My Interview w/ Joe Cody DPD
(too old to reply)
2004-01-08 21:46:51 UTC
Below is my partial interview with retired Officer Joe Cody. I
interviewed Joe Cody and J.R. Leavelle the same morning inside my
DaysInn Motel room on Beltline Rd. June 26,1989.

Bob-I am in Dallas, Texas with Joe Cody. Mr. Cody, you are now retired
from the Dallas Police Dept., is that correct.

Cody- Yes, that's correct.

Bob- How long were you employed there?

Cody- 29=BD years.

Bob- Where were you assigned, which division?

Cody- I worked in several divisions, mainly traffic.

Bob- From our previous phone conversation you stated that you purchased
the pistol for Jack Ruby, the pistol that he shot Lee Harvey Oswald
with. Is that correct and would you care to comment on that?

Cody- Well, I knew Jack Ruby quite well. He was an iceskater and I was
an iceskater. Ruby called me one day and he was having problems with his
money that he collected from his club and I went down there and he ask
me about a safe and I told him a safe was going to cost, you know, a
thousand or two thousand dollars and so forth. He just wanted to buy a
pistol and I met him at Ray Brantleys Hardware,and I bought the pistol.
It cost $62.50. I saved him the tax on the pistol by buying it.

Bob- Would you happen to recall the exact date that you purchsed the

Cody- Ugh, no I don't.

Bob- Mr. Cody, did you have any involvement in the interrogation of
Oswald and did you happen to have an opportunity to observe his actions
and moods?

Cody- Well, yes I did. Jerry Hill, Nick McDonald, and Paul Bentley
brought him up to the Office. At that time we didn't know that Oswald
was involved in killing the President, but we did know that he was
involved in killing an Officer out there. And they brought him up to
Burglary & Theft and I talked to him a little while. I ask him his name
and he told me and I ask where he worked and he said, the Texas School
Book Depository, and that's when the light dawned. I went across and
told Captain Fritz that we had him in there, in the interrogation room
over there. I think Jim leavelle talked to him later. (Leavelle sitting
on the bed shakes his head, yes) That's how we knew that Oswald was
involved in the shooting of the President.

Bob- You told me on the telephone that you visited Jack Ruby in jail, is
that correct?
Do you recall any of the conversation that you had with Ruby?

Cody- Yes, I do. He had three visitors on the visiting list and I
believe, that was, Dallas' Wes Weiss, D.L. Blankenship, and myself. I
went up and seen him. It seems like Ruby, for all these years had set in
his nightclub and the Officers would set there and say, ya know, we put
so and so in jail and he got out in 20 minutes. Ruby told me the reason
he shot, they weren't going to do anything with that boy. He just shot

Bob- What kind of a man was Jack Ruby, and how would you size him up as
a man?

Cody- Well, he was a short guy, he was Jewish. He had an extreme ego. He
was just a peculiar man.

Bob- What's you personal opinion of the controversy of a conspiracy
involving Oswald and Ruby?

Cody- I think theres no, no truth to that whatsoever. Now, what Lee
Harvey Oswald did, if he had a conspiracy with somebody, I don't know if
he did or if he didn't. As far as him being in cahoots with with Jack
Ruby, no way, no way.

Bob- Did you appear before the warren Commission?

Cody- No. I did not.

Bob- Do you find that a bit peculiar or curious?

Cody- Well, no. I've been talked to by, I believe one of the
Investigators of the Warren Commission, and a black Police Sergeant out
of New York talked to me in great length, but no, I don't think it was
(Leavelle interupts and states, There was a lot of Officers did some
work on that case, but was never called before the Warren Commission.)
Dave Reitzes
2004-01-09 03:48:39 UTC
Post by n***@webtv.net
Below is my partial interview with retired Officer Joe Cody. I
interviewed Joe Cody and J.R. Leavelle the same morning inside my
DaysInn Motel room on Beltline Rd. June 26,1989.
Bob-I am in Dallas, Texas with Joe Cody. Mr. Cody, you are now retired
from the Dallas Police Dept., is that correct.
Cody- Yes, that's correct.
Bob- How long were you employed there?
Cody- 29=BD years.
Bob- Where were you assigned, which division?
Cody- I worked in several divisions, mainly traffic.
Bob- From our previous phone conversation you stated that you purchased
the pistol for Jack Ruby, the pistol that he shot Lee Harvey Oswald
with. Is that correct and would you care to comment on that?
Cody- Well, I knew Jack Ruby quite well. He was an iceskater and I was
an iceskater.
Oh NO!!!!!

It's the Missing Link the Garrisonites have been waiting for!

Dave \:^)

Perpetual Starlight: Original fiction, music and more

JFK Online: John F. Kennedy assassination
paul seaton
2004-01-09 16:58:15 UTC
Post by Dave Reitzes
Post by n***@webtv.net
Cody- Well, I knew Jack Ruby quite well. He was an iceskater and I was
an iceskater.
Oh NO!!!!!
It's the Missing Link the Garrisonites have been waiting for!
We better start checking if JFK was planning any draconian anti
ice-skating legislation .... =>

"Mr. JENNER. When and under what circumstances did you first become
acquainted with Mr. George De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. GLOVER. Again this is connected with my ice skating activities which
I didn't mention. I mentioned my son's.
One of my avocations is ice skating. I do not know the exact time, but
sometime in the period, I would say 1956 to 1959, when I have been ice
skating, I met Mrs. De Mohrenschildt on the ice rink skating by herself.
She skated a considerable time, maybe, probably, part of a year, and
then later she brought *** Mr. De Mohrenschildt *** there, and that is
the first acquaintance I had with them. .."

