERS - No; I could not see the corner of Elm and Houston. I
could see the corner of Main and Houston as they came down and turned
on, then I couldn't see it for about half a block, and after they
passed the corner of Elm and Houston the car came in sight again.
Mr. BALL - You saw the President's car coming out the Houston Street
from Main, did you?
Mr. BOWERS - Yes; I saw that.
Mr. BALL - Then you lost sight of it?
Mr. BOWERS - Right. For a moment.
Mr. BALL - Then you saw it again where?
Mr. BOWERS - It came in sight after it had turned the corner of Elm
and Houston.
Mr. BALL - Did you hear anything?
Mr. BOWERS - I heard three shots. One, then a slight pause, then two
very close together. Also reverberation from the shots.
Mr. BELIN - And were you able to form an opinion as to the source of
the sound or what direction it came from, I mean?
Mr. BOWERS - The sounds came either from up against the School
Depository Building or near the mouth of the triple underpass.
Mr. BALL - Were you able to tell which?
Mr. BOWERS - No; I could not.

Notice he heard the sound of shots from either the TSBD or the Triple
Underpass. Since there were several witnesses on top of the Triple
Underpass including 2 policemen, we know the shots did not come from
anywhere around there. By process of elimination Bowers is confirming
what a majority of other witnesses heard, including all the SS Agents, the
source of the shots came from the direction of the TSBD.
Anthony Marsh
2012-07-28 03:09:02 UTC
Post by claviger
Bowers, Lee E. WC testimony
Mr. BALL - Were you in a position where you could see the corner of
Elm and Houston from the tower?
Mr. BOWERS - No; I could not see the corner of Elm and Houston. I
could see the corner of Main and Houston as they came down and turned
on, then I couldn't see it for about half a block, and after they
passed the corner of Elm and Houston the car came in sight again.
Mr. BALL - You saw the President's car coming out the Houston Street
from Main, did you?
Mr. BOWERS - Yes; I saw that.
Mr. BALL - Then you lost sight of it?
Mr. BOWERS - Right. For a moment.
Mr. BALL - Then you saw it again where?
Mr. BOWERS - It came in sight after it had turned the corner of Elm
and Houston.
Mr. BALL - Did you hear anything?
Mr. BOWERS - I heard three shots. One, then a slight pause, then two
very close together. Also reverberation from the shots.
Mr. BELIN - And were you able to form an opinion as to the source of
the sound or what direction it came from, I mean?
Mr. BOWERS - The sounds came either from up against the School
Depository Building or near the mouth of the triple underpass.
Mr. BALL - Were you able to tell which?
Mr. BOWERS - No; I could not.
Notice he heard the sound of shots from either the TSBD or the Triple
Underpass. Since there were several witnesses on top of the Triple
Underpass including 2 policemen, we know the shots did not come from
anywhere around there. By process of elimination Bowers is confirming
what a majority of other witnesses heard, including all the SS Agents, the
source of the shots came from the direction of the TSBD.
Illogical. He was just indicating general direction.
2012-08-31 22:35:25 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
No witness was in a better position to see and hear any gunfire from
behind the wooden fence on the GK.
KInda hard to see the shooter shooting when you are looking in the
opposite direction focused on the limo.
She earlier saw a black couple in that area eating their lunches. Why
couldn't they have been the shooters?
Post by claviger
Marilyn Sitzman and Me
On the set of "JFK"
Dealey Plaza, downtown Dallas
After I found out I was playing Marilyn Sitzman, I called my mom's
best friend, Mary Ferrell (more about her in another photo's comments)
and asked for Ms. Sitzman's phone number. Mary, who knew everyone ever
connected with the assassination, immediately gave me the number and
told me to have a great time on location (no worries about that,
So, not knowing what to expect, I called Ms. Sitzman and held my
breath as the phone rang. Would she think I was a pest and hang up on
me? Would she think I was a nut (I knew that many people associated
with the assassination encountered nuts all of the time)? I was
terrified and started to hang up the phone when she answered. After we
made our introductions, Ms. Sitzman realized I wasn't a crazy, and we
had a friendly chat about her old boss, Abraham Zapruder, his infamous
film, and how the events of November 22, 1963 shaped her life.
She said that she wasn't very curious to see the motorcade that day,
but she went because Mr. Zapruder asked her to go along with him. When
he found the perfect place to capture the action (a 3'-high pedestal
along the grassy knoll), he asked Ms. Sitzman to stand behind him and
hold onto his shoulders because he had vertigo and was afraid that he
would get dizzy. Ever the dutiful secretary, she did so and watched in
horror as Kennedy was assassinated before her eyes.
Does the Moorman photo show Sitzman holding Zapruder's shoulders? No.
She lied.
***Mrs. Sitzman said Zapruder asked her to hold him by his shoulders,
according to the actress. The actress did not say that Mrs. Sitzman said
she held him in that manner.

