Low information people
(too old to reply)
2016-09-14 04:10:20 UTC
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.

2016-09-14 19:30:51 UTC
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.

The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-15 15:03:09 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
And you fell for it. You thought it was real and didn't even realize it
was a staged hoax.
Post by bigdog
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
You mean like 91% percent of the public? You sound like part of Romney's
1% elite.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
Yes, they said it was a conspiracy.
Post by bigdog
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
They were not allowed to look for a conspiracy.
Post by bigdog
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
Hey, I thought you said the WC was perfect and had all the answers.
Why should there be any need for new techniques?
Post by bigdog
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
You already lost in a landslide.
2016-09-15 22:11:49 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-16 19:23:31 UTC
Post by deke
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
2016-09-17 21:12:51 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
Sounds like you're describing CTs. Obviously they are extremely
disappointed a Cold War enemy was to blame. CTs simply cannot deal with
that reality, so they conjure up amazing scenarios to shift that blame to
political enemies. To do that they must transform the same CIA who
bungled the BOP invasion into incredibly brilliant evil geniuses. No
group has done more to salvage the image of the CIA than CT fanatics.

The CIA probably browses this Newsgroup on a regular basis simply to get
better ideas from CTs on how to be even more devious.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-18 13:16:43 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
Sounds like you're describing CTs. Obviously they are extremely
disappointed a Cold War enemy was to blame. CTs simply cannot deal with
that reality, so they conjure up amazing scenarios to shift that blame to
political enemies. To do that they must transform the same CIA who
bungled the BOP invasion into incredibly brilliant evil geniuses. No
group has done more to salvage the image of the CIA than CT fanatics.
The CIA probably browses this Newsgroup on a regular basis simply to get
better ideas from CTs on how to be even more devious.
Probably? The CIA browses ALL newsgroups. Gotta watch out for those
terrorists on the Dr. WHo newsgroup.
Here, they can depend on low level informants who turn people in.
Like the one here who told the SS that I was planning to assassinate the
President Elect in 2000.
2016-09-19 02:31:07 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
Sounds like you're describing CTs. Obviously they are extremely
disappointed a Cold War enemy was to blame. CTs simply cannot deal with
that reality, so they conjure up amazing scenarios to shift that blame to
political enemies. To do that they must transform the same CIA who
bungled the BOP invasion into incredibly brilliant evil geniuses. No
group has done more to salvage the image of the CIA than CT fanatics.
The CIA probably browses this Newsgroup on a regular basis simply to get
better ideas from CTs on how to be even more devious.
Probably? The CIA browses ALL newsgroups. Gotta watch out for those
terrorists on the Dr. WHo newsgroup.
Here, they can depend on low level informants who turn people in.
Like the one here who told the SS that I was planning to assassinate the
President Elect in 2000.
As Voltaire would say to you, if the CIA didn't exist you would have to
invent it.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-20 00:02:25 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by claviger
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
Sounds like you're describing CTs. Obviously they are extremely
disappointed a Cold War enemy was to blame. CTs simply cannot deal with
that reality, so they conjure up amazing scenarios to shift that blame to
political enemies. To do that they must transform the same CIA who
bungled the BOP invasion into incredibly brilliant evil geniuses. No
group has done more to salvage the image of the CIA than CT fanatics.
The CIA probably browses this Newsgroup on a regular basis simply to get
better ideas from CTs on how to be even more devious.
Probably? The CIA browses ALL newsgroups. Gotta watch out for those
terrorists on the Dr. WHo newsgroup.
Here, they can depend on low level informants who turn people in.
Like the one here who told the SS that I was planning to assassinate the
President Elect in 2000.
As Voltaire would say to you, if the CIA didn't exist you would have to
invent it.
You don't even know what existed before the CIA. I was born when the CIA
was born. But my father was in intelligende BEFORE the CIA was born.
Agencies that you've never heard of.
2016-09-18 00:14:03 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?

That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
2016-09-19 01:47:24 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
I would add a type of LN that I believe you've left out. The one who
hates one or more people and wants to take it out on someone they can feel
is wrong to start with and therefore is a handy target. By siding with
the LNs these types will then insult and demean the CTs because, as LNs
without a cause, they are weak and have a bone to pick with someone and
need to relieve their silly little mood problems on someone. They usually
waste everyone's time and can't follow any argument without loads of

For those out there that fit that type, you know who you are.

2016-09-19 19:26:27 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
I would add a type of LN that I believe you've left out. The one who
hates one or more people and wants to take it out on someone they can feel
is wrong to start with and therefore is a handy target. By siding with
the LNs these types will then insult and demean the CTs because, as LNs
without a cause, they are weak and have a bone to pick with someone and
need to relieve their silly little mood problems on someone. They usually
waste everyone's time and can't follow any argument without loads of
For those out there that fit that type, you know who you are.
I'm glad to see you back. We haven't had nearly as many laughs on this
forum while you were away.
2016-09-19 02:25:38 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
2016-09-19 19:36:33 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
What total baloney! You've claimed that you get "amusement" from your
little efforts here. You're a anti-conspiracy hobbyist.

Don't forget the fourth type of LN. That's the one that comes here to
insult any CT they can find, because they think it is allowed and is going
to be cheered on by other LNs. They have an urge to vengeance toward
people for some imagined slight long ago that needs to be paid off. They
rarely know much about the case, they just insult as much as possible.

2016-09-20 13:13:30 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
What total baloney! You've claimed that you get "amusement" from your
little efforts here. You're a anti-conspiracy hobbyist.
Amusement, but no personal gain.
Post by mainframetech
Don't forget the fourth type of LN. That's the one that comes here to
insult any CT they can find, because they think it is allowed and is going
to be cheered on by other LNs.
I don't insult just any conspiracy hobbyist. My insults have to be earned.
It seems to come easy for you.
Post by mainframetech
They have an urge to vengeance toward
people for some imagined slight long ago that needs to be paid off. They
rarely know much about the case, they just insult as much as possible.
So now you are pretending you are a shrink.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-21 00:40:27 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
What total baloney! You've claimed that you get "amusement" from your
little efforts here. You're a anti-conspiracy hobbyist.
Amusement, but no personal gain.
It's what Trolls do.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Don't forget the fourth type of LN. That's the one that comes here to
insult any CT they can find, because they think it is allowed and is going
to be cheered on by other LNs.
I don't insult just any conspiracy hobbyist. My insults have to be earned.
It seems to come easy for you.
Silly Dog. you insult anyone who dares to point out your errors.
You are an equal opportunity insulter, to be Politically Correct.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have an urge to vengeance toward
people for some imagined slight long ago that needs to be paid off. They
rarely know much about the case, they just insult as much as possible.
So now you are pretending you are a shrink.
It doesn't take a shrink to see what's going on in a newsgroup.
just a little research.
2016-09-21 16:43:40 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
What total baloney! You've claimed that you get "amusement" from your
little efforts here. You're a anti-conspiracy hobbyist.
Amusement, but no personal gain.
Post by mainframetech
Don't forget the fourth type of LN. That's the one that comes here to
insult any CT they can find, because they think it is allowed and is going
to be cheered on by other LNs.
I don't insult just any conspiracy hobbyist. My insults have to be earned.
It seems to come easy for you.
Post by mainframetech
They have an urge to vengeance toward
people for some imagined slight long ago that needs to be paid off. They
rarely know much about the case, they just insult as much as possible.
So now you are pretending you are a shrink.
WRONG as usual! I have had the experience of dealing with those types
and so I can speak more knowledgeably about them.

Anthony Marsh
2016-09-20 00:04:39 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case.
Kind of like the conspiracy believers who watched Oliver Stone's movie and
think they now have an informed opinion about the assassination.
You aren't old enough to remember that when the Oliver Stone movie came
out, I was posting messages here warning people about the mistakes in
the movie.
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point.
Well, since I don't believe in conspiracy, I guess I'm not in this group
Since you secretly believe in conspiracy, you are in another group.
Post by bigdog
Post by Anthony Marsh
The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Since I've never gotten a dime in the 25 years I have participated in
internet forums I guess I don't fall into this group either. I do
rigorously defend the WC and I find all conspiracy theories ridiculous
Kinda hard to defend what you haven't even read and don't understand.
Post by bigdog
because not one of them is supported by a scrap of credible evidence. So
are just more ridiculous than others.
2016-09-19 04:29:29 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.

Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.

If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.

No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
2016-09-19 19:35:54 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.
Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.
If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.
No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
Interesting. You speak of information that you know nothing about and
have never checked out personally. When I bring out something from the
ARRB files that shows conspiracy, YOU are rarely there to argue it.

Here's a good example for you to cut your teeth on:

A Bethesda X-ray Technician (Jerrol custer) stated the following while
under oath:

"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."

From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf

Page 53

Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.

So now you have the text from the 'official' records. What do you say?

2016-09-20 13:12:56 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.
Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.
If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.
No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
Interesting. You speak of information that you know nothing about and
have never checked out personally. When I bring out something from the
ARRB files that shows conspiracy, YOU are rarely there to argue it.
A Bethesda X-ray Technician (Jerrol custer) stated the following while
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
So now you have the text from the 'official' records. What do you say?
I am well aware of Custer's bullshit story. I'm also aware it was not
supported by anyone else in what was a crowded room not to mention the
spectator gallery. But we are supposed to believe this guy saw something
no one else did. I am also aware that what Custer claimed happened isn't
remotely possible. A bullet that was traveling so slowly it would only
penetrate into soft tissue an inch or two could never have maintained its
trajectory enough to strike JFK from any distance. We know how deeply Jack
Ruby's .38 penetrated Oswald's abdomen and a .38 even in skilled hands
isn't very accurate beyond 50 feet because the bullet is too slow and arcs
too much beyond that. You are proposing a bullet with much less
penetrating power than Ruby's .38 which would mean it was traveling much
slower than Ruby's .38 and could never have held its trajectory. But you
keep believing Custer's ridiculous story told 3 decades after the
assassination because crap like that is all you have going for you.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-21 00:41:16 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.
Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.
If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.
No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
Interesting. You speak of information that you know nothing about and
have never checked out personally. When I bring out something from the
ARRB files that shows conspiracy, YOU are rarely there to argue it.
A Bethesda X-ray Technician (Jerrol custer) stated the following while
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
So now you have the text from the 'official' records. What do you say?
I am well aware of Custer's bullshit story. I'm also aware it was not
Are you also well aware of the Humes bullshit story? Did you fall for
his Ice Bullet Theory? Do you believe the little dab of fat tissue near
the hairline in the back of the head is the entrance wound?
Post by bigdog
supported by anyone else in what was a crowded room not to mention the
spectator gallery. But we are supposed to believe this guy saw something
OK, so out of hundreds of spectators only Brennan saw a man shooting, so
you rely on only one witness. Because you are a hypocrite. You have no
choice because you want to pretend to be a WC defender.
Post by bigdog
no one else did. I am also aware that what Custer claimed happened isn't
remotely possible. A bullet that was traveling so slowly it would only
Which bullet? Mythbusters can and has done it.
Post by bigdog
penetrate into soft tissue an inch or two could never have maintained its
trajectory enough to strike JFK from any distance. We know how deeply Jack
2 inches?
Post by bigdog
Ruby's .38 penetrated Oswald's abdomen and a .38 even in skilled hands
Again, apples and oranges. No one said a .38 Special was shot at JFK.
Do you remember the Charleston punks who shot the black football player
in the back? From 100 yards away with a .22 and the bullet did not exit.

YOU don't get to say what is possible.
Post by bigdog
isn't very accurate beyond 50 feet because the bullet is too slow and arcs
too much beyond that. You are proposing a bullet with much less
penetrating power than Ruby's .38 which would mean it was traveling much
slower than Ruby's .38 and could never have held its trajectory. But you
keep believing Custer's ridiculous story told 3 decades after the
assassination because crap like that is all you have going for you.
Now, wait a damn minute. You don't get to tell him what he is proposing.
He doesn't even know himself.
2016-09-21 16:44:53 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.
Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.
If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.
No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
Interesting. You speak of information that you know nothing about and
have never checked out personally. When I bring out something from the
ARRB files that shows conspiracy, YOU are rarely there to argue it.
A Bethesda X-ray Technician (Jerrol custer) stated the following while
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
So now you have the text from the 'official' records. What do you say?
I am well aware of Custer's bullshit story. I'm also aware it was not
supported by anyone else in what was a crowded room not to mention the
spectator gallery. But we are supposed to believe this guy saw something
no one else did. I am also aware that what Custer claimed happened isn't
remotely possible. A bullet that was traveling so slowly it would only
penetrate into soft tissue an inch or two could never have maintained its
trajectory enough to strike JFK from any distance. We know how deeply Jack
Ruby's .38 penetrated Oswald's abdomen and a .38 even in skilled hands
isn't very accurate beyond 50 feet because the bullet is too slow and arcs
too much beyond that. You are proposing a bullet with much less
penetrating power than Ruby's .38 which would mean it was traveling much
slower than Ruby's .38 and could never have held its trajectory. But you
keep believing Custer's ridiculous story told 3 decades after the
assassination because crap like that is all you have going for you.
Yes, you've tried those stories before. However, there are answers
for all of them. First, Custer was an X-ray Technician. When he was
about to do some of his work, EVERYONE had to step away from where it was
being done by 6 feet. So all work on the body had to stop. That also
leaves all the prosectors and autopsy team to chat among themselves, since
the X-rays are a standard step. Custer stated that only Finck was
watching and grabbed the bullet. Remember that one of the factors in the
conspiracy case was that the prosectors had to pretend that there was a
shot from above and behind and that they were also ordered to remove any
bullets left in the body before the autopsy.

Second, the proof has been shown to you that the bullet that struck the
upper back was a 'short shot' and never penetrated more than an inch or so
into the body. This is backed up by Humes and others at the autopsy.
The bullet went in an inch or so, and then fell out when Custer raised the
body. That squeezed out the bullet. Humes even suggested such an event
at another time, where he said the bullet probably fell out during heart
massage at Parkland.

So the possibility of a bullet falling out of a body is perfectly
possible. As well, when the body was opened, and they SAW the PROOF that
the bullet stopped at the pleura and right lung, it verified their
conclusion that "There's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body of JFK.
The only possibility for the bullet to be slowed down dramatically but
still penetrate an inch into the back of JFK, was if it had hit the seat
back behind JFK, which would probably be a sheet metal backing behind the

So now there are plausible answers for all your noise, yet you still
believe wholly in Howard Brennan as a witness, and wholly reject Custer as
a witness. Even though you've stated that a witness under oath is more
likely to be truthful. Perhaps you're biased against anything that goes
against your beloved WCR.

Anthony Marsh
2016-09-20 00:02:00 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by deke
If the truth be told, there are gullible uninformed people on both sides
of the issue. I've seen many LNs that have never done any serious
research. They base their opinions on what they've been told by others or
by the MSM. People like this arn't stupid, the're intellectually lazy.
Sadly, this kind of thing isn't limited to the JFK case, it applies to
many other areas as well - politics, religion, etc.
Quite true, but what about the people who visit newsgroups and know what
the fact are and intentionally lie to push a political agenda?
sh a political agenda?
That's a different group of people. Regarding the JFK case, I tend to put
LNs into three categories. The first are those that have done little or no
research and rely just on what they've heard about the case. The second
group are those who deceive themselves. They have done research -read
books, visited websites, participated in discussion groups etc. - and at
some level know that there was probably a conspiracy, but they are in
denial because of their personal beliefs and worldview or their personal
agenda. Gary Mack was a good case in point. The third and most nefarious
group are those that I think you are referring to - those that are
deliberately spreading disinformation for their own personal gain, either
by rigorously defending the official WC version of the assassination, or
by trying to discredit all CTs by coming up with some of the most
ridiculous conspiracy theories imaginable. Call me paranoid, but I believe
a few of these tend to pop up here now and then.
Sorry, what's undermined the credibility of the CT movement is not people
posting crazy theories on relatively obscure assassination sites (who
reads these but conspiracy buffs?) but people like Mark Lane, Jim Garrison
and Oliver Stone promoting the most outlandish theories and smearing and
Straight from the CIA guidelines. Attack all WC critics.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
defaming people with no concerns at all. Question: Do the CT people still
Defaming whom? People you have never heard of before? Public figures,
whom YOU say should be immune from criticism?
Post by s***@yahoo.com
want to defend Garrison? Even after all of these revelations of his abuse
I would rather dedfend Garrison that see the WC defenders lie about him.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
of power? From what I've read most CTers sure seem to.
NO revelations. Just CIA smears.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Crackpots and oddballs have zero influence over the public's view on the
Oh really? So that explains how we got the HSCA?
91% of the public agrees with us. But you are comfortable being in the
1% who still believe the WC.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
assassination since the vast, vast majority of Americans don't care about
the event. And since the vast majority don't care, what they say about the
That is the purpose of the cover-up.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
assassination is based on ignorance. The truly ignorant party here is
those that believe in a conspiracy NOT those that believe Oswald alone
killed JFK.
OK, so you call 91% of the public ignorant and only your 1% is smart
enough to believe in the Single Bullet Theory.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
If you want to restore the CT credibility then sincere conspiracy
I don't WANT to do anything to cave in to your Facism.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
believers need to the assassination sites and take on people who say, for
Maybe you haven't read the messages here. I take on the kooks every day.
Mainly because YOU are not brave enough to do it. Slacker.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
example, that Walter Cronkite covered up the murder of JFK and the media
have also covered it up. Or there were two Oswalds and two caskets and all
of these outlandish claims. That's your problem.
I know all about the kooks. Much more than you do.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
No, sorry, the problem with the CT believers is entirely within the
so-called community. It's not outsiders scheming to discredit it. Why
should they? The CT party is doing that all by themselves.
The problem is with the cover-up.
The kooks filled the vacuum left by your cover-up.
Just tell the truth from the beginning.
2016-09-18 00:00:21 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.

However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.

Anthony Marsh
2016-09-18 19:00:57 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Well, they didn't have DNA testing back then. No computer graphics.
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Not by luck. By hard work.
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
No, not Mantik and his ilk.
Post by mainframetech
2016-09-19 02:14:05 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
2016-09-19 19:37:34 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense. They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info. They have no input here
because of those facts. A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinio9n concerning it. There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making. Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files. Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information. It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right, the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.

2016-09-20 21:12:40 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinio9n concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
Jason Burke
2016-09-21 15:57:43 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinio9n concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.

He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
2016-09-22 02:46:32 UTC
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.

Jason Burke
2016-09-23 01:26:46 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes..
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Oooh. Pull the "courage"card!
Seriously, Chris?
What you are saying is that you are correct and everyone with actual,
you know, training, in these matters is wrong.

Got it.
2016-09-24 02:26:25 UTC
Post by Jason Burke
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes..
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Oooh. Pull the "courage"card!
Seriously, Chris?
What you are saying is that you are correct and everyone with actual,
you know, training, in these matters is wrong.
Got it.
Naah. You got nothing. The 'courage card' is out and pending, waiting
on you. I've put out many cites and links on what I say here, so to prove
your courage, go track them down and prove to yourself that I'm telling
the truth. Or fail the test. It's of no consequence to me.

If you can't find a cite or link, then remind me of a particular
argument I've made and I'll give you the cites and links for that one.
But of course, it'll take 'courage' on your part. The rest is easy. So
the gauntlet is down.

2016-10-20 00:29:15 UTC
Post by Jason Burke
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes..
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Oooh. Pull the "courage"card!
Seriously, Chris?
What you are saying is that you are correct and everyone with actual,
you know, training, in these matters is wrong.
Got it.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-23 01:33:52 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
No, you don't. You run away when challenged.
You are an alterationist.
2016-09-23 21:11:17 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Right, Chris. Demonstrate your gullibility one more time by citing these
bogus claims that are preposterous on the face of them.
2016-09-24 16:40:26 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it. Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence. I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole. The
evidence was enough for the average person to know what had happened. It
appears that lets you out, since you keep repeating your wasted point over
and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Right, Chris. Demonstrate your gullibility one more time by citing these
bogus claims that are preposterous on the face of them.
So you refuse to go check out what I say, therefore guaranteeing the
result, which is that you'll never know what I know. It's so obvious that
ploy of yours that you have pre-ordained the result by saying your opinion
is that we're dealing with "Bogus claims" "that are preposterous". You
couldn't muster the courage to go check it out. If you did that and you
were right, then you could come back and laugh your head off at me, but
instead I get to laugh at you because you chickened out...:) <belly

2016-09-24 23:41:48 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
evidence was enough for the average person to know what had happened. It
appears that lets you out, since you keep repeating your wasted point over
and over.
Irony alert.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Right, Chris. Demonstrate your gullibility one more time by citing these
bogus claims that are preposterous on the face of them.
So you refuse to go check out what I say, therefore guaranteeing the
result, which is that you'll never know what I know.
That's a good thing because you know so many things that just ain't so.
Post by mainframetech
It's so obvious that
ploy of yours that you have pre-ordained the result by saying your opinion
is that we're dealing with "Bogus claims" "that are preposterous".
There's that "obvious" word again.
Post by mainframetech
couldn't muster the courage to go check it out.
Post by mainframetech
If you did that and you
were right, then you could come back and laugh your head off at me,
I already do that on a daily basis.
Post by mainframetech
instead I get to laugh at you because you chickened out...:) <belly
One more example of something you know that just ain't so.
Post by mainframetech
2016-09-26 02:20:58 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
evidence was enough for the average person to know what had happened. It
appears that lets you out, since you keep repeating your wasted point over
and over.
Irony alert.
Thanks for warning us of your next mistake!
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Right, Chris. Demonstrate your gullibility one more time by citing these
bogus claims that are preposterous on the face of them.
So you refuse to go check out what I say, therefore guaranteeing the
result, which is that you'll never know what I know.
That's a good thing because you know so many things that just ain't so.
Post by mainframetech
It's so obvious that
ploy of yours that you have pre-ordained the result by saying your opinion
is that we're dealing with "Bogus claims" "that are preposterous".
There's that "obvious" word again.
Post by mainframetech
couldn't muster the courage to go check it out.
Post by mainframetech
If you did that and you
were right, then you could come back and laugh your head off at me,
I already do that on a daily basis.
Post by mainframetech
instead I get to laugh at you because you chickened out...:) <belly
One more example of something you know that just ain't so.
2016-09-27 04:21:01 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
2016-09-27 21:49:57 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.

2016-09-29 02:44:00 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
2016-09-29 23:51:49 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit. The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.

Now, schooling starts. When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.

2016-09-30 14:53:20 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
Post by mainframetech
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-01 04:30:48 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
Not true. Honest people can understand him.
Doesn't mean we have to agree with him.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
Cheap Bluster. You can't cite anything and you don't have any evidence
because you destroyed it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
You are unqualified to speak about anything.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Have you ever admitted that you never went to college?
Never graduate high school?
At least Steve Barber was honest enough to admit it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
NEVER rely on witnesses. Look at the autopsy photos and then tell me
that you can't see the bullet wound.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
2016-10-01 23:24:44 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
As usual, you're full of opinions but you can't prove antything.
Including the tired old WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
WRONG! You seem to forget that the WCR is full of theories, all of
which are educated guesses. The WCR knows little and nothing about who
killed anyone. Their whole purpose in life was to shut up the public.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout. That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.

2016-10-02 19:18:39 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
As usual, you're full of opinions but you can't prove antything.
Including the tired old WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
WRONG! You seem to forget that the WCR is full of theories, all of
which are educated guesses. The WCR knows little and nothing about who
killed anyone. Their whole purpose in life was to shut up the public.
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public. Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination. Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED. You will use the
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.

Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
2016-10-03 20:52:34 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
As usual, you're full of opinions but you can't prove anything.
Including the tired old WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
WRONG! You seem to forget that the WCR is full of theories, all of
which are educated guesses. The WCR knows little and nothing about who
killed anyone. Their whole purpose in life was to shut up the public.
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover. That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
Post by bigdog
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'. You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'. There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that exteneded to the side or TOP of the head. That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda. THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.

Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe. And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:) It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.

In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Post by bigdog
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
Post by bigdog
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.

Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.

You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place. Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.

2016-10-04 21:00:28 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that exteneded to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
2016-10-06 02:55:49 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
body. There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel that knew there had
ben a scam.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew. I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm, and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm. They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?

There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began. They wanted to se the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out inform of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that they
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound? Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry, once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".

2016-10-06 20:54:42 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel that knew there had
ben a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays. That's all they
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound. You can whine all you want about photos or
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses. Nothing I believe about
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer. The witness you are relying on said he
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to se the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out inform of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that they
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
2016-10-07 21:54:50 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it. They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK. If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death. So they have no input here. However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material. They
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays. The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them. They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body. And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.

That's all they
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays. The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them. The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.

You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too. They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case, and by
orders other information was hidden. And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
lie. And what do you say about forensic that was verbally told to us?
Is that solid forensic evidence, or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence? You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.

Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt. And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses. Wecht didn't
have that luxury. He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on. Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing yo ucouild see
i nth Z-film is your fantasies writ large. Why are you repeating this
whole conversation? It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.

The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness mad it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide. While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head. However, many LNs still go along with the old WECR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.

That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder. Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
O course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm. Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before. The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician, who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.

They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind. That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.

they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
gallery, the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier. When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.

After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.

Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? here are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed t you for starters.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer. When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly se more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts. I now have much more
information than the medical panels had. Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.

Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
This what? The photo in question is present and can be looked at by
anyone, is that what disturbs you? Others will see you can't answer these
questions, so you think you're better off not answering at all, and
finding some excuse for that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
That's not very descriptive. If your trying to pretend that the bullet
hole is just hair, you'd be wrong, but since you can't see anything there
that's out of norm, you have no input to the question. Assuming there is
a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, then there has to be an exit,
which would be the blowout at the BOH. Small entry, large exit.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
WRONG! What bullet hole in the BOH? What proof of that is there?
Boswell's testimony that there was a bullet hole there? There's nothing
in photos, so all you have are witnesses, and you know how unreliable they
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Every single one of the witnesses would have thought it was an entry if
asked. It's clear that it is. And many place it right in the area I
specified. Some even pointing to it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
WRONG! Because it's clear to anyone looking at the entry and the exit
which was which. Entry small, exit large. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
WRONG! Before Bethesda they found the exit wound at the BOH of JFK.
After Bethesda it was more in doubt because of the clandestine 'work' done
on the body.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
That won't help get away from the question.

Anthony Marsh
2016-10-08 17:34:42 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it. They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
They? Who is your THEY?
IF you mean HUmes who wrote the autopsy report, maybe he did and wrote
conspiracy and then was ordered to destroy it and write a new one/
Post by mainframetech
od death for JFK. If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death. So they have no input here. However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
WTF are you talking about? We have the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead. Unless you think it is a fake.
Post by mainframetech
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material. They
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Doctor misss bullet holes all the time.
Read the literature.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays. The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them. They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body. And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
That's all they
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays. The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them. The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too. They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case, and by
orders other information was hidden. And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
lie. And what do you say about forensic that was verbally told to us?
Is that solid forensic evidence, or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence? You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt. And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses. Wecht didn't
have that luxury. He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on. Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing yo ucouild see
i nth Z-film is your fantasies writ large. Why are you repeating this
whole conversation? It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness mad it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide. While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head. However, many LNs still go along with the old WECR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder. Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
O course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm. Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before. The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician, who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind. That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.
they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
gallery, the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier. When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.
After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.
Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? here are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed t you for starters.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer. When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly se more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts. I now have much more
information than the medical panels had. Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.
Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
This what? The photo in question is present and can be looked at by
anyone, is that what disturbs you? Others will see you can't answer these
questions, so you think you're better off not answering at all, and
finding some excuse for that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
That's not very descriptive. If your trying to pretend that the bullet
hole is just hair, you'd be wrong, but since you can't see anything there
that's out of norm, you have no input to the question. Assuming there is
a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, then there has to be an exit,
which would be the blowout at the BOH. Small entry, large exit.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
WRONG! What bullet hole in the BOH? What proof of that is there?
Boswell's testimony that there was a bullet hole there? There's nothing
in photos, so all you have are witnesses, and you know how unreliable they
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Every single one of the witnesses would have thought it was an entry if
asked. It's clear that it is. And many place it right in the area I
specified. Some even pointing to it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
WRONG! Because it's clear to anyone looking at the entry and the exit
which was which. Entry small, exit large. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
WRONG! Before Bethesda they found the exit wound at the BOH of JFK.
After Bethesda it was more in doubt because of the clandestine 'work' done
on the body.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
That won't help get away from the question.
2016-10-08 17:57:52 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
Post by mainframetech
That's all they
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.

The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
Post by mainframetech
And what do you say about forensic that was verbally told to us?
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence. We have lots of that. And it
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime. You also don't have any witnesses who gave
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination. It's the
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.

1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.

2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.

3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.

4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.

5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.

6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.

7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.

8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.

That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing yo ucouild see
i nth Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness mad it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WECR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
O course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body arriving in
the shipping casket. Then you have the empty bronze casket arriving. Then
you have the body being put back into the bronze casket. Then you have the
body being taken out of the bronze casket. Just when did they find time to
do the clandestine surgery? Was that before or after they put the body
back in the bronze casket?
Post by mainframetech
They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind.
Really. Who gave the order to make the body look like it was fired upon
from above and behind and what is your evidence of that order?
Post by mainframetech
That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.
So the body arrived in the shipping casket at 6:35 and immediately Humes
and Boswell started going at it with a bone saw to extend the blowout to
the upper right side of JFK's head. Is that when they removed the brain
too? And then after doing that, they put the body back into bronze casket.
But wait a minute. You have said that didn't happen until they were
getting ready to take the x-rays and ordered everybody out of the room.
This is all so confusing. Maybe you could clarify things by giving us a
timeline of these events.
Post by mainframetech
they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
Oh, now that's a new twist. The put the brain back in the skull. Did they
put the cap back on the skull too. And was this before or after they put
the body back into the bronze casket.
Post by mainframetech
the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier.
Of course. It's your story. Make it as interesting as you like.
Post by mainframetech
When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.
Was this before or after they extended the defect in the skull. I know it
is too much to expect but it would be fascinating if you would actually
provide a time line for all the things that you claimed happened.
Post by mainframetech
After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Oh, they were just pretending.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
And you believe all this crap? Amazing!
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just hire one competent sniper and take
JFK out with a single shot rather than shooting him from all different
angles and then try to frame a lone assassin.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.
And you believe that because a radiation oncologist said saw. Of course.
Why believe one of the top medical examiners in the country when you have
a guy who treats cancer patients who tells a different story.
Post by mainframetech
Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? here are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed t you for starters.
Now you're acting like Harris. You keep pretending that question has been
asked and answer dozens of times because you didn't like the answer you
got. One more time, the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended through the parietal region into the temporal
region just like the the AR stated. Just like we see in the Z-film. Just
like the photos and x-rays showed. Just like the review panels concluded.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer.
You ask a question based on a false premise and you expect me to accept
the premise? Ridiculous.
Post by mainframetech
When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
The photo shows the same bullet hold as the drawing. The drawing was done
with much greater contrast but shows the bullet wound in the same location
as the photo. It is just more vivid in the drawing. That too has been
asked and answered many times. Now pretend it hasn't and come back in a
couple days and ask me to explain it to you again.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly se more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts.
Oh, so you got to see the missing photos and x-rays. Why didn't you just
say so?
Post by mainframetech
I now have much more
information than the medical panels had.