See, they're all at it.

This ice thing could very well snowball..

paul s
2004-01-09 19:55:58 UTC
Post by paul seaton
I was
Post by Dave Reitzes
Post by n***@webtv.net
an iceskater.
Oh NO!!!!!
It's the Missing Link the Garrisonites have been waiting for!
We better start checking if JFK was planning any draconian anti
ice-skating legislation .... =>
"Mr. JENNER. When and under what circumstances did you first become
acquainted with Mr. George De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. GLOVER. Again this is connected with my ice skating activities which
I didn't mention. I mentioned my son's.
One of my avocations is ice skating. I do not know the exact time, but
sometime in the period, I would say 1956 to 1959, when I have been ice
skating, I met Mrs. De Mohrenschildt on the ice rink skating by herself.
She skated a considerable time, maybe, probably, part of a year, and
then later she brought *** Mr. De Mohrenschildt *** there, and that is
the first acquaintance I had with them. .."
See, they're all at it.
This ice thing could very well snowball..
paul s
Careful people. The iceskating area has proved to be slippery for many

David Humphries
Van der Heijden
2004-01-09 22:49:21 UTC
Post by HumphriesD
Post by paul seaton
I was
Post by Dave Reitzes
Post by n***@webtv.net
an iceskater.
Oh NO!!!!!
It's the Missing Link the Garrisonites have been waiting for!
We better start checking if JFK was planning any draconian anti
ice-skating legislation .... =>
"Mr. JENNER. When and under what circumstances did you first become
acquainted with Mr. George De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. GLOVER. Again this is connected with my ice skating activities which
I didn't mention. I mentioned my son's.
One of my avocations is ice skating. I do not know the exact time, but
sometime in the period, I would say 1956 to 1959, when I have been ice
skating, I met Mrs. De Mohrenschildt on the ice rink skating by herself.
She skated a considerable time, maybe, probably, part of a year, and
then later she brought *** Mr. De Mohrenschildt *** there, and that is
the first acquaintance I had with them. .."
See, they're all at it.
This ice thing could very well snowball..
paul s
Careful people. The iceskating area has proved to be slippery for many
David Humphries
And which country is best in ice skating?
And who happens to live in that country, running the Oswald museum?

I wonder if she's skating right now....


Dave Reitzes
2004-01-09 03:49:10 UTC
Post by n***@webtv.net
Below is my partial interview with retired Officer Joe Cody. I
interviewed Joe Cody and J.R. Leavelle the same morning inside my
DaysInn Motel room on Beltline Rd. June 26,1989.
Post by n***@webtv.net
Bob- Did you appear before the warren Commission?
Cody- No. I did not.
Bob- Do you find that a bit peculiar or curious?
Cody- Well, no. I've been talked to by, I believe one of the
Investigators of the Warren Commission, and a black Police Sergeant out
of New York talked to me in great length, but no, I don't think it was
(Leavelle interupts and states, There was a lot of Officers did some
work on that case, but was never called before the Warren Commission.)
Yes, and this is EXTREMELY unfortunate.

Equally unfortunate (and probably even less understandable) is that the
DPD apparently did not require its officers involved in the motorcade
and/or investigation to each file a report on their activities, as the
Sheriff's Office did with its employees.

Researchers like Larry Sneed and Bob Milner have helped fill in some of
the gaps. There are also some good eyewitness accounts from police
officers included in Sheriff Bowles's manuscript on the acoustical
evidence, which is posted online at my website:



Perpetual Starlight: Original fiction, music and more

JFK Online: John F. Kennedy assassination
2004-01-09 19:56:14 UTC
Post by Dave Reitzes
Post by n***@webtv.net
Below is my partial interview with retired Officer Joe Cody. I
interviewed Joe Cody and J.R. Leavelle the same morning inside my
DaysInn Motel room on Beltline Rd. June 26,1989.
Post by n***@webtv.net
Bob- Did you appear before the warren Commission?
Cody- No. I did not.
Bob- Do you find that a bit peculiar or curious?
Cody- Well, no. I've been talked to by, I believe one of the
Investigators of the Warren Commission, and a black Police Sergeant out
of New York talked to me in great length, but no, I don't think it was
(Leavelle interupts and states, There was a lot of Officers did some
work on that case, but was never called before the Warren Commission.)
Yes, and this is EXTREMELY unfortunate.
Equally unfortunate (and probably even less understandable) is that the
DPD apparently did not require its officers involved in the motorcade
and/or investigation to each file a report on their activities, as the
Sheriff's Office did with its employees.
Post by Dave Reitzes

Who was in charge of this "investigation", Dave?

Gee whiz, it does seem "unfortunate" and not very "understandable" until you
start looking at everything with a more critical eye. Then the actions of the
government officials start making a lot of sense. There was a coup d'etat.
The same folks who orchestrated it, also orchestrated its investigation.

What is almost as sad and as unfortunate as the act itself, is the fact that
some ALATs like to pretend that obivious lies, contradictions, and even
physical impossibilities, etc., etc, are all matters that are "sad,"
"unfortunate," or "probably even less understandable."

David Humphries
