Post by clavigerPost by s***@yahoo.comPost by clavigerKennedy Connection | Parkland Health & Hospital System
Trauma Room One: Revisited - JFK Lancer
A companion piece to: What What Did the Parkland Doctors Really Say? ....
order to provide a Trendelenburg position, a venous cutdown was performed
on the ...
Kennedy assassination: How the emergency room where JFK died ...
I want to know whether Dr. Robert Grossman was really there or not.
He was on NBC's 50th anniversary special in 2013 and said he picked up
JFK's head and closely examined the wound. There was no large hole in the
back of the head; the wound was on the side.
But no doctor, to my knowledge, ever acknowledged he was there that day.
The room was small, crowded, doctors bumped into each other. No one saw
It's like he came out of nowhere.
Two doctors saw Dr Grossman in the Parkland Emergency Room. Dr Salyer was
the first to mention him being there in WC testimony. Dr Crenshaw
includes Dr Grossman in his published list of 28 doctors seen inside TR1.
Robert G Grossman MD
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Dr Crenshaw List of Doctors in TR1.
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Salyer, Kenneth Everett WC Testimony Doctor, Parkland Hospital.
The testimony of Dr. Kenneth Everett Salyer was taken at 6:15 p.m., on March 25, 1964, at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Arlen Specter, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Salyer testified he's not sure whether Grossman was there or not.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you have an opportunity to observe his [JFK's] throat?
Dr. SALYER - No; I really did not. I think there were a lot of people--a
lot of doctors more closely around him. I might mention also, I think just
right after I came in the room Dr. Clark and Dr. Grossman also arrived.
Mr. SPECTER - Doctor who?
Dr. SALYER - Dr. Grossman, just briefly. He's a neurosurgeon also.
Mr. SPECTER - What is his name?
Dr. SALYER - Dr. Grossman--Bob Grossman He was just there, I think, briefly.
Mr. SPECTER - How long was he there?
Dr. SALYER - I couldn't say--I'm not sure he came in the room. I know they
were together--I cannot say that for sure.
Contrast that with what Grossman said he did. Vast differences.
Carrico, Perry, McClelland never mention Grossman anywhere that I can see.
By "there" I should have been clearer. Not briefly there but "there"
observing the President in the details that he says he did.
If Grossman's account is true, he wasn't just "there", he was a major
figure working on JFK. A significant witness.