Oh, wait. You were serious.
Post by mainframetech
Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
That is laugh out loud funny.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.
Even though your only "evidence" of such manipulation is that they
forensic evidence conflicts with your beliefs. It couldn't be that your
beliefs are FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
I already gave you 8 pieces of forensic evidence that corroborates
Brennan. It's your turn to come up with 8 excuses to dismiss it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
This what? The photo in question is present and can be looked at by
anyone, is that what disturbs you? Others will see you can't answer these
questions, so you think you're better off not answering at all, and
finding some excuse for that.
You made up a bullet hole. You made up that anybody except you said it was
an entrance.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
That's not very descriptive. If your trying to pretend that the bullet
hole is just hair, you'd be wrong, but since you can't see anything there
that's out of norm, you have no input to the question.
I see. I have no input because I can't see what you imagine. I can't see
what you yourself admitted you couldn't see for years until you convinced
yourself there must be a bullet hole there.
Post by mainframetech
Assuming there is
a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
Attaboy. Start with the assumption than try to find evidence of it.
Post by mainframetech
then there has to be an exit,
which would be the blowout at the BOH. Small entry, large exit.
So where is the exit for your entry wound in the throat?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
WRONG! What bullet hole in the BOH? What proof of that is there?
Boswell's testimony that there was a bullet hole there? There's nothing
in photos, so all you have are witnesses, and you know how unreliable they
They saw much more than you and know much more than you and concluded
there was an entry wound in the BOH. Your silly analysis does not trump
their expert conclusions.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Every single one of the witnesses would have thought it was an entry if
That is lame even by your low standards. You just assume they would have
agreed with you if somebody had just asked them. But you admitted you
started with the assumption that there was an entry wound in the
forehead/temple so naturally you would assume the witnesses would have
agreed with your assumption.
Post by mainframetech
It's clear that it is.
Because you say so. Nobody else did.
Post by mainframetech
And many place it right in the area I
specified. Some even pointing to it.
You mean Dennis David. He isn't pointing to where you claim the bullet
wound was. And as DVP pointed out, in an earlier interview David admitted
he never saw the body. But now you turn to him to kinda sorta corroborate
your forhead/temple entry wound.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
WRONG! Because it's clear to anyone looking at the entry and the exit
which was which. Entry small, exit large. Simple.
Exits can be large or small.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
WRONG! Before Bethesda they found the exit wound at the BOH of JFK.
After Bethesda it was more in doubt because of the clandestine 'work' done
on the body.
According to your tall tale.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
That won't help get away from the question.
You didn't ask a question. You made a statement. And a ridiculous one at
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-09 20:25:11 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Just a reminder. With new technologies you don't have to dig him up to
examine the body.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
Yes, but you can't.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
Humes, Boswell, and Finck were not allowed to look at the autopsy photos.
Even seeing them today they would not be qualified to evaluate them.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Yes, honest people.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
How much resolution do you need? Poor excuse.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Yeah, you guys used to laugh before we got the HSCA and the ARRB. Now
you're running scared.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
YOU don't have any real evidence. You destroyed it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
You mean the top medical examiners who were not allowed to see what you
call the internals of the body?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
Well, you can't look at that one photo.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's all they
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
Why depend on known liars instead of the evidence itself?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
That's nice. But you've never heard of contrecoup.
Post by bigdog
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
Garbage. Show me the hole. You don't even realize that YOUR handpick
expect claims that the bullet hit near the EOP. Can you defend that
placement of the fictitious bullet hole?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
Because they might have missed something. And again, HBF did not have
access to the autopsy photos.
Post by bigdog
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
He didn't say that, did he?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
It's silly to see you babbling about the autopsy photos when you don't
even have any.
Post by bigdog
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
Post by mainframetech
And what do you say about forensic that was verbally told to us?
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Yeah, and you destroyed or tampered with a lot of it.
Post by bigdog
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence. We have lots of that. And it
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
Only because it was handpicked to point to Oswald.
Post by bigdog
involvement in the crime. You also don't have any witnesses who gave
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination. It's the
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
He's not forensic evidence.
Never rely on witnesses.
Post by bigdog
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Guess what? The scientific evidence proves that 3 shots were fired from
that window. But you don't believe in science.
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Yeah, so what? Doesn't tell you who fired it.
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Brennan refused to identify Oswald.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
So what? It was HIS rifle.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Wrong. We've been over your same list hundreds of times and still won't
admit your errors.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Wow, he heard a shot. I guess that solves the case. And hundreds of
spectators couldn't?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing yo ucouild see
i nth Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness mad it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WECR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
O course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body arriving in
the shipping casket. Then you have the empty bronze casket arriving. Then
you have the body being put back into the bronze casket. Then you have the
body being taken out of the bronze casket. Just when did they find time to
do the clandestine surgery? Was that before or after they put the body
back in the bronze casket?
Post by mainframetech
They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind.
Really. Who gave the order to make the body look like it was fired upon
from above and behind and what is your evidence of that order?
Post by mainframetech
That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.
So the body arrived in the shipping casket at 6:35 and immediately Humes
and Boswell started going at it with a bone saw to extend the blowout to
the upper right side of JFK's head. Is that when they removed the brain
too? And then after doing that, they put the body back into bronze casket.
But wait a minute. You have said that didn't happen until they were
getting ready to take the x-rays and ordered everybody out of the room.
This is all so confusing. Maybe you could clarify things by giving us a
timeline of these events.
Post by mainframetech
they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
Oh, now that's a new twist. The put the brain back in the skull. Did they
put the cap back on the skull too. And was this before or after they put
the body back into the bronze casket.
Post by mainframetech
the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier.
Of course. It's your story. Make it as interesting as you like.
Post by mainframetech
When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.
Was this before or after they extended the defect in the skull. I know it
is too much to expect but it would be fascinating if you would actually
provide a time line for all the things that you claimed happened.
Post by mainframetech
After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Oh, they were just pretending.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
And you believe all this crap? Amazing!
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just hire one competent sniper and take
JFK out with a single shot rather than shooting him from all different
angles and then try to frame a lone assassin.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.
And you believe that because a radiation oncologist said saw. Of course.
Why believe one of the top medical examiners in the country when you have
a guy who treats cancer patients who tells a different story.
Post by mainframetech
Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? here are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed t you for starters.
Now you're acting like Harris. You keep pretending that question has been
asked and answer dozens of times because you didn't like the answer you
got. One more time, the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended through the parietal region into the temporal
region just like the the AR stated. Just like we see in the Z-film. Just
like the photos and x-rays showed. Just like the review panels concluded.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer.
You ask a question based on a false premise and you expect me to accept
the premise? Ridiculous.
Post by mainframetech
When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
The photo shows the same bullet hold as the drawing. The drawing was done
with much greater contrast but shows the bullet wound in the same location
as the photo. It is just more vivid in the drawing. That too has been
asked and answered many times. Now pretend it hasn't and come back in a
couple days and ask me to explain it to you again.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly se more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts.
Oh, so you got to see the missing photos and x-rays. Why didn't you just
say so?
Post by mainframetech
I now have much more
information than the medical panels had.
Oh, wait. You were serious.
Post by mainframetech
Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
That is laugh out loud funny.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.
Even though your only "evidence" of such manipulation is that they
forensic evidence conflicts with your beliefs. It couldn't be that your
beliefs are FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
I already gave you 8 pieces of forensic evidence that corroborates
Brennan. It's your turn to come up with 8 excuses to dismiss it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
This what? The photo in question is present and can be looked at by
anyone, is that what disturbs you? Others will see you can't answer these
questions, so you think you're better off not answering at all, and
finding some excuse for that.
You made up a bullet hole. You made up that anybody except you said it was
an entrance.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
That's not very descriptive. If your trying to pretend that the bullet
hole is just hair, you'd be wrong, but since you can't see anything there
that's out of norm, you have no input to the question.
I see. I have no input because I can't see what you imagine. I can't see
what you yourself admitted you couldn't see for years until you convinced
yourself there must be a bullet hole there.
Post by mainframetech
Assuming there is
a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
Attaboy. Start with the assumption than try to find evidence of it.
Post by mainframetech
then there has to be an exit,
which would be the blowout at the BOH. Small entry, large exit.
So where is the exit for your entry wound in the throat?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
WRONG! What bullet hole in the BOH? What proof of that is there?
Boswell's testimony that there was a bullet hole there? There's nothing
in photos, so all you have are witnesses, and you know how unreliable they
They saw much more than you and know much more than you and concluded
there was an entry wound in the BOH. Your silly analysis does not trump
their expert conclusions.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Every single one of the witnesses would have thought it was an entry if
That is lame even by your low standards. You just assume they would have
agreed with you if somebody had just asked them. But you admitted you
started with the assumption that there was an entry wound in the
forehead/temple so naturally you would assume the witnesses would have
agreed with your assumption.
Post by mainframetech
It's clear that it is.
Because you say so. Nobody else did.
Post by mainframetech
And many place it right in the area I
specified. Some even pointing to it.
You mean Dennis David. He isn't pointing to where you claim the bullet
wound was. And as DVP pointed out, in an earlier interview David admitted
he never saw the body. But now you turn to him to kinda sorta corroborate
your forhead/temple entry wound.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
WRONG! Because it's clear to anyone looking at the entry and the exit
which was which. Entry small, exit large. Simple.
Exits can be large or small.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
WRONG! Before Bethesda they found the exit wound at the BOH of JFK.
After Bethesda it was more in doubt because of the clandestine 'work' done
on the body.
According to your tall tale.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
That won't help get away from the question.
You didn't ask a question. You made a statement. And a ridiculous one at
2016-10-09 22:21:09 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting? If the medical
panels had had a chance to se the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
then their conclusions would be simple. Of course, you wouldn't have any
input on that, since you can't se anything abnormal in the correct photo.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
It's so sad that you think what I've described to you is amazing, when
the simplest average person has made that same conclusion when I showed
the bullet hole to them, without giving them any clue in advance, only
telling them it was JFK's body. So you've got a long way to go to catch
up to the normal average person.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Well of course you have to say that, given that you have no input on
this part of the case. But the evidence once seen by even the average
person is clearly tells the cause of death. A shame there's no way for
you to know what I'm saying is the truth. But don't worry, you always
have the everlovin' WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
WRONG! Average people have already seen the bullet hole and
interpreted it accordingly as a bullet hole, and they suddenly stop as it
dawns on them as to what it means! And you can stop playing your tired
old 'expert' card. It is a deuce. The bullet hole in the forehead/temple
area has been easily identified by average people. Just because you're
the outlier doesn't mean the bullet hole isn't there. It is there for
everyone else but you.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Does it bother you that I believe that there won't be an exhumation of
JFK's body? Are you losing it? You're trying to argue with your opinion,
which is weak and useless.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! And as usual you've forgotten those "people" were under an
'order of silence' put on them by the Navy before the HSCA, and I believe
many stayed unsure during the HSCA doings. The HSCA themselves were
caught lying about the statements of the people in the Morgue gallery.
I'm not sure the HSCA can be trusted after that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Because you have no real evidence. The photos and X-rays that showed
the truth were missing. That's why.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
You're getting ridiculous once again. Too much WCR I think. I've told
you many times which photos were important and why. Especially the one
that has to be ENLARGED, which you wouldn't know about, since you're the
only one that can't see anything in it. Why are you repeating everything?
Is it in hopes the answers will change if you keep asking? Forget it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
WRONG! You're getting ridiculous again. I've explained to you and
shown you the proof of what the prosectors saw in the body when the organs
were removed that proved that the back wound bullet was a 'short shot',
which never penetrated more than an inch or so into the back of JFK.
Stop repeating everything. If you have Alzheimer's it's not going to get
better, only worse.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
WRONG! There was more evidence than one photo. Use your head for a
change. Ad usual you forgot that the prosectors saw the verification
inside the body when the organs were removed and they saw the proof that
the back wound bullet had NOT gone out the throat wound, it stopped at the
pleura and right lung. You tried for days to argue about that and lost
after you were unable to change the information coming from the witnesses.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
WRONG! You tried that ploy before and lost. Mantik had far more
background than just radiation oncologist. I read off his accomplishments
to you from the Lancer cv. Of course, you need to put down witnesses as
much as possible because they prove you and the WCR very wrong.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Ah, You were asked to list the "forensic evidence" against Oswald, but
you were unable to do that. So at this point, there is none.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
X-rays? Yes, he did based on a lot of scientific examination of them.
And as far as the photos that were 'leaked' of the autopsy, you can be
sure they do not show what was actually present in the morgue that
evening. The autopsy team members couldn't recognize the head rest that
was used in those photos, and they (corroboration) said that they never
used that type of head rest, they had a different one that was always used
for autopsies. That alone makes the photos suspect.
Post by bigdog
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
We're not even sure that the X-rays that are left in the NARA archives
are of JFK, and they are missing a number of plates that the technicians
know they had taken.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
WRONG! Hard to believe that you were ever a programmer. No logic.
For example: If you have s et of photos, but there is one missing that
shows a bullet hole in the forehead, and another one that shows bruises on
the pleura, and no path through it, then the remaining photo will give a
very wrong impression of what killed JFK. They centered on above and
behind because the prosectors were ordered to say that, and there was no
photo to counteract the wrong conclusion that was handed to the panels.

That is why the missing photos and X-rays give the wrong impression.
Fortunately there are other ways to find out the truth, but they weren't
available to folks back in 1963.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Try and realize how embarrassed you should be when you laugh at all
the wrong places. You still show a complete lack of logic as to the
missing photos. One of the photos was there, but they apparently didn't
ENLARGE it to se the bullet wound in it. Other photos would have changed
their minds but were missing. If you think real hard, it may come to you
why it mattered that some photos were missing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Tell it to the plotters, since they created the situation.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
WRONG! I have shown that there was no doubt at all that orders were
issued to the prosectors as to the conclusions they would put in the AR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
WHOA! You have claimed that all kinds of witnesses are lying or don't
know what they are talking about. Don't tell me I can't do the same for
your phony evidence too. However, every time I have dumped on evidence,.
I have explained why. In your case you were unable to tell why you didn't
like a witness except your opinion.
Post by bigdog
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Ah, only MY people lied. Yours were true blue! Suuure!
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence.
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. Some one wrote down that
there were 3 shells left at the 6th floor window. But all you know is
that a "person" told that to a note pad, and then a "person" took that
note pad and wrote what was there somewhere else, and sooner or later, all
this writing got to you and you believed every word of it, no matter how
many hands it had been through! There were many things that the
prosectors said DURING the autopsy that were 18o degrees different from
what was put in the AR, both statements were made by "persons", and you
picked out the one you wanted to believe which was the one that had the
highest chance of being ordered by a "person" and wasn't true.

We have lots of that. And it
Post by bigdog
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime.
No, you have NONE of that, because I asked you for a list of the
"forensic evidence" and you chose not to provide it. So as far as I'm
concerned, there is none you could list, or you were afraid to list it.

You also don't have any witnesses who gave
Post by bigdog
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination.
How foolish is it to act like the 'order of silence' of the Navy wasn't
the cause of some of the witnesses not being able to talk until late in
the game. And that fear was the reason for others to avoid saying things
until later too. Yet all those witnesses have corroboration and have
shown no reason to lie.

It's the
Post by bigdog
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
WRONG! You've sung that song before hoping that all the LNs will
gather around you and swear to whatever you want from them. My abilities
aren't at issue, since I prove my points with data other than my opinion,
which is what you often use.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Shells do NOT corroborate anything said by Brennan, since he didn't
name the count of shells. And the sound of shots was known by everyone.
The shells are "forensic Evidence" but do not prove anything other than
they POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade. No bullets
were ever matched to them. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong. Again,
so what?
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Ownership of the rifle does not convict anyone. Since the rifle was
manipulated to be there. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
Since the rifle belonged to Oswald, it would be expected to be there.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
Oswald worked there and probably handled boxes all over the TSBD on
many floors. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
It possible that Oswald brought the bag to bring the rifle into the TSBD
and hide it. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
Since the rifle was kept in the blanket, that would be expected. Not
much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
Id you mean the butt plate, it was his rifle, so it might be expected
that at one or more opportunities he put it to his shoulder to se how it
felt, or something similar. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Not one thing there corroborates anything that Brennan said except
that Brennan said he saw a rifle at the window. We don't even know if the
rifle he saw was the same rifle because he said there was no scope on it,
but the rifle in question HAD a scope. Not much evidence there, or proof
that Oswald did anything wrong.

A complete waste of time as it was the first time you pretended there
was some GOOD evidence found that Oswald was guilty. But the way things
showed themselves in the case, it looked more like Oswald was duped into
bringing in the rifle and so made himself look like the killer, when he
wasn't even at the window when the shots were fired.

The items you named were indeed "forensic Evidence" but not Brennan nor
his statements. So you've made an error in giving an example of "Forensic
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Whether that agent was lying or being truthful doesn't have much of a
bearing on the case to me.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
WRONG! You're the reader of the WCR, look to yourself for believing
silly things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Custer saw the bullet as per his sworn testimony which you are very
prone to believing as you said. Robinson saw the damage to the head being
done during the clandestine 'work' on the head of JFK. He was
corroborated by the sworn testimony of Edward Reed, X-ray technician.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Have to keep it true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing you could see
in the Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
I don't point out your frequent typos to keep things moving along.
You want to stop every moment for my typos? Sounds like desperation.
Picking at anything when your losing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Bull. That's not the reason is my opinion, it's your hope something
will change if you keep saying the same thing over and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
The reason I stated that I knew from personal experience is that I had
that happen on one occasion when a man had gone around and around a winch
and kept banging his head on the corner of the winch. A few of us were
there to give CPR until a medic came, but when holding his head, it was
obvious that it was all disassociated plates that had been detached from
each other.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
WRONG yet again! Your typical error. I've told you of these things
before, but you're so rooted in the WCR that you can't remember reality.
Douglas Horne interviewed the CIA Film Analyst that saw the original
Z-film. He was Dino Brugione. And the other CIA Film Analyst that was
talked to and who signed off on an interview was Homer McMahon.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness made it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
The black blob can be seen by many people by simply looking closely at
the frames after the kill shot.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Well you're a believer in reports, and never think that they could be
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WCR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
I sure have news for you. The 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK was almost
completely in the BOH, and not on the side. That side wound and some of
the top was made when Humes and Boswell expanded the wound in the BOH.
The proof od that is the Over 40+ witnesses that saw the wound before the
body got to Bethesda.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Forget it. You've made it clear you're not going to hunt sown cites
and links, so I'm not going to do the same for you if I'm not in the mood.
Go talk to Claviger and ask him.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Of course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
WRONG! Since they were expecting admirals and generals, they scheduled
it for a time they could all get there. It was at 8:00pm. Here's some

"The autopsy of President John F. Kennedy was performed, beginning at
about 8 p.m. EST November 22, 1963, on the day of his assassination and
ending at about 12:30 AM EST November 23, 1963, at the Bethesda Naval
Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The choice of autopsy hospital in the
Washington, D.C. area was made by the now former President's widow,
Jacqueline Kennedy. She chose the Bethesda Naval Hospital because
President Kennedy had been a naval officer."

From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
See above.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Yes, Humes and Boswell were waiting on the loading dock for them to
come with the body. They went right to work when the body was put on the
table from the SHIPPING casket. They needed all the time they could get
before the family got there with the Bronze casket. From conversation of
the X-ray technicians, Humes and Boswell were looking for bullets and
fragments in the body first.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
WRONG! Everything is in cites and links stating exactly that as above.
You know me better. You just get caught on these challenges over and
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body arriving in
the shipping casket. Then you have the empty bronze casket arriving. Then
you have the body being put back into the bronze casket. Then you have the
body being taken out of the bronze casket. Just when did they find time to
do the clandestine surgery? Was that before or after they put the body
back in the bronze casket?
WRONG! There's really something wrong with your memory. All this has
been told to you before, and whether you believe it or not, you heard it
all, not just once. I'll give you the general sequence, but I'm not going
to dig up all the cites that I put out last time. If you didn't copy them
down, then tough.

The SHIPPING casket arrived at 6:35pm as per the after action report of
Roger Boyajian, a Marine sergeant in charge of a security detail. At that
time Humes and Boswell worked on the body first to find bullets and
fragments and remove them, and then to change the body within the time
they had to look more like it was hit by bullets from above and behind.
During the clandestine 'work' at one point Edward Reed, X-ray technician,
who was watching from the gallery, along with a couple other Navy
personnel were kicked out of the morgue.

Next, the Bronze casket arrived at the morgue about 7:17pm. Seen by
Dennis David when it arrived at the front entrance at about 6:55pm. At
about that time the body went back into the Bronze casket and it went
outside to be chased by the official casket team who had been told the
casket was around the base somewhere. At just before 8:00pm, with all the
admirals and generals in the gallery waiting to see the autopsy, the
Bronze casket was brought in and the body put on the table to start the
autopsy. Finck came in at about 8:30pm, and around that time Humes went
into the skull and brought out the brain, or what was left of it and it
came out easily. When that happened and everyone was watching, Humes made
a humorous comment that was heard by James Jenkins, technician, that the
brain just "fell out into my hands". This was very strange, since the
brain was NOT supposed to do that. To get the brain out, after cutting
the skull and scalp they go in behind the brain and sever the spinal cord,
then the optic nerves, and then various arteries and such. And that job
is ALWAYS down by the technicians, Paul O'Connor and James Jenkins.

Normally when the brain is taken out, it is put into a bucket of
formalin, but they put it back in the head, so that it would look normal
at the REAL autopsy. After trying to cover up that he and Boswell had
removed the brain earlier, they got back to doing the autopsy.

As to what occurred DURING the autopsy, we've discussed that many times.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind.
Really. Who gave the order to make the body look like it was fired upon
from above and behind and what is your evidence of that order?
First, they made it clear to the technicians BEFORE the autopsy when
they were doing the clandestine 'work', that they had to find bullets and
fragments. That is not the normal thing to begin with. All during the
autopsy there was interruption and messages coming in from Admiral Burkley
to skip a procedure or do this or that. Usually it was to skip something.
When they found what happened to the back wound bullet they knew that it
had never gone out the throat wound, and when they opened the body, they
were able to verify that conclusion that the bullet stopped at the pleura.

Yet when the autopsy was over and they knew what had happened to the
back wound bullet, Humes was ordered to write an Autopsy Report (AR)
saying something complete different and completely wrong! That had to be
from orders, because Humes would never write such wrong information in the
autopsy of the POTUS without orders.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.
So the body arrived in the shipping casket at 6:35 and immediately Humes
and Boswell started going at it with a bone saw to extend the blowout to
the upper right side of JFK's head. Is that when they removed the brain
too? And then after doing that, they put the body back into bronze casket.
But wait a minute. You have said that didn't happen until they were
getting ready to take the x-rays and ordered everybody out of the room.
This is all so confusing. Maybe you could clarify things by giving us a
timeline of these events.
See above. I just did that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
Oh, now that's a new twist. The put the brain back in the skull. Did they
put the cap back on the skull too. And was this before or after they put
the body back into the bronze casket.
WRONG! Use your head. The brain went back into the skull when they
were done looking through it for bullets and fragments. They couldn't let
those remain because it would prove that there was a conspiracy. The body
then went back into the Bronze casket.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier.
Of course. It's your story. Make it as interesting as you like.
WRONG! It's not my story, because it's all from witnesses. That line
of Humes was from James Jenkins who heard it said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.
Was this before or after they extended the defect in the skull. I know it
is too much to expect but it would be fascinating if you would actually
provide a time line for all the things that you claimed happened.
See above for general time line. The search for bullets and the removal
of the brain during the clandestine 'work' was first, then after the
enlisted personnel were kicked out of the morgue, the enlarging of the
wound was done. But Tom Robinson was there through all of it and
commented using the word "damaged" when referring to what the pathologists
did to the head.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Oh, they were just pretending.
Since it didn't happen that way, they had to, to make it seem normal.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
And you believe all this crap? Amazing!
Please don't pretend to be so dumb. I can't believe you are.
Everything above that you find "amazing" is from statements and text in
the case.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just hire one competent sniper and take
JFK out with a single shot rather than shooting him from all different
angles and then try to frame a lone assassin.
WRONG! As usual you're not thinking. For the conspirators to get away
free without having to look over their shoulders, they had to have someone
to blame for the killing, and then to kill them before they could talk and
prove they were innocent. A 'patsy'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.
And you believe that because a radiation oncologist said saw. Of course.
Why believe one of the top medical examiners in the country when you have
a guy who treats cancer patients who tells a different story.
WRONG! I've given you Mantik's cv and it's far more involved than you
want to say. I've shown it to you too.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? There are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed to you for starters.
Now you're acting like Harris. You keep pretending that question has been
asked and answer dozens of times because you didn't like the answer you
got. One more time, the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended through the parietal region into the temporal
region just like the the AR stated. Just like we see in the Z-film. Just
like the photos and x-rays showed. Just like the review panels concluded.
Well you've been corrected on that many times up to now. You're memory
is your problem (among others) if you can't remember all these things
maybe you should see a specialist. Your previous description of that
wound was missing the word parietal, and only contained occiput and
temporal. Make up your mind. In any event the wound you describe was
made by Humes and Boswell expanding the BOH wound that was first there and
that was seen by Over 40+ witnesses.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer.
You ask a question based on a false premise and you expect me to accept
the premise? Ridiculous.
What premise? Say a complete sentence, like I used to have to tell
Marsh. If you think there is a trick question, then spell it out and
explain why you don't want to answer it. Be honest.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
The photo shows the same bullet hold as the drawing. The drawing was done
with much greater contrast but shows the bullet wound in the same location
as the photo. It is just more vivid in the drawing. That too has been
asked and answered many times. Now pretend it hasn't and come back in a
couple days and ask me to explain it to you again.
No, I understood your answer, but I just know it bullshit. Anything
to get off the dime. You are saying that the bullet wound was in the same
exact location on the real photo as the drawing has it?

Here's the real photo:

Loading Image...

Here's the drawing:

Loading Image...

But there's a problem, maybe you can help with it. Here's Boswell's
drawing of the head with the huge missing piece on side and top, but he's
put in the tiny bullet hole 4 inches down from where you want there to be
a bullet wound, and over to the right by a couple inches. So who's wrong,
you, Boswell or the photo?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly see more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts.
Oh, so you got to see the missing photos and x-rays. Why didn't you just
say so?
You need to go back and reread what I said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I now have much more
information than the medical panels had.
Oh, wait. You were serious.
Of course. A shame you never know the right place to laugh. I mean
that I have more information from external sources than they had, not
their internal or educational sources. They were unaware of many of the
bits of info, and many things to hear from Navy personnel, yet I heard and
saw those things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
That is laugh out loud funny.
As expected you have nothing of use to offer, and nothing but opinion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.
Even though your only "evidence" of such manipulation is that they
forensic evidence conflicts with your beliefs. It couldn't be that your
beliefs are FUBAR.
Your thinking is FUBAR. I have many reasons aside from my personal
belief, as you are often told.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
I already gave you 8 pieces of forensic evidence that corroborates
Brennan. It's your turn to come up with 8 excuses to dismiss it.
There's was no reason to dismiss those items of Forensic Evidence, but
I easily dismiss Brennan since he's not that kind of evidence and he has
discredited himself. The only thing he and the 8 items corroborated on
was the rifle, and we cannot be certain it was the same one as you listed,
because Brennan said there was no scope on the rifle, and we know the MC
rifle had a scope.

Anthony Marsh
2016-10-10 14:54:50 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting? If the medical
panels had had a chance to se the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
then their conclusions would be simple. Of course, you wouldn't have any
input on that, since you can't se anything abnormal in the correct photo.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
It's so sad that you think what I've described to you is amazing, when
the simplest average person has made that same conclusion when I showed
the bullet hole to them, without giving them any clue in advance, only
telling them it was JFK's body. So you've got a long way to go to catch
up to the normal average person.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Well of course you have to say that, given that you have no input on
this part of the case. But the evidence once seen by even the average
person is clearly tells the cause of death. A shame there's no way for
you to know what I'm saying is the truth. But don't worry, you always
have the everlovin' WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
WRONG! Average people have already seen the bullet hole and
interpreted it accordingly as a bullet hole, and they suddenly stop as it
dawns on them as to what it means! And you can stop playing your tired
old 'expert' card. It is a deuce. The bullet hole in the forehead/temple
area has been easily identified by average people. Just because you're
the outlier doesn't mean the bullet hole isn't there. It is there for
everyone else but you.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Does it bother you that I believe that there won't be an exhumation of
JFK's body? Are you losing it? You're trying to argue with your opinion,
which is weak and useless.
Again, we don't need an exhumation to examine the body. 5 seconds
examining the brain would prove our point. That's why there HAS to be a
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! And as usual you've forgotten those "people" were under an
'order of silence' put on them by the Navy before the HSCA, and I believe
many stayed unsure during the HSCA doings. The HSCA themselves were
caught lying about the statements of the people in the Morgue gallery.
I'm not sure the HSCA can be trusted after that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Because you have no real evidence. The photos and X-rays that showed
the truth were missing. That's why.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
You're getting ridiculous once again. Too much WCR I think. I've told
you many times which photos were important and why. Especially the one
that has to be ENLARGED, which you wouldn't know about, since you're the
only one that can't see anything in it. Why are you repeating everything?
Is it in hopes the answers will change if you keep asking? Forget it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
WRONG! You're getting ridiculous again. I've explained to you and
shown you the proof of what the prosectors saw in the body when the organs
were removed that proved that the back wound bullet was a 'short shot',
which never penetrated more than an inch or so into the back of JFK.
Stop repeating everything. If you have Alzheimer's it's not going to get
better, only worse.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
WRONG! There was more evidence than one photo. Use your head for a
Please don't let him in on the secret that there were 2 black and white
and 2 color photos of each view.
Post by mainframetech
change. Ad usual you forgot that the prosectors saw the verification
inside the body when the organs were removed and they saw the proof that
the back wound bullet had NOT gone out the throat wound, it stopped at the
pleura and right lung. You tried for days to argue about that and lost
after you were unable to change the information coming from the witnesses.
Physically impossible.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
WRONG! You tried that ploy before and lost. Mantik had far more
background than just radiation oncologist. I read off his accomplishments
to you from the Lancer cv. Of course, you need to put down witnesses as
much as possible because they prove you and the WCR very wrong.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Ah, You were asked to list the "forensic evidence" against Oswald, but
you were unable to do that. So at this point, there is none.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
X-rays? Yes, he did based on a lot of scientific examination of them.
And as far as the photos that were 'leaked' of the autopsy, you can be
sure they do not show what was actually present in the morgue that
evening. The autopsy team members couldn't recognize the head rest that
was used in those photos, and they (corroboration) said that they never
used that type of head rest, they had a different one that was always used
for autopsies. That alone makes the photos suspect.
You'll have to explain what you think you mean about that and document it.