***Ron Judge

2012-08-16 12:32:11 UTC
Cook/Cooper Gallery: Marilyn Sitzman

File 5/27

File 7/27

File 8/27

File 15/27
Beatrice Hester with Marilyn Sitzman 2 ( Credit Bernice )

File 16/27
Beatrice Hester with Marilyn Sitzman ( Credit Bernice )

Skaggs#12.jpg color adjusted File 4/36

Skaggs Gallery File 17/36

Willis Gallery File 6/32
2012-08-16 22:27:41 UTC
Marilyn Sitzman Oral History Interview - The Sixth Floor Museum
http://www.jfk.org / go / collections / oral-histories / view-oral-
history-transcript / 1993-011-0021--marilyn-s... - 9k - similar
pagesMarilyn Sitzman Oral History, 6/29/1993. Interview by Wes Wise
with Bob Porter Transcript Excerpt Wes: Something that has been
uncovered is that [Abraham ...
2012-08-16 22:59:13 UTC
Marilyn Sitzman Oral History Interview - The Sixth Floor Museumhttp://www.jfk.org/ go / collections / oral-histories / view-oral-
history-transcript / 1993-011-0021--marilyn-s... - 9k - similar
pagesMarilyn Sitzman Oral History, 6/29/1993. Interview by Wes Wise
with Bob Porter Transcript Excerpt Wes: Something that has been
uncovered is that [Abraham ...

1993.011.0021 – Marilyn Sitzman Oral History Interview

Marilyn Sitzman Oral History, 6/29/1993
Interview by Wes Wise with Bob Porter

Transcript Excerpt

Wes: Something that has been uncovered is that [Abraham
Zapruder] tried out a little bit of the film ahead of time to make
sure the camera was working all right and caught some of the
motorcycle policemen. Do you recall that kind of testing the first
few feet of film?

Marilyn: No. Like I said, I know he took a picture of me as I
walked up, and then we stood up there. He may have taken shots to see
what his view was. I only remember when they started to make their
first turn…turning into the street, he said, “OK, here we go…” or
something to that effect. That’s when I remember he started actually
doing the filming.

Wes: Before the filming began and the shots rang out, what
was the atmosphere? What was the feeling there on the plaza?

Marilyn: Oh, everybody was yelling and screaming “yea,” you
know, that type thing.

Wes: Very upbeat, in other words.

Marilyn: Oh yeah, very. Very.

Wes: OK, then you saw the motorcade turn the corner.

Marilyn: Yeah. They turned the corner, and they started coming
down. And the first thing I remember hearing was what I thought was
firecrackers because Kennedy threw his hands up, and I heard “bang,
bang.” Now, there could have been a third “bang,” I can’t swear to
that one. But I know there were two “bangs” very close together, and
I thought they were firecrackers because his arms were going into the
air, and it was way off to my left and above. So, you know, I’m just
kind of like… what a stupid thing to throw firecrackers, and as they
came down… the last shot that we heard was right in front of us and it
was like the same sound—far off and to the left—but I saw his head
open up and I saw the brains coming up. So, of course, by this time,
I knew it wasn’t firecrackers. But those were the only sounds I

Bob: To clarify it a bit, that would be towards the School
Book Depository building?

Marilyn: Towards our left and above.

Wes: Which would be in the general direction of the sixth
floor window?

Marilyn: Yes, yes!

Wes: Now… excuse me, go ahead.

Bob: I’m sorry, go… you didn’t turn and look in that

Marilyn: No, neither one of us…neither Mr. Zapruder or I turned
ever. We kept our attention on what was happening exactly in front of
us, and if you look at his film, there’s very little jumping. It’s
very steady considering what was going on, and that’s why I’m saying
the sound we heard… the third sound still sounded a distance because
if it had been as close as everybody’s trying to tell us, you know,
twenty feet behind us…

Wes: The picket fence?

Marilyn: Yeah, we would have jumped sky-high.

Wes: Now. You said you did hear another sound?

Marilyn: OK, after, you know, he filmed through going under the
Triple Underpass, and we’re both still standing there and then I heard
this crash. And that’s when both Mr. Zapruder and I kind of like did
a second of what-do-you-call-it…

Wes: Double-take.

