Post by ***"Where's the evidence for multiple shooters?"
So Bob is asked to cite evidence to support his claims and instead simple
provides links to source documents and expects the other person to find
the evidence to support Bob's claim. I see this tactic used over and over
again, not just in this group but in others I participate in as well. In
another group, I asked someone who had made outrageous claims about future
climate change to cite evidence for those claims. His response was to post
the IPCC home page which does nothing but provide links to the lengthy
reports it has published. When I ask him to provide specific cites he
responds, "Read the damn reports.". I'm supposed to go hunting for the
supporting evidence for his claims. If he didn't live in Australia I might
think he was related to Marsh. If I am asked to back up a claim I make, I
will quote the pertinent paragraph using copy and paste to ensure I quote
it accurately and also provide a link to the source document in case
someone desires further context. Simply linking to source documents is not
citing evidence. It would be like if I was asked to provide supporting
evidence for my claims and I responded by saying, "Go visit the Library of
Congress. You'll find your answer there.".