If you think all the evidence is fake then don't try to use it to prove
a point.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
We're not even sure that the X-rays that are left in the NARA archives
are of JFK, and they are missing a number of plates that the technicians
know they had taken.
Always the Alterationist. Maybe you think it was a JFK double who was
killed and the real JFK retired to Florida.
(homage to an old horror movie Bubba Ho-tep)
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
WRONG! Hard to believe that you were ever a programmer. No logic.
For example: If you have s et of photos, but there is one missing that
shows a bullet hole in the forehead, and another one that shows bruises on
the pleura, and no path through it, then the remaining photo will give a
very wrong impression of what killed JFK. They centered on above and
behind because the prosectors were ordered to say that, and there was no
photo to counteract the wrong conclusion that was handed to the panels.
The one showing the bullet hole in the skull is not missing.
Post by mainframetech
That is why the missing photos and X-rays give the wrong impression.
Fortunately there are other ways to find out the truth, but they weren't
available to folks back in 1963.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Try and realize how embarrassed you should be when you laugh at all
the wrong places. You still show a complete lack of logic as to the
missing photos. One of the photos was there, but they apparently didn't
ENLARGE it to se the bullet wound in it. Other photos would have changed
their minds but were missing. If you think real hard, it may come to you
why it mattered that some photos were missing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Tell it to the plotters, since they created the situation.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
WRONG! I have shown that there was no doubt at all that orders were
issued to the prosectors as to the conclusions they would put in the AR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
WHOA! You have claimed that all kinds of witnesses are lying or don't
know what they are talking about. Don't tell me I can't do the same for
your phony evidence too. However, every time I have dumped on evidence,.
I have explained why. In your case you were unable to tell why you didn't
like a witness except your opinion.
Post by bigdog
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Ah, only MY people lied. Yours were true blue! Suuure!
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence.
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. Some one wrote down that
there were 3 shells left at the 6th floor window. But all you know is
that a "person" told that to a note pad, and then a "person" took that
note pad and wrote what was there somewhere else, and sooner or later, all
this writing got to you and you believed every word of it, no matter how
many hands it had been through! There were many things that the
prosectors said DURING the autopsy that were 18o degrees different from
what was put in the AR, both statements were made by "persons", and you
picked out the one you wanted to believe which was the one that had the
highest chance of being ordered by a "person" and wasn't true.
We have lots of that. And it
Post by bigdog
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime.
No, you have NONE of that, because I asked you for a list of the
"forensic evidence" and you chose not to provide it. So as far as I'm
concerned, there is none you could list, or you were afraid to list it.
You also don't have any witnesses who gave
Post by bigdog
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination.
How foolish is it to act like the 'order of silence' of the Navy wasn't
the cause of some of the witnesses not being able to talk until late in
the game. And that fear was the reason for others to avoid saying things
until later too. Yet all those witnesses have corroboration and have
shown no reason to lie.
It's the
Post by bigdog
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
WRONG! You've sung that song before hoping that all the LNs will
gather around you and swear to whatever you want from them. My abilities
aren't at issue, since I prove my points with data other than my opinion,
which is what you often use.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Shells do NOT corroborate anything said by Brennan, since he didn't
name the count of shells. And the sound of shots was known by everyone.
The shells are "forensic Evidence" but do not prove anything other than
they POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade. No bullets
were ever matched to them. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong. Again,
so what?
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Ownership of the rifle does not convict anyone. Since the rifle was
manipulated to be there. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
Since the rifle belonged to Oswald, it would be expected to be there.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
Oswald worked there and probably handled boxes all over the TSBD on
many floors. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
It possible that Oswald brought the bag to bring the rifle into the TSBD
and hide it. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
Since the rifle was kept in the blanket, that would be expected. Not
much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
Id you mean the butt plate, it was his rifle, so it might be expected
that at one or more opportunities he put it to his shoulder to se how it
felt, or something similar. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Not one thing there corroborates anything that Brennan said except
that Brennan said he saw a rifle at the window. We don't even know if the
rifle he saw was the same rifle because he said there was no scope on it,
but the rifle in question HAD a scope. Not much evidence there, or proof
that Oswald did anything wrong.
A complete waste of time as it was the first time you pretended there
was some GOOD evidence found that Oswald was guilty. But the way things
showed themselves in the case, it looked more like Oswald was duped into
bringing in the rifle and so made himself look like the killer, when he
wasn't even at the window when the shots were fired.
The items you named were indeed "forensic Evidence" but not Brennan nor
his statements. So you've made an error in giving an example of "Forensic
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Whether that agent was lying or being truthful doesn't have much of a
bearing on the case to me.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
WRONG! You're the reader of the WCR, look to yourself for believing
silly things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Custer saw the bullet as per his sworn testimony which you are very
prone to believing as you said. Robinson saw the damage to the head being
done during the clandestine 'work' on the head of JFK. He was
corroborated by the sworn testimony of Edward Reed, X-ray technician.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Have to keep it true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing you could see
in the Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
I don't point out your frequent typos to keep things moving along.
You want to stop every moment for my typos? Sounds like desperation.
Picking at anything when your losing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Bull. That's not the reason is my opinion, it's your hope something
will change if you keep saying the same thing over and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
The reason I stated that I knew from personal experience is that I had
that happen on one occasion when a man had gone around and around a winch
and kept banging his head on the corner of the winch. A few of us were
there to give CPR until a medic came, but when holding his head, it was
obvious that it was all disassociated plates that had been detached from
each other.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
WRONG yet again! Your typical error. I've told you of these things
before, but you're so rooted in the WCR that you can't remember reality.
Douglas Horne interviewed the CIA Film Analyst that saw the original
Z-film. He was Dino Brugione. And the other CIA Film Analyst that was
talked to and who signed off on an interview was Homer McMahon.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness made it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
The black blob can be seen by many people by simply looking closely at
the frames after the kill shot.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Well you're a believer in reports, and never think that they could be
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WCR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
I sure have news for you. The 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK was almost
completely in the BOH, and not on the side. That side wound and some of
the top was made when Humes and Boswell expanded the wound in the BOH.
The proof od that is the Over 40+ witnesses that saw the wound before the
body got to Bethesda.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Forget it. You've made it clear you're not going to hunt sown cites
and links, so I'm not going to do the same for you if I'm not in the mood.
Go talk to Claviger and ask him.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Of course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
WRONG! Since they were expecting admirals and generals, they scheduled
it for a time they could all get there. It was at 8:00pm. Here's some
"The autopsy of President John F. Kennedy was performed, beginning at
about 8 p.m. EST November 22, 1963, on the day of his assassination and
ending at about 12:30 AM EST November 23, 1963, at the Bethesda Naval
Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The choice of autopsy hospital in the
Washington, D.C. area was made by the now former President's widow,
Jacqueline Kennedy. She chose the Bethesda Naval Hospital because
President Kennedy had been a naval officer."
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
See above.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Yes, Humes and Boswell were waiting on the loading dock for them to
come with the body. They went right to work when the body was put on the
table from the SHIPPING casket. They needed all the time they could get
before the family got there with the Bronze casket. From conversation of
the X-ray technicians, Humes and Boswell were looking for bullets and
fragments in the body first.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
WRONG! Everything is in cites and links stating exactly that as above.
You know me better. You just get caught on these challenges over and
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body arriving in
the shipping casket. Then you have the empty bronze casket arriving. Then
you have the body being put back into the bronze casket. Then you have the
body being taken out of the bronze casket. Just when did they find time to
do the clandestine surgery? Was that before or after they put the body
back in the bronze casket?
WRONG! There's really something wrong with your memory. All this has
been told to you before, and whether you believe it or not, you heard it
all, not just once. I'll give you the general sequence, but I'm not going
to dig up all the cites that I put out last time. If you didn't copy them
down, then tough.
The SHIPPING casket arrived at 6:35pm as per the after action report of
Roger Boyajian, a Marine sergeant in charge of a security detail. At that
time Humes and Boswell worked on the body first to find bullets and
fragments and remove them, and then to change the body within the time
they had to look more like it was hit by bullets from above and behind.
During the clandestine 'work' at one point Edward Reed, X-ray technician,
who was watching from the gallery, along with a couple other Navy
personnel were kicked out of the morgue.
Next, the Bronze casket arrived at the morgue about 7:17pm. Seen by
Dennis David when it arrived at the front entrance at about 6:55pm. At
about that time the body went back into the Bronze casket and it went
outside to be chased by the official casket team who had been told the
casket was around the base somewhere. At just before 8:00pm, with all the
admirals and generals in the gallery waiting to see the autopsy, the
Bronze casket was brought in and the body put on the table to start the
autopsy. Finck came in at about 8:30pm, and around that time Humes went
into the skull and brought out the brain, or what was left of it and it
came out easily. When that happened and everyone was watching, Humes made
a humorous comment that was heard by James Jenkins, technician, that the
brain just "fell out into my hands". This was very strange, since the
brain was NOT supposed to do that. To get the brain out, after cutting
the skull and scalp they go in behind the brain and sever the spinal cord,
then the optic nerves, and then various arteries and such. And that job
is ALWAYS down by the technicians, Paul O'Connor and James Jenkins.
Normally when the brain is taken out, it is put into a bucket of
formalin, but they put it back in the head, so that it would look normal
at the REAL autopsy. After trying to cover up that he and Boswell had
removed the brain earlier, they got back to doing the autopsy.
As to what occurred DURING the autopsy, we've discussed that many times.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They removed the brain and did what they were ordered to do, which was
to look for bullets in the body and remove them, and make the body look
more like it was fired upon from above and behind.
Really. Who gave the order to make the body look like it was fired upon
from above and behind and what is your evidence of that order?
First, they made it clear to the technicians BEFORE the autopsy when
they were doing the clandestine 'work', that they had to find bullets and
fragments. That is not the normal thing to begin with. All during the
autopsy there was interruption and messages coming in from Admiral Burkley
to skip a procedure or do this or that. Usually it was to skip something.
When they found what happened to the back wound bullet they knew that it
had never gone out the throat wound, and when they opened the body, they
were able to verify that conclusion that the bullet stopped at the pleura.
Yet when the autopsy was over and they knew what had happened to the
back wound bullet, Humes was ordered to write an Autopsy Report (AR)
saying something complete different and completely wrong! That had to be
from orders, because Humes would never write such wrong information in the
autopsy of the POTUS without orders.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That meant damaging
the head further by cutting out more of the wound at the BOH by expanding
it around the right side and then a bit on top. A comparison of the
witnessses of the head at Parkland, and then after at Bethesda shows that
the clandestine 'work' was done at Bethesda, and witnesses put it at
6:35pm in the morgue by Humes and Boswell.
So the body arrived in the shipping casket at 6:35 and immediately Humes
and Boswell started going at it with a bone saw to extend the blowout to
the upper right side of JFK's head. Is that when they removed the brain
too? And then after doing that, they put the body back into bronze casket.
But wait a minute. You have said that didn't happen until they were
getting ready to take the x-rays and ordered everybody out of the room.
This is all so confusing. Maybe you could clarify things by giving us a
timeline of these events.
See above. I just did that.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
they put the brain back in the skull at that early clandestine 'work',
but when it came time to pretend to do the brain removal in front of the
Oh, now that's a new twist. The put the brain back in the skull. Did they
put the cap back on the skull too. And was this before or after they put
the body back into the bronze casket.
WRONG! Use your head. The brain went back into the skull when they
were done looking through it for bullets and fragments. They couldn't let
those remain because it would prove that there was a conspiracy. The body
then went back into the Bronze casket.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the brain came out far to easily, and Humes commented to a few
people around him, as if he didn't understand it, that "the brain fell out
in my hands"! Of course he was being facetious, since he was the one who
had removed it earlier.
Of course. It's your story. Make it as interesting as you like.
WRONG! It's not my story, because it's all from witnesses. That line
of Humes was from James Jenkins who heard it said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
When the brain is removed, the spinal cord has to
be severed, and the optic nerves had be severed, and then a lot of
arteries have to be cut too. If these things aren't done, the brain will
not come out. Since it came out too fast, Humes had to make up a comment
to pretend he was as surprised as everyone else, but he was the one that
had removed it earlier in front of the witnesses.
Was this before or after they extended the defect in the skull. I know it
is too much to expect but it would be fascinating if you would actually
provide a time line for all the things that you claimed happened.
See above for general time line. The search for bullets and the removal
of the brain during the clandestine 'work' was first, then after the
enlisted personnel were kicked out of the morgue, the enlarging of the
wound was done. But Tom Robinson was there through all of it and
commented using the word "damaged" when referring to what the pathologists
did to the head.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
After that when they had to testify, Humes and Boswell always pretended
that the autopsy was all one big session from 8:00pm on.
Oh, they were just pretending.
Since it didn't happen that way, they had to, to make it seem normal.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Nope, sorry, you don't get to decide that and change history. They had
to schedule the autopsy for all the big boys to attend, and so they made
it 8:00pm, and that's when everyone showed up. The whole purpose of the
casket switch was to get the body to Bethesda as early as possible without
family so that the clandestine 'work' could be done. It wouldn't do to
leave bullets from some other gun than Oswald's in the body, or any proof
that there were shots from in front and to the sides of JFK. They all had
to look like they came from the TSBD above and behind. A lot of work was
done to keep that image of the 'lone nut' scenario going and protect it at
all times.
And you believe all this crap? Amazing!
Please don't pretend to be so dumb. I can't believe you are.
Everything above that you find "amazing" is from statements and text in
the case.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to see the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out in front of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Well it's only funny to you because you can't follow the simple logic
of what they were doing. All those movements were necessary to carry out
the plot. I've explained the reasons for everything all the way along and
yet you still can't get it all into your head.
Wouldn't it have been easier to just hire one competent sniper and take
JFK out with a single shot rather than shooting him from all different
angles and then try to frame a lone assassin.
WRONG! As usual you're not thinking. For the conspirators to get away
free without having to look over their shoulders, they had to have someone
to blame for the killing, and then to kill them before they could talk and
prove they were innocent. A 'patsy'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
So you ran away again from questions about those 'leaked' photos of the
autopsy. Tried to change the subject to get away. The work of David
Mantik, PhD shows that the X-rays we've looked at many times were probably
not even of JFK.
And you believe that because a radiation oncologist said saw. Of course.
Why believe one of the top medical examiners in the country when you have
a guy who treats cancer patients who tells a different story.
WRONG! I've given you Mantik's cv and it's far more involved than you
want to say. I've shown it to you too.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Now back to the questions you ran away from. I asked "where is the
baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+ witnesses in the
photo showing the BOH? And why does one photo show brains coming out all
over the place twisted and hanging from the TOP of the head, and then
other photos show NOTHING coming out of the TOP of the head at all? Were
the brains just trimmed off and thrown away? There are many of these
anomalies to ask, but there are 2 questions addressed to you for starters.
Now you're acting like Harris. You keep pretending that question has been
asked and answer dozens of times because you didn't like the answer you
got. One more time, the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended through the parietal region into the temporal
region just like the the AR stated. Just like we see in the Z-film. Just
like the photos and x-rays showed. Just like the review panels concluded.
Well you've been corrected on that many times up to now. You're memory
is your problem (among others) if you can't remember all these things
maybe you should see a specialist. Your previous description of that
wound was missing the word parietal, and only contained occiput and
temporal. Make up your mind. In any event the wound you describe was
made by Humes and Boswell expanding the BOH wound that was first there and
that was seen by Over 40+ witnesses.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that the
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Ah! You chose to run away! You've not answered the question with that
Marsh-like limited answer.
You ask a question based on a false premise and you expect me to accept
the premise? Ridiculous.
What premise? Say a complete sentence, like I used to have to tell
Marsh. If you think there is a trick question, then spell it out and
explain why you don't want to answer it. Be honest.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
When a photo shows nothing like a bullet hole,
and a drawing of that very photo shows a bullet hole, there's an anomaly.
Please explain yourself so we can all get the benefit of your thought
The photo shows the same bullet hold as the drawing. The drawing was done
with much greater contrast but shows the bullet wound in the same location
as the photo. It is just more vivid in the drawing. That too has been
asked and answered many times. Now pretend it hasn't and come back in a
couple days and ask me to explain it to you again.
No, I understood your answer, but I just know it bullshit. Anything
to get off the dime. You are saying that the bullet wound was in the same
exact location on the real photo as the drawing has it?
But there's a problem, maybe you can help with it. Here's Boswell's
drawing of the head with the huge missing piece on side and top, but he's
put in the tiny bullet hole 4 inches down from where you want there to be
a bullet wound, and over to the right by a couple inches. So who's wrong,
you, Boswell or the photo?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
I have big news for you. You're WRONG yet again! They could not
possibly see more than me since the body was buried and the photos and
X-rays were missing the most important parts.
Oh, so you got to see the missing photos and x-rays. Why didn't you just
say so?
You need to go back and reread what I said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I now have much more
information than the medical panels had.
Oh, wait. You were serious.
Of course. A shame you never know the right place to laugh. I mean
that I have more information from external sources than they had, not
their internal or educational sources. They were unaware of many of the
bits of info, and many things to hear from Navy personnel, yet I heard and
saw those things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Not that I know more in their
chosen profession, but I happened to have seen and heard much more than
they were allowed to see and hear. So I have more info at my recall and
the answer for the cause of death is obvious to any simple average person
if they had the same info. The panels have no input here.
That is laugh out loud funny.
As expected you have nothing of use to offer, and nothing but opinion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
WRONG! Because YOU say witness statements are not valid means nothing.
Witness statements have convicted many people over the years. And when
corroborated, they mean much more. And please don't forget that 'forensic
evidence' can be manipulated and look like one thing when it is really
another. In this case there has been some of that manipulation.
Even though your only "evidence" of such manipulation is that they
forensic evidence conflicts with your beliefs. It couldn't be that your
beliefs are FUBAR.
Your thinking is FUBAR. I have many reasons aside from my personal
belief, as you are often told.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Now you might want to show us an example of 'forensic evidence' in this
case. It's probably something that someone told you, and you thought it
was 'forensic evidence'. I'm waiting.
I already gave you 8 pieces of forensic evidence that corroborates
Brennan. It's your turn to come up with 8 excuses to dismiss it.
There's was no reason to dismiss those items of Forensic Evidence, but
I easily dismiss Brennan since he's not that kind of evidence and he has
discredited himself. The only thing he and the 8 items corroborated on
was the rifle, and we cannot be certain it was the same one as you listed,
because Brennan said there was no scope on the rifle, and we know the MC
rifle had a scope.
2016-10-10 23:50:53 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
Post by mainframetech
If the medical
panels had had a chance to se the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
then their conclusions would be simple. Of course, you wouldn't have any
input on that, since you can't se anything abnormal in the correct photo.
So you assume they didn't look at that photo. Why would you think
something so silly?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
It's so sad that you think what I've described to you is amazing, when
the simplest average person has made that same conclusion when I showed
the bullet hole to them, without giving them any clue in advance, only
telling them it was JFK's body. So you've got a long way to go to catch
up to the normal average person.
Right. That "bullet hole" is so obvious that you even admitted you had
looked at that photo for years before you saw a bullet hole, and that was
only after you convinced yourself that there is one there. You even tried
to deny you had ever said that until I went into the archives and found
the post in which you had stated that.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Well of course you have to say that, given that you have no input on
this part of the case.
So everyone who doesn't accept your silly interpretation of one photograph
has no input including the medical panels who have seen so much more
evidence than you have and are far more qualified to render such
judgements. I suppose you could make a more ridiculous claim but it is
hard to imagine how.
Post by mainframetech
But the evidence once seen by even the average
person is clearly tells the cause of death.
So are you telling us you were below average all those years you looked at
that photo and didn't see a bullet hole?
Post by mainframetech
A shame there's no way for
you to know what I'm saying is the truth.
Of course there isn't because I apply common sense.
Post by mainframetech
But don't worry, you always
have the everlovin' WCR.
That's all anybody needs who is interested in the truth.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
WRONG! Average people have already seen the bullet hole and
interpreted it accordingly as a bullet hole, and they suddenly stop as it
dawns on them as to what it means!
And we are supposed to take your word for that.
Post by mainframetech
And you can stop playing your tired
old 'expert' card.
I guess you do get tired of having it pointed out that all the
knowledgeable people disagree with you.
Post by mainframetech
It is a deuce. The bullet hole in the forehead/temple
area has been easily identified by average people.
If it was so easy to identify, why did you go years before you saw it.
Post by mainframetech
Just because you're
the outlier doesn't mean the bullet hole isn't there. It is there for
everyone else but you.
So why aren't you getting any help from your fellow CTs on this?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Does it bother you that I believe that there won't be an exhumation of
JFK's body?
Not at all.
Post by mainframetech
Are you losing it? You're trying to argue with your opinion,
which is weak and useless.
Not nearly as weak and useless as your opinions. My opinions are based on
the physical evidence. Your opinions try to dismiss the physical
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! And as usual you've forgotten those "people" were under an
'order of silence' put on them by the Navy before the HSCA, and I believe
many stayed unsure during the HSCA doings. The HSCA themselves were
caught lying about the statements of the people in the Morgue gallery.
I'm not sure the HSCA can be trusted after that.
They weren't under an order of silence DURING the HSCA hearings so if they
had something real to contribute to the review panels understanding of
what happened during the autopsy there was no reason they couldn't have
done so. But of course none of these stories came out until years later.
Sometimes many years later.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Because you have no real evidence. The photos and X-rays that showed
the truth were missing. That's why.
If they are missing, how do you know what they showed?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
You're getting ridiculous once again. Too much WCR I think. I've told
you many times which photos were important and why. Especially the one
that has to be ENLARGED, which you wouldn't know about, since you're the
only one that can't see anything in it. Why are you repeating everything?
Is it in hopes the answers will change if you keep asking? Forget it.
I enlarged your photo and the only thing that happened was the pixels kept
getting bigger and the image became even more blurry. No bullet hole every
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
WRONG! You're getting ridiculous again. I've explained to you and
shown you the proof of what the prosectors saw in the body when the organs
were removed that proved that the back wound bullet was a 'short shot',
which never penetrated more than an inch or so into the back of JFK.
Stop repeating everything. If you have Alzheimer's it's not going to get
better, only worse.
You've proved nothing. You keep repeating that empty claim over and over
again but you don't prove anything when you do that.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
WRONG! There was more evidence than one photo.
Yes there was. The review panels saw it an you didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Use your head for a
change. Ad usual you forgot that the prosectors saw the verification
inside the body when the organs were removed and they saw the proof that
the back wound bullet had NOT gone out the throat wound, it stopped at the
pleura and right lung. You tried for days to argue about that and lost
after you were unable to change the information coming from the witnesses.
You keep ignoring the fact that at the conclusion of the fact finding
process they wrote a report that said the bullet did exit from the throat.
That conclusion isn't compatible with what you want to believe so you had
to make up a story that they were ordered to lie in their report even
though you can produce no evidence of such an order. And of course you
never stop to consider that the real reason there conclusions differ from
yours is because they got it right and you didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
WRONG! You tried that ploy before and lost. Mantik had far more
background than just radiation oncologist. I read off his accomplishments
to you from the Lancer cv. Of course, you need to put down witnesses as
much as possible because they prove you and the WCR very wrong.
None of them included expertise in forensic medicine or wound ballistics.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Ah, You were asked to list the "forensic evidence" against Oswald, but
you were unable to do that. So at this point, there is none.
Why do you say something you know is untrue? Are you stealing a page from
Bob Harris' book and pretending that what you asked for hasn't been
presented. I have listed the forensic evidence for you numerous times and
each time I did, you invented an excuse to dismiss each and every piece of
such evidence so we know you didn't just miss it when I listed that
evidence. If I dig up where I listed this evidence for you and you replied
to it are you willing to apologize to me for making that false charge
against me?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
X-rays? Yes, he did based on a lot of scientific examination of them.
I wasn't talking about Mantik. I was referring to the technician who said
he thought some of the x-rays were missing. He never said the ones on file
were faked. That was Mantik's bullshit story.
Post by mainframetech
And as far as the photos that were 'leaked' of the autopsy, you can be
sure they do not show what was actually present in the morgue that
So are you accusing Bob Groden of being in on the cover up.
Post by mainframetech
The autopsy team members couldn't recognize the head rest that
was used in those photos, and they (corroboration) said that they never
used that type of head rest, they had a different one that was always used
for autopsies. That alone makes the photos suspect.
Again you play the evidence-was-faked card. I guess when all the evidence
runs contrary to what you want to believe you are forced to claim the
evidence is bogus rather than admit your beliefs are.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
We're not even sure that the X-rays that are left in the NARA archives
are of JFK, and they are missing a number of plates that the technicians
know they had taken.
You are unsure of a lot of things that the rest of us know.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
WRONG! Hard to believe that you were ever a programmer. No logic.
The irony is so thick I don't think I could cut through it with a machete.
Post by mainframetech
For example: If you have s et of photos, but there is one missing that
shows a bullet hole in the forehead, and another one that shows bruises on
the pleura, and no path through it, then the remaining photo will give a
very wrong impression of what killed JFK. They centered on above and
behind because the prosectors were ordered to say that, and there was no
photo to counteract the wrong conclusion that was handed to the panels.
If what you saw is true, than they would have been forced to say the
photographic evidence was inconclusive. But since they did see
photographic evidence that convinced them the bullet did pass through JFK,
we know there was sufficient evidence to reach a conclusion. Again, there
conclusions were based on what they saw and what they saw was conclusive.
There can't be two truths so if there is evidence that the bullet did pass
through it is ludicrous to think that there could be missing evidence that
the bullet did not pass through.
Post by mainframetech
That is why the missing photos and X-rays give the wrong impression.
How could the missing photos and x-rays give any impression. And to think
you just chastised me for not being able to think logically.
Post by mainframetech
Fortunately there are other ways to find out the truth, but they weren't
available to folks back in 1963.
I'm pretty sure in 1963 people were as capable of making the same kind of
wild assumptions as you make today.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Try and realize how embarrassed you should be when you laugh at all
the wrong places.
When I read your posts, there aren't too many places that aren't laugh out
loud funny.
Post by mainframetech
You still show a complete lack of logic as to the
missing photos. One of the photos was there, but they apparently didn't
ENLARGE it to se the bullet wound in it.
See what I mean.
Post by mainframetech
Other photos would have changed
their minds but were missing.
If they are missing, how could you know what they would have showed?
Post by mainframetech
If you think real hard, it may come to you
why it mattered that some photos were missing.
I know they review panels saw plenty to convince them JFK was shot twice
from behind. More recently Dr. Peter Cummings, a top medical examiner was
allowed to review the medical evidence for PBS's Nova program and reached
the same conclusion. He even pointed out that the fracture lines that
radiated out from the entrance wound in the BOH are proof positive that
the bullet hit from behind. That happens all the time with gunshot wounds
to the skull. You have had no answer for that so to date you have just
ignored that observation.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Tell it to the plotters, since they created the situation.
How can I talk to imaginary people. I'm not a conspiracy hobbyist.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
WRONG! I have shown that there was no doubt at all that orders were
issued to the prosectors as to the conclusions they would put in the AR.
No, you have only been able to point out the conclusions they put forth in
their AR were different from the conclusions you reached. You assumed the
only explanation for that is that they were ordered to lie. You never
consider that it is your conclusions which are FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
WHOA! You have claimed that all kinds of witnesses are lying or don't
know what they are talking about.
The only people I have had to claim lied are the ones that crawled out of
the woodwork many years later with tall tales conspiracy hobbyists such as
yourself are more than eager to believe.
Post by mainframetech
Don't tell me I can't do the same for
your phony evidence too.
If you want to dispute what the witnesses I point to have had to say fine.
The witnesses I choose to believe are the ones whose stories are
compatible with the forensic evidence and the expert testimony. You have
neither of those on your side saw all you can do is cite these
Johnny-come-lately witnesses who tell a story you want to believe.
Post by mainframetech
However, every time I have dumped on evidence,.
I have explained why.
Your explanations have been FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
In your case you were unable to tell why you didn't
like a witness except your opinion.
I dismiss witnesses whose tales run contrary to the forensic evidence and
the expert testimony. You on the other hand embrace these witnesses.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Ah, only MY people lied. Yours were true blue! Suuure!
Pretty much. Mine are supported be forensic evidence and expert testimony.
Yours are refuted by the same.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence.
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. Some one wrote down that
there were 3 shells left at the 6th floor window. But all you know is
that a "person" told that to a note pad, and then a "person" took that
note pad and wrote what was there somewhere else, and sooner or later, all
this writing got to you and you believed every word of it, no matter how
many hands it had been through! There were many things that the
prosectors said DURING the autopsy that were 18o degrees different from
what was put in the AR, both statements were made by "persons", and you
picked out the one you wanted to believe which was the one that had the
highest chance of being ordered by a "person" and wasn't true.
More nonsense. The shells were photographed on the floor. They were
collected and are now in the National Archives after the FBI crime labs
examined them.
Post by mainframetech
We have lots of that. And it
Post by bigdog
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime.
No, you have NONE of that, because I asked you for a list of the
"forensic evidence" and you chose not to provide it. So as far as I'm
concerned, there is none you could list, or you were afraid to list it.
I ask you again. Are you willing to apologize to me when I show you were I
listed that evidence for you in past and where you responded to it?
Post by mainframetech
You also don't have any witnesses who gave
Post by bigdog
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination.
How foolish is it to act like the 'order of silence' of the Navy wasn't
the cause of some of the witnesses not being able to talk until late in
the game.
Those Navy personnel didn't tell these tall tales to the HSCA
investigators when they had the opportunity and the permission to do
Post by mainframetech
And that fear was the reason for others to avoid saying things
until later too. Yet all those witnesses have corroboration and have
shown no reason to lie.
There is no forensic evidence to support any of these people you put your
faith in. Absolutely none.
Post by mainframetech
It's the
Post by bigdog
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
WRONG! You've sung that song before hoping that all the LNs will
gather around you and swear to whatever you want from them. My abilities
aren't at issue, since I prove my points with data other than my opinion,
which is what you often use.
Repeating you bullshit beliefs over and over does not prove them.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Shells do NOT corroborate anything said by Brennan, since he didn't
name the count of shells.
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Just when I think you can't get any more ridiculous you
outdo yourself.
Post by mainframetech
And the sound of shots was known by everyone.
The shells are "forensic Evidence" but do not prove anything other than
they POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade. No bullets
were ever matched to them. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
"POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade". It is mind
boggling that you would think otherwise.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong. Again,
so what?
We have reached the point where no further comment from me is necessary.
You are hanging yourself with these silly arguments. I'm going to allow
you to have the floor all to yourself. Before I check out, I would just
like to point out that after twice in this post claiming that I have never
presented any forensic evidence you are now in the process of disputing
the list of forensic evidence which you asked for and I gave you. That
should make you feel very foolish but it probably won't.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Ownership of the rifle does not convict anyone. Since the rifle was
manipulated to be there. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
Since the rifle belonged to Oswald, it would be expected to be there.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
Oswald worked there and probably handled boxes all over the TSBD on
many floors. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
It possible that Oswald brought the bag to bring the rifle into the TSBD
and hide it. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
Since the rifle was kept in the blanket, that would be expected. Not
much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
Id you mean the butt plate, it was his rifle, so it might be expected
that at one or more opportunities he put it to his shoulder to se how it
felt, or something similar. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Not one thing there corroborates anything that Brennan said except
that Brennan said he saw a rifle at the window. We don't even know if the
rifle he saw was the same rifle because he said there was no scope on it,
but the rifle in question HAD a scope. Not much evidence there, or proof
that Oswald did anything wrong.
A complete waste of time as it was the first time you pretended there
was some GOOD evidence found that Oswald was guilty. But the way things
showed themselves in the case, it looked more like Oswald was duped into
bringing in the rifle and so made himself look like the killer, when he
wasn't even at the window when the shots were fired.
The items you named were indeed "forensic Evidence" but not Brennan nor
his statements. So you've made an error in giving an example of "Forensic
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Whether that agent was lying or being truthful doesn't have much of a
bearing on the case to me.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
WRONG! You're the reader of the WCR, look to yourself for believing
silly things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Custer saw the bullet as per his sworn testimony which you are very
prone to believing as you said. Robinson saw the damage to the head being
done during the clandestine 'work' on the head of JFK. He was
corroborated by the sworn testimony of Edward Reed, X-ray technician.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Have to keep it true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing you could see
in the Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
I don't point out your frequent typos to keep things moving along.
You want to stop every moment for my typos? Sounds like desperation.
Picking at anything when your losing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Bull. That's not the reason is my opinion, it's your hope something
will change if you keep saying the same thing over and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
The reason I stated that I knew from personal experience is that I had
that happen on one occasion when a man had gone around and around a winch
and kept banging his head on the corner of the winch. A few of us were
there to give CPR until a medic came, but when holding his head, it was
obvious that it was all disassociated plates that had been detached from
each other.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
WRONG yet again! Your typical error. I've told you of these things
before, but you're so rooted in the WCR that you can't remember reality.
Douglas Horne interviewed the CIA Film Analyst that saw the original
Z-film. He was Dino Brugione. And the other CIA Film Analyst that was
talked to and who signed off on an interview was Homer McMahon.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness made it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
The black blob can be seen by many people by simply looking closely at
the frames after the kill shot.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Well you're a believer in reports, and never think that they could be
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WCR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
I sure have news for you. The 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK was almost
completely in the BOH, and not on the side. That side wound and some of
the top was made when Humes and Boswell expanded the wound in the BOH.
The proof od that is the Over 40+ witnesses that saw the wound before the
body got to Bethesda.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Forget it. You've made it clear you're not going to hunt sown cites
and links, so I'm not going to do the same for you if I'm not in the mood.
Go talk to Claviger and ask him.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Of course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
WRONG! Since they were expecting admirals and generals, they scheduled
it for a time they could all get there. It was at 8:00pm. Here's some
"The autopsy of President John F. Kennedy was performed, beginning at
about 8 p.m. EST November 22, 1963, on the day of his assassination and
ending at about 12:30 AM EST November 23, 1963, at the Bethesda Naval
Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The choice of autopsy hospital in the
Washington, D.C. area was made by the now former President's widow,
Jacqueline Kennedy. She chose the Bethesda Naval Hospital because
President Kennedy had been a naval officer."
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
See above.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Yes, Humes and Boswell were waiting on the loading dock for them to
come with the body. They went right to work when the body was put on the
table from the SHIPPING casket. They needed all the time they could get
before the family got there with the Bronze casket. From conversation of
the X-ray technicians, Humes and Boswell were looking for bullets and
fragments in the body first.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
WRONG! Everything is in cites and links stating exactly that as above.
You know me better. You just get caught on these challenges over and
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body a
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-11 20:09:39 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
Post by mainframetech
If the medical
panels had had a chance to se the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
then their conclusions would be simple. Of course, you wouldn't have any
input on that, since you can't se anything abnormal in the correct photo.
So you assume they didn't look at that photo. Why would you think
something so silly?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
It's so sad that you think what I've described to you is amazing, when
the simplest average person has made that same conclusion when I showed
the bullet hole to them, without giving them any clue in advance, only
telling them it was JFK's body. So you've got a long way to go to catch
up to the normal average person.
Right. That "bullet hole" is so obvious that you even admitted you had
looked at that photo for years before you saw a bullet hole, and that was
only after you convinced yourself that there is one there. You even tried
to deny you had ever said that until I went into the archives and found
the post in which you had stated that.
So you can't even admit that there is a bullet hole in the forehead. I
told you that you have a way out of this and you should take it. Adopt the
Baden lie that it was the exit wound.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Well of course you have to say that, given that you have no input on
this part of the case.
So everyone who doesn't accept your silly interpretation of one photograph
has no input including the medical panels who have seen so much more
evidence than you have and are far more qualified to render such
judgements. I suppose you could make a more ridiculous claim but it is
hard to imagine how.
Everyone who can't admit a simple fact.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
But the evidence once seen by even the average
person is clearly tells the cause of death.
So are you telling us you were below average all those years you looked at
that photo and didn't see a bullet hole?
All those years? When like you, he hadn't seen all the photos?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A shame there's no way for
you to know what I'm saying is the truth.
Of course there isn't because I apply common sense.
Post by mainframetech
But don't worry, you always
have the everlovin' WCR.
That's all anybody needs who is interested in the truth.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
WRONG! Average people have already seen the bullet hole and
interpreted it accordingly as a bullet hole, and they suddenly stop as it
dawns on them as to what it means!
And we are supposed to take your word for that.
Post by mainframetech
And you can stop playing your tired
old 'expert' card.
I guess you do get tired of having it pointed out that all the
knowledgeable people disagree with you.
Post by mainframetech
It is a deuce. The bullet hole in the forehead/temple
area has been easily identified by average people.
If it was so easy to identify, why did you go years before you saw it.
Post by mainframetech
Just because you're
the outlier doesn't mean the bullet hole isn't there. It is there for
everyone else but you.
So why aren't you getting any help from your fellow CTs on this?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Does it bother you that I believe that there won't be an exhumation of
JFK's body?
Not at all.
Post by mainframetech
Are you losing it? You're trying to argue with your opinion,
which is weak and useless.
Not nearly as weak and useless as your opinions. My opinions are based on
the physical evidence. Your opinions try to dismiss the physical
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! And as usual you've forgotten those "people" were under an
'order of silence' put on them by the Navy before the HSCA, and I believe
many stayed unsure during the HSCA doings. The HSCA themselves were
caught lying about the statements of the people in the Morgue gallery.
I'm not sure the HSCA can be trusted after that.
They weren't under an order of silence DURING the HSCA hearings so if they
had something real to contribute to the review panels understanding of
what happened during the autopsy there was no reason they couldn't have
done so. But of course none of these stories came out until years later.
Sometimes many years later.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Because you have no real evidence. The photos and X-rays that showed
the truth were missing. That's why.
If they are missing, how do you know what they showed?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
You're getting ridiculous once again. Too much WCR I think. I've told
you many times which photos were important and why. Especially the one
that has to be ENLARGED, which you wouldn't know about, since you're the
only one that can't see anything in it. Why are you repeating everything?
Is it in hopes the answers will change if you keep asking? Forget it.
I enlarged your photo and the only thing that happened was the pixels kept
getting bigger and the image became even more blurry. No bullet hole every
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
WRONG! You're getting ridiculous again. I've explained to you and
shown you the proof of what the prosectors saw in the body when the organs
were removed that proved that the back wound bullet was a 'short shot',
which never penetrated more than an inch or so into the back of JFK.
Stop repeating everything. If you have Alzheimer's it's not going to get
better, only worse.
You've proved nothing. You keep repeating that empty claim over and over
again but you don't prove anything when you do that.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
WRONG! There was more evidence than one photo.
Yes there was. The review panels saw it an you didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Use your head for a
change. Ad usual you forgot that the prosectors saw the verification
inside the body when the organs were removed and they saw the proof that
the back wound bullet had NOT gone out the throat wound, it stopped at the
pleura and right lung. You tried for days to argue about that and lost
after you were unable to change the information coming from the witnesses.
You keep ignoring the fact that at the conclusion of the fact finding
process they wrote a report that said the bullet did exit from the throat.
That conclusion isn't compatible with what you want to believe so you had
to make up a story that they were ordered to lie in their report even
though you can produce no evidence of such an order. And of course you
never stop to consider that the real reason there conclusions differ from
yours is because they got it right and you didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
WRONG! You tried that ploy before and lost. Mantik had far more
background than just radiation oncologist. I read off his accomplishments
to you from the Lancer cv. Of course, you need to put down witnesses as
much as possible because they prove you and the WCR very wrong.
None of them included expertise in forensic medicine or wound ballistics.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Ah, You were asked to list the "forensic evidence" against Oswald, but
you were unable to do that. So at this point, there is none.
Why do you say something you know is untrue? Are you stealing a page from
Bob Harris' book and pretending that what you asked for hasn't been
presented. I have listed the forensic evidence for you numerous times and
each time I did, you invented an excuse to dismiss each and every piece of
such evidence so we know you didn't just miss it when I listed that
evidence. If I dig up where I listed this evidence for you and you replied
to it are you willing to apologize to me for making that false charge
against me?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
X-rays? Yes, he did based on a lot of scientific examination of them.
I wasn't talking about Mantik. I was referring to the technician who said
he thought some of the x-rays were missing. He never said the ones on file
were faked. That was Mantik's bullshit story.
Post by mainframetech
And as far as the photos that were 'leaked' of the autopsy, you can be
sure they do not show what was actually present in the morgue that
So are you accusing Bob Groden of being in on the cover up.
Post by mainframetech
The autopsy team members couldn't recognize the head rest that
was used in those photos, and they (corroboration) said that they never
used that type of head rest, they had a different one that was always used
for autopsies. That alone makes the photos suspect.
Again you play the evidence-was-faked card. I guess when all the evidence
runs contrary to what you want to believe you are forced to claim the
evidence is bogus rather than admit your beliefs are.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
We're not even sure that the X-rays that are left in the NARA archives
are of JFK, and they are missing a number of plates that the technicians
know they had taken.
You are unsure of a lot of things that the rest of us know.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
WRONG! Hard to believe that you were ever a programmer. No logic.
The irony is so thick I don't think I could cut through it with a machete.
Post by mainframetech
For example: If you have s et of photos, but there is one missing that
shows a bullet hole in the forehead, and another one that shows bruises on
the pleura, and no path through it, then the remaining photo will give a
very wrong impression of what killed JFK. They centered on above and
behind because the prosectors were ordered to say that, and there was no
photo to counteract the wrong conclusion that was handed to the panels.
If what you saw is true, than they would have been forced to say the
photographic evidence was inconclusive. But since they did see
photographic evidence that convinced them the bullet did pass through JFK,
we know there was sufficient evidence to reach a conclusion. Again, there
conclusions were based on what they saw and what they saw was conclusive.
There can't be two truths so if there is evidence that the bullet did pass
through it is ludicrous to think that there could be missing evidence that
the bullet did not pass through.
Post by mainframetech
That is why the missing photos and X-rays give the wrong impression.
How could the missing photos and x-rays give any impression. And to think
you just chastised me for not being able to think logically.
Post by mainframetech
Fortunately there are other ways to find out the truth, but they weren't
available to folks back in 1963.
I'm pretty sure in 1963 people were as capable of making the same kind of
wild assumptions as you make today.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Try and realize how embarrassed you should be when you laugh at all
the wrong places.
When I read your posts, there aren't too many places that aren't laugh out
loud funny.
Post by mainframetech
You still show a complete lack of logic as to the
missing photos. One of the photos was there, but they apparently didn't
ENLARGE it to se the bullet wound in it.
See what I mean.
Post by mainframetech
Other photos would have changed
their minds but were missing.
If they are missing, how could you know what they would have showed?
Post by mainframetech
If you think real hard, it may come to you
why it mattered that some photos were missing.
I know they review panels saw plenty to convince them JFK was shot twice
from behind. More recently Dr. Peter Cummings, a top medical examiner was
allowed to review the medical evidence for PBS's Nova program and reached
the same conclusion. He even pointed out that the fracture lines that
radiated out from the entrance wound in the BOH are proof positive that
the bullet hit from behind. That happens all the time with gunshot wounds
to the skull. You have had no answer for that so to date you have just
ignored that observation.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Tell it to the plotters, since they created the situation.
How can I talk to imaginary people. I'm not a conspiracy hobbyist.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
WRONG! I have shown that there was no doubt at all that orders were
issued to the prosectors as to the conclusions they would put in the AR.
No, you have only been able to point out the conclusions they put forth in
their AR were different from the conclusions you reached. You assumed the
only explanation for that is that they were ordered to lie. You never
consider that it is your conclusions which are FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
WHOA! You have claimed that all kinds of witnesses are lying or don't
know what they are talking about.
The only people I have had to claim lied are the ones that crawled out of
the woodwork many years later with tall tales conspiracy hobbyists such as
yourself are more than eager to believe.
Post by mainframetech
Don't tell me I can't do the same for
your phony evidence too.
If you want to dispute what the witnesses I point to have had to say fine.
The witnesses I choose to believe are the ones whose stories are
compatible with the forensic evidence and the expert testimony. You have
neither of those on your side saw all you can do is cite these
Johnny-come-lately witnesses who tell a story you want to believe.
Post by mainframetech
However, every time I have dumped on evidence,.
I have explained why.
Your explanations have been FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
In your case you were unable to tell why you didn't
like a witness except your opinion.
I dismiss witnesses whose tales run contrary to the forensic evidence and
the expert testimony. You on the other hand embrace these witnesses.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Ah, only MY people lied. Yours were true blue! Suuure!
Pretty much. Mine are supported be forensic evidence and expert testimony.
Yours are refuted by the same.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence.
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. Some one wrote down that
there were 3 shells left at the 6th floor window. But all you know is
that a "person" told that to a note pad, and then a "person" took that
note pad and wrote what was there somewhere else, and sooner or later, all
this writing got to you and you believed every word of it, no matter how
many hands it had been through! There were many things that the
prosectors said DURING the autopsy that were 18o degrees different from
what was put in the AR, both statements were made by "persons", and you
picked out the one you wanted to believe which was the one that had the
highest chance of being ordered by a "person" and wasn't true.
More nonsense. The shells were photographed on the floor. They were
collected and are now in the National Archives after the FBI crime labs
examined them.
Post by mainframetech
We have lots of that. And it
Post by bigdog
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime.
No, you have NONE of that, because I asked you for a list of the
"forensic evidence" and you chose not to provide it. So as far as I'm
concerned, there is none you could list, or you were afraid to list it.
I ask you again. Are you willing to apologize to me when I show you were I
listed that evidence for you in past and where you responded to it?
Post by mainframetech
You also don't have any witnesses who gave
Post by bigdog
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination.
How foolish is it to act like the 'order of silence' of the Navy wasn't
the cause of some of the witnesses not being able to talk until late in
the game.
Those Navy personnel didn't tell these tall tales to the HSCA
investigators when they had the opportunity and the permission to do
Post by mainframetech
And that fear was the reason for others to avoid saying things
until later too. Yet all those witnesses have corroboration and have
shown no reason to lie.
There is no forensic evidence to support any of these people you put your
faith in. Absolutely none.
Post by mainframetech
It's the
Post by bigdog
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
WRONG! You've sung that song before hoping that all the LNs will
gather around you and swear to whatever you want from them. My abilities
aren't at issue, since I prove my points with data other than my opinion,
which is what you often use.
Repeating you bullshit beliefs over and over does not prove them.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Shells do NOT corroborate anything said by Brennan, since he didn't
name the count of shells.
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Just when I think you can't get any more ridiculous you
outdo yourself.
Post by mainframetech
And the sound of shots was known by everyone.
The shells are "forensic Evidence" but do not prove anything other than
they POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade. No bullets
were ever matched to them. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
"POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade". It is mind
boggling that you would think otherwise.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong. Again,
so what?
We have reached the point where no further comment from me is necessary.
You are hanging yourself with these silly arguments. I'm going to allow
you to have the floor all to yourself. Before I check out, I would just
like to point out that after twice in this post claiming that I have never
presented any forensic evidence you are now in the process of disputing
the list of forensic evidence which you asked for and I gave you. That
should make you feel very foolish but it probably won't.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Ownership of the rifle does not convict anyone. Since the rifle was
manipulated to be there. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
Since the rifle belonged to Oswald, it would be expected to be there.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
Oswald worked there and probably handled boxes all over the TSBD on
many floors. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
It possible that Oswald brought the bag to bring the rifle into the TSBD
and hide it. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
Since the rifle was kept in the blanket, that would be expected. Not
much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
Id you mean the butt plate, it was his rifle, so it might be expected
that at one or more opportunities he put it to his shoulder to se how it
felt, or something similar. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Not one thing there corroborates anything that Brennan said except
that Brennan said he saw a rifle at the window. We don't even know if the
rifle he saw was the same rifle because he said there was no scope on it,
but the rifle in question HAD a scope. Not much evidence there, or proof
that Oswald did anything wrong.
A complete waste of time as it was the first time you pretended there
was some GOOD evidence found that Oswald was guilty. But the way things
showed themselves in the case, it looked more like Oswald was duped into
bringing in the rifle and so made himself look like the killer, when he
wasn't even at the window when the shots were fired.
The items you named were indeed "forensic Evidence" but not Brennan nor
his statements. So you've made an error in giving an example of "Forensic
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Whether that agent was lying or being truthful doesn't have much of a
bearing on the case to me.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
WRONG! You're the reader of the WCR, look to yourself for believing
silly things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Custer saw the bullet as per his sworn testimony which you are very
prone to believing as you said. Robinson saw the damage to the head being
done during the clandestine 'work' on the head of JFK. He was
corroborated by the sworn testimony of Edward Reed, X-ray technician.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Have to keep it true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing you could see
in the Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
I don't point out your frequent typos to keep things moving along.
You want to stop every moment for my typos? Sounds like desperation.
Picking at anything when your losing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Bull. That's not the reason is my opinion, it's your hope something
will change if you keep saying the same thing over and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a head in
that condition. You cannot miss the obvious movement of the bones.
Just because you tell me something is no reason for me to believe it. In
fact it is usually a good reason to doubt it.
The reason I stated that I knew from personal experience is that I had
that happen on one occasion when a man had gone around and around a winch
and kept banging his head on the corner of the winch. A few of us were
there to give CPR until a medic came, but when holding his head, it was
obvious that it was all disassociated plates that had been detached from
each other.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer.
Well now, I'll tell you since you ask. Douglas Horne wrote a 5 volume
set of books on the ARRB and what was learned during their examinations
and testimonies. If you read the 4th volume of the set, you will learn of
all the extant devices available in 1963 for film manipulation, and what
happened to the Z-film and its travels to Rochester, NY and other places
while being altered. You will also learn of the error they made in trying
to duplicate the header that every film had back then that gave away the
fact that the current Z-film is NOT the original.
Are you telling us Doug Horne saw the original Z-film? Or did he see the
manipulation being done to it? Or did he just make up some bullshit story
that only really gullible people believe?
WRONG yet again! Your typical error. I've told you of these things
before, but you're so rooted in the WCR that you can't remember reality.
Douglas Horne interviewed the CIA Film Analyst that saw the original
Z-film. He was Dino Brugione. And the other CIA Film Analyst that was
talked to and who signed off on an interview was Homer McMahon.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The witness you are relying on said he
Post by bigdog
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Not necessarily. The witness made it clear that the Z-film (new
version) was shorter at the point where the kill shot strikes. They show
that only a single frame did ALL splashing of blood and brain material,
while in reality it took many more frames in the original. And they had
to have done something to the film at the 313 point, what with the many
frames with the black blob covering up the 'large hole' in the BOH that
they tried to hide.
Oh, they had to have done that. I guess when you put it that way no proof
is necessary.
The black blob can be seen by many people by simply looking closely at
the frames after the kill shot.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
While you have admitted that there was a large hole
in the BOH, you place it more to the right side and try to move it more to
the TOP of the head.
I have stated that the defect in the occipital was just part of a much
larger defect that extended all along the upper right side of JFK's head.
Or as it was described in the AR, it was chiefly parietal but extended
somewhat into the occipital and temporal regions. Pretty much what we see
in the Z-film.
Well you're a believer in reports, and never think that they could be
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, many LNs still go along with the old WCR
version where the wound in the BOH was only a tiny bullet hole, which
matched something that Boswell had described.
There was a small hole in the BOH but the blowout occurred forward of
that. It's not and either/or choice.
I sure have news for you. The 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK was almost
completely in the BOH, and not on the side. That side wound and some of
the top was made when Humes and Boswell expanded the wound in the BOH.
The proof od that is the Over 40+ witnesses that saw the wound before the
body got to Bethesda.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That disagreement between you and the many other LNs is humorous, it
doesn't help to get to the details of the murder.
There is no disagreement that I am aware of.
Post by mainframetech
Poor Claviger is still
arguing that there was never any large hole anywhere in the head, just the
small bullet hole.
I'll bet you can't cite a single statement from him in which he says that.
A quote please. Not your paraphrase of what he said.
Forget it. You've made it clear you're not going to hunt sown cites
and links, so I'm not going to do the same for you if I'm not in the mood.
Go talk to Claviger and ask him.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Of course not! Now don't go off into being ridiculous! We've been over
that. The regular autopsy was scheduled for 8:00pm.
So they started the preliminary work when the body became available. Do
you think they should have sat around twiddling their thumbs until the
scheduled start time?
WRONG! Since they were expecting admirals and generals, they scheduled
it for a time they could all get there. It was at 8:00pm. Here's some
"The autopsy of President John F. Kennedy was performed, beginning at
about 8 p.m. EST November 22, 1963, on the day of his assassination and
ending at about 12:30 AM EST November 23, 1963, at the Bethesda Naval
Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The choice of autopsy hospital in the
Washington, D.C. area was made by the now former President's widow,
Jacqueline Kennedy. She chose the Bethesda Naval Hospital because
President Kennedy had been a naval officer."
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Finck was late and
arrived at 8:30pm. All through the testimonies it is stated clearly that
the autopsy was at 8:00pm. That gave the big brass time to get there to
view the autopsy. There were generals and admirals present at 8:00pm and
not before.
Cite please.
See above.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The clandestine 'work' done by Humes and Boswell was done at
6:35pm when there was NO ONE to see what was going on except a couple
enlisted men and a mortician,
And just how did you establish they did that at 6:35? That was the time
the body arrived at the loading dock. Do you think they immediately
started cutting open the skull.
Yes, Humes and Boswell were waiting on the loading dock for them to
come with the body. They went right to work when the body was put on the
table from the SHIPPING casket. They needed all the time they could get
before the family got there with the Bronze casket. From conversation of
the X-ray technicians, Humes and Boswell were looking for bullets and
fragments in the body first.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
who weren't at first considered important.
But when things got heavy and Humes and Boswell had begun modifying the
head of JFK, they kicked out the enlisted men whom they could order
Your imagination is running wild.
WRONG! Everything is in cites and links stating exactly that as above.
You know me better. You just get caught on these challenges over and
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Oh? But that had been told to you, some of which was from the records.
Remember that it was Humes and Boswell that had waited for the body to
arrive in the SHIPPING casket. It was taken out and put on the table as
per the drawing I've shown you of the morgue and the tables and caskets.
Watching were Edward Reed who gave sworn testimony as to what he saw, and
Tom Robinson, mortician, who arrived early and watched the damaging of the
body by the 2 officers.
You story keeps getting goofier and goofier. You have the body a
2016-10-11 23:57:37 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
I can practically guarantee it.
Sounds like an empty boast to me.
Post by mainframetech
They could NOT see in any photos or
X-rays that were left, what the truth was about the wounds and the cause
od death for JFK.
But you think you can looking at just one photo. Amazing.
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If the medical
panels had had a chance to see the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area,
then their conclusions would be simple. Of course, you wouldn't have any
input on that, since you can't see anything abnormal in the correct photo.
So you assume they didn't look at that photo. Why would you think
something so silly?
Because if they had seen the bullet hole there, they would have had a
very different cause of death than what they chose.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If they had, they would have had a much different cause
of death.
So you think they would have reached the same conclusion you did. Even
more amazing.
It's so sad that you think what I've described to you is amazing, when
the simplest average person has made that same conclusion when I showed
the bullet hole to them, without giving them any clue in advance, only
telling them it was JFK's body. So you've got a long way to go to catch
up to the normal average person.
Right. That "bullet hole" is so obvious that you even admitted you had
looked at that photo for years before you saw a bullet hole, and that was
only after you convinced yourself that there is one there. You even tried
to deny you had ever said that until I went into the archives and found
the post in which you had stated that.
As usual you try to change meaning around, but I'll always straighten
it out. I saw the photo, but didn't ENLARGE it, and so I didn't see the
bullet hole. After reading many cases where the bullet hole was seen by
people in the case, I made a special effort and ENLARGED the photo and saw
the bullet hole. Simple. However, it makes no difference if I saw it,
since it would be there anyway. My involvement is to point it out to
others, or those that can see it anyway.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
So they have no input here.
But you do? Hilarious!
Well of course you have to say that, given that you have no input on
this part of the case.
So everyone who doesn't accept your silly interpretation of one photograph
has no input including the medical panels who have seen so much more
evidence than you have and are far more qualified to render such
judgements. I suppose you could make a more ridiculous claim but it is
hard to imagine how.
Nothing to do with my interpretation, I accept whatever people see.
Some have seen a curlicue of hair, but that's abnormal and I accept it.
You though, said you saw nothing out of the ordinary, so you have no input
here. Why are you even going on about it? Feeling left out?