Marilyn: Double… there’s a park bench on the other side of the
cement thing, and they were sitting in a park bench and they dropped
their pop bottle on that cement there and cracked it. That’s what
kind of woke us up, and that’s when we got down off of the concrete.
But that sound was, like, five… eight feet from us. That, yeah, we
did hear, but that’s the only other sound other than that far away
sound that we heard.

Wes: Would… that sound was not close enough to the other
shots, though, to be mistaken for a shot, you think?

Marilyn: No, it was… it was glass hitting concrete.

Wes: Distinctly?

Marilyn: Yeah, I knew exactly what it was when it hit.

Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.
Anthony Marsh
2012-08-17 00:30:03 UTC
Post by claviger
Marilyn Sitzman Oral History Interview - The Sixth Floor Museumhttp://www.jfk.org/ go / collections / oral-histories / view-oral-
history-transcript / 1993-011-0021--marilyn-s... - 9k - similar
pagesMarilyn Sitzman Oral History, 6/29/1993. Interview by Wes Wise
with Bob Porter Transcript Excerpt Wes: Something that has been
uncovered is that [Abraham ...
1993.011.0021 – Marilyn Sitzman Oral History Interview
Marilyn Sitzman Oral History, 6/29/1993
Interview by Wes Wise with Bob Porter
Transcript Excerpt
Wes: Something that has been uncovered is that [Abraham
Zapruder] tried out a little bit of the film ahead of time to make
sure the camera was working all right and caught some of the
motorcycle policemen. Do you recall that kind of testing the first
few feet of film?
Marilyn: No. Like I said, I know he took a picture of me as I
walked up, and then we stood up there. He may have taken shots to see
what his view was. I only remember when they started to make their
first turn…turning into the street, he said, “OK, here we go…” or
something to that effect. That’s when I remember he started actually
doing the filming.
Wes: Before the filming began and the shots rang out, what
was the atmosphere? What was the feeling there on the plaza?
Marilyn: Oh, everybody was yelling and screaming “yea,” you
know, that type thing.
Wes: Very upbeat, in other words.
Marilyn: Oh yeah, very. Very.
Wes: OK, then you saw the motorcade turn the corner.
Marilyn: Yeah. They turned the corner, and they started coming
down. And the first thing I remember hearing was what I thought was
firecrackers because Kennedy threw his hands up, and I heard “bang,
bang.” Now, there could have been a third “bang,” I can’t swear to
that one. But I know there were two “bangs” very close together, and
I thought they were firecrackers because his arms were going into the
air, and it was way off to my left and above. So, you know, I’m just
kind of like… what a stupid thing to throw firecrackers, and as they
came down… the last shot that we heard was right in front of us and it
was like the same sound—far off and to the left—but I saw his head
open up and I saw the brains coming up. So, of course, by this time,
I knew it wasn’t firecrackers. But those were the only sounds I
Bob: To clarify it a bit, that would be towards the School
Book Depository building?
Marilyn: Towards our left and above.
Wes: Which would be in the general direction of the sixth
floor window?
Yeah, nothing like leading the witnss, eh Wes?
Post by claviger
Marilyn: Yes, yes!
Wes: Now… excuse me, go ahead.
Bob: I’m sorry, go… you didn’t turn and look in that
Marilyn: No, neither one of us…neither Mr. Zapruder or I turned
ever. We kept our attention on what was happening exactly in front of
us, and if you look at his film, there’s very little jumping. It’s
very steady considering what was going on, and that’s why I’m saying
the sound we heard… the third sound still sounded a distance because
if it had been as close as everybody’s trying to tell us, you know,
twenty feet behind us…
Wes: The picket fence?
Marilyn: Yeah, we would have jumped sky-high.
Wes: Now. You said you did hear another sound?
Marilyn: OK, after, you know, he filmed through going under the
Triple Underpass, and we’re both still standing there and then I heard
this crash. And that’s when both Mr. Zapruder and I kind of like did
a second of what-do-you-call-it…
Wes: Double-take.
Marilyn: Double… there’s a park bench on the other side of the
cement thing, and they were sitting in a park bench and they dropped
their pop bottle on that cement there and cracked it. That’s what
kind of woke us up, and that’s when we got down off of the concrete.
But that sound was, like, five… eight feet from us. That, yeah, we
did hear, but that’s the only other sound other than that far away
sound that we heard.
Wes: Would… that sound was not close enough to the other
shots, though, to be mistaken for a shot, you think?
Marilyn: No, it was… it was glass hitting concrete.
Wes: Distinctly?
Marilyn: Yeah, I knew exactly what it was when it hit.
Cute speculation. Show me the broken glass on the concrete.
Post by claviger
Oral History Collection/The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.