Now the "medical panels" saw what they were shown with things left out,
and I was in a better position with much more time for folks and the ARRB
to ferret out more information on what was seen at the autopsy. So I'm on
a better position to point out the simple physical items that I've
mentioned. I don't need the extensive medical and forensic training to se
a few simple things that anyone can see.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
But the evidence once seen by even the average
person clearly tells the cause of death.
So are you telling us you were below average all those years you looked at
that photo and didn't see a bullet hole?
Post by mainframetech
A shame there's no way for
you to know what I'm saying is the truth.
Of course there isn't because I apply common sense.
You apply LN bullshit to cover up the truth.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
But don't worry, you always
have the everlovin' WCR.
That's all anybody needs who is interested in the truth.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, if the body had been
exhumed they would have seen the proof of the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area and the lack of a bullet hole in the occiput, plus a
'large hole' in the occiput stuffed by Tom Robinson with material.
Just because you think you see something in one low resolution photo is no
reason to think competent people would see the same thing.
WRONG! Average people have already seen the bullet hole and
interpreted it accordingly as a bullet hole, and they suddenly stop as it
dawns on them as to what it means!
And we are supposed to take your word for that.
You need to understand that you taking my word for anything has no
meaning to me. You're here for a purpose and will stay here as long as
you can, and I will use you during that time, as I've explained to you in
the past.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And you can stop playing your tired
old 'expert' card.
I guess you do get tired of having it pointed out that all the
knowledgeable people disagree with you.
WRONG! NO medical panels disagree with me, since they did not see what
I did. They actually have no input to the question.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It is a deuce. The bullet hole in the forehead/temple
area has been easily identified by average people.
If it was so easy to identify, why did you go years before you saw it.
Did you hear me say that it was easy to see? I said no such thing.
here you go making stuff up again. I said the bullet hole has "been
easily identified by average people". Identified does not mean easily
found when looking at the photo. Try and think these things through
before you jump into the frying pan with both feet.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Just because you're
the outlier doesn't mean the bullet hole isn't there. It is there for
everyone else but you.
So why aren't you getting any help from your fellow CTs on this?
I'm not asking for it. Or they're too easily bullied by noisy LNs. I
don't have that problem.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
might even have been able to see all over again that there was no path for
a bullet from the pleura to the throat wound. But there was no doubt that
the body would not be exhumed in this case.
Keep those ridiculous assumptions coming. Their a never ending source of
Does it bother you that I believe that there won't be an exhumation of
JFK's body?
Not at all.
Post by mainframetech
Are you losing it? You're trying to argue with your opinion,
which is weak and useless.
Not nearly as weak and useless as your opinions. My opinions are based on
the physical evidence. Your opinions try to dismiss the physical
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel who knew there had
been a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays.
WRONG! And as usual you've forgotten those "people" were under an
'order of silence' put on them by the Navy before the HSCA, and I believe
many stayed unsure during the HSCA doings. The HSCA themselves were
caught lying about the statements of the people in the Morgue gallery.
I'm not sure the HSCA can be trusted after that.
They weren't under an order of silence DURING the HSCA hearings so if they
had something real to contribute to the review panels understanding of
what happened during the autopsy there was no reason they couldn't have
done so. But of course none of these stories came out until years later.
Sometimes many years later.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Stop trying to insert any photos and X-rays.
Right. Why should we insert real evidence into the conversation when we
have your wild assumptions to go on.
Because you have no real evidence. The photos and X-rays that showed
the truth were missing. That's why.
If they are missing, how do you know what they showed?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The important
ones were NOT present for the medical panels to view, and in some cases
the panels were given phony drawings by Ida Dox with a fake bullet hole in
one of them.
Tell us how you determined which ones were the important ones and how you
determined it was the important ones that were missing. This should be
You're getting ridiculous once again. Too much WCR I think. I've told
you many times which photos were important and why. Especially the one
that has to be ENLARGED, which you wouldn't know about, since you're the
only one that can't see anything in it. Why are you repeating everything?
Is it in hopes the answers will change if you keep asking? Forget it.
I enlarged your photo and the only thing that happened was the pixels kept
getting bigger and the image became even more blurry. No bullet hole every
Well, you're the only one with that experience. Of course, it may be
that you don't follow instructions very well.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not make any decent decisions without the views
that the prosectors had of the internals of the body.
You haven't had "the views that the prosectors had of the internals of the
body" yet you think you can make "decent decisions" and teams of the top
medical examiners in the country could not. Too funny.
WRONG! You're getting ridiculous again. I've explained to you and
shown you the proof of what the prosectors saw in the body when the organs
were removed that proved that the back wound bullet was a 'short shot',
which never penetrated more than an inch or so into the back of JFK.
Stop repeating everything. If you have Alzheimer's it's not going to get
better, only worse.
You've proved nothing. You keep repeating that empty claim over and over
again but you don't prove anything when you do that.
I've shown the cites and links for the team members describing the
verification inside the body at the pleura. They made it clear that ALL
the team members saw the proof of the bullet never going out of the body
of JFK.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the proof of
that is that the cause of death would be different if they had seen what
the prosectors had seen.
Right. They all would have reached the same conclusion you did by looking
at one photo. That is laugh out loud funny.
WRONG! There was more evidence than one photo.
Yes there was. The review panels saw it an you didn't.
Post by mainframetech
Use your head for a
change. Ad usual you forgot that the prosectors saw the verification
inside the body when the organs were removed and they saw the proof that
the back wound bullet had NOT gone out the throat wound, it stopped at the
pleura and right lung. You tried for days to argue about that and lost
after you were unable to change the information coming from the witnesses.
You keep ignoring the fact that at the conclusion of the fact finding
process they wrote a report that said the bullet did exit from the throat.
Don't be ridiculous again! No one announced the end of any 'fact
finding'. The came to their conclusions as they went along touching on
each issue as they went and making conclusions as they went. But that's
all water under the bridge now. And "they" did NOT report what was found,
Humes did, and the others signed off on it, even though they all knew that
it was completely wrong.
Post by bigdog
That conclusion isn't compatible with what you want to believe so you had
to make up a story that they were ordered to lie in their report even
though you can produce no evidence of such an order. And of course you
never stop to consider that the real reason there conclusions differ from
yours is because they got it right and you didn't.
We've been over all that. Your failed memory is getting in the way of
our discussion. No story was made up since there was proof of what
happened, and that proof also showed that Humes wrote up a completely
wrong AR which had to be from orders.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound.
David Mantik, PhD examined the X-rays that were still available at
NARA and it was decided that there were many missing and they were not the
right X-rays.
Oh, it was decided? Who decided that? Let me guess. Mantik. A radiation
oncologist. Why turn to people whose profession is forensic medicine when
we have a guy whose specialty is treating cancer patients. <chuckle>
WRONG! You tried that ploy before and lost. Mantik had far more
background than just radiation oncologist. I read off his accomplishments
to you from the Lancer cv. Of course, you need to put down witnesses as
much as possible because they prove you and the WCR very wrong.
None of them included expertise in forensic medicine or wound ballistics.
You're trying to claim that you're too dumb to decide anything without
experts at your every move. The average physics that everyone knows can
answer the situation.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The skull X-rays were all copies, suggesting that someone
had faked many of them.
At last. We play the evidence-was-altered card. Eventually it is the card
that all conspiracy hobbyists are forced to play because all the forensic
evidence is against them.
Ah, You were asked to list the "forensic evidence" against Oswald, but
you were unable to do that. So at this point, there is none.
Why do you say something you know is untrue? Are you stealing a page from
Bob Harris' book and pretending that what you asked for hasn't been
presented. I have listed the forensic evidence for you numerous times and
each time I did, you invented an excuse to dismiss each and every piece of
such evidence so we know you didn't just miss it when I listed that
evidence. If I dig up where I listed this evidence for you and you replied
to it are you willing to apologize to me for making that false charge
against me?
Sounds a lot like Marsh claiming that he already put out info when he
usually didn't. Listen, I've seen your list of evidence against Oswald
and found it wanting. But you have NEVER made a list for me of what YOU
consider "forensic Evidence". An item may be evidence but not that type.
You've brought the term into our discussions, so it behooves you to
describe what evidence you mean that fits in that category.

Oh, and I didn't "dismiss" your list of evidence, I simply looked at it
in an objective light. There was little there.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The X-ray technician was consulted and made it
clear that many X-rays that he took were NOT in the small batch of images
that they had at NARA. But you keep trying to pull the wool over people's
eyes by pretending that ALL photos and X-rays were present and everything
about the autopsy was shown to the panels. It was not and you know it.
Did he say the ones on file were fakes? Didn't think so.
X-rays? Yes, he did based on a lot of scientific examination of them.
I wasn't talking about Mantik. I was referring to the technician who said
he thought some of the x-rays were missing. He never said the ones on file
were faked. That was Mantik's bullshit story.
The X-ray technician did NOT say he "thought" some were missing, he
stated clearly that some were missing. But since they took X-rays of most
of the body except the legs, we can easily know that there are missing
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as far as the photos that were 'leaked' of the autopsy, you can be
sure they do not show what was actually present in the morgue that
So are you accusing Bob Groden of being in on the cover up.
WRONG! I said the photos were phony, how they were acquired or who
from has no bearing, someone who made them was the criminal, not those
that thought they were doing the public a favor by bringing them out.
That person was probably fooled too. I can only think that they were in a
bind with the public crying out for evidence and an end to all the
secrecy, and they decided to pop out some phonies that might hold them for
a while. Amazing how many dumb suckers went for it and never thought
about the photo for a minute.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The autopsy team members couldn't recognize the head rest that
was used in those photos, and they (corroboration) said that they never
used that type of head rest, they had a different one that was always used
for autopsies. That alone makes the photos suspect.
Again you play the evidence-was-faked card. I guess when all the evidence
runs contrary to what you want to believe you are forced to claim the
evidence is bogus rather than admit your beliefs are.
WRONG! I didn't claim it, I showed information that proves that the
photos are faked. You of course, have made that a certainty, since you
refuse to address the problems in those photos.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
The ones on file showed the fracture lines radiating out from the BOH. A
sure fire sign of an entrance wound there. That's not my opinion. That's
not the opinion of a radiation oncologist. That's the opinion of Dr. Peter
Cummings, one of the foremost authorities on the forensics of head wounds.
Tell us why we would have fracture lines radiating from the BOH if that
isn't where the bullet entered.
We're not even sure that the X-rays that are left in the NARA archives
are of JFK, and they are missing a number of plates that the technicians
know they had taken.
You are unsure of a lot of things that the rest of us know.
WRONG! The "rest of us" don't know what you think you do. Since you
work mostly on opinion, you haven't a clue. No one checks the things I
say, probably for the fear that they'll find that what I said is in the
records of the case. Meaning that folks have believe something wrong for
years. No one want to find that out, so they stop looking and checking,
and just make up excuses why I'm probably wrong, cross their fingers and
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You can whine all you want about photos or
Post by bigdog
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
That shows your inability to use simple logic. You may be right that
their findings were based on what they saw, but what they saw was NOT the
complete set of photos as stated by the photographers, and there are
questions about the X-rays too.
Why would they need a complete set if what they saw was enough to
establish that JFK was shot twice from behind. What reason do you have to
believe that the photos and x-rays you claim are missing would have
indicated a different conclusion than the ones that were made based on the
photos and x-rays they did see. How could the alleged missing photos
indicate a different truth than the ones that were on file.
WRONG! Hard to believe that you were ever a programmer. No logic.
The irony is so thick I don't think I could cut through it with a machete.
Then don't create it anymore.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
For example: If you have set of photos, but there is one missing that
shows a bullet hole in the forehead, and another one that shows bruises on
the pleura, and no path through it, then the remaining photo will give a
very wrong impression of what killed JFK. They centered on above and
behind because the prosectors were ordered to say that, and there was no
photo to counteract the wrong conclusion that was handed to the panels.
If what you saw is true, than they would have been forced to say the
photographic evidence was inconclusive.
WRONG! There were orders as to what they would report. I've proven

But since they did see photographic evidence that convinced them the bullet did pass through JFK,
Post by bigdog
we know there was sufficient evidence to reach a conclusion.
WRONG! There is nothing in the record that they saw anything like that
except the AR, which was made up later and not DURING the autopsy. What
was reported and said DURING the autopsy was the final conclusion of the
cause of death that they ALL saw. But the orders made something wrong go
into the AR.

Again, there
Post by bigdog
conclusions were based on what they saw and what they saw was conclusive.
There can't be two truths so if there is evidence that the bullet did pass
through it is ludicrous to think that there could be missing evidence that
the bullet did not pass through.
There is NO evidence that the bullet passed through. There IS
evidence that the bullet stopped at the pleura, so the evidence wins.
And the missing evidence is photos of the pleura and the insides of the
body at the wound site.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That is why the missing photos and X-rays give the wrong impression.
How could the missing photos and x-rays give any impression. And to think
you just chastised me for not being able to think logically.
Post by mainframetech
Fortunately there are other ways to find out the truth, but they weren't
available to folks back in 1963.
I'm pretty sure in 1963 people were as capable of making the same kind of
wild assumptions as you make today.
WRONG! Nothing "wild". Only facts being presented. I know it's
difficult to fight against them but that's the way it goes.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They could not possibly come to a correct
decision without the full information that was available during the
autopsy, and which was covered up by orders to the prosectors. Their
input is useless here.
But you can? You have no idea how funny that is. You think you with no
training, no experience, and only a small fraction of the photos and
x-rays the review panels had and not even good copies can still come to a
better conclusion regarding the nature of JFK's wounds than the top
medical examiners in the country. If there actually are any lurkers
following this thread, do you think any of the would take you seriously
when you make silly claims like that?
Try and realize how embarrassed you should be when you laugh at all
the wrong places.
When I read your posts, there aren't too many places that aren't laugh out
loud funny.
Then the problem is with you not understanding the evidence shown to
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You still show a complete lack of logic as to the
missing photos. One of the photos was there, but they apparently didn't
ENLARGE it to see the bullet wound in it.
See what I mean.
Post by mainframetech
Other photos would have changed
their minds but were missing.
If they are missing, how could you know what they would have showed?
Because other photos showed the facts but weren't known about.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
If you think real hard, it may come to you
why it mattered that some photos were missing.
I know they review panels saw plenty to convince them JFK was shot twice
from behind. More recently Dr. Peter Cummings, a top medical examiner was
allowed to review the medical evidence for PBS's Nova program and reached
the same conclusion. He even pointed out that the fracture lines that
radiated out from the entrance wound in the BOH are proof positive that
the bullet hit from behind. That happens all the time with gunshot wounds
to the skull. You have had no answer for that so to date you have just
ignored that observation.
The panels were allowed to see only those photos and X-rays that would
say that the kill shots were from above and behind. Many were suckered
into the same things as the panels. But we've been through all this.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses.
Bullshit! Evidence can and has been manipulated in this case,
You must have a whole deck of "the evidence was falsified" cards to play.
Tell it to the plotters, since they created the situation.
How can I talk to imaginary people. I'm not a conspiracy hobbyist.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and by
orders other information was hidden.
Orders you have never been able to show any evidence of.
WRONG! I have shown that there was no doubt at all that orders were
issued to the prosectors as to the conclusions they would put in the AR.
No, you have only been able to point out the conclusions they put forth in
their AR were different from the conclusions you reached. You assumed the
only explanation for that is that they were ordered to lie. You never
consider that it is your conclusions which are FUBAR.
I did NOT reach any conclusions and how dare you say that I said
something that I did NOT say? I have put forward the conclusions of the
autopsy team and held to them. They supersede any baloney you can muster.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And once modified, forensic evidence
stays modified, whereas a person can change their mind and not hold to a
And all you can do is claim the forensic evidence was modified because you
have no evidence that happened. But you need an excuse to dismiss that
forensic evidence so you just made one up.
WHOA! You have claimed that all kinds of witnesses are lying or don't
know what they are talking about.
The only people I have had to claim lied are the ones that crawled out of
the woodwork many years later with tall tales conspiracy hobbyists such as
yourself are more than eager to believe.
You will claim anyone lied if it furthers your purposes.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Don't tell me I can't do the same for
your phony evidence too.
If you want to dispute what the witnesses I point to have had to say fine.
The witnesses I choose to believe are the ones whose stories are
compatible with the forensic evidence and the expert testimony. You have
neither of those on your side saw all you can do is cite these
Johnny-come-lately witnesses who tell a story you want to believe.
We've been over that in each case and you've failed miserably to make
your case.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However, every time I have dumped on evidence,
I have explained why.
Your explanations have been FUBAR.
Post by mainframetech
In your case you were unable to tell why you didn't
like a witness except your opinion.
I dismiss witnesses whose tales run contrary to the forensic evidence and
the expert testimony. You on the other hand embrace these witnesses.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
That isn't forensic evidence. I don't think you understand the term if you
think it is.
Post by mainframetech
Is that solid forensic evidence,
Post by mainframetech
or is it possible that a lie was passed
on and not the true evidence?
Some lies were passed on. Rischel. Good. Hoffman. Custer. The people you
put your faith in.
Ah, only MY people lied. Yours were true blue! Suuure!
Pretty much. Mine are supported be forensic evidence and expert testimony.
Yours are refuted by the same.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You and your 'forensic evidence' is a large
thicket you've opened up. What you want to call 'forensic evidence' is
really what some person told you or wrote down, and we have no more idea
of whether that is true than something a witness said they saw. It a
bullshit snowstorm that you're pretending is real.
You just confirmed that you have no idea what forensic evidence is. It is
physical evidence. Fingerprints. Fibers. Photos. X-rays. Bullets. Shells.
Firearms. All examples of forensic evidence.
Exactly! That's what I was talking about. Some one wrote down that
there were 3 shells left at the 6th floor window. But all you know is
that a "person" told that to a note pad, and then a "person" took that
note pad and wrote what was there somewhere else, and sooner or later, all
this writing got to you and you believed every word of it, no matter how
many hands it had been through! There were many things that the
prosectors said DURING the autopsy that were 18o degrees different from
what was put in the AR, both statements were made by "persons", and you
picked out the one you wanted to believe which was the one that had the
highest chance of being ordered by a "person" and wasn't true.
More nonsense. The shells were photographed on the floor. They were
collected and are now in the National Archives after the FBI crime labs
examined them.
WRONG! Shells on the floor don't say what you would like. They may
say they came from a particular gun, but they don't say when or why.
They certainly so NOT say that any one of them was associated with a
bullet that hit or hurt anyone.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
We have lots of that. And it
Post by bigdog
all points at Oswald. You have none of it that points to anyone else's
involvement in the crime.
No, you have NONE of that, because I asked you for a list of the
"forensic evidence" and you chose not to provide it. So as far as I'm
concerned, there is none you could list, or you were afraid to list it.
I ask you again. Are you willing to apologize to me when I show you were I
listed that evidence for you in past and where you responded to it?
I've already pointed out that you have listed evidence for me that you
think somehow makes Oswald guilty, and I've looked it over and found
little there that says any such thing. If that's the list you're taking
about, then you haven't stated clearly that it's a list of "FORENSIC"
evidence. So I se nothing to apologize for. If I feel that I've made a
mistake, I'll apologize then.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You also don't have any witnesses who gave
Post by bigdog
statements, either sworn or unsworn that were made anywhere near the time
of the assassination. Ever person in whom you have placed your faith came
up with stories many years later. In some cases decades later. Yet you
find them more compelling than the forensic evidence that is still on
file, the expert testimony given regarding that body of forensic evidence,
and statement made by witnesses shortly after the assassination.
How foolish is it to act like the 'order of silence' of the Navy wasn't
the cause of some of the witnesses not being able to talk until late in
the game.
Those Navy personnel didn't tell these tall tales to the HSCA
investigators when they had the opportunity and the permission to do
Post by mainframetech
And that fear was the reason for others to avoid saying things
until later too. Yet all those witnesses have corroboration and have
shown no reason to lie.
There is no forensic evidence to support any of these people you put your
faith in. Absolutely none.
Post by mainframetech
It's the
Post by bigdog
reason I told you in another thread that your problem is your inability to
weight evidence. You put your faith in the silly stuff and ignore the
solid evidence. But since you desperately want to believe there was a
conspiracy, what other choice do you have.
WRONG! You've sung that song before hoping that all the LNs will
gather around you and swear to whatever you want from them. My abilities
aren't at issue, since I prove my points with data other than my opinion,
which is what you often use.
Repeating you bullshit beliefs over and over does not prove them.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nothing I believe about
Post by bigdog
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
You have no 'forensic evidence;' either. Go ahead and list the
'forensic evidence' you have for Oswald's guilt.
You really want to go there? Let's start with your favorite whipping boy.
Howard Brennan. Here is the evidence that corroborates him.
1. Shells were found at the very location where he said he saw a person
firing the last shot.
Shells do NOT corroborate anything said by Brennan, since he didn't
name the count of shells.
ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Just when I think you can't get any more ridiculous you
outdo yourself.
Let's get something straight for you. Brennan said he saw a rifle
stick out the window, but he saw a rifle without a scope, the rifle found
in the TSBD 6th floor was one with a scope. So Brennan may not have seen
the rifle. He certainly didn't see the shells. So stop getting
ridiculous and trying to get others to believe your made up baloney.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the sound of shots was known by everyone.
The shells are "forensic Evidence" but do not prove anything other than
they POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade. No bullets
were ever matched to them. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
"POSSIBLY were related to shots fired at the motorcade". It is mind
boggling that you would think otherwise.
Well, you're easily boggled.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
2. Those shells were positively matched to a rifle that was found
elsewhere on the floor.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong. Again,
so what?
We have reached the point where no further comment from me is necessary.
Ah, at last!
Post by bigdog
You are hanging yourself with these silly arguments. I'm going to allow
you to have the floor all to yourself. Before I check out, I would just
like to point out that after twice in this post claiming that I have never
presented any forensic evidence you are now in the process of disputing
the list of forensic evidence which you asked for and I gave you. That
should make you feel very foolish but it probably won't.
WRONG! I have NOT claimed anything, and I certainly did NOT state that
you never produced any "forensic evidence". I want to see your list
first, but you didn't put it out so far.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
3. A paper trail established that the rifle belonged to the person Brennan
identified as the shooter.
Except that identification has flaws, in that Brennan discredited
himself out of his own mouth. And the description he gave might fit many
people. For all we know he had it as part of a script to use when the
shooting started, since he was unable to see anything much at the 6th
floor window as per Amos Euins.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Ownership of the rifle does not convict anyone. Since the rifle was
manipulated to be there. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
4. That person's palm print was on the barrel of the rifle.
Since the rifle belonged to Oswald, it would be expected to be there.
Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
5. That person's fingerprints were found at the location where Brennan saw
the shots fired from.
Oswald worked there and probably handled boxes all over the TSBD on
many floors. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
6. That person's fingerprints were on a bag found near the location where
Brennan saw the shooter and the bag was long enough to hold the
disassembled rifle.
It possible that Oswald brought the bag to bring the rifle into the TSBD
and hide it. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything
Post by bigdog
7. Fiber in the bag matched the blanket in which the rifle's owner kept
his rifle stored in.
Since the rifle was kept in the blanket, that would be expected. Not
much evidence there, or proof that Oswald did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
8. Fiber's matching the shirt worn by the rifle's owner when he was
arrested were found on the bullet plate of the rifle.
Id you mean the butt plate, it was his rifle, so it might be expected
that at one or more opportunities he put it to his shoulder to see how it
felt, or something similar. Not much evidence there, or proof that Oswald
did anything wrong.
Post by bigdog
That's 8 pieces of corroborating evidence for Brennan's account and there
is no doubt you will come up with 8 excuses to dismiss each and every
Not one thing there corroborates anything that Brennan said except
that Brennan said he saw a rifle at the window. We don't even know if the
rifle he saw was the same rifle because he said there was no scope on it,
but the rifle in question HAD a scope. Not much evidence there, or proof
that Oswald did anything wrong.
A complete waste of time as it was the first time you pretended there
was some GOOD evidence found that Oswald was guilty. But the way things
showed themselves in the case, it looked more like Oswald was duped into
bringing in the rifle and so made himself look like the killer, when he
wasn't even at the window when the shots were fired.
The items you named were indeed "forensic Evidence" but not Brennan nor
his statements. So you've made an error in giving an example of "Forensic
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And then show me where
someone told us something, or wrote it down somewhere. That's like a
witness writing something down. It could be true, or it could be a lie or
SS agent Bennett wrote in his notes aboard AF1 that he saw the second shot
strike JFK in the back after he heard the first shot while scanning the
crowd to the right of the limo. It would be hard to dispute that since his
notes were written before the autopsy and it was discovered that JFK had a
wound in his back. Nobody at Parkland ever knew that because JFK was on
his back from the time he was taken out of the limo until he was placed in
the casket.
Whether that agent was lying or being truthful doesn't have much of a
bearing on the case to me.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
I know what's possible from the statements of witnesses.
Because you'll believe just about any cockamamie story.
WRONG! You're the reader of the WCR, look to yourself for believing
silly things.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wecht didn't
have that luxury.
You mean he didn't have the luxury of being as gullible as you are.
Post by mainframetech
He had no more than the panels were allowed to see,
whereas the witnesses saw the events unfolding in front of them. And the
guilty admitted it in front of a gallery of people by their actions in
trying to cover up what had been done way before the autopsy.
Is that really the best you can do?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
You see, you failed again. It's NOT A witness, it's two witnesses,
corroborating each other. And you've just insulted an X-ray Technician
and a mortician with your wild claims who were present and knew far more
than you about what happened at 6:35pm when no one was around from the
Are you claiming the mortician saw clandestine surgery being done to JFK's
head? Are you claiming the mortician saw a bullet fall from JFK's back and
be scooped up by Finck?
Custer saw the bullet as per his sworn testimony which you are very
prone to believing as you said. Robinson saw the damage to the head being
done during the clandestine 'work' on the head of JFK. He was
corroborated by the sworn testimony of Edward Reed, X-ray technician.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
"WE" don't see squat in the Z-film. It's been shown that it was
altered, and can't be relied on.
Keep playing those "evidence-was-faked" cards.
Have to keep it true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Evidence that has been manipulated is
far harder to work with than any witnesses. The only thing you could see
in the Z-film is your fantasies writ large.
You seem to have a case of Rossleyitis in this last sentence.
I don't point out your frequent typos to keep things moving along.
You want to stop every moment for my typos? Sounds like desperation.
Picking at anything when your losing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Why are you repeating this
whole conversation?
Because it is the truth. You should try it sometime.
Bull. That's not the reason is my opinion, it's your hope something
will change if you keep saying the same thing over and over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was told to you that when the nurse (Diana Bowron)
wiped the head and cleaned it and wrapped it, that there was no way she
could do that and not feel the damage of multiple flaps and bones out of
joint in the head. I know from personal experience handling a
Body that had been flung around a winch over and over slamming his head on
the winch. His head was all broken up inside like the JFK skull in an
X-ray after the body got to Bethesda. It's easily noticed.

2016-10-14 15:45:01 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person

Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.

For your beliefs to hold water the following things happened:

Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.

Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.

Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.

Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.

After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.

Somebody else shot JFK in the throat from the grassy knoll. This shooter
was observed by Lee Bowers from the railroad tower behind the GK who saw
the shooter jump in a car and flee scene. Bowers would later testify he
didn't see a gunman and also tell the same story to Mark Lane. Despite
this the plotters decided to kill him anyway several years later by either
drugging him or running him off the road with another car. Of course they
knew Bowers would go off the road right where there was a concrete bridge
abutment. This was after Bowers told two friends that he knew more than
what he told the WC even though these two friends didn't tell their
stories until Bowers was dead and there is nothing to corroborate them.

Somebody else fired a shot from another location behind JFK which hit him
in the back but only penetrated an inch into soft tissue. The bullet made
such a shallow penetration because it first when through the seatback even
though the an examination of the limo by the SS revealed no such strike
nor is there photographic evidence of such. Another shot was also fired
from behind which struck Connally in the back somehow making an elongated
entry wound.

Someone from another location in front of the limo fired a shot which went
through the windshield between the heads of Kellerman and Connally,
entering the right forehead/temple of JFK making a right hand turn so the
it blew out the back right side of JFK's head.

In all at least 9 shots were fired yet most of the witnesses in Dealey
Plaza only heard 3 shots. The plotters decided to fire at JFK from at
least 4 different locations. The decoy shots from the TSBD. The shots
which hit JFK and JBC in the back fired from elsewhere behind JFK. The
throat shot from the GK. The head shot from in front of the limo. Some of
the shot fired were so wild they ended up going into the dirt no where
near the limo. After firing at him from 4 different locations they tried
to frame a lone assassin firing from the TSBD.

The shooting was captured on film by Abraham Zapruder but the CIA got a
hold of it and modified it to make it look like most of the brain and the
blood went forward and that there was a large blowout on the upper right
side of JFK's head.

In the ER at Parkland JFK was laying face up on the table and doctors
tried frantically to save him. Some how none of them noticed the entry
wound in his forehead/temple but they did see a blowout on the back right
even though JFK was face up the whole time.

Immediately after the assassination, Oswald who had been in the lunchroom
the whole time decided he needed to leave the TSBD so he slipped out,
returned to his rooming house to fetch his revolver, then headed south on
foot. He then gave his revolver to some unknown person who was stopped by
officer J.D. Tippit and this person shot Tippit to death. As he fled the
scene he dumped shells from the revolver on the ground, then ran into
Oswald again and gave him back his revolver. When police caught up with
Oswald in the theater, he pulled the gun on them and tried to kill one of
the arresting officers even though up to that point Oswald had yet to
commit a crime.

In order to assist in the frame up, somebody (Ruby?) planted the wrong
kind of bullet on a stretcher that had not been used by either shooting
victim. Later FBI agent Frazier would substitute a bullet from Oswald's
Carcano for the bullet found at Parkland. Apparently nobody thought it
would be a good idea just to plant a bullet from Oswald's rifle at
Parkland so that no switch would be necessary.

In order to assist with the cover up, the SS detail took JFK's body by
force from Parkland hospital to Love Field where the ornamental casket was
loaded on the plane through the rear door. Inside a shipping casket had
been stored somewhere where no one could see it. When Jackie went to
observe LBJ take the oath of office, JFK's body was switched into the
shipping casket without David Powers or Kenny O'Donnell noticing. The
shipping casket was then hidden away somewhere where it wouldn't be seen
during the flight back to Washington.

After arriving at Andrews AFB outside of Washington, a charade was
performed of offloading the empty ornamental casket from the plane.
Meanwhile without anyone noticing, the shipping casket was offloaded on
the other side of the plane, apparently without the aid of a forklift. The
shipping casket was flown by helicopter to the naval hospital in Bethesda
where it was placed in a black ambulance which drove it to the loading

The shipping casket was brought inside and the body removed where upon
Humes and Boswell began enlarging the size of the defect in the back of
JFK's head to make it look like it extended all the way along the upper
right side. They also opened up the throat wound so they could dig out the
bullet that was fired from the GK that also mysteriously only made a
shallow entry.

The ornamental casket then arrived and was brought in and the body was
placed back into the ornamental casket while apparently FBI agents Siebert
and O'Neill weren't looking, nor apparently anyone else because there are
no witnesses to this. Siebert and O'Neill then observed the ornamental
casket opened up and the body taken out of it.

In preparation for the x-rays, everyone was sent out of the room and JFK's
body was raised up. A bullet fell out of his back and was quickly scooped
up by Finck without anyone in the gallery noticing that happen. Apparently
everyone was bored and not paying attention.

The prosectors decided that the bullet which entered JFK's back had only
gone in about an inch and had fallen out. Yet after reaching that
conclusion they thought it necessary to cut open the body and continue to

At the conclusion of the autopsy the prosectors were ordered to falsify
their report and instead of sticking with their conclusion that the bullet
didn't exit instead said that it did exit because the Single Bullet Theory
which wouldn't be thought of until months later required having a bullet
exit from JFK's throat.

The photos and x-rays of the autopsy were falsified in order to fool
review panels which wouldn't be formed until years later.

The plotters of the conspiracy knew in advance that they could count on
everyone involved in the cover up going along with it and that none of
them would blow the whistle on it later on.

I hope I haven't left anything out. All this happened


Oswald made a special trip to Irving on Thursday night to fetch his rifle,
smuggled it into the TSBD, laid in wait on the 6th floor and when JFK
arrived stuck the rifle out the window and fired 3 shots and him, striking
him with 2 of them. The second shot hit him in the back, exited his throat
and went on to cause all of Connally's wounds. The third shot hit him in
the back of the head causing an explosive wound that blew out the upper
right side of his head. Oswald then walked down the stairs and after
briefly being detained by Marrion Baker slipped out of the TSBD, worked
his way to his rooming house where he fetched his revolver which he used
to kill the first cop who confronted him and tried to do the same to the
next cop that confronted him.

We have above two scenarios. One which you believe and one which I
believe. I will leave it to any readers to decide which one seems
plausible and which one seems far fetched.
2016-10-15 23:08:31 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRON! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men wit ha gun that were there.
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.


Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
Post by bigdog
rebuttal of your long winded post, I snipped it because you were being too wrong in too many places.
2016-10-17 01:48:21 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
This is getting very interesting. Let me make sure I understand where you
are coming from. So Oswald was persuaded to sneak his rifle into the TSBD
not by an employee of the TSBD but by a team consisting of Loy Factor, Mac
Wallace, and an unnamed woman. And he didn't think it odd at all that 3
strangers would want to meet him at his workplace during work hours to
show them his rifle. Then after going to the trouble of sneaking it into
work, he took the rifle out of the package and pressed the butt against
his shoulder. After doing that he turned the rifle over to these three
strangers. Is that about the size of it?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRON! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men wit ha gun that were there.
I see the point sailed right over your head. Again. If the plan was to
frame Oswald they would need to know he would not be with anyone else when
the motorcade arrived. For your story to hold water, somebody had to
convince him to stay by himself in the lunchroom so he wouldn't have an
alibi. If he had done what Ralph Cinque insists he did do and was out in
front of the TSBD with Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady it would have been
hard to frame him for the crime. So you think the shooting team somehow
convinced Oswald to stay all by his lonesome in the lunchroom. And Oswald
went along with it. The most cooperative patsy in history.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.
So how do you suppose the shooting team knew Oswald's prints were on the
boxes stacked to form the rifle rest? Did they just get lucky and pick a
box he had put his hands on. Did they get real lucky that he just happened
to put his hands on the box right where they would have been had he been
facing down Elm St.
Post by mainframetech
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
Post by bigdog
rebuttal of your long winded post, I snipped it because you were being too wrong in too many places.
If I had concocted a story as silly as the one you have come up with, I
wouldn't want to see it summarized for all to see. I would want to snip it
2016-10-18 02:27:26 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
This is getting very interesting. Let me make sure I understand where you
are coming from. So Oswald was persuaded to sneak his rifle into the TSBD
not by an employee of the TSBD but by a team consisting of Loy Factor, Mac
Wallace, and an unnamed woman. And he didn't think it odd at all that 3
strangers would want to meet him at his workplace during work hours to
show them his rifle. Then after going to the trouble of sneaking it into
work, he took the rifle out of the package and pressed the butt against
his shoulder. After doing that he turned the rifle over to these three
strangers. Is that about the size of it?
WHAT? What do you think you're doing? I did not say anything like
that and don't try to put words in my mouth, since you haven't a clue what
I'm thinking. That's been proven many times over. I did not name any
person that may have convinced Oswald to bring in his rifle. I also did
NOT say anything about 3 strangers meeting Oswald. I also did NOT say
anything about Oswald 'on the spot' taking the rifle out and putting it to
his shoulder. That could happen anytime with a person's rifle, including
months before. I also did NOT say that Oswald turned over the rifle to
anyone either.

Now, for your education, I don't know who convinced Oswald to bring in
his rifle. Someone must have though. And the reason may have been a
number of things. It is certainly possible that Oswald brought in the
rifle and hid it on the 6th floor for later to show it to someone. That
info could easily be communicated to the 3 person team that went up to the
6th floor. There did NOT have to be ANY interaction between Oswald and
the 3 people. The rifle was then given to Loy Factor to shoot out the
window at the motorcade. Factor may have not wanted to shoot the
president, but was wise enough not to say so, and so he fired out the
window but not at JFK. That's my guess, since there was NO MC type bullet
that hit or hurt anyone.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRONG! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men with a gun that were seen there.
I see the point sailed right over your head. Again. If the plan was to
frame Oswald they would need to know he would not be with anyone else when
the motorcade arrived. For your story to hold water, somebody had to
convince him to stay by himself in the lunchroom so he wouldn't have an
alibi. If he had done what Ralph Cinque insists he did do and was out in
front of the TSBD with Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady it would have been
hard to frame him for the crime. So you think the shooting team somehow
convinced Oswald to stay all by his lonesome in the lunchroom. And Oswald
went along with it. The most cooperative patsy in history.
You don't get to decide the things that plotters had to do. As a
loner, it was probably not likely that Oswald would be with anyone in any
event. And I did NOT say that Oswald was convinced to stay anywhere. I
expect that they had in mind that Oswald would be found in the TSBD from
the clues left outside, and as a shooter at the POTUS, would be armed and
ready to shoot back at any cops, giving them a reason to kill him on
sight. That would tidy up everything.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.
So how do you suppose the shooting team knew Oswald's prints were on the
boxes stacked to form the rifle rest? Did they just get lucky and pick a
box he had put his hands on. Did they get real lucky that he just happened
to put his hands on the box right where they would have been had he been
facing down Elm St.
We don't know if they knew if his prints were there already.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
Post by bigdog
rebuttal of your long winded post, I snipped it because you were being too wrong in too many places.
If I had concocted a story as silly as the one you have come up with, I
wouldn't want to see it summarized for all to see. I would want to snip it
2016-10-19 04:12:04 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
This is getting very interesting. Let me make sure I understand where you
are coming from. So Oswald was persuaded to sneak his rifle into the TSBD
not by an employee of the TSBD but by a team consisting of Loy Factor, Mac
Wallace, and an unnamed woman. And he didn't think it odd at all that 3
strangers would want to meet him at his workplace during work hours to
show them his rifle. Then after going to the trouble of sneaking it into
work, he took the rifle out of the package and pressed the butt against
his shoulder. After doing that he turned the rifle over to these three
strangers. Is that about the size of it?
WHAT? What do you think you're doing? I did not say anything like
that and don't try to put words in my mouth, since you haven't a clue what
I'm thinking. That's been proven many times over. I did not name any
person that may have convinced Oswald to bring in his rifle. I also did
NOT say anything about 3 strangers meeting Oswald. I also did NOT say
anything about Oswald 'on the spot' taking the rifle out and putting it to
his shoulder. That could happen anytime with a person's rifle, including
months before. I also did NOT say that Oswald turned over the rifle to
anyone either.
Now, for your education, I don't know who convinced Oswald to bring in
his rifle. Someone must have though. And the reason may have been a
number of things. It is certainly possible that Oswald brought in the
rifle and hid it on the 6th floor for later to show it to someone. That
info could easily be communicated to the 3 person team that went up to the
6th floor. There did NOT have to be ANY interaction between Oswald and
the 3 people. The rifle was then given to Loy Factor to shoot out the
window at the motorcade. Factor may have not wanted to shoot the
president, but was wise enough not to say so, and so he fired out the
window but not at JFK. That's my guess, since there was NO MC type bullet
that hit or hurt anyone.
Oh, so there was another person working inside the TSBD who interacted
with both Oswald and the assassination team. My how your little conspiracy
keeps growing and growing. Four conspirators in just the TSBD. And Loy
Factor didn't really want to shoot the president. I guess the devil made
him do it. Since you claim no MC bullet hit or hurt anyone, what bullets
did hit JFK and JBC and what is your proof of that?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRONG! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men with a gun that were seen there.
I see the point sailed right over your head. Again. If the plan was to
frame Oswald they would need to know he would not be with anyone else when
the motorcade arrived. For your story to hold water, somebody had to
convince him to stay by himself in the lunchroom so he wouldn't have an
alibi. If he had done what Ralph Cinque insists he did do and was out in
front of the TSBD with Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady it would have been
hard to frame him for the crime. So you think the shooting team somehow
convinced Oswald to stay all by his lonesome in the lunchroom. And Oswald
went along with it. The most cooperative patsy in history.
You don't get to decide the things that plotters had to do.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can figure out if you are going to
frame someone, you would need to make sure they aren't going to have an
alibi. I guess that's just one of those nasty little details for which you
have no explanation.
Post by mainframetech
As a
loner, it was probably not likely that Oswald would be with anyone in any
And so you think they bet the farm on that. Suppose Oswald had just gone
outside by himself and been standing next to Lovelady and Shelley when the
shooting occurred? I guess your conspirators never thought of that.
Post by mainframetech
And I did NOT say that Oswald was convinced to stay anywhere.
Oh, they just got lucky that he stayed out of sight.
Post by mainframetech
expect that they had in mind that Oswald would be found in the TSBD from
the clues left outside, and as a shooter at the POTUS, would be armed and
ready to shoot back at any cops, giving them a reason to kill him on
sight. That would tidy up everything.
That's a hell of a lot to expect especially since the whole plan to frame
Oswald depends on him not having an alibi. And just how would Oswald be
armed. They had his rifle. His revolver was at his rooming house. Maybe he
would throw his clipboard at the cops and they would shoot him.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.
So how do you suppose the shooting team knew Oswald's prints were on the
boxes stacked to form the rifle rest? Did they just get lucky and pick a
box he had put his hands on. Did they get real lucky that he just happened
to put his hands on the box right where they would have been had he been
facing down Elm St.
We don't know if they knew if his prints were there already.
OK. They just got lucky again. That's a hell of a lot of luck they had
going for them.
2016-10-19 21:10:21 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
This is getting very interesting. Let me make sure I understand where you
are coming from. So Oswald was persuaded to sneak his rifle into the TSBD
not by an employee of the TSBD but by a team consisting of Loy Factor, Mac
Wallace, and an unnamed woman. And he didn't think it odd at all that 3
strangers would want to meet him at his workplace during work hours to
show them his rifle. Then after going to the trouble of sneaking it into
work, he took the rifle out of the package and pressed the butt against
his shoulder. After doing that he turned the rifle over to these three
strangers. Is that about the size of it?
WHAT? What do you think you're doing? I did not say anything like
that and don't try to put words in my mouth, since you haven't a clue what
I'm thinking. That's been proven many times over. I did not name any
person that may have convinced Oswald to bring in his rifle. I also did
NOT say anything about 3 strangers meeting Oswald. I also did NOT say
anything about Oswald 'on the spot' taking the rifle out and putting it to
his shoulder. That could happen anytime with a person's rifle, including
months before. I also did NOT say that Oswald turned over the rifle to
anyone either.
Now, for your education, I don't know who convinced Oswald to bring in
his rifle. Someone must have though. And the reason may have been a
number of things. It is certainly possible that Oswald brought in the
rifle and hid it on the 6th floor for later to show it to someone. That
info could easily be communicated to the 3 person team that went up to the
6th floor. There did NOT have to be ANY interaction between Oswald and
the 3 people. The rifle was then given to Loy Factor to shoot out the
window at the motorcade. Factor may have not wanted to shoot the
president, but was wise enough not to say so, and so he fired out the
window but not at JFK. That's my guess, since there was NO MC type bullet
that hit or hurt anyone.
Oh, so there was another person working inside the TSBD who interacted
with both Oswald and the assassination team. My how your little conspiracy
keeps growing and growing.
Oh, stop the crap! I didn't say that. We don't know if Oswald was
talking with Wallace or someone else. So don't go off into your usual
fantasies. And there is no growth in the plotters, since the job could be
done within the original numbers.

Four conspirators in just the TSBD. And Loy
Post by bigdog
Factor didn't really want to shoot the president. I guess the devil made
him do it. Since you claim no MC bullet hit or hurt anyone, what bullets
did hit JFK and JBC and what is your proof of that?
WRONG! Are you going to try and say that no bullets laid JFK and
Connally low? And who said that there were 4 conspirators? Not me. You
must have been finally convinced of the multiple shooters. And If Factor
had the MC rifle, there's no way that he shot anyone, since no MC bullet
hit or hurt anyone. And you can't prove differently.

Now if we had the bullets that hit Connally and JFK, we might be able
to learn something from them. But they have been 'disappeared' no doubt.
Like the one outside the Connally surgery.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRONG! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men with a gun that were seen there.
I see the point sailed right over your head. Again. If the plan was to
frame Oswald they would need to know he would not be with anyone else when
the motorcade arrived. For your story to hold water, somebody had to
convince him to stay by himself in the lunchroom so he wouldn't have an
alibi. If he had done what Ralph Cinque insists he did do and was out in
front of the TSBD with Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady it would have been
hard to frame him for the crime. So you think the shooting team somehow
convinced Oswald to stay all by his lonesome in the lunchroom. And Oswald
went along with it. The most cooperative patsy in history.
You don't get to decide the things that plotters had to do.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can figure out if you are going to
frame someone, you would need to make sure they aren't going to have an
alibi. I guess that's just one of those nasty little details for which you
have no explanation.
Since you have many times said that he didn't have an alibi, I could
stand on your idea. But it's not needed. Oswald was a loner. That
increased the chances that he would be alone. But even though he was with
people near the time of the shooting, he was still blamed for the
shooting, when he wasn't even at the window! That's an example of how the
'patsy' can be blamed no matter where he is in the building. I believe
that they expected him to be in the building and they could shoot him with
impunity. But he got away before they came looking for him, and I believe
that sent Tippit into his mad rush to find Oswald to kill him before he
said anything about any info he might have.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
As a
loner, it was probably not likely that Oswald would be with anyone in any
And so you think they bet the farm on that. Suppose Oswald had just gone
outside by himself and been standing next to Lovelady and Shelley when the
shooting occurred? I guess your conspirators never thought of that.
They obviously didn't have to. And try and remember that their plan
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And I did NOT say that Oswald was convinced to stay anywhere.
Oh, they just got lucky that he stayed out of sight.
He wasn't out of sight for the whole time. He was seen in the
lunchroom at about 12:15pm and at about 12:31pm.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
expect that they had in mind that Oswald would be found in the TSBD from
the clues left outside, and as a shooter at the POTUS, would be armed and
ready to shoot back at any cops, giving them a reason to kill him on
sight. That would tidy up everything.
That's a hell of a lot to expect especially since the whole plan to frame
Oswald depends on him not having an alibi. And just how would Oswald be
armed. They had his rifle. His revolver was at his rooming house. Maybe he
would throw his clipboard at the cops and they would shoot him.
First, it wouldn't matter if he had an alibi if they killed him. And I
didn't say that the plan depended on Oswald not having an alibi. He had
one and they still blamed him, as it was planned. If he had been killed
in the TSBD, they would have held the WC and still blamed him for the
killing. Second, since he owned the revolver, he might well have come to
work with it. But it didn't matter.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.
So how do you suppose the shooting team knew Oswald's prints were on the
boxes stacked to form the rifle rest? Did they just get lucky and pick a
box he had put his hands on. Did they get real lucky that he just happened
to put his hands on the box right where they would have been had he been
facing down Elm St.
We don't know if they knew if his prints were there already.
OK. They just got lucky again. That's a hell of a lot of luck they had
going for them.
A worker could easily have moved boxes that he had seen Oswald handle,
or they indeed got lucky.

Anthony Marsh
2016-10-20 00:30:46 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It was explained to you, so why are you doubting?
Because you were the one doing the explaining.
An explanation is separate from the person. Either you believe it and
check it out, or you don't. It has nothing to do with the person
Rather than spending a half hour or more with another point by point
rebuttal of your long winded post, let's just compare and contrast what
you believe with what I believe.
Members of the Secret Service conspired to route the motorcade through
Dealey Plaza. They were able to do this with the help of Governor Connally
who took part in the selection of the Trade Mart as the luncheon site
which led to the motorcade going down Elm St.
Oswald was duped into smuggling his rifle into work under the pretense
that he would show it to someone to sell.
Three strangers snuck into the TSBD unnoticed and got Oswald to turn his
rifle over to them but not before they had duped him into pressing the
butt of the rifle against his shirt causing fibers from that shirt to be
left on the butt plate of the rifle.
WRONG as usual! It had to be agreed to before the rifle came into the
TSBD. It was probably hidden on the 6th floor or nearby. And you're
being stupid by making the rifle butt plate story. Since it was Oswald's
rifle in the first place, there's no doubt that it could easily pick up a
thread or fiber from his handling of it.
This is getting very interesting. Let me make sure I understand where you
are coming from. So Oswald was persuaded to sneak his rifle into the TSBD
not by an employee of the TSBD but by a team consisting of Loy Factor, Mac
Wallace, and an unnamed woman. And he didn't think it odd at all that 3
strangers would want to meet him at his workplace during work hours to
show them his rifle. Then after going to the trouble of sneaking it into
work, he took the rifle out of the package and pressed the butt against
his shoulder. After doing that he turned the rifle over to these three
strangers. Is that about the size of it?
WHAT? What do you think you're doing? I did not say anything like
that and don't try to put words in my mouth, since you haven't a clue what
I'm thinking. That's been proven many times over. I did not name any
person that may have convinced Oswald to bring in his rifle. I also did
NOT say anything about 3 strangers meeting Oswald. I also did NOT say
anything about Oswald 'on the spot' taking the rifle out and putting it to
his shoulder. That could happen anytime with a person's rifle, including
months before. I also did NOT say that Oswald turned over the rifle to
anyone either.
Now, for your education, I don't know who convinced Oswald to bring in
his rifle. Someone must have though. And the reason may have been a
number of things. It is certainly possible that Oswald brought in the
rifle and hid it on the 6th floor for later to show it to someone. That
info could easily be communicated to the 3 person team that went up to the
6th floor. There did NOT have to be ANY interaction between Oswald and
the 3 people. The rifle was then given to Loy Factor to shoot out the
window at the motorcade. Factor may have not wanted to shoot the
president, but was wise enough not to say so, and so he fired out the
window but not at JFK. That's my guess, since there was NO MC type bullet
that hit or hurt anyone.
Oh, so there was another person working inside the TSBD who interacted
with both Oswald and the assassination team. My how your little conspiracy
keeps growing and growing. Four conspirators in just the TSBD. And Loy
Reductio ad Absurdum sure is fun. So you have to claim that the entire
government was needed to break into the Watergate.
Post by bigdog
Factor didn't really want to shoot the president. I guess the devil made
him do it. Since you claim no MC bullet hit or hurt anyone, what bullets
did hit JFK and JBC and what is your proof of that?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Oswald was duped into staying out of sight at the time the motorcade would
be coming through Dealey Plaza so he wouldn't have an alibi.
WRONG! Oswald was not near the windows at all, or the 6th floor. He
was seen elsewhere and if he had tried to go to the 6th floor, he would
have been dissuaded by the 2 men with a gun that were seen there.
I see the point sailed right over your head. Again. If the plan was to
frame Oswald they would need to know he would not be with anyone else when
the motorcade arrived. For your story to hold water, somebody had to
convince him to stay by himself in the lunchroom so he wouldn't have an
alibi. If he had done what Ralph Cinque insists he did do and was out in
front of the TSBD with Bill Shelley and Billy Lovelady it would have been
hard to frame him for the crime. So you think the shooting team somehow
convinced Oswald to stay all by his lonesome in the lunchroom. And Oswald
went along with it. The most cooperative patsy in history.
You don't get to decide the things that plotters had to do.
Anyone with an ounce of common sense can figure out if you are going to
frame someone, you would need to make sure they aren't going to have an
alibi. I guess that's just one of those nasty little details for which you
have no explanation.
No, that's silly. Hoover framed the 5 Boston bookies without first
checking to see if they had alibis.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
As a
loner, it was probably not likely that Oswald would be with anyone in any
And so you think they bet the farm on that. Suppose Oswald had just gone
outside by himself and been standing next to Lovelady and Shelley when the
shooting occurred? I guess your conspirators never thought of that.
Maybe they told him to wait for a phone call.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And I did NOT say that Oswald was convinced to stay anywhere.
Oh, they just got lucky that he stayed out of sight.
Sometimes they get lucky, sometimes they don't.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
expect that they had in mind that Oswald would be found in the TSBD from
the clues left outside, and as a shooter at the POTUS, would be armed and
ready to shoot back at any cops, giving them a reason to kill him on
sight. That would tidy up everything.
That's a hell of a lot to expect especially since the whole plan to frame
Oswald depends on him not having an alibi. And just how would Oswald be
It doesn't matter. They could just get rid of the alibi.
Post by bigdog
armed. They had his rifle. His revolver was at his rooming house. Maybe he
would throw his clipboard at the cops and they would shoot him.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
After the motorcade turned onto Elm St., Oswald's rifle was fired three
times from the sniper's nest not to try to shoot JFK but so they could
frame Oswald for the crime. The plan was to frame a loan patsy even though
they would be shooting JFK from multiple directions. The shooting team
then stacked boxes by the window with Oswald's fingerprints on top of them
to make it look like Oswald had used the boxes as a rifle rest.
WRONG! Oswald's prints were no doubt all over the TSBD on all floors
since he had to search out books from anywhere in the building.
So how do you suppose the shooting team knew Oswald's prints were on the
boxes stacked to form the rifle rest? Did they just get lucky and pick a
box he had put his hands on. Did they get real lucky that he just happened
to put his hands on the box right where they would have been had he been
facing down Elm St.
We don't know if they knew if his prints were there already.
OK. They just got lucky again. That's a hell of a lot of luck they had
going for them.
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-08 05:09:00 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
I noticed you didn't even attempt to refute my contention that all of the
forensic evidence and all of the expert testimony supports the WCR.
It is generally understood that I would automatically reject anything
that you put out, since you're a WCR lover.
Of course you would. What I put out is the truth and that is at cross
purposes with your beliefs.
Post by mainframetech
That means most of what you
might put out is wrong. And as you well know, but can't admit, most of
the "forensic evidence and expert testimony" was led in the wrong
direction and they were unaware of it. Their input is useless here, since
they were led away from the forensic evidence.
So tell us what forensic evidence they were led away from? Oh, wait. I
forgot to say please. Please tell us what forensic evidence they were led
away from.
You mean that you didn't know? They were kept from the full sets of
the autopsy photos and X-rays, and of course, they were kept from the
JFK's body had been in the ground for 15 years before the HSCA released
it's findings. I suppose you think digging him up would have told them
what they couldn't see in the photos and x-rays.
Post by mainframetech
There was no exhumation which would have proved the AR was wrong.
They were also kept away from the Bethesda personnel that knew there had
ben a scam.
Not one of those people whom you rely on had told their tales to anyone
before the HSCA had already closed shop. There was no reason to speak to
any of those people. They had the photos and the x-rays. That's all they
Because they were under military order to not discuss the case. That's
the purpose of a cover-up.
Post by bigdog
needed. The x-rays' of JFK's skull showed a fracture lines radiating out
from an entrance wound in the back of the skull. They also saw inward
Show me the entrance hole in the back of the head.
Do you mean the dab of fat tissue that Humes saw down near the hairline?
Show it to ma on the X-rays.
What was the diameter of YOUR hole? 6.5mm?
Post by bigdog
beveling of the wound in the back of JFK's skull. Both of those are proof
positive of a BOH entry wound. You can whine all you want about photos or
x-rays being missing. Their findings were based on what they did see and
what they did see in those photos and x-rays left no doubt in their minds
that JFK had been shot twice from behind.
Whose findings? Not Humes, Boswell and Fink.
Are you talking about the later panels because you disavow The Three

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JFK Lancer:

Boswell did not see the so-called "entrance wound" in a photograph of
the back of the head. ("Best Evidence" Autopsy photo 4 shows what we're
talking about here.) The HSCA gave Boswell and Humes a choice for an
entrance: the top of the head or a tiny speck of something at the bottom
near the hairline. They choose the bottom one. This is where the 4 inch
discrepancy comes from. "Well, really," Boswell said to the ARRB, "you
can't see it at all." He wouldn't pick either one of the spots offered
by the HSCA but instead he choose a spot about where the Dallas Doctors
said there was an exit wound. A black space seemingly intact with hair
and everything that looks fine there. The spot previously chosen --
which looks like a speck of fat or brain tissue, or something -- is
indeed a hole, shown more clearly in the Rochester photos, a puncture
into the head, whether caused by a bullet, or some kind of tampering, or
what, is unknown.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout.
The blowout was all along the upper right side of the head. There was a
small entrance wound in the back of the head which members of the review
panel could see in the photos and x-rays, far more than the few that got
leaked to the public.
Oh crap! You've had it explained to you about the supposed damage to
the side and TOP of the head. It was caused by Humes and Boswell at
6:35pm in the morgue with witnesses watching the first part of the
clandestine 'work'.
Just because you explained it that way doesn't make it a true statement.
WRONG! I also included the words of the 2 witnesses, or did you throw
them under the bus?
Pretty much. Witnesses don't prove anything by themselves, particularly
witnesses who are telling what they remembered from decades earlier. You
need forensic evidence to corroborate witnesses. Nothing I believe about
Oswald's guilt is based solely on eyewitness testimony because I know how
unreliable that is. It is only when those eyewitness accounts are
corroborate by forensic evidence that I find any witness' account
compelling. You don't have that luxury because you don't have any forensic
evidence that backs up the people you want to believe.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have been unable to refute the sworn testimony
and statements of the witnesses to that 'work'.
People far more knowledgeable than you or I have refuted it. Dr. Cyril
Wecht said it couldn't be done without being completely obvious that it
had been done.
Which only means that it was done better than he knew.
So you think you are a better authority than Wecht is on what was
Post by mainframetech
I've found
much evidence that he was never allowed to see or hear. Doesn't mean I
know better than him, it just means that more evidence has come out since
he was involved.
Your evidence is nothing more than wild claims by a witness who claims to
have seen something done that couldn't have been done.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There are over 40+
witnesses to the 'large hole' in the BOH of JFK, and none of them spoke of
a hole that extended to the side or TOP of the head.
That's because the flaps had been closed, most likely by Jackie during the
ride to Parkland.
WRONG! We've been over the phony flaps that were in your imagination.
They were proved to be more of your fantasies by the nurses that cleaned
the body and the head before wrapping it and putting it in the Bronze
casket. It would be impossible to handle and wipe the head and not know
of the damage of any 'flaps'.
We see the flaps in the Z-film. We see them again in the leaked autopsy
photos. The flaps were there at Parkland too but because the flaps were
claused and JFK was bleeding profusely from the head the ER team never
realized the extent of the skull defect.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That's because the
damage hadn't been done until the body reached Bethesda.
The damage was seen in the Z-film and is as obvious as it is graphic. Of
course you are forced to claim the Z-film was altered because it is one
more piece of forensic evidence that conflicts with your beliefs.
Shucks! I didn't feel 'forced'! And I can correct yet another of
your errors. I made no 'claim' that the Z-film was altered, I simply
quoted Douglas Horne and the witness to the original film, and showed a
couple of independent analyses. All showing that the Z-film was altered.
I made a statement, not a 'claim'.
Why would you quote Doug Horne. He never saw the original Z-film. What the
hell does he have to offer. The witness you are relying on said he
remembered the Z-film being even more gory than what the public saw. That
would indicate and even bigger blowout in JFK's head than what we see in
the Z-film, not a smaller one that would later be enlarged as you
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
THEN there were
a few witnesses that saw that damage, as they were supposed to, after it
was made. Remember, there was more than one witness to the clandestine
'work', so there is corroboration.
There was no clandestine work. Sawing open the head and removing the brain
are a normal part of a forensic autopsy.
WRONG! There was no autopsy until 8:00pm,
Because you say so.
Post by mainframetech
and the clandestine work was
done at 6:35pm.
What was clandestine about it?
Post by mainframetech
They even tried to cover it up, but probably failed at
that one. But we've been over all that and you lost that argument. Why
repeat the whole thing over again?
No they didn't. They never tried to hide the fact they opened up the skull
and removed what was left of JFK's brain.
Post by mainframetech
There was a gallery full of admirals and generals and other witnesses
when the real autopsy began.
The real autopsy began when the prosectors started work on the body.
Post by mainframetech
They wanted to se the full autopsy, and
Humes and Boswell had to put the brain back into the skull and then take
it out inform of the gallery, and as Humes said "it practically fell out
in my hands". That was his attempt to distance himself from the prior
clandestine 'work' on the head. Of course, many in the gallery had to
have figured out that to remove the brain you have to sever the spinal
cord, then the optic nerves and various arteries, none of which had to be
done by humes when taking out the brain. That was the giveaway that there
had ben clandestine 'work' done.
This keeps getting funnier and funnier. First you have the conspirators
switching JFK's body from one casket to another and back again like he was
some sort of giant jack-in-the-box. Now you have them taking the brain out
and putting it back in. Too funny.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you going to claim they didn't see a small entry
Post by bigdog
wound in the the BOH? Are you going to claim you are a better judge of
that than they are even though they saw much more than you and know much
more than you.
WRONG! You seem to have already forgotten everything you've been
taught. Since there was a 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
witnesses, there isn't much chance there was any room for an itty-bitty
wound like you describe.
The defect was above the entry hole. Dr. Peter Cummings, a foremost
authority on gun shot wounds to the head has pointed out the fracture
lines radiating out from the entry wound providing unmistakable proof of
the entry wound in the BOH. Are you going to claim you know more than he
does also?
WRONG! So you got sucked in by yet another 'expert'. The placement
of the tiny hole by Boswell can be looked at in the 'leaked' autopsy
photos and it isn't there. What's the matter with you're seeing? You
need a seeing eye 'expert' to tell you what's there or what's not? And
where is the baseball sized 'large hole' in the BOH seen by over 40+
You didn't address the fracture lines in the skull radiating out from the
entrance wound which Dr. Peter Cummings pointed out. Surely with your half
vast knowledge of forensic medicine you should have some explanation of
how those fracture lines radiated from the BOH if the bullet didn't enter
in the BOH.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And the 'leaked' autopsy photo of the BOH does
NOT show any bullet hole there, though humorously the Dox drawing of that
photo shows a bullet hole clearly...:)
Just because you don't recognize a bullet hole doesn't mean there wasn't a
bullet hole there. The experienced medical examiners have seen many gun
shot wounds to the head and know what they look like. You think because
you read DiMaio's book that makes you more qualified to say what an
entrance wound in the head looks like. That is just too funny.
WRONG! I don't play like you that I'm an expert at everything. But
reading DiMaio isn't the worst thing you could do. There is no bullet
hole in the lower BOH in the photo among the 'leaked' autopsy photos.
That's plain for the average person, and we don't need an expert to look
and tell us that one is there or not. Because they used the Dox drawings
for some of the medical panels, they had her put in a bullet hole that was
never on the original photo she copied. They didn't expect that they
photos would be 'leaked' and looked at carefully. Care to answer the
anomaly of that last photo? Or will you run away?
There is no anomaly.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It's just too much and so
laughable! That's the kind of dreck you have in your WCR! And you, in
your fantasy mode will defend it to your death! So brave and foolish.
Let's see. We have the unanimous findings of every medical examiner who
has seen the first generation photos and x-rays and we have an opposing
opinion from Dr. Chris who has read a book and seen multi-generational
copies of the original photos and x-rays. Who to believe. Who to believe.
FALSE! Where do you get this misinformation you're peddling? The
medical panels did NOT see all photos and X-rays, and they didn't hear all
testimony, and they didn't see the proof in the body of many of the things
that were covered up. Any findings they could make will be wrong (and
were) since they had so little to work with. Now that much of the
evidence has come out, it's clear what they missed because they were
They saw more than you. They know more than you. Their opinions are valid.
Yours are not.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In some cases the medical panels were fed the Ida Dox drawings as if
it were proof from the autopsy, so that the real drawings could be kept
private for the family. A joke no doubt, but it allowed them to con the
panels that were fed that stuff. And you want to rely on the panels after
they had been hoaxed so easily!
Really? That's the best you could do?
WRONG! You know that I've shown proof of everything I've said, and
will be glad to show it to those others that are serious about finding out
what happened to JFK.
No you haven't. You've pointed to statements of witnesses made decades
after the assassination. Nothing any witness says by itself can prove
anything because witnesses get things wrong for a variety of reasons. You
have zero forensic evidence to support any of your contentions.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
You're claiming all the review panels lied.
WRONG! You'll never get anything correct. I'm saying that the panels
were faked out with phony drawings. Not all of them, but some of them were
fed the Dox drawings as if they were the photos. And the photos have
obvious problems from alteration that I have never been able to get you to
sit still long enough to answer. You always run away.
I see no reason to answer questions based on things you have made up.
WRONG! I have pointed out errors in the 'leaked' autopsy photos, which
are available for anyone to look at to see what I'm talking about. Your
attempt to run away fails this time. Your excuse is proved to be phony!
So you KNOW that the points are NOT made up.
As I was saying. You made this all up.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of JFK.
Hole was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
Not one witness said there was an entry wound anywhere in the front of
JFK's head. That was your determination.
ABSOLUTELY FALSE! Where did you get such phony information? The WCR?
I've given you a list of people that saw the bullet hole in the
forehead/temple area, and there is no doubt that they saw it as an entry,
whether they said that or not. That's one of the games you play,
expecting someone to quote you exactly or you'll try to call it phony.
OK. Now tell us which ones said it was an entry wound. Of course we both
know the answer is that none of them said that. You added that and tried
to pass it off as the judgement of the witnesses you cite. You do that a
lot. If a witness didn't saw what you needed them to say, you just change
things around a little bit to make it sound like they said what you needed
them to say.
I comment in this case with common sense. The bullet hole in the right
forehead/temple area was 1/4" in diameter. With a 'large hole' at the
opposite end of that small entry wound, what else would you suggest that
it is other than an entry wound?
It's some hair. The actual EXIT wound was behind that point.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, I'm using common sense. You
may not agree with that. But then I'm sure you'll be able to explain
yourself, right?
It's good that one of us can.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Witnesses placed a BULLET hole in
Post by bigdog
various places in the front right of JFK's head which is where the
prosectors and the review panels said the bullet EXITED.
WRONG! You forget that the panels did NOT see the body, and did NOT
hear the testimony and did NOT see the right photos and X-rays, and so
they have no input here.
They knew the characteristics of a entry wound. They saw those
characteristics in the bullet hole in the BOH. The knew what the was proof
positive of an entry in the back.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
In the right front of the head over the right eye, or forward of the
right ear, which is approximately the same place.
If I were you I would demand my money back for whatever anatomy book you
read that in.
Post by mainframetech
You will use the
Post by bigdog
witnesses to establish that bullet hole but then throw them under the bus
because they don't place it exactly where you claim it was or say that it
was an entrance.
WRONG! None of these witnesses gets thrown under the bus by me. They
all have given about the same statements about the bullet wound. And why
are you trying to repeat this whole conversation again and again? You
failed the last time you tried to argue against it.
You keep making the false claim that witnesses have place an ENTRY wound
in the front of JFK's head. That's why I have to keep refuting you.
You've refuted nothing. Anyone that thinks about it and where the EXIT
wound is, will agree that the forehead/temple had the entry wound.
Not one of the witnesses said it was an entrance wound and none place it
where you claim it was.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Not a single witness supports your claim of an entrance wound in the
forehead/temple. Close isn't good enough. It is illogical to simply assume
because they placed a bullet wound close to where you think it is that
supports your claim that it was an entrance wound and that it was
precisely where you claim it was.
WRONG! Such crap! EVERY witness that I've named has placed the bullet
hole in about the same place.
"about the same place". I guess any old place in the front of JFK's head
is close enough for you. Now if you could quote just one of them saying it
was an entry wound.
That won't work. There's no doubt to anyone that the wound in question
is the entry,
Because you say so.
Post by mainframetech
once they think about the exit wound. That cinches it.
When the exit hole is the size of a baseball or an orange, then the hole
that is 1/4" is the entry. Don't you feel embarrassed arguing about this
but being afraid to mention the exit wound?
They found the exit wound in the side of JFK's skull.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Do you think there were multiple bullet
wounds all over the face so that it was doubtful which one was meant when
described? The only wound possibly near enough to get considered is the
bone flap over the right ear and that can't match the very small diameter
of the bullet wound entry, so that's no problem.
There were no bullet holes in JFK's face. There was an exit wound on the
upper right side of JFK's head slightly forward of and above the ear.
Then you're not describing the bone flap wound, which was directly OVER
the ear. The wound we're discussing was forward of the right ear and had
the diameter of 1/4".
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-03 01:42:05 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Your lack of understanding is your problem. Not mine.
Your problem is that nobody else on this newsgroup seems to understand you
As usual, you're full of opinions but you can't prove antything.
Including the tired old WCR.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
And you believe in the WCR. Not much there but a lot of talk and some
All the forensic evidence, all the expert testimony, and a good deal of
the eyewitness testimony supports the WCR conclusions that Oswald shot and
killed JFK and JDT.
WRONG! You seem to forget that the WCR is full of theories, all of
which are educated guesses. The WCR knows little and nothing about who
killed anyone. Their whole purpose in life was to shut up the public.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
One needs to use intelligence in determining if a bullet wound is an
entry or an exit.
It takes more than that. It takes training in forensic medicine. This
isn't a field for dummies.
Oh give up the phony crap. You'd think you were amputated at the neck
with your constant need for 'experts'. A small hole is an entry when
matched with a large hole as an exit blowout. That was the case for JFK's
wounds. Seen by many and corroborated, so don't try to play 'bad witness'
or 'they all lied'.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
The bullet wound in the forehead/temple area has a
diameter of .25 inches as per Tom Robinson, the blowout hole in the BOH of
JFK was described by witnesses as the size of a baseball or an orange.
The sensible thing is to call the .25 inch wound an entry and the large
wound as the exit. No real choice there.
Now, schooling starts.
Oh goody. I'm about to be schooled by a clown college.
Post by mainframetech
When I use the term forehead/temple, it's
because the wound is right at an area that covers the curve from forehead
to temple. It usually somewhat curved and its hard to say that points on
that curve area on the temple or on the forehead. At least it can be said
that that area is NOT over the right ear. It's forward of that ear.
Just barely according to witnesses, some of whom you have cited.
As you've sometimes said, memory is sometimes variable from what
others see. But in this case, they all saw the entry wound and the exit
wound, so even if a bit this way or that, they saw the same thing.
You're not trying hard enough to earn your stripes. An expert kook would
claim that they didn't see the same thing because Someone altered the
Post by mainframetech
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-30 00:13:01 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
Oh, you mean the WC?
Post by bigdog
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
2016-10-01 14:18:19 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
Oh, you mean the WC?
Post by bigdog
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
<Oh, you mean the WC?>

Once again, no: we rely on the evidence accumulated by the WC along with
other evidence compiled by other government bodies, e.g, Clark Committee,
Rockefeller Commission et cetera, independent investigations by news
organizations and journalists, and the accounts undertaken by historians
who have looked into the lives of many of the prominent people involved in
the case, e.g., Caro et al.

We have all of this. The totality of material, independent lines of

What do you folks have?
Anthony Marsh
2016-10-02 02:26:05 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
Oh, you mean the WC?
Post by bigdog
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
<Oh, you mean the WC?>
Once again, no: we rely on the evidence accumulated by the WC along with
other evidence compiled by other government bodies, e.g, Clark Committee,
Stop being silly. WC defenders tell me that all the answers are in the WCR
and we never need any other investigation. You always say that to try to
shut down any new investigation. So don't mention any others. It makes you
look like a conspiracy kook.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Rockefeller Commission et cetera, independent investigations by news
organizations and journalists, and the accounts undertaken by historians
who have looked into the lives of many of the prominent people involved in
the case, e.g., Caro et al.
We have all of this. The totality of material, independent lines of
What do you folks have?
All of that plus the withheld documents you never knew about.
2016-10-03 00:37:36 UTC
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
Oh, you mean the WC?
Post by bigdog
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
<Oh, you mean the WC?>
Once again, no: we rely on the evidence accumulated by the WC along with
other evidence compiled by other government bodies, e.g, Clark Committee,
Stop being silly. WC defenders tell me that all the answers are in the WCR
and we never need any other investigation. You always say that to try to
shut down any new investigation. So don't mention any others. It makes you
look like a conspiracy kook.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Rockefeller Commission et cetera, independent investigations by news
organizations and journalists, and the accounts undertaken by historians
who have looked into the lives of many of the prominent people involved in
the case, e.g., Caro et al.
We have all of this. The totality of material, independent lines of
What do you folks have?
All of that plus the withheld documents you never knew about.
If 50 years ago you and your fellow conspiracy advocates had been promised
that over the next half century:

1. There would be multiple public investigations into the assassination;

2. There would be the release of millions of pages of documents related to
the assassination;

3. There would be numerous media investigations by the leading news
organizations in the country; and

4. There would be numerous investigations/books written by major
historians into the lives of major figures like Hoover and LBJ et al.
involved in the event.

You would have been satisfied with those promises. You would have agreed
that if nothing came out of that you would abandon your conspiracy

Guess what? That's what happened. Nothing is there.

But like waiting for Godot you still think another document - just one
more - will come along and prove your claims.

Maybe there's something embarrassing. Maybe the CIA tried to turn Oswald;
and got used. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

As we all say: release the documents.

But at this point, after all of this, if you think there were conspiracies
behind the assassination then your wish is father to your thought.
2016-10-03 21:36:00 UTC
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Post by Anthony Marsh
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
I guess that's what you needed to convince yourself of in order to believe
your own bullshit.
WRONG! It's logical, but I don't expect you to understand.
I've never understood your logic. It's charitable to call it logic.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
You've never understood that it is the person who does the asserting that
needs to do the proving.
WRONG! Don't hand me that. I've produced far more proof of my
statements than you or the WCR could possibly muster.
The only reason you think that is you don't understand what constitutes
proof. Almost everything you believe is based on statement from highly
dubious sources. Statements don't prove anything. By themselves they are
Oh, you mean the WC?
Post by bigdog
nothing but unsubstantiated claims. You have no forensic evidence which
supports any of these statements.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
Sure you did. Why wouldn't we believe you? <chuckle>
"WE"? Trying to speak for everyone else again? I'm not particularly
concerned that you will or won't believe me. You're just my test bench.
What an honor.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
None of whom said it was an entrance nor placed it where you did.
WRONG! They placed the wound right within the forehead/temple area,
and they automatically thought of it as an entry. The most natural thing
in the world. Small entry, large exit.
Since you invented the term forehead/temple, I guess you get to decide
where it extends to. Only by extending it around to the side of JFK's head
do these various descriptions fall within what you call the
forehead/temple. You still haven't produced a single person who said it
was an entrance wound. That is something you came up with on your own.
<Oh, you mean the WC?>
Once again, no: we rely on the evidence accumulated by the WC along with
other evidence compiled by other government bodies, e.g, Clark Committee,
Stop being silly. WC defenders tell me that all the answers are in the WCR
and we never need any other investigation. You always say that to try to
shut down any new investigation. So don't mention any others. It makes you
look like a conspiracy kook.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Rockefeller Commission et cetera, independent investigations by news
organizations and journalists, and the accounts undertaken by historians
who have looked into the lives of many of the prominent people involved in
the case, e.g., Caro et al.
We have all of this. The totality of material, independent lines of
What do you folks have?
All of that plus the withheld documents you never knew about.
If 50 years ago you and your fellow conspiracy advocates had been promised
1. There would be multiple public investigations into the assassination;
2. There would be the release of millions of pages of documents related to
the assassination;
3. There would be numerous media investigations by the leading news
organizations in the country; and
4. There would be numerous investigations/books written by major
historians into the lives of major figures like Hoover and LBJ et al.
involved in the event.
You would have been satisfied with those promises. You would have agreed
that if nothing came out of that you would abandon your conspiracy
Guess what? That's what happened. Nothing is there.
WRONG! Looks like you haven't researched the case further into the
ARRB files. The general answer is there that there was a conspiracy, and
even a few names are suggested, though not directly accused. Now there is
nothing left to do but find the culprits that accomplished the conspiracy
and murder. How it was done is generally known.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
But like waiting for Godot you still think another document - just one
more - will come along and prove your claims.
No need, the answer has already been seen.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
Maybe there's something embarrassing. Maybe the CIA tried to turn Oswald;
and got used. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
As we all say: release the documents.
Documents that were held by the CIA are long gone by now, or have been
'cleaned up'. I doubt much will be found there.
Post by s***@yahoo.com
But at this point, after all of this, if you think there were conspiracies
behind the assassination then your wish is father to your thought.
See above. Cites and links on specific requests.

2016-10-04 21:00:46 UTC
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Looks like you haven't researched the case further into the
ARRB files. The general answer is there that there was a conspiracy, and
even a few names are suggested, though not directly accused. Now there is
nothing left to do but find the culprits that accomplished the conspiracy
and murder. How it was done is generally known.
How are you coming with that? With you on the trail of the assassins it
can only be a matter of time before you crack the case wide open. They're
probably cowering in fear as we speak.
2016-10-06 02:51:29 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
WRONG! Looks like you haven't researched the case further into the
ARRB files. The general answer is there that there was a conspiracy, and
even a few names are suggested, though not directly accused. Now there is
nothing left to do but find the culprits that accomplished the conspiracy
and murder. How it was done is generally known.
How are you coming with that? With you on the trail of the assassins it
can only be a matter of time before you crack the case wide open. They're
probably cowering in fear as we speak.
I'm not going to name any further suspects at this time, there are
many that come to mind for the average person that knows the case. Soon
it will be the job of professional detectives. You need not apply.

Anthony Marsh
2016-09-27 04:46:33 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
WRONG! They did NOT see the photo that I saw. hey saw only part of
it, if that. They didn't ENLARGE it, and that's for sure, because they
would have had a very different opinion if they had seen it. But that
your whole problem. You keep thinking they saw something that you have
absolutely NO proof that they saw.
So that's your explanation for why they reached a conclusion the polar
opposite of yours. <chuckle>
WRONG! They made no conclusion on the evidence I spoke of, because they
didn't see it.
They had no need to see the ridiculous claims made by people because they
had photos and x-rays of the body which told them conclusively where the
shots came from.
WRONG! They had nothing of the sort! If they had the right evidence
to look at, and had ENLARGED it properly, they would have had a different
cause of death. Once again you can't seem to comprehend this simple
Silly. Dr. Lawrence Angel saw the same wound and his way out was to call
it an EXIT wound from the bullet he said hit the back of the head.
Never underestimate the ability of the cover-up to deny the obvious.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Nor did I make a conclusion, since the answer was obvious
when you saw the evidence.
"Obvious"??? Your code word for making an assertion for which you have no
real evidence.
WRONG! That's merely your opinion. You've never proved that, and
it's false anyway. The statement says that even you would know it was so.
Naturally to be difficult you will deny it, but that's your problem.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
I tested that and know the average person will
see that the bullet hole is indeed an entry and a bullet hole.
Sure you did. <chuckle>
Yep, I showed it to average people without telling them what it was or
preparing them, and they ALL immediately said 'that's a bullet hole'!
And of course, we also have the list which I've showed you of people
mentioned in the case that also knew it was a bullet hole.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
evidence was enough for the average person to know what had happened. It
appears that lets you out, since you keep repeating your wasted point over
and over.
Irony alert.
Thanks for warning us of your next mistake!
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by Jason Burke
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I honestly can't believe that ol' Chris thinks he's making anything lose
to a reasonable point.
He *must* know he's got nuffin'.
Care to check out the things I say? I'll be happy to supply cites and
links, usually to sworn testimony. Go ahead and give it a try if you have
the courage.
Right, Chris. Demonstrate your gullibility one more time by citing these
bogus claims that are preposterous on the face of them.
So you refuse to go check out what I say, therefore guaranteeing the
result, which is that you'll never know what I know.
That's a good thing because you know so many things that just ain't so.
Post by mainframetech
It's so obvious that
ploy of yours that you have pre-ordained the result by saying your opinion
is that we're dealing with "Bogus claims" "that are preposterous".
There's that "obvious" word again.
Post by mainframetech
couldn't muster the courage to go check it out.
Post by mainframetech
If you did that and you
were right, then you could come back and laugh your head off at me,
I already do that on a daily basis.
Post by mainframetech
instead I get to laugh at you because you chickened out...:) <belly
One more example of something you know that just ain't so.
2016-09-21 16:43:12 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories". You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data. And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death. They did NOT ENLARGE
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays, and
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of. Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARB files.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.

2016-09-22 23:43:30 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-24 02:16:49 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
Nope. I already had the smoking gun.
I just wanted to fill in the details.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
2016-09-24 02:36:18 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.

Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
Here's the testimony and its location:

"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."

From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf

Page 53

Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED. Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early. Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.

2016-09-24 21:39:39 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
That's another way of saying you blindly accept these quotes. You never
consider that the person making this quotes was just full of shit.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.
Yes, I'm aware of this lame explanation you've tried to peddle before. It
makes no more sense the 27th time you've used it than the first time.
Arguably the most important autopsy in history and at a critical moment
you think everybody but Custer and Finck just zoned out. That's really
Post by mainframetech
Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
You're using a shallow back wound as corroboration for Custer's claim and
you're using Custer's claim to establish there was a shallow back wound.
That's known as circular logic or reasoning.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
You've never understood that unsubstantiated claims people make don't
prove anything. There is not a scrap of forensic evidence which supports
any of these bullshit stories you've blindly accepted as true just because
you want to believe them.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Right. Why would they be interested in what somebody had to say about what
was the most important case of their professional careers?
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
And you know this how? How do you know no member of the FPP ever saw what
was in the ARRB files? Oh, that's right. You assumed it just because they
didn't reach the same conclusion you did. I suppose that passes for
logical thinking in Conspiracyland.
Post by mainframetech
Are you
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
This is why I keep reading the crap you write. It is a never ending source
of amusement. You've outdone yourself with what you just wrote.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Oh, they didn't see the important photos? <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
You can't cite Finck placing a bullet wound in the "forehead/temple" nor
can you cite him saying it was an entrance wound. Those are both your
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
So all these average persons you've showed it to could see a bullet hole
but highly trained medical examiners who had a much higher quality of the
photo couldn't see a bullet. That should tell you something but obviously
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Of course they had no clue about a bullet wound that you have imagined.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED.
Oh, you guarantee it. I guess that settles that.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Now that's a new one. So the leaked photos were altered. Why didn't "they"
alter your stare of death photo to cover up you bullet hole. I guess
"they" just missed that one. The dumbasses.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
I was speaking specifically of the review panels. It is a joke that you
think by enlarging one inferior copy of a photo you discovered something
that escaped teams of the best medical examiners in the country who saw
not only a much higher quality version of that photo but a whole lot more.
If you think you've discovered something so significant in that photo, why
don't you send it to newspaper and magazine editors around the country and
point out this entrance wound you claim to see. Fame and fortune awaits
you. Either that or you'll give them all a good laugh.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early.
I guess that's the story you had to convince yourself of. I remember the
anticipation the conspiracy hobbyists had back in the 1990s prior to the
release of the ARRB files and the disappointment they had when it turned
out to be a dud. All one has to do is look at the Regular contributors on
this board to see that you are alone in touting what came out of the ARRB.
Cinque is still trying to make hay out of the Altgens photo. Harris is off
on his own with his Z285 gunshot. Willis is trying to make the case the
DPD was in on the framing of Oswald from the beginning. Marsh seems to
spend his time in his thesauraus looking for synonyms for "dumbass" which
he thinks the moderators will accept. I can't recall anyone other than you
trying to push Doug Horne's crap.
Post by mainframetech
Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Anybody who is interested knows what was in those files because they were
released to the public in the 1990s. Horne's position gave him no special
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
If the ARRB files had contained what Marsh had hoped for, he wouldn't have
to be pointing to the 2017 release of the remaining files.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.
This thread is appropriately titled as you have just demonstrated. Mantik
is a specialist in radiation oncology. You probably don't even know what
that is. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with forensic
medicine. He isn't a radiologist either. You might as well have cited a
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-26 01:49:47 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
That's another way of saying you blindly accept these quotes. You never
consider that the person making this quotes was just full of shit.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.
Yes, I'm aware of this lame explanation you've tried to peddle before. It
makes no more sense the 27th time you've used it than the first time.
Arguably the most important autopsy in history and at a critical moment
you think everybody but Custer and Finck just zoned out. That's really
The most important autopsy in history and they give it to The Three
Stooges, who can't even see where the entrance wound in the head was and
missed the throat wound and did not examine the back wound properly? Ice
bullet? Seriously?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
You're using a shallow back wound as corroboration for Custer's claim and
you're using Custer's claim to establish there was a shallow back wound.
That's known as circular logic or reasoning.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I???d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That???s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That???s about,
I???d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
You've never understood that unsubstantiated claims people make don't
prove anything. There is not a scrap of forensic evidence which supports
any of these bullshit stories you've blindly accepted as true just because
you want to believe them.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Right. Why would they be interested in what somebody had to say about what
was the most important case of their professional careers?
Yeah, why would The Three Stooges even bother to call Parkland and ask
what surgery they had done. Just ASSuME that was a normal trache because
they had never seen one before in their lives, and ASSuME that a bullet
fell out during surgery and ASSuME that Parkland had done surgery to the
top of the head so it wasn't a bullet wound.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
And you know this how? How do you know no member of the FPP ever saw what
was in the ARRB files? Oh, that's right. You assumed it just because they
didn't reach the same conclusion you did. I suppose that passes for
logical thinking in Conspiracyland.
Because the ARRB was formed to release files which had not been
previously released.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
This is why I keep reading the crap you write. It is a never ending source
of amusement. You've outdone yourself with what you just wrote.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Oh, they didn't see the important photos? <chuckle>
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
You can't cite Finck placing a bullet wound in the "forehead/temple" nor
can you cite him saying it was an entrance wound. Those are both your
Are you insane? FInck? Finck couldn't even find the throat wound.
Finck did not have access to the photos as we have now. We can see the
bullet wound in the forehead. Appsarently Finck could not. Neither can
you. That tells us something.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
So all these average persons you've showed it to could see a bullet hole
but highly trained medical examiners who had a much higher quality of the
photo couldn't see a bullet. That should tell you something but obviously
No. Honest persons.
Can YOU see the bullet?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Of course they had no clue about a bullet wound that you have imagined.
How come it's not mentioned in the autopsy report or in the Clark
Report, but was mentioned in the HSCA report?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED.
Oh, you guarantee it. I guess that settles that.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Now that's a new one. So the leaked photos were altered. Why didn't "they"
alter your stare of death photo to cover up you bullet hole. I guess
"they" just missed that one. The dumbasses.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
I was speaking specifically of the review panels. It is a joke that you
think by enlarging one inferior copy of a photo you discovered something
that escaped teams of the best medical examiners in the country who saw
not only a much higher quality version of that photo but a whole lot more.
It's only a joke to members of the cover-up who want to pretend it isn't
there. It's not a joke to honest people.
Post by bigdog
If you think you've discovered something so significant in that photo, why
don't you send it to newspaper and magazine editors around the country and
point out this entrance wound you claim to see. Fame and fortune awaits
you. Either that or you'll give them all a good laugh.
The HSCA pointed it out, but you refused to read it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early.
I guess that's the story you had to convince yourself of. I remember the
anticipation the conspiracy hobbyists had back in the 1990s prior to the
release of the ARRB files and the disappointment they had when it turned
out to be a dud. All one has to do is look at the Regular contributors on
No, you don't. You never followed this case. You never talked to
conspiracy believers.
Post by bigdog
this board to see that you are alone in touting what came out of the ARRB.
So you are so new that you didn't see all the times I talked about the
ARRB. And you certainly would not be brave enough to read my Web page.
Post by bigdog
Cinque is still trying to make hay out of the Altgens photo. Harris is off
on his own with his Z285 gunshot. Willis is trying to make the case the
DPD was in on the framing of Oswald from the beginning. Marsh seems to
spend his time in his thesauraus looking for synonyms for "dumbass" which
he thinks the moderators will accept. I can't recall anyone other than you
I have nothing against dumbass. It's the other stupid word that McAdams
banned, especially to protect you.
Post by bigdog
trying to push Doug Horne's crap.
Post by mainframetech
Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Anybody who is interested knows what was in those files because they were
released to the public in the 1990s. Horne's position gave him no special
No, that leaves you out.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
If the ARRB files had contained what Marsh had hoped for, he wouldn't have
to be pointing to the 2017 release of the remaining files.
Again, you can't seem to realize that there are two differnt things
being discussed here. The files that the ARRB released and the files
that the CIA won't release.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.
This thread is appropriately titled as you have just demonstrated. Mantik
is a specialist in radiation oncology. You probably don't even know what
that is. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with forensic
medicine. He isn't a radiologist either. You might as well have cited a
And I'll give you a hint. A forensic pathologist may not know everything
about every forensic technique or science out there so he will consult
with a specialist in another field.
2016-09-26 02:26:14 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
That's another way of saying you blindly accept these quotes. You never
consider that the person making this quotes was just full of shit.
There you go again. It's all opinion with you. No facts, no proofs,
just opinions. Worse than Bud. You been taking lessons from him?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.
Yes, I'm aware of this lame explanation you've tried to peddle before. It
makes no more sense the 27th time you've used it than the first time.
Arguably the most important autopsy in history and at a critical moment
you think everybody but Custer and Finck just zoned out. That's really
As usual, you've mistaken your opinion for facts and even
probabilities. It's reasonable and plausible for the events to happen in
the manner I've suggested. And as you know, Custer made it clear that
Finck was watching, so it wasn't everyone "zoned out".
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
You're using a shallow back wound as corroboration for Custer's claim and
you're using Custer's claim to establish there was a shallow back wound.
That's known as circular logic or reasoning.
WRONG! I've mentioned other findings that verified the 'short shot'.
You just didn't want to hear it, because you have nothing to cover it over
with. This information will come out. You can't get toothpaste back in
the tube.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
You've never understood that unsubstantiated claims people make don't
prove anything. There is not a scrap of forensic evidence which supports
any of these bullshit stories you've blindly accepted as true just because
you want to believe them.
WRONG as usual! The number of mistakes you make is really phenomenal!
Since we have a substantiated statement by Custer, you must be wrong as
usual. The FORENSIC evidence proved it was plausible. But I don't want to
repeat that unless you force me to.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Right. Why would they be interested in what somebody had to say about what
was the most important case of their professional careers?
It probably wasn't that important. Most of them were called in to
simply verify the findings (AR) of the prosectors. The original work had
supposedly been done. They were rubber stamping to shut the public up,
and I'm sure most of them knew it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
And you know this how? How do you know no member of the FPP ever saw what
was in the ARRB files? Oh, that's right. You assumed it just because they
didn't reach the same conclusion you did. I suppose that passes for
logical thinking in Conspiracyland.
WRONG AS USUAL! You have just made the same mistake over and over on
the same topic! Amazing the amount of wrongness you can generate! If the
panels saw the proof of a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, they
would have had a different cause of death. They didn't, so they didn't
see the evidence, and so they have no input here. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
This is why I keep reading the crap you write. It is a never ending source
of amusement. You've outdone yourself with what you just wrote.
That's the best answer you can come up with? An opinion?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Oh, they didn't see the important photos? <chuckle>
That's not much of an answer, but of course, there isn't any answer to
what I said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
You can't cite Finck placing a bullet wound in the "forehead/temple" nor
can you cite him saying it was an entrance wound. Those are both your
WRONG! First, I will damn well say whatever I choose to say. Second,
YOU'RE NOT IN COURT. Third, James Jenkins stated in an interview that
Finck was aware of the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, and from
the context, it was as an entry. You had a chance to copy down the
statement made of the Jenkins interview, did you foolishly forget to do
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
So all these average persons you've showed it to could see a bullet hole
but highly trained medical examiners who had a much higher quality of the
photo couldn't see a bullet. That should tell you something but obviously
WRONG! It should tell you something, but you seem to have a deaf and
dumb area when it comes to common sense. The "trained medical examiners"
did NOT ENLARGE the single photo that showed the proof of the bullet hole,
and they did NOT see the proof either. They accepted the AR which was
presented to them as if it was true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Of course they had no clue about a bullet wound that you have imagined.
WRONG again! I've shown it to unbiased people without giving them a
clue as to what they were going to see, and they immediately came to the
conclusion (with great surprise) that it was a bullet hole there!

and you've tried and tried to get that silly comment accepted that I
made up the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, but others have seen
it, and many in the case saw it, and knew what it was. So that shows that
any 'making up' is being done by you in your desperate effort to escape
the truth which keeps haunting you.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED.
Oh, you guarantee it. I guess that settles that.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Now that's a new one. So the leaked photos were altered. Why didn't "they"
alter your stare of death photo to cover up you bullet hole. I guess
"they" just missed that one. The dumbasses.
Lordee! You got something right for a change! I cannot see any other
reason for them to allow that 'leaked' photo out to the public with the
bullet hole intact, than that the editor (whoever it was) missed it. It
was easy to miss, after all.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
I was speaking specifically of the review panels. It is a joke that you
think by enlarging one inferior copy of a photo you discovered something
that escaped teams of the best medical examiners in the country who saw
not only a much higher quality version of that photo but a whole lot more.
If you think you've discovered something so significant in that photo, why
don't you send it to newspaper and magazine editors around the country and
point out this entrance wound you claim to see. Fame and fortune awaits
you. Either that or you'll give them all a good laugh.
The proof is there for you to see, or not see as is the case. I've
been over this phony excuse of yours many times, why must we repeat it so
often? You've had a plausible answer to your comment and there's no way
out for you. If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have ruled
differently. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early.
I guess that's the story you had to convince yourself of. I remember the
anticipation the conspiracy hobbyists had back in the 1990s prior to the
release of the ARRB files and the disappointment they had when it turned
out to be a dud. All one has to do is look at the Regular contributors on
this board to see that you are alone in touting what came out of the ARRB.
Cinque is still trying to make hay out of the Altgens photo. Harris is off
on his own with his Z285 gunshot. Willis is trying to make the case the
DPD was in on the framing of Oswald from the beginning. Marsh seems to
spend his time in his thesauraus looking for synonyms for "dumbass" which
he thinks the moderators will accept. I can't recall anyone other than you
trying to push Doug Horne's crap.
WRONG! You've supplied NO proof that Horne's information was "crap"
in any form. Other than your ridiculous opinion, which came from
guesswork and no reading of the ARRB files. And Horne's data is not from
Horne so much as it comes from the official ARRB files of your government.
Horne has simplified some of it, but he mainly is repeating what he heard
in testimony. So if you want to pretend that the WCR official file is
perfect, then you'll have to grant the same to the ARRB files, that were
generated by the same government.

Of ourse, you're welcome to present proof that Horne is full of it, but
the last time you had that chance it become nothing but your opinion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Anybody who is interested knows what was in those files because they were
released to the public in the 1990s. Horne's position gave him no special
BULLSHIT! Wrong again! Horne's position gave him access to almost all
of the data in the ARRB files. Most other people would have to read
randomly here and there to get much of it. It was effectively put before
Horne and he simply had to listen. And releasing files to the public does
NOT say that the public suddenly knows what's in them. Why do you think
they try to release info years later than the actual events? So that
people will forget about it, and not care to look it over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
If the ARRB files had contained what Marsh had hoped for, he wouldn't have
to be pointing to the 2017 release of the remaining files.
I doubt there will be anything there. There's been too much time to
'clean' them up.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.
This thread is appropriately titled as you have just demonstrated. Mantik
is a specialist in radiation oncology. You probably don't even know what
that is. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with forensic
medicine. He isn't a radiologist either. You might as well have cited a
WRONG as usual! You haven't a clue what Mantik has learned aside from
his chosen PhD field. Here's some more of his cv:

"He has also completed fellowships in physics at the University of Illinois
and in biophysics at Stanford University, and a junior faculty clinical
fellowship with the American Cancer Society."

From: http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmantik.htm

So he would be proficient in Physics, biophysics and would have clinical

That certainly is an expert like you're always hoping for to save you.
And he is more 'qualified' than you knew, but that's often the case.

2016-09-27 04:19:33 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
That's another way of saying you blindly accept these quotes. You never
consider that the person making this quotes was just full of shit.
There you go again. It's all opinion with you. No facts, no proofs,
just opinions.
Post by mainframetech
Worse than Bud. You been taking lessons from him?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.
Yes, I'm aware of this lame explanation you've tried to peddle before. It
makes no more sense the 27th time you've used it than the first time.
Arguably the most important autopsy in history and at a critical moment
you think everybody but Custer and Finck just zoned out. That's really
As usual, you've mistaken your opinion for facts and even
probabilities. It's reasonable and plausible for the events to happen in
the manner I've suggested.
You`ve presented your useless, worthless hobbyist figuring. Now what?
Post by mainframetech
And as you know, Custer made it clear that
Finck was watching, so it wasn't everyone "zoned out".
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
You're using a shallow back wound as corroboration for Custer's claim and
you're using Custer's claim to establish there was a shallow back wound.
That's known as circular logic or reasoning.
WRONG! I've mentioned other findings that verified the 'short shot'.
You just didn't want to hear it, because you have nothing to cover it over
with. This information will come out. You can't get toothpaste back in
the tube.
You can`t get the cap off.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
You've never understood that unsubstantiated claims people make don't
prove anything. There is not a scrap of forensic evidence which supports
any of these bullshit stories you've blindly accepted as true just because
you want to believe them.
WRONG as usual! The number of mistakes you make is really phenomenal!
Since we have a substantiated statement by Custer, you must be wrong as
usual. The FORENSIC evidence proved it was plausible. But I don't want to
repeat that unless you force me to.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Right. Why would they be interested in what somebody had to say about what
was the most important case of their professional careers?
It probably wasn't that important. Most of them were called in to
simply verify the findings (AR) of the prosectors. The original work had
supposedly been done. They were rubber stamping to shut the public up,
and I'm sure most of them knew it.
Useless, worthless hobbyist figuring.
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
And you know this how? How do you know no member of the FPP ever saw what
was in the ARRB files? Oh, that's right. You assumed it just because they
didn't reach the same conclusion you did. I suppose that passes for
logical thinking in Conspiracyland.
WRONG AS USUAL! You have just made the same mistake over and over on
the same topic! Amazing the amount of wrongness you can generate! If the
panels saw the proof of a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, they
would have had a different cause of death. They didn't, so they didn't
see the evidence, and so they have no input here. Simple.
Yes, experts missed what you claim to be able to see in a crappy
photograph. Rest hobbyist, the case has been put to rest by your
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
This is why I keep reading the crap you write. It is a never ending source
of amusement. You've outdone yourself with what you just wrote.
That's the best answer you can come up with? An opinion?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Oh, they didn't see the important photos? <chuckle>
That's not much of an answer, but of course, there isn't any answer to
what I said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
You can't cite Finck placing a bullet wound in the "forehead/temple" nor
can you cite him saying it was an entrance wound. Those are both your
WRONG! First, I will damn well say whatever I choose to say.
You choose to say a lot of nonsense.
Post by mainframetech
YOU'RE NOT IN COURT. Third, James Jenkins stated in an interview that
Finck was aware of the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, and from
the context, it was as an entry. You had a chance to copy down the
statement made of the Jenkins interview, did you foolishly forget to do
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
So all these average persons you've showed it to could see a bullet hole
but highly trained medical examiners who had a much higher quality of the
photo couldn't see a bullet. That should tell you something but obviously
WRONG! It should tell you something, but you seem to have a deaf and
dumb area when it comes to common sense. The "trained medical examiners"
did NOT ENLARGE the single photo that showed the proof of the bullet hole,
and they did NOT see the proof either. They accepted the AR which was
presented to them as if it was true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Of course they had no clue about a bullet wound that you have imagined.
WRONG again! I've shown it to unbiased people without giving them a
clue as to what they were going to see, and they immediately came to the
conclusion (with great surprise) that it was a bullet hole there!
Zero plus zero equals zero. What someone thinks it looks like is not the
Post by mainframetech
and you've tried and tried to get that silly comment accepted that I
made up the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, but others have seen
it, and many in the case saw it, and knew what it was. So that shows that
any 'making up' is being done by you in your desperate effort to escape
the truth which keeps haunting you.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED.
Oh, you guarantee it. I guess that settles that.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Now that's a new one. So the leaked photos were altered. Why didn't "they"
alter your stare of death photo to cover up you bullet hole. I guess
"they" just missed that one. The dumbasses.
Lordee! You got something right for a change! I cannot see any other
reason for them to allow that 'leaked' photo out to the public with the
bullet hole intact, than that the editor (whoever it was) missed it. It
was easy to miss, after all.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
I was speaking specifically of the review panels. It is a joke that you
think by enlarging one inferior copy of a photo you discovered something
that escaped teams of the best medical examiners in the country who saw
not only a much higher quality version of that photo but a whole lot more.
If you think you've discovered something so significant in that photo, why
don't you send it to newspaper and magazine editors around the country and
point out this entrance wound you claim to see. Fame and fortune awaits
you. Either that or you'll give them all a good laugh.
The proof is there for you to see, or not see as is the case. I've
been over this phony excuse of yours many times, why must we repeat it so
often? You've had a plausible answer to your comment and there's no way
out for you. If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have ruled
differently. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early.
I guess that's the story you had to convince yourself of. I remember the
anticipation the conspiracy hobbyists had back in the 1990s prior to the
release of the ARRB files and the disappointment they had when it turned
out to be a dud. All one has to do is look at the Regular contributors on
this board to see that you are alone in touting what came out of the ARRB.
Cinque is still trying to make hay out of the Altgens photo. Harris is off
on his own with his Z285 gunshot. Willis is trying to make the case the
DPD was in on the framing of Oswald from the beginning. Marsh seems to
spend his time in his thesauraus looking for synonyms for "dumbass" which
he thinks the moderators will accept. I can't recall anyone other than you
trying to push Doug Horne's crap.
WRONG! You've supplied NO proof that Horne's information was "crap"
in any form. Other than your ridiculous opinion, which came from
guesswork and no reading of the ARRB files. And Horne's data is not from
Horne so much as it comes from the official ARRB files of your government.
Horne has simplified some of it, but he mainly is repeating what he heard
in testimony. So if you want to pretend that the WCR official file is
perfect, then you'll have to grant the same to the ARRB files, that were
generated by the same government.
Of ourse, you're welcome to present proof that Horne is full of it, but
the last time you had that chance it become nothing but your opinion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Anybody who is interested knows what was in those files because they were
released to the public in the 1990s. Horne's position gave him no special
BULLSHIT! Wrong again! Horne's position gave him access to almost all
of the data in the ARRB files. Most other people would have to read
randomly here and there to get much of it. It was effectively put before
Horne and he simply had to listen. And releasing files to the public does
NOT say that the public suddenly knows what's in them. Why do you think
they try to release info years later than the actual events? So that
people will forget about it, and not care to look it over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
If the ARRB files had contained what Marsh had hoped for, he wouldn't have
to be pointing to the 2017 release of the remaining files.
I doubt there will be anything there. There's been too much time to
'clean' them up.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.
This thread is appropriately titled as you have just demonstrated. Mantik
is a specialist in radiation oncology. You probably don't even know what
that is. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with forensic
medicine. He isn't a radiologist either. You might as well have cited a
WRONG as usual! You haven't a clue what Mantik has learned aside from
"He has also completed fellowships in physics at the University of Illinois
and in biophysics at Stanford University, and a junior faculty clinical
fellowship with the American Cancer Society."
From: http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmantik.htm
So he would be proficient in Physics, biophysics and would have clinical
That certainly is an expert like you're always hoping for to save you.
And he is more 'qualified' than you knew, but that's often the case.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-27 04:46:12 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
WRONG again. My information is more often from sworn testimony, which
you can't deal with.
I've told you this before. Your problem is primarily the ridiculous
conclusions you draw from that sworn testimony. That problem is compounded
by the fact you are really bad at detecting bullshit. People will spin the
most fantastic tales decades after the assassination which don't fit at
all with the body of evidence and you will still choose to believe them
and disregard everything else.
Nope, WRONG again! I rarely draw conclusions from quotes, I let them
speak for themselves. But that accusation is one of your methods to try
and cover up the truth. Forget it. You fail again.
That's another way of saying you blindly accept these quotes. You never
consider that the person making this quotes was just full of shit.
There you go again. It's all opinion with you. No facts, no proofs,
just opinions. Worse than Bud. You been taking lessons from him?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
All this time you have been completely unable to prove that the sworn
testimony coming from the ARRB were "bullshit stories".
So Custer tells a story about a bullet falling out of JFK's back and then
being scooped up by Finck and you find that believable even though no one
else in that crowded room or those looking on from the gallery saw that
happen. On top of that it is preposterous that a bullet striking JFK's
back would penetrate so shallowly that it could fall out. But that doesn't
matter to you. Custer has told a story you desperately want to believe so
you do. The fact that you need to have that story be proven to be bullshit
says a lot about your mindset.
You've tried that ploy before. So I'll give you the same old answer to
your repetition. Custer was preparing to take an X-ray, and when that
happens everyone has to stand away 6 feet or more. That's a standard
event in the autopsies and while the X-ray Technician does his work, no
one can get near the body or do anything with it. So most people would
chat about the autopsy od something similar while the work was going on.
Sadly, Finck was watching Custer work and saw the falling bullet and
grabbed it quickly. No chance for anyone else to see it fall.
Yes, I'm aware of this lame explanation you've tried to peddle before. It
makes no more sense the 27th time you've used it than the first time.
Arguably the most important autopsy in history and at a critical moment
you think everybody but Custer and Finck just zoned out. That's really
As usual, you've mistaken your opinion for facts and even
probabilities. It's reasonable and plausible for the events to happen in
the manner I've suggested. And as you know, Custer made it clear that
Finck was watching, so it wasn't everyone "zoned out".
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Custer told the story in sworn testimony and it fits with the other
information learned from the body, like the fact that the upper back
wound, from which the bullet probably fell, was no more than an inch or so
deep, a sure sign of a 'short shot' as it's called. They found that
"there's NO EXIT" for that bullet from the body, which was verified when
they opened the body and removed the organs. Cites and links for those
You're using a shallow back wound as corroboration for Custer's claim and
you're using Custer's claim to establish there was a shallow back wound.
That's known as circular logic or reasoning.
WRONG! I've mentioned other findings that verified the 'short shot'.
Your idea of a short shot is physically impossible. End of theory.
Post by mainframetech
You just didn't want to hear it, because you have nothing to cover it over
with. This information will come out. You can't get toothpaste back in
the tube.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
You have nothing
left but to insult the info from that source and hope someone will fall in
line with you and believe you and not check the data.
I hope people do check Custer's story. It is so laughable only a desperate
conspiracy hobbyist could find it the least bit credible.
If they check it, they'll find that it's sworn testimony, and if they
check further, they'll find that it fits with a lot of other evidence.
"When I lifted the body up to take films of
the torso, and the lumbar spine, and the pelvis,
this is when a king-size fragment - I’d say -
estimate around three, four sonometers - fell from
the back. And this is when Dr. Finck come over
with a pair of forceps, picked it up, and took -
That’s the last time I ever saw it.
Now, it was big enough -That’s about,
I’d say, an inch and a half. My finger-my small
finger. First joints."
From: http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/arrb/medical_testimony/pdf/Custer_10-28-97.pdf
Page 53
Sonometer = centimeter, and 3-4 centimeters is long enough to be many
types of bullet.
You've never understood that unsubstantiated claims people make don't
prove anything. There is not a scrap of forensic evidence which supports
any of these bullshit stories you've blindly accepted as true just because
you want to believe them.
WRONG as usual! The number of mistakes you make is really phenomenal!
Since we have a substantiated statement by Custer, you must be wrong as
usual. The FORENSIC evidence proved it was plausible. But I don't want to
repeat that unless you force me to.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
And as to the
panels not hearing the info in the ARRB files that's exactly my point to
you many times over. They did NOT have the information and so could not
make sensible decisions.
They didn't need those bullshit stories. They had plenty of real evidence
to reach the correct conclusion. If their findings were faulty because
they hadn't heard what the ARRB witnesses had to say, why is it you can't
find a single qualified medical examiner who has reached a different
conclusion after the ARRB files were released. That information isn't a
WRONG! Stop the crap! It's so obvious that even you can understand
that if they did NOT see or hear certain information, they couldn't make
decisions that included that info. Simple. You keep attempting to bypass
that important bit of logic. And I doubt that any medical examiner looked
at that info since the panels made their decision years ago. Why would
they bother, since it appeared that it was all tied up?
Right. Why would they be interested in what somebody had to say about what
was the most important case of their professional careers?
It probably wasn't that important. Most of them were called in to
simply verify the findings (AR) of the prosectors. The original work had
supposedly been done. They were rubber stamping to shut the public up,
and I'm sure most of them knew it.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
secret. It was made public over two decades ago. You would think if those
stories coming out of the ARRB had actually shed new light on the story
you'd be able to find even one medical examiner who has reached a
different conclusion based on that new information. But of course no such
person exists so you try to substitute your judgement for that made by
qualified people and then expect to be taken seriously.
And you know this how? How do you know no member of the FPP ever saw what
was in the ARRB files? Oh, that's right. You assumed it just because they
didn't reach the same conclusion you did. I suppose that passes for
logical thinking in Conspiracyland.
WRONG AS USUAL! You have just made the same mistake over and over on
the same topic! Amazing the amount of wrongness you can generate! If the
panels saw the proof of a bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, they
would have had a different cause of death. They didn't, so they didn't
see the evidence, and so they have no input here. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Are you
impaired? This has been obvious for a very long time for you to get it.
I'm not substituting my judgment for any medical judgment. No judgment is
needed. It's a simple case which only you seem to not understand.
"Qualified people" did NOT see or hear the evidence, and so they have no
input here. I know of the evidence and it's simple enough for the average
person to understand, and so I have said what that information is.
This is why I keep reading the crap you write. It is a never ending source
of amusement. You've outdone yourself with what you just wrote.
That's the best answer you can come up with? An opinion?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
WRONG! Their findings could NOT match anything sensible since they
were not allowed to see or hear the real truth.
They saw the truth when they saw the photos and x-rays. They knew there
was only one valid conclusion that could be reached. JFK was shot twice
from behind.
WRONG! We've been over this and yet you feel the hope to repeat it will
make it change. It won't. Accept the facts. The panels did NOT see the
correct photos or X-rays, and we also know that there were many missing
besides. If they had seen the important photos they would have had a
different cause of death. Simple.
Oh, they didn't see the important photos? <chuckle>
That's not much of an answer, but of course, there isn't any answer to
what I said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinion concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
WRONG! If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have made a
different set of opinions about the cause of death.
Just because you see a bullet hole is no reason to think competent people
would see a bullet hole.
I've given the list of those that saw the 'bullet hole', Finck was
included. Are you going to try and tell me that Finck was not a
'qualified person'?
You can't cite Finck placing a bullet wound in the "forehead/temple" nor
can you cite him saying it was an entrance wound. Those are both your
WRONG! First, I will damn well say whatever I choose to say. Second,
YOU'RE NOT IN COURT. Third, James Jenkins stated in an interview that
Finck was aware of the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, and from
the context, it was as an entry. You had a chance to copy down the
statement made of the Jenkins interview, did you foolishly forget to do
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the photo and did not notice the wound, which was left out of the AR
How do you know they did not enlarge the photo? The same way you know
everything else. You just assumed it.
WRONG! That's your style, and the WCR, of course. If they had
ENLARGED the right photo, it would become obvious to them that it was a
bullet hole and their cause of death would have been different. It was
much too simple to see it for the average person, which I've tried it out
on. They saw a bullet hole without me giving any clues.
So all these average persons you've showed it to could see a bullet hole
but highly trained medical examiners who had a much higher quality of the
photo couldn't see a bullet. That should tell you something but obviously
WRONG! It should tell you something, but you seem to have a deaf and
dumb area when it comes to common sense. The "trained medical examiners"
did NOT ENLARGE the single photo that showed the proof of the bullet hole,
and they did NOT see the proof either. They accepted the AR which was
presented to them as if it was true.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Seeing the photo and ENLARGING it are 2 different things. Had they
seen the bullet wound in the forehead/temple area, they would have
different opinions. They read the AR and it told them what was not true,
which we know, but they had no clue that the AR was a lie.
Nowhere do you reveal your desperation to believe Oswald was innocent more
than when you argue your opinions based on a handful of low quality photos
and copies of x-rays are more valid than the opinions of teams of highly
qualified people who have seen many more and much higher quality photos
and the original x-rays.
OF. So they have no input here.
Of course they had no clue about a bullet wound that you have imagined.
WRONG again! I've shown it to unbiased people without giving them a
clue as to what they were going to see, and they immediately came to the
conclusion (with great surprise) that it was a bullet hole there!
and you've tried and tried to get that silly comment accepted that I
made up the bullet hole in the forehead/temple area, but others have seen
it, and many in the case saw it, and knew what it was. So that shows that
any 'making up' is being done by you in your desperate effort to escape
the truth which keeps haunting you.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
I repeat, the panels did NOT see all the photos and all the X-rays,
Tell us which photos and x-rays you saw that they didn't.
I guarantee that I saw the stare-of-death photo ENLARGED which the
panels did NOT see ENLARGED.
Oh, you guarantee it. I guess that settles that.
Post by mainframetech
Of course, on a separate topic, many of the
supposedly 'leaked' photos were altered, and I've shown that, but you've
refused to attempt to explain them. Which was probably wise of you.
Those questions remain outstanding.
Now that's a new one. So the leaked photos were altered. Why didn't "they"
alter your stare of death photo to cover up you bullet hole. I guess
"they" just missed that one. The dumbasses.
Lordee! You got something right for a change! I cannot see any other
reason for them to allow that 'leaked' photo out to the public with the
bullet hole intact, than that the editor (whoever it was) missed it. It
was easy to miss, after all.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
that's been shown. However, the photo in question had to be ENLARGED to
see the wound we're speaking of.
Gee that bullet wound must really be obvious if you have to enlarge the
photo to see it.
Post by mainframetech
Don't you read clearly? They saw only
what the AR told them, and so they have no input to our discussion.
IOW, you have made up your mind and don't want to hear what knowledgeable
people have to say on the subject.
If you're speaking of yourself, I've heard it all already and you
don't fit the description. If you're speaking of someone else and it's a
member of the medical panels or someone that did NOT see the ENLARGED
photo in question, no, I don't want to hear it. They have no input here.
I was speaking specifically of the review panels. It is a joke that you
think by enlarging one inferior copy of a photo you discovered something
that escaped teams of the best medical examiners in the country who saw
not only a much higher quality version of that photo but a whole lot more.
If you think you've discovered something so significant in that photo, why
don't you send it to newspaper and magazine editors around the country and
point out this entrance wound you claim to see. Fame and fortune awaits
you. Either that or you'll give them all a good laugh.
The proof is there for you to see, or not see as is the case. I've
been over this phony excuse of yours many times, why must we repeat it so
often? You've had a plausible answer to your comment and there's no way
out for you. If they had seen the bullet hole, they would have ruled
differently. Simple.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
We've been over that many times and you lost the argument because you
could never produce any text from that time where the CTs were unhappy
about the lack of info there. I happen to know there is a wealth of info
in the ARRB files and so I had no problem showing you up on that one.
And to this day you have been unable to show the failure of CTs to get
good info out of the ARRB files.
If there was such a wealth of information in the ARRB files why is it just
you and a few Doug Horne disciples are touting it? Even most conspiracy
hobbyists know it's a lot of crap.
That's your opinion which is too biased to bother with. And I believe
that many people began looking at the files and thought they were not
going to be productive and gave up early.
I guess that's the story you had to convince yourself of. I remember the
anticipation the conspiracy hobbyists had back in the 1990s prior to the
release of the ARRB files and the disappointment they had when it turned
out to be a dud. All one has to do is look at the Regular contributors on
this board to see that you are alone in touting what came out of the ARRB.
Cinque is still trying to make hay out of the Altgens photo. Harris is off
on his own with his Z285 gunshot. Willis is trying to make the case the
DPD was in on the framing of Oswald from the beginning. Marsh seems to
spend his time in his thesauraus looking for synonyms for "dumbass" which
he thinks the moderators will accept. I can't recall anyone other than you
trying to push Doug Horne's crap.
WRONG! You've supplied NO proof that Horne's information was "crap"
in any form. Other than your ridiculous opinion, which came from
guesswork and no reading of the ARRB files. And Horne's data is not from
Horne so much as it comes from the official ARRB files of your government.
Horne has simplified some of it, but he mainly is repeating what he heard
in testimony. So if you want to pretend that the WCR official file is
perfect, then you'll have to grant the same to the ARRB files, that were
generated by the same government.
Of ourse, you're welcome to present proof that Horne is full of it, but
the last time you had that chance it become nothing but your opinion.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Douglas Horne was present at
many of the testimonies he spoke about and even did the swearing in of
many of the witnesses. He KNEW what was in those files, so he could get
the best use out of them, as id proved by his 5 volume set on "Inside the
Anybody who is interested knows what was in those files because they were
released to the public in the 1990s. Horne's position gave him no special
BULLSHIT! Wrong again! Horne's position gave him access to almost all
of the data in the ARRB files. Most other people would have to read
randomly here and there to get much of it. It was effectively put before
Horne and he simply had to listen. And releasing files to the public does
NOT say that the public suddenly knows what's in them. Why do you think
they try to release info years later than the actual events? So that
people will forget about it, and not care to look it over.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
WRONG! We have only your word that what you say it true, and I know
from browsing those files that you're very wrong. So you continue to lose
that one.
Marsh knows what I'm talking about because he was one of those conspiracy
hobbyists who pinned his hopes on the ARRB producing the smoking gun of
conspiracy. If he had found what he was hoping for in the ARRB files, he
wouldn't have to be pinning his hopes on the 2017 release of files.
WELL! Marsh is a talkative fellow, I'm sure if he expressed
unhappiness at the content of the ARRB files, you could get his comments
copied down. Yet...nothing.
If the ARRB files had contained what Marsh had hoped for, he wouldn't have
to be pointing to the 2017 release of the remaining files.
I doubt there will be anything there. There's been too much time to
'clean' them up.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
I doubt you could match even half of his CV.
Why would I want to?
To back up your insult on him. If you're less qualified than Mantik,
you really aren't in a position to run him down because you don't have the
knowledge of the fields that he excelled in to judge him.
This thread is appropriately titled as you have just demonstrated. Mantik
is a specialist in radiation oncology. You probably don't even know what
that is. I'll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with forensic
medicine. He isn't a radiologist either. You might as well have cited a
WRONG as usual! You haven't a clue what Mantik has learned aside from
"He has also completed fellowships in physics at the University of Illinois
and in biophysics at Stanford University, and a junior faculty clinical
fellowship with the American Cancer Society."
From: http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmantik.htm
So he would be proficient in Physics, biophysics and would have clinical
That certainly is an expert like you're always hoping for to save you.
And he is more 'qualified' than you knew, but that's often the case.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-21 20:16:02 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
Totally and completely WRONG! We've discussed this many times over and
you've heard the proof that the medical panels did NOT see the evidence
nor hear the witnesses they needed to see and hear to come up with
opinions that made sense.
Nobody needed to hear the ridiculous stories told by people in whom you
have placed blind faith.
Post by mainframetech
They were kept from the information and had to
make decisions based on limited and faulty info.
The FPP closed shop in 1978. These bullshit storied from the ARRB weren't
told until the 1990s. I'm sure if they would have heard them they would
have gotten a good laugh from them as well.
That's how long the cover-up lasted. Good job.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
They have no input here
because of those facts.
They have no input with you because their findings don't square with what
you would rather believe.
Could you please try to make that a little more convoluted? We almost
understood what you said.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
A bullet hole in the forehead has to be seen
before they could make an opinio9n concerning it.
Since they had the photo which you are convinced shows a bullet hole and a
much better quality photo than the one you have seen and they didn't see a
bullet hole, that's a pretty good indication there was no bullet hole
where you think you see one. Medical examiners see lots of bullet holes.
They know what they look like.
That leaves out The Three Stooges.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
There is no doubt that
if they had seen and heard the real evidence, they would have decided that
the cause of death was somewhat different from the one they were forced
into making.
They saw a much higher quality photo than you did and didn't reach the
conclusion you have.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Wakeup and smell the coffee, no reasonable decision can be
made without all the facts.
You try to substitute you layman's opinion based on a few photos for the
unanimous opinion of highly trained professionals who saw many more and
better photos and then you tell me to wake up and smell the coffee. I
don't know what you are drinking but I suspect it is much stronger than
The majority of whom where government stooges dedicated to the cover-up.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Much of the game changers were found in the ARRB files.
Not by the conspiracy hobbyists who poured over them when they were
released. But now 20 years later you think you have discovered gold.
I pointed out the revelations WHILE they were being released.
We've alread got the Gold. You got the bronze.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Your wish
that it wasn't true won't hold up. Try as you might, you won't suppress
that information.
I really don't need to. It collapses from its own lack of substance.
Arrogance is not logic.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
It has been shown to you and though you have to reject
it so you can pretend that the WCR was right,
I don't have to pretend the WCR was right. It was right.
Then why do you believe the HSCA?
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
the answers are there and I
think you hate that fact. Show even one statement from when the ARRB
files became available, that shows that folks were disappointed in the
ARRB info. Cite and link please, so it can be verified.
The discussion groups I was participating in back then are history. I
doubt any of them are archived anywhere. Conspiracy hobbyists were
Oh yea of little faith. If you know where to look you can find them.
Post by bigdog
salivating over the ARRB files before they got released. They were sure
they would find the smoking gun and we LNs kept telling them not to get
their hopes up. Marsh was one of them. Now they are awaiting the 2017
And I did.
Post by bigdog
release of the remaining files with the same kind of anticipation they had
back in the 1990s. That fact alone is an indication they didn't find the
smoking gun they were looking for in the ARRB files.
The remaining files are about other things than the ARRB was gathering.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
So you've gone to nature. I guess you had to run somewhere. Careful
of the hunters.
Mantik is a bigger quack than the AFLAC duck.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-20 00:25:14 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
Post by bigdog
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Reminds me of Jay Leno's Jaywalking bit that was a regular part of The
Tonight Show when he hosted. Yes, this country is full of morons. Yet
conspiracy hobbyists think it is significant that a majority of these
folks believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. It should come as
no surprise that so many uninformed people buy into nonsense.
Sad that so many buy into that tired old WCR as if it were the truth.
Just goes to show ya.
Post by bigdog
The fact is the JFK assassination was solved in the first 12 hours and
there was ample evidence to prove it. Oswald did it. During the next 10
months, the Warren Commission gathered even more evidence of his guilt and
found no credible evidence he had even a single accomplice. Modern
forensic techniques not available in 1964 have been applied to that
evidence and has served to validate the WC findings. Yet a nation of
really gullible people have been led to believe Oswald had accomplices and
some even think he was framed. If this was up for a vote, the truth would
lose in a landslide.
There was no way for our more advanced forensics to be useful in the
JFK killing. What the medical panels needed to see was kept from them,
Do you think they should have kept JFK's body on ice just so they could
Is that what authorities do to satisfy the LAW?
Do you understand that the brain WAS preserved in formalin? And later
hidden away.
Post by bigdog
satisfy silly people like you? They didn't have the body. They had the
Ever hear of exhumation? That has overturned some cases. But I know how to
examine the body in situ without the need for an exhumation.
Post by bigdog
next best thing. They had high quality photos, much better than the few
you have seen, and they had the x-rays. Contrary to what you are claiming,
So, that means that you have to accept the expert's finding of a bullet
hole in the forehead, right? You are selective about what science you
choose to believe. The top scientists in the world said there was a shot
from the grassy knoll. So you have to accept that too, right?
Post by bigdog
that provided a wealth of information which allowed every qualified
medical examiner who has looked at the evidence to conclude two shots hit
JFK from behind. Your silly excuses do not trump their qualified findings.
So, where do YOU think the shot hit JFK's head?
Near the EOP as the autopsy doctors said or in the cowlick as the
experts said? McAdams wasn't brave enough to answer that question and
neither are you. You want to be free to change your theories every day.
Post by bigdog
Post by mainframetech
and what they needed to hear was also kept from them. By luck the ARRB
was formed and much of the necessary evidence was contained there.
Nobody needed to hear the nonsense you have blindly accepted. The ARRB was
not formed out of luck. It was an act of Congress which resulted in lots
of documents being released. None of it was the game changer the
conspiracy hobbyists had hoped for. Now 20 years later you are futilely
trying to make something out of that crap.
Post by mainframetech
However some work has been done with forensic equipment and proven
some of the conspiracy. Look into David Mantik and similar researchers.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-14 19:36:39 UTC
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Because McAdams will no longer allow me to point out that some point is
STUPID, I will have to trick him and use the word BRILLIANT instead of

That piece of disinformation is BRILLIANT.

Of course the concept is elitist, that only the CIA is intelligent and
every citizen below hem is an idiot. That may be true, but it's not

And as always the WC defenders try to call all conspiracy believers STUPID
and paranoid, but McAdams allows that and does the same himself. This
comes directly from the CIA memo about how to attack the critics of the
Warren Commission. Your tax dollars at work.
2016-09-14 20:54:59 UTC
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Like, uh……. why do you think working-class people give a
darn about history? Be like them, just Be Here Now. If you REALLY want
to know, take 500 mics with your pastor, and record the event.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-15 15:06:19 UTC
Post by Mark OBLAZNEY
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Like, uh……. why do you think working-class people give a
darn about history? Be like them, just Be Here Now. If you REALLY want
to know, take 500 mics with your pastor, and record the event.
Like, man, how do you know what NOW is unless you know what was?
2016-09-14 20:58:05 UTC
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
There are three things Americans don't understand:

Their own History, their own Economy, their own Government.

Unfortunately US elections are basically junior high school mentality
about who has the most popular personality. Pretty scary way to run the
largest economy in the world that 300 million people depend on.
Anthony Marsh
2016-09-15 15:05:41 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Their own History, their own Economy, their own Government.
Unfortunately US elections are basically junior high school mentality
about who has the most popular personality. Pretty scary way to run the
largest economy in the world that 300 million people depend on.
Thank God we have you 1% elitists to rule us. You didn't have to go to
college to learn to dig a ditch.
2016-09-15 22:12:33 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Their own History, their own Economy, their own Government.
Unfortunately US elections are basically junior high school mentality
about who has the most popular personality. Pretty scary way to run the
largest economy in the world that 300 million people depend on.
Yes, and unfortunately it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime
2016-09-17 23:59:40 UTC
Post by claviger
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Their own History, their own Economy, their own Government.
Unfortunately US elections are basically junior high school mentality
about who has the most popular personality. Pretty scary way to run the
largest economy in the world that 300 million people depend on.
Hmm. Sounds like a Trump voter. Scary.

2016-09-19 01:44:34 UTC
Post by mainframetech
Post by claviger
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Their own History, their own Economy, their own Government.
Unfortunately US elections are basically junior high school mentality
about who has the most popular personality. Pretty scary way to run the
largest economy in the world that 300 million people depend on.
Hmm. Sounds like a Trump voter. Scary.
I'm not a Trump voter, I'm a Thump Voter. Anyone who has a chance to
politically thump Hillary this November will get my vote. Wished it could
be a coalition of Independent, Conservative, Libertarian, Green, and
Constitutional, but the US political system is not there yet. Maybe
someday in the not too distant future.
Piotr Mancini
2016-10-05 14:22:45 UTC
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
Hi Deke:

I think that the surveys among the wide population are useless. This is
NOT a democracy and therefore a "voting tax" is appropriate. The square
root of 64 is plus/minus 8, independently of how many people vote for or
against that fact.

I am referring to the following. The pollster must first verify that the
person being interviewed actually knows a minimum about the murder.

It is my contention that among the informed, some 90% are convinced about
a high level, domestic conspiracy. Furthermore, the better their
university, the more scientific (numerical!) their background, the
stronger the trend.

Moreover, if we could take the remaining 10% (theoretically,
self-proclaimed LNs) and hypnotize them (submit them to a truth serum,
whatever), a large chunk will confess that they are on the CT side as
well. Or, they have doubts (as any *intelligent*, well-educated person).

In case, I was not clear enough: Along the years I am convinced that a lot
of the LNs are really lying, for several reasons. See a partial
explanation in this link:

[Scroll all the way down and click on "SHOW COMMENTS"]

Anthony Marsh
2016-10-06 03:03:46 UTC
Post by Piotr Mancini
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
I think that the surveys among the wide population are useless. This is
NOT a democracy and therefore a "voting tax" is appropriate. The square
root of 64 is plus/minus 8, independently of how many people vote for or
against that fact.
It's racist. The US Constitution says nothing about the people PAYING to
Post by Piotr Mancini
I am referring to the following. The pollster must first verify that the
person being interviewed actually knows a minimum about the murder.
Why? That is bias. It would rule out the WC defenders.
Post by Piotr Mancini
It is my contention that among the informed, some 90% are convinced about
a high level, domestic conspiracy. Furthermore, the better their
university, the more scientific (numerical!) their background, the
stronger the trend.
Something like that. But do you realize the percentage has come down
over the years?
Post by Piotr Mancini
Moreover, if we could take the remaining 10% (theoretically,
self-proclaimed LNs) and hypnotize them (submit them to a truth serum,
whatever), a large chunk will confess that they are on the CT side as
well. Or, they have doubts (as any *intelligent*, well-educated person).
Well, indeed SOME of them secretly believe it was a conspiracy. But to
them the most important thing was that Oswald was one of the shooters,
if not the only shooter.
Post by Piotr Mancini
In case, I was not clear enough: Along the years I am convinced that a lot
of the LNs are really lying, for several reasons. See a partial
It's a very fine line between genius and madness. We can't be sure if
they KNOW they are lying or their just self-delusional.
Post by Piotr Mancini
[Scroll all the way down and click on "SHOW COMMENTS"]
Does anyone realize that Politico is rightwing?
2016-10-06 14:19:54 UTC
Post by Piotr Mancini
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
I think that the surveys among the wide population are useless. This is
NOT a democracy and therefore a "voting tax" is appropriate. The square
root of 64 is plus/minus 8, independently of how many people vote for or
against that fact.
I am referring to the following. The pollster must first verify that the
person being interviewed actually knows a minimum about the murder.
It is my contention that among the informed, some 90% are convinced about
a high level, domestic conspiracy. Furthermore, the better their
university, the more scientific (numerical!) their background, the
stronger the trend.
Why limit it to 90%? If you are going to just pluck a number out of thin
air, why not make it 99%?
Post by Piotr Mancini
Moreover, if we could take the remaining 10% (theoretically,
self-proclaimed LNs) and hypnotize them (submit them to a truth serum,
whatever), a large chunk will confess that they are on the CT side as
well. Or, they have doubts (as any *intelligent*, well-educated person).
Now you are sounding like Marsh. That is not intended to be a compliment.
Post by Piotr Mancini
In case, I was not clear enough: Along the years I am convinced that a lot
of the LNs are really lying, for several reasons. See a partial
I am convinced a lot of CTs are lying to themselves. And believing their
own lies.
2016-10-07 19:06:45 UTC
Post by bigdog
Post by Piotr Mancini
Post by deke
I ran across this video recently and I think something like it has been
posted here before. It shows how alarmingly uninformed seemingly
intelligent people are. I think this is the main reason that the JFK
conspiracy controversy will never be fully resolved. It's due to ignorance
rather than lack of evidence.
I think that the surveys among the wide population are useless. This is
NOT a democracy and therefore a "voting tax" is appropriate. The square
root of 64 is plus/minus 8, independently of how many people vote for or
against that fact.
I am referring to the following. The pollster must first verify that the
person being interviewed actually knows a minimum about the murder.
It is my contention that among the informed, some 90% are convinced about
a high level, domestic conspiracy. Furthermore, the better their
university, the more scientific (numerical!) their background, the
stronger the trend.
Why limit it to 90%? If you are going to just pluck a number out of thin
air, why not make it 99%?
Post by Piotr Mancini
Moreover, if we could take the remaining 10% (theoretically,
self-proclaimed LNs) and hypnotize them (submit them to a truth serum,
whatever), a large chunk will confess that they are on the CT side as
well. Or, they have doubts (as any *intelligent*, well-educated person).
Now you are sounding like Marsh. That is not intended to be a compliment.
Post by Piotr Mancini
In case, I was not clear enough: Along the years I am convinced that a lot
of the LNs are really lying, for several reasons. See a partial
I am convinced a lot of CTs are lying to themselves. And believing their
own lies.
A lot of CTs - like Mr. Mancini or Herrera or whatever name he uses - use
this tragedy to go after their political opponents. Everything is politics
to them.

Mr. Mancini thinks LBJ was a "far right" individual who was a major leader
in the act of murdering JFK (done by the "far right"). This is the same
LBJ who said the first thing the country needed to do after the
assassination to memorialize JFK's life was to pass a civil rights bill.
The first thing.

LBJ then went on to pass a whole series of "progressive" legislation over
the next two years. Arguably it was the most liberal set of proposals in
our history.

Some right winger he was.